Ko te kāhui tāngata, ko te rūnanga, kei a rātou te mana whakahaere i tētahi whenua. He kāwanatanga manapori tō Aotearoa, mā te pōtitanga whānui i ia toru tau e whakatauria ai ki tēhea rōpū tōrangapū te ringa kaha hei kāwana.
The group or council of people which has management authority for a nation. Aotearoa has a democratic government, where the general election held every three years determines which political party will hold the reins of power to govern.
He kupu mino.
Te āhua nei ka tū anō rātou hei kāwanatanga mō te toru tau e haere ake nei.
Kua ono tau ināianei te kāwanatanga aromauī o tērā whenua, e whai ana i te tōkeketanga mō te katoa.
Ko wai mā ētahi whenua he kāwanatanga tuanui ō rātou?