able, ability
Asia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
South-East Asia (takenga mai: pitonga - south east)
East Asia
South Asia
Western Asia
Central Asia
continuous occupation (of land), burning fires of occupation (kupu kē atu: ahikāroa)
wildfire (takenga mai: ahi - fire; niwha [niwhaniwha] - fierce, raging, ferocious)
discord, disharmony (kupu kē atu: whakatete)
Australia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Te Whenua Moemoeā, Te Pāpaka-a-Māui)
Northern Australia, Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
latitude (takenga mai: aho - line; pae - horizontal)
longitude (takenga mai: aho - line; pou [poutū] - vertical)
placemaking (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, fashion; nōhanga - settlement, habitat, dwelling place)
climate (takenga mai: āhua – form, appearance, character; rangi – sky, heavens, upper regions)
temperate climate
climate change
anthropogenic climate change, human caused climate change (takenga mai: pū - cause, origin; tangata - people)
dry climate
continental climate
tropical climate
polar climate
grey area, unclear circumstance (takenga mai: kaurehu - dim, gloomy)
pull factor
historical circumstance, historical factor, historical phenomenon (kupu kē atu: āhuatanga aronehe, āhuatanga o mua)
contemporary circumstance, contemporary phenomenon, contemporary factor
upstream factor
concession, compromise (takenga mai: āhuatanga - aspect; tuku - to give up, let go) (kupu kē atu: tautukunga)
push factor
viticulture, viticulture industry
industry (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, fashion; mahi - work)
construction industry
fishing industry
mining industry (kupu kē atu: ahumahi huke rawa)
hospitality industry
primary industry
secondary industry (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua - two)
tertiary industry (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; toru - three)
quarternary industry (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; whā - four)
tourism industry
cottage industry, home industry (takenga mai: tara ā-whare - home based, domestic) (kupu kē atu: ahumahi kāinga)
food processing industry
manufacturing industry
horticulture, horticultural industry
aquaculture, aquaculture industry
finance, financial, monetary (takenga mai: ahu – tend, foster, oriented towards; moni [kupu mino] – money)
culture, cultural
minority culture
majority culture
tribal culture
rainbow culture (kupu kē atu: ahurea uenuku)
popular culture (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards, disposed toward; tini - many)
counterculture (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose)
dominant culture (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence; nui - big, large) (kupu kē atu: ahurea whakatuanui)
binge drinking culture (kupu kē atu: ahurea inuinu)
green culture
school culture
subculture (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua' me te 'mātāmuri'; iti - small)
contemporary culture
global culture
cancel culture (takenga mai: parahako - to reject, spurn, ostracise)
foreign culture
youth culture
indigenous culture (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)
traditional culture
altar, place for sacred rituals (kupu kē atu: āta [kupu mino])
moral high ground, moral advantage (takenga mai: ahurewa - throne, stage, platform; matatika - moral, ethical)
monoculture (single crop) (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua] - agriculture; tahi - one)
large-scale monoculture, intensive monoculture
permaculture (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua, ahumāra] - agriculture, horticulture; toitū - sustainable)
agriculture, agricultural industry (takenga mai: ahuwhenua - cultivate the soil)
free love, sexual freedom
Ireland (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Northern Ireland
disaster, calamity, misfortune, catastrophe (kupu kē atu: maikiroa, maiki, aitu)
natural disaster
man-made disaster, anthropogenic disaster (takenga mai: pū - cause, origin; tangata - people)
environmental disaster
rocky shore (kupu kē atu: ākau tokatoka)
Argentina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
civic education, civics (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
emancipatory learning, emancipatory education (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; wete - to release, untie, set free; here - restriction, tie)
exchange student
Armenia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
America (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
North America
South America
Central America
closed loop
Ankara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Angola (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Antwerp (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Andorra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
market force
historical force
social structure
neoliberalism (takenga mai: angahao [angahaorawa] - capitalism; herekore - without restraint, free)
capitalism, capitalistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hao - acquisitive, greedy; rawa - property, resource)
extremism, extreme (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
modernism (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; hou - new, recent, modern)
collectivism, collectivist (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; kōpuni - as a group, all together)
fascism, fascist (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; matau - right; whakapēhi - to oppress)
totalitarianism, totalitarian (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; ngarengare - authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical)
idealism, idealistic (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; paruhi - to be perfect, complete)
socialism, socialistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; pori [pāpori] - social)
individualism, individualistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tahi - single, one)
isolationism, isolationist (takenga mai: anga -to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; taratahi - isolated, alone) (kupu kē atu: mōriroriro)
communism, communistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tōpū - as a group, united)
postmodern, postmodernism (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; tua - beyond; hou - new, recent, modern)
presentism (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; wātū - present time; wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)
fundamentalism, fundamentalist (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; whakapū - fundamentally, founding)
Great Barrier Island
New Zealand (kupu kē atu: Niu Tīreni [kupu mino])
bureaucracy, bureaucratic (takenga mai: apa - layer; rau - many)
Apia (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hāmoa].)
dense, density (kupu kē atu: kiato)
population density
overcrowding, overcrowded (takenga mai: apiapi - dense, density; tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
gorge (kupu kē atu: tāwhārua)
materialistic, materialism (takenga mai: apo - greedy, acquisitive; taonga - goods, property) (kupu kē atu: haotaonga)
company of labourers
wastewater drain field, septic drain field (takenga mai: āpure - patch, circumscribed area; papī - to ooze, seep) (kupu kē atu: āpure waipara)
digital divide (takenga mai: āputa - gap)
generation gap
pay gap, salary gap
walkway, walking trail, footpath
heritage trail, history trail (kupu kē atu: ara aronehe)
cycleway, cycle trail, cycle lane
supply chain (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tukutuku - to send; whare tukutuku - cobweb)
assembly line (takenga mai: ara - pathway; waihanga - to make, construct, build)
equal employment opportunity (takenga mai: ara - pathway; ara [arawātea] - opportunity; tautika - even, level, straight; tautika - equitable)
Underground Railroad (takenga mai: ara - pathway; huna - to be concealed, hidden; rerewhenua - railway; rere - to flee; whenua - territory, land)
birth control, contraceptive, contraception (takenga mai: ārai - to obstruct, prevent; hapū - pregnant)
Easter (takenga mai: ara - to rise up)
boardwalk (takenga mai: ara - pathway; papa - board, timber)
Albania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
shared pathway (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tini - many)
Algeria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
waterway, water course
opportunity (takenga mai: ara - pathway; wātea - available, clear)
equal opportunity
neutral, neutrality (of a person)
critical theory
conspiracy theory (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)
kaupapa Māori theory
political theory
paramount chief, lord, monarch, monarchy
limited monarchy (takenga mai: taparere - restricted, limited, constrained)
constitutional monarchy (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
dynasty (takenga mai: arikitanga - monarchy; tūroa - established, of long standing, enduring)
data driven (takenga mai: aro - to take heed of, consider; raraunga - data)
sense of humanity (takenga mai: aroā - to perceive, to be aware, comprehend; kou - of good quality; tangata - people, human)
liberalism (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; herekore - free of restrictions)
right wing (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - right)
far-right, extreme right (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - the right; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
alternative-right, alt-right (politics) (takenga mai: aromatau - right wing; whakaweti - threaten, bully, intimidate)
left wing (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; mauī - left)
far-left, extreme left (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; mauī - the left; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
sexual orientation
socially responsive (takenga mai: aro - to take heed, to consider; pori [pāpori] - social)
logic, logical (takenga mai: aro - to consider, take heed; rau - many)
multilateral, multilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rau - many)
bilateral, bilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rua - two)
unilateral, unilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; tahi - one)
literature review
evaluation of knowledge
rent review, lease review
performance review (takenga mai: arotake - evaluate, review; tutuki - achieved, completed, finished)
conscience (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward, take notice of; aro [whakaaro] - thought; tika - correct, just, upright, fair; tika [matatika] - moral, ethical)
populism, populist (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; tini - multitude; arotini - popular)
ethnocentric, ethnocentricism (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; tītaha - skewed; ahurea - culture) (kupu kē atu: arotītaha ā-iwi, whakaariki ā-iwi)
stereotype, stereotypical (takenga mai: aro - take heed of, be inclined toward; aro [whakaaro] - thought; toka - rock, be firm) (kupu kē atu: kiritoka, whakapouaka)
gender stereotype
racial stereotype
cultural stereotype
racist stereotype
negative stereotype (takenga mai: whakakino -disapprove of, malign)
positive stereotype
trilateral, tripartite (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; toru - three)
centrism, centrist (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; waenga - middle, amid, between)
conservatism, conservatist (political) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; wheau - stay, remain)
commercial, commercialisation (takenga mai: aru - to pursue, follow; moni [kupu mino] - money)
non-commercial (kupu kē atu: huamoni-kore)
body image (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; tinana - body)
self-image (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; whaiaro - person, self)
Austria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Atiria)
Athens (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Azerbaijan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
resist, oppose
passive resistance (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose; mārire - peaceful) (kupu kē atu: ātete mauritau)
article (section) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: upoko kōrero)
Adelaide (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
god, deity, supernatural being
atheism, atheist (takenga mai: atua - god; kore - negative, nil)
polytheism, polytheistic (takenga mai: atua - god; rau - many)
monotheism, monotheistic (takenga mai: atua - god; tahi - one)
economic recession (takenga mai: auheke - difficulty, failure, descent)
to restrict, block, prevent, exclude, ban, prohibit
prohibition (kupu kē atu: poropeihana [kupu mino], katinga, rāhui)
harmony, harmonious, peaceful (kupu kē atu: mārie, rangimārie)
economic depression (takenga mai: au - current; au - e whai ana i tā te 'aupiki' me te 'auheke'; mate - sick, ailing, unwell)
economic expansion (takenga mai: aupiki - to ascend, success)
continuity (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, lengthy) (kupu kē atu: haere tonutanga)
social continuity (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)
cultural influence
peer influence
parental influence
historical influence
social media influence
storm (kupu kē atu: paraawa, tūpuhi)
scale (for measurement) (takenga mai: āwhata [arawhata] - ladder)
ratio scale
line scale, linear scale
statement scale
Afghanistan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
food miles (takenga mai: awhe - to travel)
Africa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
South Africa
responsible, responsibility, be responsibile for
leadership responsibility
consumer responsibility
producer responsibility
individual responsibility (kupu kē atu: haepapa takitahi)
collective responsibility (kupu kē atu: haepapa takimaha)
social responsibility
ownership responsibility
civic responsibility
duty of disclosure (takenga mai: haepapa - responsibility; whāki - to disclose)
stigma, stigmatise, denigrate
religion, sect, faith, church (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
orthodox church (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)
secular, non-religious
China (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Cyprus (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Haiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
ceremonial haka or dance of welcome
accuse, charge, sue, penalise
Samoa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
American-Samoa (takenga mai: Hekupumino.)
