He tukanga tino roa e huri ai te āhua me te hanga o tētahi mea ki āhua kē, ki hanga kē. Ko te kuneroa o te tangata hei tauira, arā, i te takanga o te wā tino roa ka puta te tangata i te kore, i te pō, i te puni atua ki te whaiao ki te ao mārama. Ki tā te pūtaiao Pākehā, e ono miriona tau te kuneroa o te tangata mai i ngā tīpuna makimaki.
A long process of change from one form or structure to another. Human evolution is an example where over aeons humans evolved from te kore, from te pō, from the company of atua into the world of light. According to western science humans evolved from apelike ancestors over a period of about six million years.
kune - to swell, grow
roa - to be a long time
He aha tā te Māori mō te kuneroa o te ao e noho nei tātou?
He wā roa e kuneroa ana tā te tangata whatu i ngā momo papanga hei hanga kākahu mōna.
E kuneroa tonu ana te āhua o tā tātou noho ā-pori.