Mātauranga Whānui

Mātauranga Whānui

English → Māori



Paetae (takenga mai: pae - horizon, step of a ladder; tae - to achieve, arrive)

accredit, accreditation, accredited

whakamana ~tia ~tanga

achieve, achievement, achieved

tutuki ~nga (kupu kē atu: ekenga paetae, eke)

achievement aim

whāinga eke (kupu kē atu: whāinga tutuki)

achievement objective

whāinga paetae (takenga mai: whāinga [whai] - to follow, pursue, aim at; pae - horizon, step of a ladder; tae - to achieve, arrive; paetae - achievement)

achievement standard (*Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa)

paerewa paetae

active learner

ākonga hihiri (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)

active learning

ako hihiri (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)

additive bilingualism

reorua tāpiripiri

adult education

ako pāhake (kupu kē atu: ako pakeke)

adult learner, adult student

ākonga pāhake (kupu kē atu: ākonga pakeke)

alternative education centre

whareako arokē

alternative education, alternative learning

ako arokē (takenga mai: aro - to face, turn towards, be inclined towards; kē - different, alternative)

antagonistic behaviour

whanonga nihoniho (takenga mai: nihoniho - antagonistic)

antisocial behaviour

whanonga tūhourangi (takenga mai: tūhourangi - uncouth, boorish, ill-mannered)


pia (kupu kē atu: ringa tauhou)


mahi pia

area school, composite school

kura ā-rohe (kupu kē atu: kura arongatahi)

assess, assessment

aromatawai ~tia (takenga mai: aro - to take notice of, focus on; matawai - look closely)

assessment criteria

paearu aromatawai

assessment framework

anga aromatawai

assessment judgement

whakataunga aromatawai (kupu kē atu: whakawākanga aromatawai)

assessment process

tukanga aromatawai (kupu kē atu: huarahi aromatawai)

assessment resource

rauemi aromatawai

assessment task

ngohe aromatawai


taumahi (kupu kē atu: whakatauanga mahi)

assistant principal

tumuaki kaiāwhina



audio book


audio resource

rauemi oro

auditory learning

ako rorongo (takenga mai: rongo - to hear)

authentic learning

ako houtupu

authentic learning task

ngohe ako houtupu

authenticity, authentication

motuhēhē ~nga (takenga mai: motuhēhē - genuine, authentic)


bachelor's degree

tohu paetahi

bachelor's degree with honours

tāhū paetahi

beginning teacher

pouako pia (takenga mai: pia - novice, trainee, apprentice)

behavioural disorder

mate whanonga

behavioural intervention

hāpai whanonga (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

behaviourism, behaviourist

taki whanonga (takenga mai: taki - to lead, bring on)

bilingual education

mātauranga reorua

blended learning

ako hanumi (takenga mai: hanumi - to be merged, mixed)

board of trustees, BOT, school board

rūnanga kura (kupu kē atu: poari whakahaere)

boarding school

kura noho

bottom stream

pūkaki raro


ohia manomano ~tia (takenga mai: ohia - to think on the spur of the moment; manomano - innumerable)

breakout space, breakout room

kopa mahiwehe (takenga mai: kopa - floor space and corner on the left on entering a wharenui; mahi - to work; wehe - separate, detached)

bridging course

akoranga arawhiti

bully, bullying

whakaweti ~a



aramahi (takenga mai: ara - pathway; mahi - work)

career option

kōwhiringa aramahi

career pathway

kāpeka aramahi (takenga mai: kāpeka - branch; ara - path; mahi - work)

careers advisor, vocational guidance counsellor

kaitohu aramahi

certificate (qualification)

pōkaitahi (kupu kē atu: tiwhikete [kupu mino])

classmate, fellow student, learning friend

hoa ako

classroom climate, classroom atmosphere

wairua (o te) akomanga

classroom culture

ahurea (o te) akomanga

classroom management

whakahaere akomanga

classroom test

whakamātautau akomanga

co-construct, co-construction

hanga ngātahi ~tia ~tanga

co-educational school

kura irahuhua (takenga mai: ira - gender; huhua - many; irahuhua - gender diverse)