Hamburg (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
San Marino (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
San Francisco (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
San Diego (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Santiago (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Hungary (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
facility (takenga mai: hanga - construction, goods, property; whaitake - purposeful)
natural feature, natural form
sustainable product (kupu kē atu: hautaonga toitū)
Shanghai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
repurpose (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; hou - new, fresh)
age structure
landform (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; nuku - Earth)
demographic, demography (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; pori [taupori] - population; pori - people, tribe)
consumer demographic
downcycle (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; raro - down)
appropriate technology (takenga mai: arotau - suited, appropriate) (kupu kē atu: hangarau tika)
sustainable technology
upcycle (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; rewa - to be elevated, high up)
recycle (takenga mai: hanga – make, build, fashion; rua – two)
waterform (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; wai - water)
medium of exchange (takenga mai: hanga - object, thing; whiti - to transfer, cross over) (kupu kē atu: hanga kurutete)
Hanoi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Sao Paulo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
overfish, overfishing
non-sexist (takenga mai: hāpai - support, uplift; ira - gender) (kupu kē atu: toihara ā-ira kore)
ableism (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; toiora - able-bodied)
intervene, intervention (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - wellness)
upstream intervention, early intervention (takenga mai: hāpaiora - intervention; rere - to flow; mua - in front, before)
affirmative action, positive discrimination (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)
Japan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hapana, Tiapani)
rainbow community (kupu kē atu: hapori uenuku)
global community
school community
economic community
online community
gated community (takenga mai: tūkati - to be closed up, blocked)
crime, offence, sin, offend
minor crime, petty crime, misdemeanor
white-collar crime
blue collar crime
hate crime (takenga mai: māhie - hatred, evil deed)
war crime
corporate crime
violent crime
fraud (takenga mai: tāware - dupe, deceive)
innocent, innocence, not guilty
Santa Fe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Buenos Aires (takenga mai: hau - wind, air; Pueno - Buenos [kupu mino])
disabled, disability (kupu kē atu: whaikaha)
person of lower class, low born, commoner, peasant (kupu kē atu: tautauhea)
home people
personality (takenga mai: hau - vitality of a person; hau - breath, wind; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: āhua whaiaro)
autobiography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)
bias, biased (takenga mai: haukume - to pull) (kupu kē atu: rītaha)
regenerate, restore, rehabilitate (takenga mai: haumanu - to restore to health) (kupu kē atu: whakamātūtū)
safe, safety
internet safety, cybersafety
biosecurity (kupu kē atu: whakamaru koiora)
environmental safety
hurricane, typhoon (kupu kē atu: huripari)
invest, investment (takenga mai: haumi - to reserve, lay aside, lengthen by addition) (kupu kē atu: whakangao)
ally, alliance
peace alliance
political alliance
security alliance
ethical investment, responsible investment
term investment (takenga mai: tūmau - fixed, constant)
assault, common assault
due diligence (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, to probe, delve)
Saudi Arabia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
biography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)
goods, product (kupu kē atu: taonga, utauta, hokonga)
green product, green goods
ethical product
lead by example
inclusive leadership, shared leadership
exclusive leadership
democratic leadership
autocratic leadership, authoritarian leadership
fallacy, fallacious, untrue
Havana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
half-caste (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
chairperson (takenga mai: He kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: tiamana [kupu mino], upoko)
Seattle (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Seychelles (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
migrate, migration
emigrate, emigration
immigrate, immigration
brain drain (takenga mai: heke - migration; manea - clever person, intellectual)
great migration
internal migration, migrate internally
illegal migration
human migration
urban migration
net migration
depreciation, decrease in value
deflation (takenga mai: heke - to subside, decline; utu - cost, price; tukipū - general, widespread)
Jamaica (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Senegal (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Jeddah (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Geraldine (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
restrict, restriction
obliged, obligation
shackles of colonialism
free, freedom, liberty (takenga mai: here - to restrict; kore - negative) (kupu kē atu: wātea)
embargo (trade sanction) (takenga mai: herepū - to seize, catch and hold firmly)
Helsinki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Heretiki)
want, desire (kupu kē atu: matawara, minaka, pīrangi)
Chicago (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
peaceful march
headwater, source of a river or stream
brainwashed, indoctrinated (takenga mai: takapapa - to defeat, overcome, conquer)
Hindu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Singapore (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Geneva (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
enterprise, entity (takenga mai: hinonga - doing, undertaking)
small enterprise
charitable enterprise
social enterprise
Chile (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Sri Lanka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Syria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cognitive, cognition (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect)
cognitive dissonance
seabed dredging
Jerusalem (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Serbia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hēpia)
phishing (takenga mai: hī - to fish; tinihanga - to deceive, trick, cheat)
history, historical (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o mua, kōrero o nehe, hītōria)
tribal history (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-iwi)
cultural history
natural history
conventional history, prevailing history, mainstream history (takenga mai: auraki - mainstream)
local history (kupu kē atu: hītori ā-rohe)
economic history
social history
environmental history
colonial history
art history
political history
ancient history
modern history (takenga mai: tū - take place; tata - to be near)
revisionist history (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to elucidate, clarify)
comparative history
family history (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-whānau)
silent partner
business partner
partner (takenga mai: patui - to walk arm in arm)
urban design
green architecture
genocide, ethnic cleansing, holocaust (takenga mai: hoepapa - to eradicate, wipe out, exterminate)
to make peace
international peacekeeping, global peacekeeping
takeback (takenga mai: hoki - to return; muri - back)
buy, sell, purchase, trade, barter, exchange
hire purchase (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)
buy, purchase
lay-by (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; tāpui - reserve, set aside)
online shopping
import (takenga mai: whakaroto - inward direction) (kupu kē atu: hoko ki uta, hokoroto)
export (takenga mai: whakawaho - outward direction) (kupu kē atu: hoko ki tai, hokowaho)
parallel import
traffic, trafficking (takenga mai: hoko - to buy or sell; taihara - illegal, crime)
sex trafficking (kupu kē atu: mauhere kairau)
drug trafficking
child trafficking
human trafficking
organ trafficking
cultural misappropriation (takenga mai: hone - to acquire wrongfully)
press noses in greeting
Hong Kong (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Honiara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
relationship, connection (kupu kē atu: whakapiringa, piringa, pānga)
kin relationship
familial relationship
peer relationship
emotional relationship
polygamous relationship
formal relationship
informal relationship
business relationship
commercial relationship
sexual relationship
intimate relationship
international relations (kupu kē atu: piringa tāwāhi)
online relationship
Honolulu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Honduras (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pan, panning (e.g. for gold) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Hobart (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rainwater harvesting
oral recording
cultural diffusion
streetscape (takenga mai: hora - spread, display; huanui - road, street)
Netherlands, Holland (takenga mai: Hōrana [kupu mino] - Holland)
Jordan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
spread, disseminate, disperse, diffuse
Georgia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
remove restrictions of tapu (kupu kē atu: whakanoa, taitai)
sluice, sluicing (e.g. for gold) (takenga mai: horoi - to wash, cleanse; tuakirikiri - gravel)
context (takenga mai: horopaki - surround)
cultural context
historical context (kupu kē atu: horopaki hītōria)
global context
social context
political context
Slovakia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
landslide, landslip
Slovenia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
intervention programme (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - well, safe, healthy)
prosperous, peaceful, affluent (kupu kē atu: tōnui)
unprosperous (takenga mai: hou - e whai ana i tā te 'houkura' [prosperous]; mate - sick, unwell, calamity)
Seoul (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
outcome, effect (kupu kē atu: otinga, putanga)
downstream effect (takenga mai: hua - outcome; rere - to flow; muri - behind)
short term effect (takenga mai: hua - outcome, product; tau - period of time; poto - short)
long term effect (takenga mai: hua - outcome, product; tautini - long time, longstanding) (kupu kē atu: hua tauroa)
no claims bonus
Dawn Raid
interest (finance) (takenga mai: hua – product, bear fruit; moni – money)
fixed interest
simple interest (takenga mai: tūpā - flat, level)
compound interest (takenga mai: whakaputu - to pile up)
crop (food))
domino effect, chain reaction, ripple effect (takenga mai: huanga - outcome, result; whaiwhai - to follow)
secondary road
state highway, main road
asset (takenga mai: hua - benefit, gain; rawa - resource, property)
intellectual asset
liquid asset (takenga mai: māngohe - soft, pliable)
physical asset
fixed asset
monetary asset
collateral, security (financial) (takenga mai: huarawa - asset; taurangi - to guarantee)
current asset (takenga mai: wātea - available)
extreme weather
byproduct (takenga mai: hua - fruit, product, outcome; taha [i te taha] - at the side of, along with) (kupu kē atu: huapiri)
only child
childless (kupu kē atu: huamutu)
climate justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just) (kupu kē atu: tika āhuarangi)
retributive justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; hāmene - to accuse, charge, penalty)
restorative justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; hohou rongo - to make peace) (kupu kē atu: tika hohourongo)
social justice (takenga mai: hua - result, outcome; tika - correct, just; pāpori - social) (kupu kē atu: tika pāpori)
procedural justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; taunekeneke - interaction, relationship) (kupu kē atu: tika taunekeneke)
distributive justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; tohatoha - to distribute) (kupu kē atu: tika tohatoha)
transformative justice (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; whakamahu - to heal) (kupu kē atu: tika whakamahu, huatika whakaumu)
yield (takenga mai: hua - produce, fruit; tuku - to release, set free, give)
annual meeting, annual general meeting, AGM
tribal festival
formal meeting
convention, conference, summit
festival, carnival (kupu kē atu: taiopenga)
Sweden (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Switzerland (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Somalia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
son-in-law, daughter-in-law (kupu kē atu: hunōnga, hinaonga)
volcanic eruption
working class
jury (kupu kē atu: rōpū whakawā, kāhui whakawā)
mother in law, father in law (kupu kē atu: hungawai, hūngoi)
resent, resentment, resentful (kupu kē atu: hūneinei)
Suva (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Jew, Jewish (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hūrai)
Zurich (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Suriname (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
product cycle, product life cycle
Sudan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
South Sudan
trend (takenga mai: ia - current, flow)
demographic trend
global trend
food trend
historical trend (kupu kē atu: ia aronehe)
economic trend
social trend
population trend
price trend, cost trend
Israel (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Egypt (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Islam, Islamic (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
inner core (of Earth)
outer core (of Earth)
character (of a person) (takenga mai: iho - essence, essential quality, nature, inner core; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: āhua, wairua)
philosopher (takenga mai: ihumanea - intellectual, clever person; tautake - philosophy) (kupu kē atu: pūtautake)
transport (kupu kē atu: tūnuku, kawe, tūkawe, waka)
Yemen (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
radiocarbon dating (takenga mai: ine - to measure; wā - time; horo - waste away, crumble down; waro - carbon)
England (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
India (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
insure, insurance (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
third party insurance (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toru - three)
life insurance
public liability insurance (takenga mai: pare - to ward off, avoid, protect; taunaha - liability; tūmatanui - public)
inihua pare whiunga ngaiotanga
professional indemnity insurance (takenga mai: pare - to ward off; whiunga - penalty, punishment)
funeral insurance
contents insurance
vehicle insurance, auto insurance
house insurance, home owners insurance, home insurance
Indonesia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
dropout, drop out, indolent (takenga mai: inukorokoro - to be indolent, lackadaisical, inactive)
e-waste (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; para - waste) (kupu kē atu: para tāhiko)
ancestral home, homeland
gender (kupu kē atu: ira tangata)
biological sex
binary gender (kupu kē atu: ira weherua)
nonbinary gender
gender diverse, gender diversity (kupu kē atu: kanorau ā-ira)
Iraq (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
gender queer (takenga mai: ira - gender; kē - indicating difference)
agender, gender neutral
nephew, niece
Iran (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cisgender (takenga mai: pūmau - fixed, constant, permanent)
gender fluid (takenga mai: rere - to flow) (kupu kē atu: irahuri)
transgender (takenga mai: whiti - to change, cross over)
Istanbul (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Italy (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Itari)
e-commerce (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)
tribe, clan, people, large kinship group
dominant group of people, dominant tribe (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence) (kupu kē atu: iwi whakatuanui)
multitribal, multiracial
indigenous people, indigenous tribe (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)
blackbirding (takenga mai: kāhaki - to kidnap, take by force, abduct; pononga - slave)
agency (power to choose) (takenga mai: kaha - power, strength, ability; whiri [kōwhiri] - to choose)
mayor, chief, leader (takenga mai: kahika - chief, leader) (kupu kē atu: koromatua)
investment profile (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance; haumi - to invest)
consumer profile (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance)
organic food (takenga mai: kai - food; tipu - to grow; māori - natural) (kupu kē atu: kai parakore)
local produce, locally produced food
civil war (kupu kē atu: riri tara ā-whare)
Guyana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
exploit, exploitation (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricious, greedy)
cultural exploitation (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricous, greedy)
sexual exploitation
resource exploitation
environmental exploitation
child exploitation
settlor, creator of a trust
commercial fisher
leader (kupu kē atu: manukura, poutoko, kaiarataki, kākākura)
purchaser, seller, vendor
real estate agent
wholesaler (takenga mai: hoko - to buy or sell; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: kaihoko waenga)
explorer, pioneer
over grazing
traitor, treason, treasonous
claimant (takenga mai: kerēme - claim [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: kaitono)
asylum seeker
racism, racial discrimination, racist (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara ā-iwi)
environmental racism
systemic racism (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)
institutional racism (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - stretch forth, extend; whare - building, people in a building)
commissioner (kupu kē atu: toihau)
Children's Commissioner
worker, employee
manual labourer
white collar worker
blue-collar worker
public servant, government worker
child labour, child worker
toponymist (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; mātai - to examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)
sharemilker (kupu kē atu: kaikutētē whaipānga)
shantytown (takenga mai: kuha - shabby, delapidated) (kupu kē atu: kuha kāinga)
childhood home, place of growing up
household (takenga mai: kāinga - home, residence, dwelling; tūtahi - separate, independent)
stamping ground, haunt, hangout (takenga mai: kainga- field of operation; waewae - feet)
homeless, homelessness
patron (takenga mai: kairangi - anything held in high esteem) (kupu kē atu: matatairanga)
museum curator (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to takecare of, protect)
lessee, tenant, renter, leaseholder (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - to lease)
Cairo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
conservator (takenga mai: rokiroki - to care for, protect, preserve)
land claim opponent, objector (takenga mai: tāwari - to oppose [a claim to land etc])
guardianship, stewardship
product stewardship
candidate (takenga mai: tono - to apply for)
politician (kupu kē atu: kiritōrangapū)
donor (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tuku - to give)
egg donor
employer (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakawhiwhi mahi)
landlord, lessor
sperm donor
blood donor
organ donor
shareholder (kupu kē atu: tangata whaipānga)
witness (takenga mai: whakaatu - to reveal, disclose, show)
manager, organiser
investment manager
plaintiff, complainant, accuser (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; whakapae - to accuse)
provider, service provider, supplier
judge, arbitrator
beneficiary (of a trust etc)
beneficiary (of a grant) (takenga mai: whiwhi - to get, receive, obtain; takuhe - benefit, grant)
multicultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga maha)
bicultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga rua)
monocultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage; tahi - one)
redneck, racist, bigot
Cambodia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Cameroon (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Gambia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Ghana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Canada (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Cannes (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Wīwī].)
