Ko te tiaki me te whakapūmau i a Papatūānuku me tōna katoa, arā, ko ngā rauropi, ko ngā rawa māori me ngā pūnaha hauropi. Mā te whāomoomo e toitū ai ngā āhuatanga e ora tonu ai ngā mea ora katoa.
The protection and maintenance of all facets of the Earth, such as the organisms, the natural resources and ecosystems. Conservation sustains the conditions necessary for all living things.
whāomoomo - to conserve, husband, use sparingly
Ko tā mātou mahi, he rangahau, he whakatairite i ngā kaupapahere whāomoomo a ngā rōpū tōrangapū.
Ko ngā mahi whāomoomo o ināianei hei oranga mō ngā reanga o āpōpō mai.
Ko te patu paihamu me ōna hoa kīrearea pērā i te toriura tētahi o ngā mahi whāomoomo e whāia ana e ngā rōpū tiaki ngahere, huri i te motu.