He pūnaha amiorangi hei tautuhi i te wāhi noho o tētahi mea. Ko tā te pūrere kimi taunga he hopu i ngā ngaru irirangi e tukuna ana e ētahi amiorangi e toru (nui ake rānei). Mā te ine i te wā e tae mai ai ngā ngaru ki te pūrere, ka tātaihia te tawhiti o te pūrere i aua amiorangi. Mā kōnei e mōhiotia ai te ahopae, te ahopou me te teitei o te pūwāhi e noho nei te pūrere.
A system of satellites used to determine the location of something. A GPS device receives signals from three or more satellites. By measuring the time taken for the signal to get to the device, the distance to the satellites can be calculated. From this, the latitude, longitude and altitude of the place where the device is located can be ascertained.
pūnaha ‒ system
kimi ‒ search
taunga ‒ location
He aha ētahi whakamahinga o te Pūnaha Kimi Taunga i roto i ngā mahi o ia rā?
E hono ana ngā waea atamai katoa o ēnei rā ki te Pūnaha Kimi Taunga.
He tino tika tā te Pūnaha Kimi Taunga tautuhi pūwāhi, kāore i rahi ake i te 1cm te hē o ētahi.