Canberra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
diverse, diversity, pluralism (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: matahuhuatanga)
gender diversity (kupu kē atu: irahuhua)
cultural diversity
diversity of sexual orientation
biodiversity, biodiverse (takenga mai: kano - sort, kind; rau - multitude; koiora - biology)
ethnic diversity (kupu kē atu: kanorau ā-iwi)
age diversity
religious diversity
uniform, uniformity, homogeneous (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rite - be alike)
Gabon (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
white-collar (takenga mai: kara - collar [kupu mino]; mā - white)
blue-collar (takenga mai: kara [kupu mino] - collar; ōrangi - blue)
Christian, Christianity (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
ritual chant, prayer
Havelock North
(ceremonial) call
Caribbean (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
hillock, mound
Karachi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
envoy, messenger
cultural envoy
peace envoy (kupu kē atu: manu rongomau)
trade envoy
political envoy
water table (takenga mai: kārewa - surface [of water]; wainuku - groundwater)
credit card
EFTPOS card (takenga mai: kāri - card [kupu mino]; utu - to pay for; hiko [tāhiko] - electronic)
politically correct, political correctness, PC (takenga mai: karo - to dodge, avoid; muhani - insult, affront, offend) (kupu kē atu: tika tōrangapū, arorīroa)
tax evasion, tax dodge
Chad (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Qatar (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Kathmandu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Kazakhstan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Catholic (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
lifestyle (takenga mai: kātū - type, sort; noho - to live, dwell)
inclusion, inclusive, inclusiveness, include (takenga mai: kauawhi - to embrace)
political disorder, political chaos (takenga mai: kaumingomingo - state of confusion)
council (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
local council, district council
regional council
city council, town council
unitary council
green scheme
incentive scheme
policy (takenga mai: kaupapa - matter for discussion, plan, scheme, proposal; here - obligation)
monetary policy
health policy
education policy
fiscal policy (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tūmatanui - public)
economic policy
social policy
language policy
environmental policy
taxation policy
foreign policy (kupu kē atu: kaupapahere tāwāhi)
public policy
exclude, exclusive, exclusion (takenga mai: kaupare - to divert, turn aside)
dry season
wet season
top down (takenga mai: kāuru - head [of a tree or river]; whakararo - downward direction) (kupu kē atu: mai i runga ki raro)
dress code (takenga mai: kawa - protocol)
line of descent (kupu kē atu: kāwai whakaheke, hikahika)
governor general (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
government (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
central government, national government
local government
responsible government
coalition government (takenga mai: haumi - in alliance)
democratic government
colonial government
authoritarian government
The Remarkables
carry goods, transport of goods
smuggle (takenga mai: kawe - to carry; toropuku - secretly, stealthily)
covenant (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
dishonest, corrupt, thieving, steal (kupu kē atu: raureka)
Cambridge (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
sewage sludge
Kenya (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Cape Town (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Tāone Kūrae)
(civil) claim (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
insurance claim (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Grenada (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
in committee (meeting term)
French Guiana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Kyrgyzstan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
embodiment, archetype (takenga mai: kiko - person, body; mūrau - a person cited as a noteable example)
wayfinding (takenga mai: kimi - to search; ara - pathway)
Guinea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Equatorial Guinea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Guinea-Bissau (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
pest (kupu kē atu: riha)
oceanic crust (takenga mai: kiri – skin; moana – sea)
continental crust (takenga mai: kiri – skin; paparahi – continent)
Greece (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
contract, binding agreement (takenga mai: kiri - skin, bark; mana - effectual, binding, authoritative)
insurance policy, insurance contract (takenga mai: kirimana - contract)
collective contract, collective agreement (kupu kē atu: kirimana takimaha)
individual contract, individual agreement (kupu kē atu: kirimana takitahi)
employment contract
native (person) (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; māori - native, normal)
borrower (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mino - to borrow)
settler (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; noho - to live, dwell)
crust (of the Earth) (takenga mai: kiri – skin; nuku – the Earth)
stakeholder (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; pānga [whai pānga] - to have an interest, share or connection)
key stakeholder
Kiribati (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
bigot, bigoted, intolerant, unsociable
citizen, citizenship (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; rarau - settle down, remain, take root)
active citizenship (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)
individual, individuality (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tahi - one)
client, customer, consumer
neighbour (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tata - close, near) (kupu kē atu: kiri nohotata)
self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth
tribalist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)
nationalist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation)
activist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tohe - to argue, contend, object)
patriot (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal; whenua - nation, country)
collective, collectivity (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōpū - as a group, combined, united) (kupu kē atu: tōpūtanga, takimaha, kōpuni)
deportee (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tūwhiti - deport, banish, expel)
defendant (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; uapare - to pass the blame, blame)
results, findings (of research) (takenga mai: kite - to see, perceive, discover) (kupu kē atu: hua)
Cuba (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Kupa)
quarter-caste (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
socioeconomic level
meso level, mezzo level (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)
micro level
macro level
population pyramid
donation, gift
take by force, seize (kupu kē atu: kōwhakiwhaki, kāhaki)
kerbside collection (takenga mai: tapa - edge, side; rori [kupu mino] - road)
Kosovo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
mineral (takenga mai: ko [kongakonga] - fragment; huke - expose by removing the earth, excavate) (kupu kē atu: manawa whenua)
trauma, traumatic
emotional trauma
social trauma
post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, stress, distress; tau - to come to land, settle; muri - after)
generational trauma, intergenerational trauma, transgenerational trauma (kupu kē atu: kohuki whitireanga)
homesick, homesickness (takenga mai: kōingo - to yearn, fret, desire)
progress (kupu kē atu: kauneke, koke whakamua)
advocate, advocacy (kupu kē atu: hāpai)
feminism (takenga mai: kōkiri - to champion, promote, advocate; mana wahine - status, power, dignity of women) (kupu kē atu: tohe mana wahine)
lobby, campaign
land claim, claim of ownership (kupu kē atu: taunaha, kerēme whenua)
counter claim, cross claim, disputed claim
cove, bay, indentation of coastline (kupu kē atu: koko, kopanga, tāwhangawhanga)
visa (takenga mai: kōkota - a mark made at a cross-roads to show which road has been taken)
potato blight
commission (organisation) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie
truth and reconciliation commission
Children's Commission
commission of inquiry (takenga mai: whakatewhatewha - to investigate, examine, enquire into)
select committee (takenga mai: komiti [kupu mino] - committee; whiriwhiri - to discuss, decide, consider)
confluence, junction
Comoros (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
misogyny, misogynist (takenga mai: konekone - to despise, loathe)
Congo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
shortage, lack, scarcity (kupu kē atu: pūhore, ngōuruuru, korekore)
Copenhagen (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Teina].)
desert, barren expanse of land
quorum (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tokamatua)
Koran, Quran, Qur'an (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
fossil fuel (takenga mai: kora - fuel; nehe - ancient times)
fossil fuel (takenga mai: kora - fuel; nehe - ancient times)
North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (takenga mai: Kōrea [kupu mino] - Korea)
South Korea
extinct, extinction (kupu kē atu: mate ā-moa)
unemployment, unemployed
historical narrative, historical text (takenga mai: kōrero - story, text, narrative; aro - to turn towards, take heed; nehe - past times) (kupu kē atu: kōrero hītōria, tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o nehe)
false information, disinformation, misinformation (kupu kē atu: kōrero parau, kōrero meho)
hate speech (kupu kē atu: kōrero māhie)
factual information
nostalgic text, nostalgic narrative (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)
social action (takenga mai: kori - to move in to action)
Croatia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Colombia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
unity, unified, solidarity
economic unity
social unity, social cohesion
Scotland (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Kōtirana, Kōtarani)
court (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
District Court
Supreme Court
High Court
Appeal Court
Māori Appellate Court
Environment Court
Youth Court
Employment Court
Family Court
Māori Land Court
Costa Rica (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
water quality
secede, secession, pull out, withdraw, withdrawal
humanity, humanness, human goodness (takenga mai: kou - of good quality; tangata - person, human being)
choose, choice
lifestyle choice
individual choice
collective choice
Kuala Lumpur (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Guatemala (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
acculturate, acculturation (takenga mai: kuhu - to go into, to join)
deposit money (kupu kē atu: kōkuhu moni)
Queensland (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: Kuīnirani)
channel, strait, narrow body of water
clogged, congested, congestion
Cook Islands (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
wetland, marshland (kupu kē atu: rohe kōreporepo)
evolve, evolution (takenga mai: kune - to swell, grow; roa - to be a long time) (kupu kē atu: kukuwha)
cultural evolution
social evolution
human evolution
propaganda (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)
septic tank, sewage tank
headland, peninsula
reservoir, water tank
electronic transaction (takenga mai: kurutete - to exchange, swap)
Kuwait (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
tolerant, tolerance, accepting (takenga mai: māhaki - mild, calm, quiet)
plan, planning
physical map (takenga mai: ā-nuku - of the Earth)
climate map
financial plan
globe (takenga mai: mahere - map; ao - world; porotaka - round [shape])
investment plan
contingency plan (takenga mai: heipū - to come upon)
road map
operational plan
economic map, economic plan
short term plan
long term plan (kupu kē atu: mahere auroa)
interactive map
business plan
budget (takenga mai: mahere – plan; pūtea – sum of money)
strategic plan
tactical plan (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; tata - near, close)
topographic map, relief map, contour map
political map
installment plan
waste management plan (kupu kē atu: mahere para)
sex work
accounting (takenga mai: mahi - work; kaute - to count [kupu mino])
cooperate, collaborate, collaboration
civic duty
indentured labour, indentured servitude (takenga mai: whakaea - to repay; nama - debt)
self-employed, self-employment (takenga mai: mahi - work; kuhu - do on one's own)
single use
urban sprawl (takenga mai: mahora - spread, extend)
mine, mining (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
seabed mining
open-cast mining, open-pit mining
underground mining (takenga mai: rō [roto] - inside; nuku - earth)
placer mining (takenga mai: takere - riverbed, channel)
leach mining, in-situ mining, in-situ leaching, in-situ recovery
Macau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
North Macedonia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
market (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
free market, deregulated market (kupu kē atu: mākete waeture-kore)
global market (takenga mai: mākete - market [kupu mino]; huri - to go around; ao - world)
share market
property market, real estate market
domestic market
international market, foreign market (kupu kē atu: mākete ā-ao)
online market
regulated market, controlled market
housing market, property market
authority, power, prestige, authorise
spiritual power from the gods
theocracy (takenga mai: mana - authority, power; hāhi - church)
consumer power
authority and responsibility over sea and lakes
separate authority, autonomy, self-determination, independence (kupu kē atu: tino rangatiratanga, rangatiratanga)
unequal power (takenga mai: pāhikahika - uneven, disproportionate)
status, power, authority and dignity of men
authority, power and dignity of a person
oligarchy (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tokoiti - small number of people, minority)
political power, political authority
geopolitical power
monopoly (takenga mai: mana - power, control, authority; tōtahi - single, solo) (kupu kē atu: manatoki)
governance, authority to govern (takenga mai: urungi - to steer, navigate) (kupu kē atu: mana kāwana, mana whakatere, kāwanatanga [kupu mino])
status, power, authority and dignity of women
authority and responsibility to manage direct or control, executive power
inherited authority and responsibility, inherited status
intellectual property right
territorial authority and responsibility, authority and responsibility associated with possession and occupation of tribal land
majority rule (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pio - majority, many)
democracy, democratic (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pori [porihanga] - society)
minority rule (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pota - be few)
suffrage, right to vote (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)
women's suffrage
disenfranchised (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)
equality, equal status (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)
inequality, disparity
coloniser (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tāmi - colonise, repress, suppress) (kupu kē atu: kiritāmi, iwi tātāmi)
confidence and supply (takenga mai: manatoko - to verify, validate, give credence to; manapūtea - fiscal authority)
incorporated, incorporated society (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tōpū - assembled in a body)
duopoly (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tōrua - twofold)
ministry (government) (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tū - to establish, to be appointed)
dictator (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, dictatorial)
keepsake, momento
persevere, perseverance, determination
resilient, resilience
freedom of choice (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
freedom of speech (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
political freedom (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
freedom of belief (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
creek, watercourse, ditch, branch of a river
representative, spokesperson, delegate, ambassador
councillor, council representative (kupu kē atu: kaikaunihera)
member of parliament, MP (takenga mai: māngai - spokesperson, representative) (kupu kē atu: mema pāremata)
diplomat (takenga mai: māngai - mouthpiece, representative; whakahangahanga - diplomacy)
liquidity, liquid (finance) (takenga mai: māngohe - malleable, pliable)
plain, flatland
plateau, tableland, highland, elevated plain (takenga mai: mānia - plain, flatland; tairanga - elevated) (kupu kē atu: mānia pūwhata)
flood plain
Manila (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
millennium (takenga mai: mano - thousand; tau - year)
expat (takenga mai: manu - bird; kaewa - to wander, roam)
migrant, immigrant (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
visiting group, visitor (kupu kē atu: manuwhiri)
challenge stick
Māori, indigenous people of Aotearoa (takenga mai: Māori [māori] - normal, usual, ordinary)
productive, productivity
terraced garden (takenga mai: parehua - ridge, terrace)
courtyard, open area in front of meeting house, complex of land and buildings including meeting house and dining facilities
ceremonial courtyard (in front of meeting house)
Malta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Maldives (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Malawi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Malaysia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
marry, marriage (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: moe)
Mali (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Mauritius (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
state care (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)
diplomatic protection, diplomatic immunity (takenga mai: maru - shelter, safeguard; whakahangahanga - diplomatic)
demography (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate)
epidemiology (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine; tahumaero - disease, sickness; taha - side, dimension; pori [pāpori] - social)
topography (takenga mai: mātai - to study; takoto - to lie; whenua - land) (kupu kē atu: mātai takoto ā-nuku)
toponymy, study of place names (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)
cultural anthropology
social anthropology
political studies, politics
archaeology (takenga mai: mātai - to study, inspect, examine; whaipara - remains, remnant; tangata - human being)
social studies (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine; pori [pāpori] - social)
Madagascar (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
step parent
observe, observation
literature (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)
first born (kupu kē atu: huatahi)
open discussion, open debate (takenga mai: māhorahora - to be open, without restraint)
humanity, human race (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te mātāwaka; mātā - heap; tangata - person, human being)
ethics, ethical, moral, morality (takenga mai: matatika - right, straight)
written literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)
Clutha River
ethical dilemma, moral dilemma
oral literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; waha - mouth, voice)
aquifer (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater)
confined aquifer (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; hamaruru - to shut in, confine, restrict)
unconfined aquifer (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; tūraha - to be open, not confined)
ethnicity, ethnic group
mixed ethnicity (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: mātāwaka kanorau)
vision, visionary (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)
geography (takenga mai: mata - surface, face; whenua - land, ground)
environmental geography
human geography
physical geography (takenga mai: tūroa [ao tūroa] - natural world)
infant mortality
pandemic, epidemic
euthanasia, assisted dying (takenga mai: mate - to die; whakaahuru - comfortable)
need, to be needed (takenga mai: mate - to be in want of, need)
emotional need
physical need (kupu kē atu: matea tinana)
social need
spiritual need
deep affection, yearning (especially for one's homeland)
Madrid (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
foster parent
economic recovery
found guilty, proven guilty
Mount Maunganui
historical record
record, documentation (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)
original record
imprison, imprisonment, prisoner, incarcerate (kupu kē atu: whakarau)
mass incarceration, mass imprisonment (takenga mai: mauhere - to imprison; nuipuku - multitude)
crime against humanity (takenga mai: maukino - abuse, ill-treat)
Montevideo (takenga mai: maunga - mountain; ata [ataata] - video)
Montreal (takenga mai: maunga - mountain)
withdraw, disengage
disengagement of elderly
youth disengagement
Mauritania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
détente (takenga mai: mauru - to be eased, allayed, appeased)
protest (kupu kē atu: porotēhi [kupu mino])
Mexico (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
archipelago (takenga mai: meka [mekameka] - chain; moutere - island)
Micronesia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
amendment (to a motion, law etc) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
minutes (meeting term) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Memphis (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Melanesia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
tributary (small), streamlet
greet, greeting, acknowledge, acknowledgement (kupu kē atu: mihimihi)
missionary (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: mihingare)
Anglican (takenga mai: He kupu mino [missionary].) (kupu kē atu: Mihingare)
minister (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
borrow, borrowed (kupu kē atu: tono moni taurewa)
Milan (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Itāria].)