cognitive skill

pūkenga hirikapo

cognitive taxonomy

tātaitanga hirikapo (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order; hirikapo - mind, intellect, cognition)

cohort entry

whakaurunga ā-pūtoi (takenga mai: pūtoi - bunch, cluster, kinship group)

collaborative learning

ako ngātahi

collaborative learning skills

pūkenga ako ngātahi

collaborative pedagogy

(ara) whakaako ngātahi

community education provider, community learning organisation

whareako ā-hapori

community of learning

kāhui ako (takenga mai: kāhui - swarm, flock, cluster)

conceptual understanding pedagogy

(ara) whakaako orotau hōhonu

conceptual understanding, deep understanding

orotau hōhonu (takenga mai: orotau - to understand, comprehend; hōhonu - deep)

constructive feedback

whakahokinga (kōrero) whaihua (takenga mai: whaihua - beneficial)

constructivism, construct understanding, constructivist

hanga māramatanga

content (subject matter)

kai (takenga mai: kai - food)


horopaki (takenga mai: horopaki - surround)

continuous entry

whakaurunga moroki

contributing school

kura whāngai (takenga mai: whāngai - to feed)

convergent learner

ākonga arorūnā (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; aro [whakaaro] - to think; rūnā - to reduce, pare down)

convergent thinking

whakaaro rūnā (takenga mai: rūnā - to reduce, pare down)

cooperative learning

ako paheko (takenga mai: paheko - combine, cooperate)

core lesson, core course, core learning

akoranga mātāmua

core subject

marau (ako) mātāmua

counsellor, guidance counsellor

kaitohuora (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tohu - to advise, guide; ora - well-being) (kupu kē atu: pouora, poutohuora)


mahi akoranga

creative, creativity

auaha ~tanga

criteria referenced assessment

aromatawai paearu (takenga mai: paearu - criteria)

criteria, criterion

paearu (takenga mai: pae - step [of a ladder]; aru - follow, pursue)

critical feedback

whakahokinga (kōrero) arohaehae

critical review, scathing evaluation

arotakenga tātā

critical thinking

whakaaro arohaehae

cross-curricular, interdisciplinary, intergrated (curriculum)

marau-hanumi (takenga mai: marau [marau ako] - subject; marau [marautanga] - curriculum; hanumi - to be merged, mixed, combined)

cultural capital

aroā ahurea (takenga mai: aroā - to comprehend, understand, perceive)

cultural capital

tahua ahurea (kupu kē atu: aroā ahurea, rourou ahurea)

cultural literacy

mātau ahurea

curious, inquisitive, inquisitiveness




cyberbully, cyberbullying

whakaweti ā-ipurangi


data driven

aro raraunga (takenga mai: aro - to take heed of, consider; raraunga - data)


waengahuru (takenga mai: wae [waeine] - unit of measurement; ngahuru - ten)

decile system

pūnaha waengahuru (takenga mai: wae [waeine] - unit of measurement; ngahuru - ten)

deep learning

ako hōhonu (kupu kē atu: ako rētō)

deficit discourse

kōrero aro takarepa (takenga mai: kōrero - discourse, talk, narrative; aro - to take heed, pay attention to, be inclined toward; takarepa - deficiency, flaw)

deliberate, consider, discuss, discussion, seminar, forum, conference, conferencing

wānanga ~tia

deputy principal

tumuaki tuarua

derived grade

tohu kounga pūkē (takenga mai: pū - source, derivation, origin; kē - alternative)

diagnostic assessment

aromatawai kohura (takenga mai: kohura - to uncover)

diagnostic test

whakamātautau kohura (takenga mai: kohura - uncover, reveal)

digital gamification for learning

para ako matihiko

digital learning

ako matihiko

digital literacy

mātau matihiko

digital portfolio

kōpaki matihiko

digital resource

rauemi matihiko

diligent, conscientious


diploma (qualification)


direct instruction, explicit instruction, explicit teaching

ako horipū (takenga mai: horipū - direct)

discovery learning

ako tūhura

discretionary entrance

urunga kōwhiti (takenga mai: kōwhiti - to choose)

disruptive behaviour

whanonga whakatōhenehene (kupu kē atu: whanonga toheriri)

