Ko te takanga o tētahi wā pērā i te manotau, i te rautau me te ngahurutau. Ko tā te wānanga hītori, he wehewehe i ngā wā o mua ki ētahi takiwā i mahia ai tētahi mahi, i pā ai tētahi āhuatanga rānei, pērā i te takiwā i mua i te taenga mai o te tangata ki Aotearoa, te takiwā o te hekenga nui, me te takiwā tātāmi.
A passage of time such as a millennium, a century and a decade. The academic discipline of history breaks the past into different time periods or eras where particular activities were undertaken, or particular circumstances were in effect, such as the era before humans arrived in Aotearoa, the time of the great migration, and the time of colonisation.
He takiwā hou tēnei te haere mai nei, ko te hangarau matihiko tōna iho.