sea, ocean, large lake
polygamy, polygamous (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex with; puna - e whai ana i tā te 'punarua'; rau - many)
bigamy, bigamous (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex with; punarua - in pairs, having two partners)
monogamy, monogamous (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex; puna - e whai ana i tā te 'punarua'; tahi - one)
Mozambique (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Moscow (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Golden Bay
mortgage (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
trademark (takenga mai: moko - tatooing on the face or body under traditional protocol; pakihi - business)
grandchild, descendant
race (of people)
mixed race, multiracial
endangered species (kupu kē atu: momo tata korehāhā)
indigenous species, endemic species
advantage, advantaged, privilege (takenga mai: momoho - to be fortunate, rewarded)
apartheid (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)
Monaco (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
bankrupt, broke (kupu kē atu: pēkerapu [kupu mino], pakaru te pūkoro [kīanga ōpaki])
Mongolia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
money, currency, cash (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pocket money, cash
debit, withdrawal (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; tango - to take away, subtract)
deposit, down payment (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tāpui - to reserve, set aside)
credit, loan (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; taurewa - to be unpaid, on loan) (kupu kē atu: pūtea taurewa)
cryptocurrency (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - currency, money; whiti - to transfer, cross over; rangi [ipurangi] - internet) (kupu kē atu: moni matihuna, moni matihiko, moni mariko)
bond (monetary) (takenga mai: moni - money; here - to tie, restrict)
rebate (takenga mai: moni - money; hoki - to return)
profit (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; hua - benefit, accrue, gain)
non-profit, not for profit
deposit (of money) (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; kuhu - to put in, insert) (kupu kē atu: moni kōkuhu)
bitcoin (takenga mai: moni - currency, money [kupu mino]; moka - bit, binary digit)
loss (finance)
note (money) (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; rau - leaf)
coin (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; uka - hard, firm) (kupu kē atu: kapa)
income, revenue (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; whiwhi - to get, receive, acquire)
annual income
discretionary income (takenga mai: kōwhiti - to choose)
net income (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; more - plain, without appendages)
gross income (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; peke - be all included)
disposable income, available income
credit limit (takenga mai: mōrahi - maximum, upper limit)
nationally endangered (of a species)
nationally critical (of a species)
displaced person (kupu kē atu: konene)
alienated, estranged
Morocco (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Moldova (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rights (kupu kē atu: motika)
right to freedom
indigenous rights
worker's rights
individual right
consumer rights
collective right
right to life, subsistence rights
ownership right
civil rights, societal rights (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)
children's rights
human rights
universal rights (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread)
inalienable right, permanent right (takenga mai: unu - surrender, exempt, exclude; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mōtika pūmau)
indivisible right (takenga mai: wāhi - to partition, subdivide; kore - negative, not)
women's rights
land rights
birthright (takenga mai: whererei - to be born)
motion (meeting term) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
food wastage
past (history)
Muslim (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Mumbai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Munich (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pardon (takenga mai: muru - to wipe out, forgive, absolve; hara - offence, crime, wrongdoing)
Nagoya (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
debt, invoice, bill (takenga mai: He kupu mino [number].)
accounts payable
accounts receivable, outstanding invoice
Namibia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Nauru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
grievance, complaint (kupu kē atu: amuamu)
ancient times, long ago (kupu kē atu: neherā, uki, tāukiuki, tua whakarere, tuauri)
Nepal (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Nice (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Nicaragua (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Red Crescent
New South Wales (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Niu Taute Wēra)
New Dehli (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Niue (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
free from the restrictions of tapu, ordinary
belonging, sense of belonging, belong (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)
diaspora (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; marara - scattered)
ethical living
fast, go without food, fasting
overstay, overstayer (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)
occupy, occupation (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)
persecute, persecution (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)
Norway (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
greenwash, greenwashing (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)
greenwash, greenwashing (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)
Nuku'alofa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
mantle (of Earth) (takenga mai: nuku – the Earth; ratarata – red hot)
Noumea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Los Angeles (takenga mai: Anahera [kupu mino] - Angel)
New Zealand Police
forest (kupu kē atu: wao, ngahengahe, nehenehe)
temperate forest (takenga mai: hātai - mild [of weather])
tropical forest (takenga mai: pārūrū - sultry, humid, tropical)
exotic forest (takenga mai: rāwaho - from the outside)
indigenous forest, native forest (kupu kē atu: ngahere māori)
virgin forest, primary forest, old-growth forest (kupu kē atu: ngahere tikitū, ngahere horomata)
regenerating forest (takenga mai: whakamātūtū - recovering, returning to health)
plantation forest (takenga mai: whakatiputipu - to rear, cause to grow)
erode, erosion (takenga mai: ngāhorohoro – fall off bit by bit)
decade (takenga mai: ngahuru - ten; tau - year)
Niger (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Nairobi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Nigeria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
empathy, empathetic
historical empathy (takenga mai: ngākau - heart, seat of affections; aro - to be inclined towards; nehe - time past)
pessimism, pessimistic
optimistic, optimism (kupu kē atu: mariu)
passionate, enthusiastic, enthusiasm (kupu kē atu: kohara)
apathy, apathetic, disinterest, indifference (kupu kē atu: arokore)
negative attitude, ill-disposed (kupu kē atu: waiaro whakakino)
positive attitude, favourably disposed
cultivate, cultivation
over cultivation
New Plymouth
wasteful, extravagant (kupu kē atu: tōtōā)
river mouth
bequest, bequeath
crowdfund, crowdfunding (takenga mai: oha - to leave as a bequest, generosity; takitini - multitude, crowd)
Osaka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
economy (kupu kē atu: taiōhanga)
circular economy
capitalist economy
mixed economy (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - framework, structure; rua - two)
global economy
Māori economy
thriving economy
linear economy
mesoeconomics, mezzoeconomics (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)
controlled economy, command economy
socioeconomic (takenga mai: oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)
Oslo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
woke, wokism, wokeness (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)
working bee, volunteer work group, work as a volunteer group
Oman (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
contaminated soil (takenga mai: one - soil; hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)
naturally uncommon, rare (of a species)
peacekeeping force
equal, same
faction (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)
Upper Hutt
second hand, hand me down
Ottawa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
embassy, diplomatic residence (takenga mai: pā - fortified village; whakahangahanga - to handle gently, be diplomatic, tactful)
mountain range
credit rating (takenga mai: pae - margin, boundary; taurewa - credit)
national border, land boundary
industrial precinct, industrial quarter (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)
cultural precinct, cultural quarter (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)
shopping precinct, shopping quarter (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)
protocol for speechmaking on marae where all the local speakers speak first
neighbourhood (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; kiritata - neighbour)
extreme temperature (kupu kē atu: pāmahana hārukiruki)
continental shelf
water catchment boundary, drainage divide
suburb (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell, reside)
slum (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell; kanukanu - dilapidated, shabby) (kupu kē atu: puni tuakoka)
ghetto (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell; pakukore - impoverished) (kupu kē atu: puni pakukore)
orators bench
business precinct, business quarter (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)
double standard (takenga mai: paerewa - standard; mata - face; rua - two)
ethical standard, moral standard
standard of living
commercial precinct, commercial quarter (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)
Bahamas (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cultural appropriation, cultural misappropriation (takenga mai: pāhao - to acquire stealthily) (kupu kē atu: pāhao tikanga)
social instability
interact, interaction, interactive (kupu kē atu: taunekeneke)
disproportionate, uneven
rebellion, revolution, insurrection (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, capture) (kupu kē atu: whana)
coup, coup d'état (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, storm a fortress) (kupu kē atu: tukipoto)
plunder, rob, burgle, thieve, loot, ransack
financial benefit, monetary benefit
common good, mutual benefit, shared benefit (takenga mai: pātahi - to befall all alike, affect all in common)
private benefit
public good, public benefit
Bible (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
population decline, depopulation
protectionism (takenga mai: pākai - shield, screen, buffer; hoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)
war, battle, fight
world war, global war
inter-tribal war, tribal war
musket war
trade war
cold war (takenga mai: taungaungau - to wrangle, bicker, squabble; tau - indicating reciprocal action; tau - to attack) (kupu kē atu: pakanga kōpeke)
land war, territorial war
Bangladesh (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Baghdad (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
acidification (takenga mai: pākawa [pākawa ota] - nitrate; kawa [waikawa] - acid)
Pākehā, New Zealander of European descent
historical fiction (kupu kē atu: paki hītōria)
business (kupu kē atu: umanga)
cooperative business
socially responsive business (takenga mai: aro - take heed, pay attention to; pori [pāpori] - social)
responsible business
sole trader business
Burkina Faso (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
historical inquiry (kupu kē atu: pakirehua hītōria)
social inquiry
Pakistan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
impoverished, deprived, deprivation
cycle of deprivation (takenga mai: pakukore - impoverished, deprivation; tāruarua - to repeat)
farm, farming (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: whāmu)
pastoral farm, pastoral farming
factory farm, factory farming (takenga mai: kōpiripiri - crowded close together, cramped)
subsistence farm, subsistence farming (takenga mai: ringa - hand [nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa']; ora - alive, healthy, well)
free-range farm, free-range farming (takenga mai: tahawhenua - to roam, wander, move about)
eco-farm, eco-farming
sustainable farm, sustainable farming
sharefarm, sharefarming
mixed farm, mixed farming
Bermuda (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Panama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
share (finance) (takenga mai: pā - be connected with) (kupu kē atu: hea [kupu mino])
conflict of interest (takenga mai: pānga - connection, interest; taupatupatu - to dispute, contend, vie)
Bangkok (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
demographic change
economic change
social change
political change
political change
transformative change (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)
natural population change
social mobility
human mobility
sports ground
plaque, commemorative tablet (takenga mai: papa - slab, surface; kōrero - narrative, story)
dog park
Māori economic base
playground (kupu kē atu: papa hākinakina)
reserve (land) (takenga mai: papa - land, Earth; tāpui - to reserve, set aside) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāpui)
National Park (kupu kē atu: Papakura ā-Motu)
regional reserve
brownfield (takenga mai: papa - ground, field; tukurua - to reuse)
greenfield (takenga mai: papa - ground, field; ururua - scrub, brushwood)
Palmerston North
village, hamlet (kupu kē atu: papa kāinga)
retirement village, old people's village, rest home
tectonic plate (takenga mai: papa - earth, anything broad and flat; neke - to move)
accountable, accountability (kupu kē atu: kawe takohanga)
real estate, property (takenga mai: papa - land, floor; papa [papa kāinga] - home base; noho - to live, reside) (kupu kē atu: pito whenua)
social class (takenga mai: papa [paparanga] - layer; pori [pāpori] - social)
lower class
upper class
middle class
continent (takenga mai: papa – surface; rahi – large) (kupu kē atu: whenua rahi)
waste hierarchy (takenga mai: paparanga - layer)
boycott (takenga mai: papare - to avoid) (kupu kē atu: aukati, huri tuarā)
impact (takenga mai: pāpā - to affect, touch, strike) (kupu kē atu: pānga)
rate (takenga mai: pā - to be connected with)
cultural impact
interest rate
death rate, mortality rate
economic impact
social impact
rate of inflation
fixed rate, flat rate
environmental impact
human impact
variable rate, floating rate
growth rate
birth rate
exchange rate (kupu kē atu: pāpātanga kurutete)
Barbados (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Pape'ete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Papua New Guinea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Amsterdam (takenga mai: pāpuni - dam; āmita [kupu mino] - amster)
Barbuda (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
waste, rubbish, refuse, trash
industrial waste
agricultural waste
construction waste
gaseous waste
radioactive waste
food waste
domestic waste, household waste
putrescible waste (takenga mai: kerakera - putrid, foul)
mining waste, tailings
chemical waste
hazardous waste
special waste
surgical waste, medical waste (takenga mai: poka - operation [medical], surgery)
marine debris (takenga mai: para - refuse, waste; rere - to flow; moana - sea)
packaging waste
toxic waste
commercial waste, trade waste
garden waste, plant waste, green waste (kupu kē atu: para māra)
solid waste
liquid waste
stonefield (takenga mai: pārae - level or undulating open country) (kupu kē atu: pārae kōhatu)
pollute, pollution, polluted (takenga mai: parahanga - rubbish, litter) (kupu kē atu: whakapoke)
light pollution
air pollution
noise pollution (takenga mai: haunene - noisy)
soil pollution
point source pollution (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whāiti - narrow, compact)
non-point source pollution (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whārahi - broad, wide, extensive)
water pollution
justify, justification (takenga mai: parahau - protect, defend)
Prague (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Paraguay (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
sewage, sewerage, effluent
pollutant (takenga mai: para [parahanga] - pollution; kino [whakakino] - degrade, damage, spoil)
natural pollutant
organic waste
inorganic waste
Palau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
personification of floods, avalanches and tsunami
tax avoidance (takenga mai: pare - to avoid, ward off, fend)
agnostic, agnosticism (takenga mai: pare - to turn aside; atua - god)
Bahrain (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
parliament (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: pāremete)
compensate, compensation, recompense, reparation, redress
hung parliament (takenga mai: tārewa - unresolved, inconclusive, hanging)
West Bank
Frankfurt (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
Paris (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Brazil (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Palestine (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Brussels (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
closed question
inquiry question
research question
open question (kupu kē atu: pātai puare)
foodbank (takenga mai: pātaka - food storehouse; hapori - community)
tussock grass
fallow ground, abandoned cultivation
legend, key (e.g. of a map) (takenga mai: pā - clump, group; pā - connected with; tohu - symbol)
herbicide (takenga mai: patu - subdue, kill; otaota - weed, vegetation)
rape, sexual assault (kupu kē atu: taitōkai)
Berlin (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
peer pressure (kupu kē atu: whakawhere aropā)
parental pressure (kupu kē atu: whakawhere mātua)
social pressure (kupu kē atu: whakawhere pāpori)
internal pressure (kupu kē atu: whakawhere rāroto)
external pressure (kupu kē atu: whakawhere rāwaho)
oppress, suppress, oppression, persecute
religious persecution, religious oppression
oppression of the mind
overt oppression (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)
covert oppression (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)
oppression of the spirit, demoralisation
Beijing (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Spain (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
reserve bank, central bank
Myanmar (takenga mai: Pēma [kupu mino] - Burma)
Bern (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Venezuela (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pension, superannuation (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
government superannuation
private superannuation, personal superannuation
Benin (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Phnom Penh (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
tribal saying
Belarus (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
president (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Belgium (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Pehiamu)
Belize (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Peru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Puerto Rico (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Bethlehem (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Perth (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
petition (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
capital return, capital increase, capital growth, capital gain (takenga mai: piki - to increase; pu - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource; pūrawa - capital [finance])
appreciation, increase in value (kupu kē atu: pikinga uara)
big picture
inflation (takenga mai: piki - to increase, ascend; utu - cost, price, payment; tukipū - general, overall) (kupu kē atu: tāmi ahumoni)
appeal (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
bill (draft of new law) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
woke police (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)
loyal, loyalist, faithful (kupu kē atu: piripono)
Prime Minister (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
de-facto relationship (kupu kē atu: moe māori)
diplomatic relations
Brisbane (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Philippines (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
allegiant, allegiance, loyal, loyalty, faithful (kupu kē atu: pirihonga)
Great Britain (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Pretoria (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
incentive, entice, enticement
financial incentive, monetary incentive
moral incentive
economic incentive
social incentive
personal incentive
welcome ceremony, welcome (kupu kē atu: pōwhiri)
nuclear bomb, atomic bomb (kupu kē atu: pōmu karihi)
suicide bomb
missile (takenga mai: pohū - bomb, grenade, explosion; rere - to fly)
Sydney (takenga mai: He kupu mino [Port Jackson].)
Melbourne (takenga mai: he kupu mino [Port Phillips])
immigration centre (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
central business district, CBD
town centre
Bogota (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Bonne (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
faith in humanity
sex slave, forced sex worker
child slave
demand (for goods and services) (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)
consumer demand (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)
excess demand
Poland (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
tribal society
industrial society
mainstream society (kupu kē atu: porihanga rīroa)
diverse society, pluralistic society
homogeneous society
inclusive society
exclusive society
intolerant society
tolerant society
knowledge society
inequitable society
just society (kupu kē atu: porihanga manatika)
stable society
stratified society, hierarchical society
feudal society (takenga mai: whakaapaapa - layered; apa - layer; apa - slave, servant)
Botswana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Bolivia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
acquiescent, yeilding
Brunei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Polynesia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Protestant (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
menial, unskilled, person in a menial position
strike (protest action)
hunger strike (takenga mai: porotū - strike; kape - to reject, refuse; kai - food)
partial stopwork
wildcat strike (takenga mai: ohorere - sudden, without warning)
Port Moresby (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Port Vila (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
vote, ballot, elect (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
special vote
early vote, advance voting
single transferable vote, STV (takenga mai: whakaraupapa - to put in order, sequence)
mixed member proportional, MMP (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; rua - two)
first past the post, FPP (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; toa - victor, winner)
last born, baby of the family
referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)
binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)
non-binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)
election (kupu kē atu: kōwhiringa pōti)
local body election (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga kaunihera ā-rohe)
by-election (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; whakakapi - to replace)
general election (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga ā-motu)
Portugal (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
boundary marker, marker of (land) ownership, land marker post
trustee (takenga mai: pou - stalwart, dependable person)
flaxroots, grassroots (takenga mai: pū - originate; harakeke - flax; pū harakeke - flax bush)
situation (kupu kē atu: tūāhua)
transparent, transparency
unproductive, unproductivity (takenga mai: pūhore - scarce, unproductive)
scarce, scarcity (kupu kē atu: onge, ngouruuru, korekore)
accounts, accounting statement (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book, document; kaute [kupu mino] - account)
voting form
plentiful, abundant, abundance (kupu kē atu: ranea, huhua, humi, makuru)
reference book (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)
skill, skilled
collaborative learning skills (kupu kē atu: pūkenga ako ā-rōpū)
cooperative learning skills
self-management skills (takenga mai: au - I, me; āki - to encourage, urge on) (kupu kē atu: pūkenga taki whaiaro)
cognitive skill
leadership skill (kupu kē atu: pūkenga hautū)
life skills
social skills
entrepreneurial skills
problem solving skills
pūkenga whakawhitiwhiti kōrero
communication skills
inner city
human resource, human capital (takenga mai: pūmanawa - talent, cleverness)
assumption, supposition
constancy, permanency
source of information
deep aquifer, artesian bore
primary source (of information)
secondary source (of information) (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua [tuarua] - second)
spring (of water), well
ecosystem (takenga mai: pūnaha ‒ system; hauropi ‒ ecology)
system of government
Global Positioning System, GPS (takenga mai: pūnaha ‒ system; kimi ‒ search; taunga ‒ location)
exchange system, system of exchange
virtual system of exchange
monetary system
economic system
voting system
justice system (kupu kē atu: pūnaha manatika)
political system
pūnaha whakahaere rahinga (ika)
(fish) quota management system
belief system
liability (financial) (takenga mai: pū - heap, stack; nama - debt) (kupu kē atu: taunaha)
refuge, to take refuge, asylum, haven
political asylum, political refuge
women's refuge
green energy
local food market, local produce market
freedom camp, freedom camping (takenga mai: puni - camping place; mataraharaha - freedom from care, carefree)
evacuation centre (takenga mai: puni - encampment, camping place; whakatahi - to evacuate)
cult (takenga mai: puni - company of people; whanokē - peculiar, weird, unusual, eccentric)
archive (takenga mai: pū - source, base; pūranga - heap, lie in a heap)
capital (finance) (takenga mai: pū - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource) (kupu kē atu: haupū rawa)
working capital (takenga mai: wātea - to be available)
orthodox (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)
Bulgaria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Purukēria)
Burundi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cause, origin, reason, originate (kupu kē atu: take)
cause and effect
historical cause, historical reason
long term cause (takenga mai: tautini - long time, longstanding)
bottom up (takenga mai: pūtake - base, root; whakarunga - upward direction) (kupu kē atu: mai i raro ki runga)
Bhutan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
output (kupu kē atu: hua)
Budapest (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
fund, sum of money
subsidy (kupu kē atu: pūtea tautoko)
investment account, investment fund
bank account
credit account
Buddhism, Buddhist (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cohort (takenga mai: pūtoi - bunch, cluster, kinship group) (kupu kē atu: hunga)
carbon sink (takenga mai: putunga - heap, stack, storage; waro - carbon)
to settle, live permanently (kupu kē atu: noho pūmau)
person of high social class, aristocrat, elite (kupu kē atu: kahurangi)
time of scarcity
voting day, election day
quota (kupu kē atu: motunga, tiringa)
sum insured
sample size
Mitre Peak
ritual restriction or prohibition according to Māori custom, prohibit
Liberia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
entrepreneur, entrepreneurial (takenga mai: raka - agile, adept; hinonga - enterprise)
Luxembourg (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Stewart Island
Ramadan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
London (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
abundant, abundance (kupu kē atu: pukahu, huhua, humi, makuru)
truce, armistice, preliminary peace
research (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out, pursue)
historical research (kupu kē atu: rangahau hītōria)
qualitative research (takenga mai: ine - to measure; kounga - quality)
quantitative research (takenga mai: ine - to measure; rahi - size, amount)
insider research (kupu kē atu: rangahau huānga)
outsider research
pilot study (takenga mai: tōmua - early)
meso level research, mezzo level research (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)
micro level research
action research (takenga mai: whakanekeneke- cause to move along)
case study, case study research (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, make clear, elucidate) (kupu kē atu: mātaitanga)
macro level research
state sector, government sector
primary sector
secondary sector (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua - two)
tertiary sector (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; toru - three)
quarternary sector (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; whā - four)
voluntary sector
private sector
public sector
partnership (kupu kē atu: pātuinga)
rangapū mahitahi tūmataiti tūmatanui
private public partnership, PPP
owner, ownership (kupu kē atu: manapuri)
chief, chiefly, leader, chieftainship
business owner
property owner (kupu kē atu: rangatira pito whenua)
home owner (takenga mai: puri - to hold, retain possession of)
business ownership
property ownership (kupu kē atu: rangatiratanga pito whenua)
data sovereignty
home ownership
movement (social or political) (takenga mai: ranga - company of people; tohe - to contend, argue, persist)
rainbow movement
resistance movement (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose, resist)
passive resistance movement (kupu kē atu: rangatohe ātete rongomau)
home school movement
black power movement
indigenous rights movement
worker's rights movement
civil rights movement
women's rights movement
black lives matter movement
revolutionary movement
peace movement
nationalist movement
political movement
liberation movement (takenga mai: wete - to set free; here - restriction)
corporation (takenga mai: ranga - company of people; tōpū - assembled, in a body) (kupu kē atu: kaporeihana)
multinational corporation (takenga mai: rangatōpū - corporation; whenua - country, nation; rau - many)
Laos (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
literature search
consequence, effect, repercussion
unintended consequence (takenga mai: rara - consequence, effect, repercussion; pokerehū - unintentional, by accident)
downstream consequence (takenga mai: rara - consequence, effect, repercussion; rere - to flow; muri - behind)
inventory of goods
contour line (takenga mai: outline, leading lines of a carving pattern)
main catalogue
electoral roll
general electoral roll
Māori electoral roll
agenda (of a meeting) (takenga mai: rārangi - list; take - issue, matter, topic, subject)
inventory of equipment
data (takenga mai: rarau - lay hold of, receptacle)
qualitative data (takenga mai: ine - to measure, compare; kounga - quality)
quantitative data (takenga mai: ine - to measure, compare; rahi - amount, size, large)
civic, civics (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
internal, domestic (kupu kē atu: taiwhenua, whakaroto)
social problem
historical diary (kupu kē atu: rātaka hītōria)
emergency service
ecosystem service
rescue service
upstream service (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - in front)
downstream service (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri, behind, after)
fire service
basic service, utility (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation)
public service, public utility
water service, water provision
stormwater service
wastewater service
curate, curation, curatorial (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to care for, protect)
capacity (to produce)
sustainable capacity, carrying capacity
pragmatism, pragmatic (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - ploy, tactic; rau [rautaki] - strategy; ngāwari - easy, tolerant)
offering, sacrifice
chronology, chronological order
take without any moral right, confiscate
organism (kupu kē atu: kaiao)
strategy (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; taki - to lead, bringalong)
century (takenga mai: rau - hundred; tau - year)
resource (kupu kē atu: rauemi)
natural resource
raw material
sustainable resource
renewable resource
non-renewable resource
external, foreign (kupu kē atu: tauwhenua, manene, whakawaho)
poor, underprivileged, poverty (kupu kē atu: pōhara [kupu mino])
cycle of poverty (takenga mai: tāruarua - to repeat)
intergenerational poverty (kupu kē atu: rawakore whitireanga)
Rwanda (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Latvia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Middle East
Alpha Generation
Stolen Generation
Millennial Generation, Generation Y
Baby Boomer (takenga mai: reanga - generation; māpua - prolific, productive)
Silent Generation
Generation X
Generation Z
register (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Reykjavik (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rates (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti)
Chatham Islands (kupu kē atu: Wharekauri)
Lent (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Lebanon (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
white flight (takenga mai: rere - to flee; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: rere kiritea)
different, difference
upstream (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - before, in front of) (kupu kē atu: tōmua)
downstream (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri - after, coming behind)
refugee (takenga mai: rerenga - person who has escaped, fugitive, survivor) (kupu kē atu: konene)
climate refugee
waste stream (takenga mai: rere - to flow)
political refugee
surface runoff (takenga mai: rere - to flow; wai - water; papa - surface, Earth)
midstream (takenga mai: rere - to flow; waenga - middle, amidst, in between)
Riyadh (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
lease, rent (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti [kupu mino])
peppercorn rental, nominal lease (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - lease, rent; kongakonga - crumb, something insignificant)
long term lease
Liechtenstein (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Lima (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
vigilante (takenga mai: ringa - arm, hand; takitaki - to take revenge)
philanthropist (takenga mai: ringa - hand; oha - bequest, generosity)
self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-sufficiency (takenga mai: ringa - nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa'; ora - alive)
oppressor (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)
Rio de Janeiro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
outskirts (takenga mai: ripa - boundary, border)
balance sheet, account statement (takenga mai: ripanga - spreadsheet; kaute [kupu mino] - to account for) (kupu kē atu: puka kaute)
Red Cross
Lisbon (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Libya (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
memoir (takenga mai: ripoinga - haunts, hangouts; ripoi - to travel about; mahara - to remember)
power, strength, powerful
domestic violence, famly violence, domestic abuse (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence, rage; ā-whare - in-house)
intra-tribal war, tribal war
nonviolent (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence; kore - not, negative) (kupu kē atu: mārire)
chattel, possession (takenga mai: riro - be got, acquired, obtained)
bias, biased (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side) (kupu kē atu: haukume, arotītaha)
gender bias
overt bias, conscious bias (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident)
unconscious bias, hidden bias, covert bias (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden) (kupu kē atu: haukume huna)
ethnic bias
ethical practice (takenga mai: ritenga - customary practice, habit, the normal way of doing things)
social norm (takenga mai: ritenga - customary practice, habit, the normal way of doing things)
Lithuania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
basin, dale
water catchment, catchment basin, drainage basin (takenga mai: riu - basin, valley; hopu - to catch; wai - water)
district, area, territory, zone
temperate zone
polar zone (takenga mai: kōpaka - ice)
tribal territory
electorate, constituency, ward (kupu kē atu: wāri [kupu mino - ward])
general electorate, general ward (kupu kē atu: wāri auraki)
Māori electorate, Māori ward (kupu kē atu: wāri Māori)
province (takenga mai: taiwhenua - district)
urban area
lawyer, counsel (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Rome (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Romania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
lasting peace, enduring peace (kupu kē atu: tatau pounamu)
fake news (takenga mai: rongo - news, report; tipatipa - false, lying, untrue, fake) (kupu kē atu: hau meho)
gospel, scripture
stakeholder group
vigilante group (takenga mai: takitaki - to take revenge)
political party (kupu kē atu: pāti tōrangapū)
toll road
landfill, rubbish dump
Russia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
community board, community council
legal assembly, legal council, legal authority, tribunal
cabinet (government) (takenga mai: rūnanga - council, assembly; minita [kupu mino] - minister) (kupu kē atu: kāhui minita)
Māori viewpoint, Māori world view (kupu kē atu: tirohanga ao Māori)
heterosexual (takenga mai: tae [taera] - sexual attraction; aro [tauaro] - opposite)
style of leadership (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)
red tape, bureaucratic obstacle (takenga mai: taero - obstruction, hinderance)
judicial, judiciary
executive (of government)
legislative, legislature
free-range (takenga mai: tahawhenua - to roam, wander, move about)
Tasmania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
commercialisation of culture (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hoko - to buy or sell; ahurea - culture)
fund, sum of money (kupu kē atu: pūtea)
investment fund (kupu kē atu: pūtea haumi)
principal (finance) (takenga mai: tahua - fund; more - without appendages, plain)
crowdsource, crowdsourcing (takenga mai: tahua - fund, sum of money; takitini - crowd, many people) (kupu kē atu: puna takitini)
sand dune
sandy beach, sandbank
fiord, fjord
landlocked (takenga mai: tai - coast; kore - none, nil)
built environment
natural environment
marine environment
coastal reserve, fisheries reserve, marine reserve
illegal, unlawful, crime (kupu kē atu: hara)
offender, criminal, culprit, crime
extremist (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extreme)
rapid (on a river) (kupu kē atu: tāheke, korio)
intertidal zone
cultural revolution (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
sexual revolution (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
social revolution, social upheaval (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
political revolution, political uprising (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
tyrant, tyrannical (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)
tsunami (kupu kē atu: tai āniwhaniwha)
youth, young person
event, occasion, festival (takenga mai: taiope - gather together) (kupu kē atu: huihuinga)
cultural festival
local food festival
Festival of Lights
private event
public event
Taipei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
colonise, colonisation (kupu kē atu: tāmi)
Thailand (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
crisis, predicament, serious problem (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)
family crisis
climate crisis
industrial crisis
health crisis
economic crisis
social crisis
energy crisis
environmental crisis
political crisis, constitutional crisis
identity crisis
housing crisis
freehold title
leasehold title
land title
individual land title
guarantor (takenga mai: taituarā - to support; tuarā - backbone)
Taiwan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rebel, revolutionary (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)
fanatic, fanatical, zealot (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)
passage of time (kupu kē atu: takiwā)
civilise (takenga mai: taka -causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)
homosexual (kupu kē atu: takāpui)
mediate, mediator, go-between, facilitator
issue, case, claim, matter, reason, cause
tax, taxation (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
Goods and Services Tax, GST, sales tax
income tax
historical reason (kupu kē atu: pūtake o mua)
current events, current affairs (kupu kē atu: rongo kōrero o te wā)
business tax
social issue, social cause
civil case (kupu kē atu: take porihanga, take hiwhiri [kupu mino])
internal affairs, domestic affairs (kupu kē atu: take taiwhenua)
land right obtained by conquest
criminal case
provisional tax (takenga mai: tāke [kupu mino] - tax; tārewa - unresolved, deferred, set aside)
foreign affairs, external affairs, international affairs (kupu kē atu: take rāwaho)
ancestral land right
land right by gift
carbon tax
excise tax (takenga mai: tāke - tax [kupu mino]; whāiti - narrow, specific)
general business
land right by discovery
tariff, trade tax (takenga mai: tāke - tax; hoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commercial; tāwāhi - overseas, abroad)
Turkey (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
family background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
cultural background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
education background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
socioeconomic background (takenga mai: takenga - source, origin; oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)
linguistic background, language background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
sustainable source
political background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
indigenous, aboriginal, endemic
Tajikistan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
region, territory, space, district
time period, era
industrial age, industrial era
atomic age, atomic era
stone age
digital age, digital era
machine age
bronze age
iron age
anthropocene (takenga mai: takiwā - era, time period; tangata - people, human)
colonial period, colonial era
space age
middle ages
Dargaville (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
socially responsible, social responsibility (takenga mai: tako - upright; takohanga - responsibility, obligation; pori [pāpori] - social)
benefit (payment of money)
unemployment benefit
sickness benefit (kupu kē atu: takuhe hāura)
family benefit
coastline, sea coast, shore
foster child
Auckland (kupu kē atu: Ākarana [kupu mino])
patriarchal, patriarchy (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, overshadow; tāne - male)
matriarchal, matriarchy (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, to overshadow; wahine - female)
dieback (takenga mai: tāmatemate - to decline, deteriorate) (kupu kē atu: mate taiora)
colonise, colonisation, oppress, suppress (takenga mai: tāmi - repress, suppress) (kupu kē atu: taipūwhenua)
Zambia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
recolonise, recolonisation (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)
Tanzania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
homosexual male
heterosexual male
denomination (of a religion) (takenga mai: tānga - division, company [of people])
tapu removing ceremony for a new building
people of the Treaty, non-Māori New Zealander
home people, (to be) naturalised, indigenous people
sister-in-law of a female, brother-in-law of a male
town (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
small town
coastal town
provincial town
rural town
metropolis (takenga mai: tāone - town [kupu mino]; whakahara - large, vast)
super city (takenga mai: tāone - town [kupu mino]; whakatōpū - to amalgamate, combine)
artefact, treasure
heritage, heirloom
commodity (takenga mai: taonga - goods, property; hoko - to buy or sell; kakapi [whakakapi] - substitute, replace)
toponym, placename, to name
submit, submission
subjective, subjectivity (takenga mai: tapa [tapatahi] - objective; roto - inside)
objective, unbiased, impartial, objectivity (takenga mai: tapatahi [ngākau tapatahi] – impartial, unbiased)
account balance
gross domestic product, GDP (takenga mai: takepe - total; wāriu - value; hokonga [hoko] - to buy or sell)
tourism, tour, travel about (takenga mai: tāpoi - travel around)
cultural tourism
outbound tourism
inbound tourism
adventure tourism
event tourism
domestic tourism, internal tourism
sacred, sacredness, restricted, set apart
reserve, set aside
pool (a resource) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; puna - pool, source, well)
carpool, carpooling
resource pool, resource pooling
equipment pool, equipment pooling
Dublin (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
capital equipment
ecological footprint
carbon footprint
floor space on the left on entering a meeting house (kupu kē atu: kopa iti , tara whāiti)
floor space on the right on entering a meeting house (kupu kē atu: tara whānui)
trust (formal entity) (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: tarati [kupu mino], rōpū kaitiaki)
family trust
charitable trust
business trust, trading trust
land trust
tribunal (takenga mai: Hhe kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: rūnanga manature)
Carterton (kupu kē atu: Katatāone)
Tarawa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
affordability, affordable (takenga mai: tareka - be attained; utu - to pay for, cost)
housing affordability
deficit, overdraft
Toronto (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
slaughter, massacre, pogrom
provenance (takenga mai: tātai - lineage; takenga - origin)
cognitive taxonomy (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order; hirikapo - mind, intellect, cognition)
colonial repression
analyse, analysis (takenga mai: tātari - to strain, filter, sift through)
audit, conduct an audit (takenga mai: tātari - to analyse; kaute [kupu mino] - accounts) (kupu kē atu: arotake kaute)
analyse knowledge
cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis
lasting peace, enduring peace (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)
blood quantum (takenga mai: tatau - to count, enumerate)
national census
tournament, competition, compete (kupu kē atu: whakataetae)
settlement, agreement (kupu kē atu: whakaaetanga, tatūnga tokitoki)
bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement
unilateral decision, unilateral agreement
multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement
consensus (takenga mai: tatūnga - resolution, decision; tokitoki - without exception) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tukipū)
consensus (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread, broad) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)
financial year
lean year, year of scarcity, famine (kupu kē atu: tau tukuroa)
succeed, succession
statement, declaration
memorandum of understanding, declaration of agreement (takenga mai: tauākī - declaration, statement; whakaaetanga - agreement)
free trade, free enterprise
ethical trade, fair trade
international trade, international commerce
trade, commerce
global commerce
water trading, water commerce
socioeconomic index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)
social indicator, social index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; pāpori - social)
poverty index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; rawakore - poor)
affordability index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)
cost of living index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)
consumer price index, CPI (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; utu - price, cost; hoko - to purchase, buy, sell)
non-Māori, foreigner
Olympic Games
reclaim, repossess
food recovery, food rescue (takenga mai: taumanu - take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: pena kai)
waste recovery (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)
energy recovery (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: unu pūngao)
data repatriation (takenga mai: taumanu - reclaim, repossess; raraunga - data)
resource recovery (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)
arranged marriage, betrothal
claim land by naming (kupu kē atu: tapatapa whenua)
pledge, set aside
evidence, testimony, testify, reinforce, support
support, back, backing
interact with, interaction (kupu kē atu: pāhekoheko)
location (kupu kē atu: tauwāhi)
Cartesian coordinates (takenga mai: taunga - position; tukutuku - grid)
normal, normalised, normalisation (takenga mai: tau - to settle on, come to rest; noa - common) (kupu kē atu: hanga māori)
population (takenga mai: tau - number; pori - people, tribe)
population decrease
population increase
overpopulation, overpopulated (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
population explosion (takenga mai: tupu - to grow; rea - multiply) (kupu kē atu: taupori kaha piki)
interdependence, interdependent
depot, encampment, station (kupu kē atu: puni)
recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre
recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre
refuse station, transfer station
refugee camp
detention centre, detention camp
taupuni whakatika parakaingaki
sewage treatment station, sewage treatment facility
wastewater treatment station (takenga mai: taupuni - station; whakatika - to rectify, correct; wai - water; para - waste)
drought, dehydrate, dehydration, dehydrated
guarantee, assure, pledge
gender balance
ethnic balance
eco~, environmentally friendly (takenga mai: tau [tautoko] - to support; tau – befitting, calm, settled; taiao – environment)
philosophy (kupu kē atu: rapunga whakaaro)
sponsor, sponsorship (takenga mai: tautāwhi - to come to the assistance of, support)
humanitarian aid
equity, equitable
inequitable, inequity
controversy, dispute, controversial
ethical controversy, moral controversy
social controversy
environmental controversy
political controversy
support, second (meeting term)
conflict, dispute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)
international dispute, international conflict
taututetute tōrangapū ā-whenua
geopolitical conflict, geopolitical dispute
reciprocity, reciprocal
protocol for speechmaking on marae where local speakers and visiting speakers alternate (kupu kē atu: tū atu tū mai)
scam (takenga mai: tāware - to dupe, deceive)
identity scam, catfish scam (takenga mai: tāware - scam, to dupe, deceive; kiri - person, self; parau - false)
pyramid scheme, pyramid scam (takenga mai: tāware - scam, to dupe, deceive; koeko - pyramid)
donation scam
to oppose (a claim to land etc)
bay (kupu kē atu: koko, kokoru, kopanga)
scrub, brushwood (kupu kē atu: ururua, mōheuheu)
tribalism, tribalistic (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)
nationalism, nationalistic (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation, country)
evangelism, evangelical (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour, enthusiasm; rongopai - gospel)
Darwin (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
The Hague (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Dane, Danish (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
Hindu temple (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Buddhist temple (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Denmark (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
speed limit
asbestos (takenga mai: tē - negative, not; poko - to be extinguished) (kupu kē atu: kiripaka)
Tehran (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Tel Aviv (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Lesotho (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Jakarta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Germany (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hāmene)
Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
jihad (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
fanatical jihadi (takenga mai: tīhati [kupu mino] - jihad; whiwhita - fanaticism, dedication)
just, justice (kupu kē atu: huatika)
custom, lore, practice, convention
social science (kupu kē atu: ao tangata)
cultural practice
statistical technique, statistical convention
traditional customs
safeguard, security convention, safety protocol
East Timor
Zimbabwe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
absolute monarchy
sovereignty, autonomy, self-determination, independence (kupu kē atu: mana motuhake, rangatiratanga)
Iceland (takenga mai: tio - ice)
Tibet (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
nomad, nomadic, travel about (kupu kē atu: tangata takapau pōkai, kaewa)
population growth, population increase
economic growth
indigenous vegetation, endemic vegetation (kupu kē atu: otaota taketake)
exponential growth
grandparent, ancestor (kupu kē atu: tupuna)
Trinidad and Tobago (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
commission (finance) (takenga mai: tiri - share, portion)
treaty (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
bilateral treaty
multilateral treaty
view, lens, point of view, perspective
survey, statistical survey
Mount Aspiring
barren (land), infertile (ground), exhausted by over-cultivation
Diwali (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
labour intensive, laborious (kupu kē atu: papatoiake, papatoieke)
passive protest, passive action (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, protest; māhaki - placid, mild)
direct action (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, persist; tū - to fight, engage, oppose)
sit in (protest) (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, persist; noho - to sit)
disadvantage, disadvantaged, underprivileged (takenga mai: tō - e whai ana i tā te 'tōnui'; hore [pūhore] - scarce, poverty)
non-fungible token, NFT (takenga mai: tohu - sign, mark, token; kapi [whakakapi] - substitute, replacement; kore - negative)
geologic time scale (takenga mai: tohu - to signal; wā - time; nuku - Earth)
sexist, sexism, gender discrimination (takenga mai: toihara - discrimination; ira - gender) (kupu kē atu: aukatinga ā-ira, whakatoihara ā-ira)
age discrimination, ageism (kupu kē atu: aukatinga taipakeke)
able-bodied (takenga mai: toiora - sound, uninjured)
sustainable, sustainability
social sustainablity
iceberg (kupu kē atu: motu haupapa)
iron ore
fair, impartial
unfair (kupu kē atu: makihuhunu)
Tokelau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Tokyo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Togo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Stockholm (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
welfare, social welfare (takenga mai: toko - support; ora - welfare, well-being; Te Tari Toko i te Ora - Department of Social Welfare)
patriotic, patriotism, loyal, loyalism (takenga mai: tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal)
dominion (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Dominica (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
collective, association, consortium (takenga mai: tōpū - consolidated, merged, united)
melting pot, diverse amalgamation
cooperative (takenga mai: tōpū - consolidated, merged, united; mahi - work; tahi - as one, together)
melting pot, assimilative amalgamation (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)
politics, political
geopolitics, geopolitical
global politics
divided, polarised, split (kupu kē atu: totoe)
individual action, individual stance (takenga mai: tū - stance, to fight or oppose; kiri - person, self; tahi - single, one) (kupu kē atu: kawenga kiritahi)
collective action, collective stance (takenga mai: tū - stance, to fight or oppose; kiri - person, self; tōpū - as a group) (kupu kē atu: kawenga kiritōpū)
brinkmanship (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)
infrastructure (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; hanga [hanganga] - structure) (kupu kē atu: pūnahahanga)
health infrastructure
green infrastructure
school infrastructure
primary infrastructure, critical infrastructure
energy infrastructure
civic infrastructure
rail infrastructure
roading infrastructure
transport infrastructure (kupu kē atu: tūāhanga tūkawe)
water infrastructure
three-waters infrastructure
wastewater infrastructure
housing infrastructure
sister of a male
outdoor altar, sacred place for ritual practices
historical event, past event (takenga mai: tūāhua - situation)
significant event
older sister of a female, older brother of a male
gender identity
tribal identity
national identity (kupu kē atu: tuakiri ā-whenua)
national identity (kupu kē atu: tuakiri ā-motu)
cultural identity
personal identity
northern hemisphere
southern hemisphere
poverty, poverty-stricken, destitute, extremely poor (kupu kē atu: rawakore)
dictatorship, dictatorial (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, autocratic)
capitalist dictatorship (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; hao - acquisitive, greedy; angahaorawa - capitalism)
communist dictatorship (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] -autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; tōpū - combined, as a group, collective; angatōpū - communism)
benevolent dictatorship (takenga mai: arotau - to look kindly on, favourable)
volunteer, voluntary
civilisation (takenga mai: tūā[tūāpapa] - foundation; pori - people, tribe; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mātāpori)
western civilisation
ancient civilisation
distribute, distribution, allocate, allocation
population distribution
geographical distribution, geographical spread
prehistoric times, very ancient past
rural, rural locality, hinterland
unique, uniqueness (kupu kē atu: āhua ake, āhua motuhake)
cultural relativism (takenga mai: tū - stance; tū - type, sort; hāngai - relevant to, in line with)
cartography (takenga mai: tuhi - draw, write; mahere - map)
original document
connect, connectivity
interrelated, interrelatedness
biological process
natural process
mechanical process
sustainable process
decision making process
whirlwind, tornado, twister (kupu kē atu: āwhiowhio, hau pūkerikeri)
ill-treat, torture, abuse, maltreatment (kupu kē atu: maukino)
child abuse
injustice, maltreatment (kupu kē atu: hēnga)
historical abuse
social injustice (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)
terrorist attack
intergenerational language transmission
Turkmenistan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
philanthropy, philathropic (takenga mai: tuku - to give; oha - generous,munificent, gift)
natural amenity
basic amenity
suicide bombing (takenga mai: tuku - to release; pohū - bomb; whakamomori - suicide)
multiple reuse
reuse (kupu kē atu: whakamahi anō)
low carbon emission (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; iti - small, little)
carbon-zero, carbon neutral (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; kore - zero, nil)
enclosed incineration (takenga mai: tūmata - to burn, incinerate; kōpani - enclosed)
culture shock (takenga mai: tūmatatenga - apprehension, anxiety, unease)
historian (kupu kē atu: kaimātai hītori)
conservation status
brother of a female
Tunisia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
transport, transportation (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type of; nuku - move, shift) (kupu kē atu: ikiiki, kawe, tūkawe, waka)
land transport
air transport
water transport
active transport (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type of; nuku - to move, shift; tūnuku - transport; kori - active person; kori [kori tinana] - physical exercise)
aware, awareness, conscious, consciousness (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake,arise, be roused [of feelings]) (kupu kē atu: aroā)
cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, culturally aware
safety conscious, safety awareness
social awareness, socially aware
political awareness, politically aware
self-awareness, personal awareness
state of emergency (takenga mai: tū - to take place; ohotata - emergency)
national state of emergency
local state of emergency (kupu kē atu: tūohotata ā-rohe)
Dubai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
disarm, disarmament (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)
altruism, altruistic (takenga mai: tūpore - to care for, look after, treat kindly) (kupu kē atu: tauwhiro)
socioeconomic status
social status, social position (kupu kē atu: mana pāpori)
place of belonging
risk, at risk (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tū [tūponotanga] - chance; raru - in difficulty, trouble)
financial risk
safety risk
investment risk
security risk
law, act (of parliament), rule, statute (takenga mai: he kupu mino [reo Hīperu])
Torah (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Tōraha)
bylaw (kupu kē atu: paeroa [kupu mino])
civil law
criminal law
anarchy, lawlessness (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)
dialect (takenga mai: tū - type, manner, sort; reo - language)
constitution, constitutional (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
dysfunction, dysfunctional (takenga mai: turingongengonge - crippled, lame, malfunctioning)
family dysfunction
societal dysfunction
political dysfunction
intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction
indoctrinate, brainwashing (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)
equity (finance) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division)
gatekeeping, gatekeeper (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)
passive picket (takenga mai: tū - to stand, engage, oppose; tohe - to argue, contend; māhaki - mild, placid)
disruptive picket (takenga mai: tū - to stand, engage, oppose; tohe - to argue, contend; whakatōhenehene - to disrupt)
activism (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)
recommend, recommendation
terms of reference, job specification (takenga mai: tūtohu - to prescribe; mahi - work, job, action)
civil disobedience (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)
uproar, disturbance, furore
Tuvalu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
radical (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)
stable (takenga mai: tū - to stand, set in place; whena - firm, steady)
social stability (takenga mai: tū - to stand, establish; whena - firm, steady)
political stability
food security (takenga mai: tū - stance, position; whita - to be firm, secure)
energy security (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; whita - to be firm, secure)
deport, banish, expel (kupu kē atu: terepu)
scapegoat (takenga mai: uapare - to pass the blame)
conflicting values
personal values
sentimental value (takenga mai: uara - value; whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn, long for; whēnakonako - nostalgic)
Tolaga Bay
caucus, group (takenga mai: uepū - company, party, crew, group)
Uzbekistan (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
point of order (meeting term) (takenga mai: ui - question, query; tikanga - convention)
inquire, question, interview, ask (kupu kē atu: pātai)
true home, source of sustenance
Uganda (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Ukraine (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
company (business), agency (kupu kē atu: kamupene [kupu mino])
insurance company
transport company (takenga mai: kawekawe - to carry)
limited liability company
(workers) union (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
chair, chairperson, head of an organisation (takenga mai: upoko - head) (kupu kē atu: heamana [kupu mino], tiamana [kupu mino])
senior male line of descent
offspring, descendants, relatives (kupu kē atu: huauri)
Europe (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
Eastern Europe
Western Europe (takenga mai: Ūropi - Europe [kupu mino])
enforce, compel, coercion
Uruguay (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
respond, response
cultural response, cultural responsiveness
Holocaust (takenga mai: urupatu - annihilation; Hūrae [kupu mino] - Jew)
vegetation, ground cover, scrub (takenga mai: ururua - scrub, brushwood, fresh growth) (kupu kē atu: tāwhao, māheuheu)
adapt, adaptation
invade, invasion, attack (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)
passport (takenga mai: uru - to enter; whenua - country, nation)
cost, price, pay, payment
minimum wage
living wage
instalment (payment) (takenga mai: utu - to pay; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)
wholesale price
retail price, purchase price
cost of living (kupu kē atu: utu toiora)
excess (insurance) (takenga mai: utu - payment; tū - to stand, set in place; mua - in front, before)
cost price, manufacturing price
dividend (takenga mai: utu - payment; whaipānga - to have a share, interest)
overhead (finance) (takenga mai: utu - cost; whakahaere - to operate, administer)
replacement cost
paywave (takenga mai: whakaparo - to hover)
insurance premium
investment period
amnesty (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)
tourist (takenga mai: wae - leg, foot; tāpoi - tourism) (kupu kē atu: tūruhi [kupu mino])
centre-right (politics)
centre-left (politics)
decile (takenga mai: wae [waeine] - unit of measurement; ngahuru - ten)
low decile
high decile
mid decile
protective incantation
regulation (kupu kē atu: ture ārahi)
stranger or newcomer to a particular place (kupu kē atu: tauhou)
future time (takenga mai: wā - time; heke - to be coming) (kupu kē atu: anamata)
distant future
point of sale, POS
significant site
heterosexual female
homosexual female, lesbian
Washington (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
contaminated water (takenga mai: hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)
drinking water, potable water
fresh water
runoff (takenga mai: wai - water; rere - to flow; noa - without restraint)
stormwater, rain water
leachate (takenga mai: pākeka – land that has been exhausted by cultivation) (kupu kē atu: wai papī)
knowledge creation
endow, endowment (takenga mai: waiho - to leave)
groundwater (takenga mai: wai - water; nuku - earth)
surface water (takenga mai: wai - water; papa - surface, earth)
wastewater (takenga mai: wai - water; para - sediment, waste)
performance indicator (takenga mai: waitohu - to indicate, signify; tutuki - achieved, completed)
camper van, motor home
self-contained campervan (takenga mai: waka - vehicle; noho - to dwell; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent)
public transport (kupu kē atu: tūnuku tūmatanui)
past time (kupu kē atu: inamata)
distant past
recent past
knowledge and understanding (usually tribal), deliberate, consider, discuss
lifespan, life expectancy
value (monetary) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
market value
capital value
carbon, coal
present time (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)
subdivision (takenga mai: wawae - to divide, separate)
Venice (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Wales (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
challenge, ceremonial challenge (kupu kē atu: taki)
cognitive challenge
liberate, liberation, emancipatory (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)
Wesleyan, Methodist (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
decolonise, decolonisation (takenga mai: wete - to set free, release, untie, unravel; tāmi - colonise - suppress, repress)
Victoria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
France (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Wīwī].) (kupu kē atu: Parani)
slave, slavery, enslave
regenerate, restore, rehabilitate (takenga mai: haumanu - to restore to health) (kupu kē atu: whakamātūtū)
plan, planning
guarantee, assure, pledge
sexist, sexism, gender discrimination (takenga mai: toihara - discrimination; ira - gender) (kupu kē atu: aukatinga ā-ira, whakatoihara ā-ira)
age discrimination, ageism (kupu kē atu: aukatinga taipakeke)
free, freedom, liberty (kupu kē atu: herekore)
acquire knowledge, knowledge acquisition
hierarchical (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; paparanga - layer)
evidence based (takenga mai: whai - to possess, have; taunakitanga - evidence)
participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)
universal access (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)
cost-effective, cost-effectiveness (takenga mai: utu - cost, price, payment; whaihua - beneficial, worthwhile)
efficacy, efficacious (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - power, strength, ability) (kupu kē atu: ngoi)
self-efficacy (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - ability, strength; whaiaro - person, self) (kupu kē atu: ngoi whaiaro)
(ceremonial) speech, formal speech
fine (punishment) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
commercial goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga tauhokohoko)
short term goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga poto)
long term goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga roa)
social agenda, social goal
commercial goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga arumoni)
wealth, wealthy, rich
public space
informed consent
ethics approval
step relationship
food globalisation
increase density, intensify (housing etc) (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; apiapi - dense, crowded)
opinion, thought, idea, think
critical thinking
logical thinking
lateral thinking (takenga mai: kaurapa - having broad lateral projections)
unanimous, unanimity (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)
narrow minded (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; kūiti - narrow, confined)
public opinion
disruptive thinking (takenga mai: porohuri - to upset, overturn)
divergent thinking (takenga mai: roha – to spread out, extend out)
convergent thinking (takenga mai: rūnā - to reduce, pare down)
binary thinking, dichotomous thinking (takenga mai: tāhū - ridge beam of a house; rua - two; tāhūrua - binary)
conflicting idea
linear thinking
lower order thinking (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation, platform)
higher order thinking (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; rangi - sky, upper realm)
concrete thinking (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort; hāngai - correspond to, in line with, directly)
abstract thinking, abstract reasoning (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort; rehurehu - to be seen indistinctly) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro waitara)
open minded, open mind (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; tuwhera - to be open)
dogma (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)
commercialise (kupu kē atu: tāhoko)
represent, portray, representivity (takenga mai: whakaata - to reflect)
under-representation (takenga mai: tarepa - to be incomplete, in deficit)
over-representation (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
performance, exhibition
show, concert, performance
beauty pageant, beauty parade
repay, settle a debt
embark, proceed (onto marae)
invade, attack
disempower, disempowerment
organise, administer, manage, organisation
non-profit organisation
formal proceeding
waste management
resource management
non-governmental organisation, NGO (takenga mai: whakahaere - organisation; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent) (kupu kē atu: whakahaere tārake)
time management
diplomacy, diplomatic (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)
artificial fertiliser
discriminate against, discrimination, despise, degrade (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara, whakaparahako)
object, oppose
inheritance (takenga mai: whakaheke - to hand down, bequeath)
repatriate, return, repatriation
to abolish, do away with
amend, amendment, revise, revision
waste reduction, waste minimisation
self-righteous, conceited, arrogant, self-righteousness (takenga mai: whakakake - to assume superiority, self importance)
diversify, diversification
degrade, degradation, damage, spoil (kupu kē atu: takakino)
fact check (takenga mai: whakakoia - to affirm, confirm; meka - fact, truth)
corrupt, corruption (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)
deregulate, deregulation
romanticise, romanticisation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; kura - valued possession)
monument, memorial, commemoration
plan, planning
succession planning (takenga mai: taua - to succeed, be next in succession)
forced labour (takenga mai: mauhere - captive, imprisoned)
apply knowledge
enlighten, Enlightenment
tax concession, tax break (takenga mai: whakamāmā - to ease, relieve, lighten)
empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise
historical interpretation (kupu kē atu: whakamāori hītōria)
pacify, placate (kupu kē atu: whakamārire)
reconcile, reconciliatory, pacify (kupu kē atu: whakaepaepa, whakaturi)
secure, security (kupu kē atu: haumaru)
civil defence, emergency management (takenga mai: whakamaru - to protect, shelter; ohotata - emergency)
border security, border protection
data security
environmental protection, environmental safeguard
national security
mitigate, mitigation
frugal, economise, thrifty (takenga mai: whakamoamoa - economise, husband) (kupu kē atu: ihupuku)
exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerated (takenga mai: whakamōmona - to fatten, enrich)
monetise, monetisation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; moni [kupu mino] - money)
exterminate, annihilate, devastate, devastation
manufacture (takenga mai: whakanao - make, manipulate, operate on)
sustainable production
afforestation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; nehenehe - forest, bush)
entertain, entertainment
social amnesia (takenga mai: whakangongo - to neglect, disregard, pay no attention to) (kupu kē atu: wareware pāpori)
forced resettlement (takenga mai: tohu - to direct; here - restriction, obligation)
pepper potting (takenga mai: whakanoho - placement; toiroa - wide apart)
El Salvador
accuse, accusation, allege, allegation, assert, assertion (kupu kē atu: whakatuaki)
hypothesis, hypothetical
apology, regret, apologise
capacity building
to raise (a child etc), upbringing
genealogy, lineage, descent
marginalise, belittle, marginalisation
expenditure, expenses
consume, consumption, consumerism
hydraulic fracturing, fracking (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; piere - crack, fissure; waipēhi - hydraulic)
awareness raising, consciousness raising
mark up
despoil, pollute, defile, pollution
belief, ideology, doctrine, to believe in
unorthodox beliefs (takenga mai: korokē - extraordinary, strange, eccentric)
conflicting belief
political belief, political ideology
socialise, socialisation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)
ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)
produce, production
green production
recall (kupu kē atu: tiki mahara)
ethical production
mass produce, mass production (takenga mai: ngahue - in abundance, in great numbers)
threatened (of a species) (takenga mai: whakaraerae - to be vulnerable)
nationally vulnerable (of a species)
not threatened (of a species)
deforest, deforestation (kupu kē atu: tuangahere)
supply, provision
excess supply, oversupply
detain, detainee, confine, imprison (kupu kē atu: mauhere)
compete, competition
evacuate, evacuation, withdraw, retreat
advertise, promote, market, promotion (takenga mai: whakatairanga - to elevate, raise up) (kupu kē atu: pānui hokohoko)
compare, comparison, comparative (kupu kē atu: whakataurite)
urbanise, urbanisation
place a tapu or restriction on something, consecrate, consecration, sanctify
moratorium, suspension, postpone, postponement (takenga mai: whakatārewa - to suspend, postpone, defer, set aside)
conflict resolution
decide, decision, determine
welcome, ceremony of welcome
impose authority
contrast, contrasting (takenga mai: whakataurite – compare; tauaro – be opposite)
commodify, commodification (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)
segregate, segregation
shared decision, collective decision (takenga mai: tōpū - combined, unified, consolidated)
autocratic decision (takenga mai: tōtahi - single, solitary)
objectify, objectification, dehumanise (takenga mai: whakataurekareka - treat with contempt, subjugate, deride)
compare, comparison (kupu kē atu: whakatairite)
disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)
chemical treatment (e.g. of sewage)
waste treatment
sewage treatment
wastewater treatment
crop farming, cropping (takenga mai: whakatipu - to grow; huanga kai - crop)
sexually harass, sexual harassment (takenga mai: whakatīwheta - to torment, harass, annoy; hemahema - to make amorous advances) (kupu kē atu: whakatīwheta karihika)
demonstration, stage a demonstration (protest) (takenga mai: whakatōhenehene - disturb, disrupt)
prejudice, discriminate, discrimination
hegemony, domination, hegemonic (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)
cultural hegemony
white supremacy (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)
economic hegemony
political hegemony
terrorism, terrorise (kupu kē atu: whakatumatuma)
privatise, privatisation
reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)
validate, validation (kupu kē atu: whakapūmau)
radicalise (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tūwhana - radical; tū - to oppose, fight; whana - revolt, rebel)
social conditioning (takenga mai: whakaū - to make firm, establish, reinforce; poripori [whakaporipori] - socialisation; pori [pāpori] - social)
transform, transformation, transformational
social renewal, social transformation
(cultural) integration, integrate
judge, adjudicate, arbitrate, judgement
whakawaimeha (ahurea) ~tia ~nga
(cultural) assimilation (takenga mai: waimeha - diluted) (kupu kē atu: whakahanumi [iwi])
cyberbully, cyberbullying
xenophobia, xenophobic (takenga mai: whakaweti - to threaten, bully, intimidate; weti [wetiweti] - abhorrent, repulsive; momo - race; kē - different) (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara)
automatic transfer
electronic transfer
revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)
develop, development (takenga mai: whanake - to move onwards, to grow, to develop)
industrial development
technological development
economic development
social development
language development, linguistic development
child development
human development
urban development
sustainable development
aggravated robbery
minor theft
family, extended family
blended family (takenga mai: whiri - to plait, twist together; hono - to join together)
harbour, cove
nonconforming, nonconformist (takenga mai: whanokē - perculiar, different, odd)
social behaviour
conform, conformist (takenga mai: whano [whanonga] - behaviour; whano - e whai ana i tā te whanokē; tau - suitable, settled)
conserve, conservation (takenga mai: whāomoomo - to conserve, husband, use sparingly) (kupu kē atu: whakauka)
church, house of prayer, place of worship
synagogue (takenga mai: Hūrae - Jew, Jewish) (kupu kē atu: whare Hūrae)
mosque (takenga mai: Ihirama - Islam, Islamic) (kupu kē atu: whare Ihirama, whare karakia Muhirama)
green house, green home
archival storehouse, repository (kupu kē atu: rua mahara)
museum (kupu kē atu: whare pupuri taonga, whare tongarewa)
housing, accommodation, hostel
social housing (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, nurture; pori [pāpori] - social) (kupu kē atu: whare pāpori)
low density housing
high density housing
medium density housing
emergency housing, emergency accommodation
permanent housing, permanent accommodation
rental housing, rental accommodation, lease housing
temporary housing, temporary accommodation
transitional housing, transitional accommodation (takenga mai: tauwhiro [tauwhirowhiro] - transition, about to change; tauwhiro - to tend, care for)
high-rise apartment (takenga mai: tīkoke - high, tall, towering)
infill housing (takenga mai: whakakapi - to fill up a space, occupy, cover)
Valleta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
valley (kupu kē atu: pārua, tairua, taiororua)
business network
advanced, mature
input (takenga mai: whā - causative prefix; uru - to enter, go in)
government intervention (takenga mai: whawhe - to manipulate, interfere with)
factory (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
nostalgia, nostalgic (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)
land, country, nation, state
second world nation
first world nation
third world nation
New Caledonia (kupu kē atu: Kanaki, Niu Karetōnia [kupu mino])
colony (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])
island nation
tussock land
alpine land (takenga mai: tairanga - to be elevated)
low-lying land
welfare state
republic (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)
democratic republic
autocratic republic
western country, westernised nation
developing nation, developing country
dependency, dependent nation (kupu kē atu: whenua pararau)
developed nation, developed country
Vanuatu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Vienna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Finland (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hinerangi)
depend on, dependency (kupu kē atu: pararau)
welfare dependency (takenga mai: whirinaki - to depend on, rely on; toko - support; ora - life, well-being; tokoora - welfare) (kupu kē atu: pararau tokoora)
negotiate, consult, negotiation
Fiji (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
Vietnam (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
penalise, penalty, punish, punishment, sanction
trade sanction (takenga mai: whiunga - penalty)
employment, employed
privilege, privileged (takenga mai: whiwhi - to have, acquire, possess; painga - benefit, advantage) (kupu kē atu: momoho)
gender privilege
religious privilege
white privilege (kupu kē atu: whiwhi painga kiritea)
socioeconomic privilege
heterosexual privilege
fanaticism, fanatical
Florence (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)