distance learning, extramural learning

ako ki tawhiti

divergent learner

ākonga aroroha (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; aro [whakaaro] - to think; roha - to extend out)

divergent thinking

whakaaro roha (takenga mai: roha - to extend out)

diverse needs

matea rau (takenga mai: matea - to be needed; rau - many)

doctoral degree

tohu kairangi

doctoral thesis

tuhinga kairangi

domestic student

ākonga rāroto

dual (enrolled) student

ākonga urungarua (kupu kē atu: ākonga kura paparua)

dual bilingual education, two way bilingual education

mātauranga reorua kārure (takenga mai: kārure - two strand cord or rope)


Education Review Office, ERO

(Te) Tari Arotake Mātauranga

English as a second language, ESL

(te) reo Ingarihi hei reo tuarua




īako (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga oro o te 'e' mai i te electronic; ako - to learn or teach) (kupu kē atu: ako matihiko)

early childhood centre, pre-school

kura kōhungahunga (kupu kē atu: whareako kōhungahunga)

education advisor

kaitohu mātauranga

education provider, educational institution


education workforce

rāngaimahi mātauranga (takenga mai: rāngai - flock, group, sector)

educational pathway

ara mātauranga

educational qualification, academic qualification

tohu mātauranga

efficacy, efficacious

whaikaha (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - power, strength, ability) (kupu kē atu: ngoi)

elective course, elective lesson

akoranga kōwhiri (takenga mai: kōwhiri - to choose)

elective subject

marau (ako) kōwhiri (takenga mai: kōwhiri - to choose) (kupu kē atu: marau [ako] mātāmuri)

emancipatory learning, emancipatory education

ako wetehere (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - restriction, tie)

emancipatory pedagogy

(ara) whakaako wetehere (takenga mai: wete - to release, set free; here - tie, shackle)

engaged, engagement, absorbed

manawa ū ~tanga (takenga mai: manawa - heart; manawa [manawarū] - enraptured; ū - be firm, fixed, resolute) (kupu kē atu: tāuteute)

enquiry cycle, inquiry cycle

tūhuratanga amio (takenga mai: tūhura - explore, investigate, bring to light; amio - circle around, travel around) (kupu kē atu: huringa pakirehua)

enquiry question, inquiry question

pātai pakirehua (takenga mai: pakirehua - to make enquiries, question)

entrepreneurial skills

pūkenga rakahinonga (takenga mai: raka - agile, adept, spread abroad; hinonga - enterprise, undertaking)

entry level, entry requirement

paeuru (takenga mai: pae - step, rung of a ladder; uru - enter, enrol, be included)

entry qualification

tohu uru

equity index

tauine tautika

equivalent full time student, EFTS

tatauranga ākonga ukiuki (takenga mai: tatau - to count up, tally)

essay exam, essay test

whakamātautau tuhi ā-kura

essay, essay writing

tuhi ā-kura

evaluate, review, evaluation

arotake ~ngia ~nga (kupu kē atu: aromātai)

evidence based intervention

hāpaiora whai taunaki

exchange student

ākonga whakawhiti

exclude, exclusion

aukati ~a ~nga

explicit curriculum

marautanga mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear)

external assessment

aromatawai ā-waho

external examination

whakamātautau ā-waho

external moderation

mātairua ā-waho

external motivation

hihiko rāwaho

extra-curricular activity

mahi marau-turuki (takenga mai: turuki - to come as a supplement, follow)


face to face (learning)

(ako) kanohi ki te kanohi

factual information

kōrero pono (kupu kē atu: meka, pārongo pono)

fail, failure

taka (takenga mai: taka - fail of fulfillment) (kupu kē atu: mūhore, hanepītanga)

fairness (of assessment)

tōkeke (o te aromatawai)


whakahoki (kōrero) ~nga

financial literacy

mātau ahumoni

fixed mindset

aronga hinengaro whakauka

flexible learning

ako tāwariwari

flipped learning

ako tononoa (takenga mai: tono - to request; noa - just, merely; tononoa - on demand)

formal assessment

aromatawai ōkawa

formal learning, formal education

ako ōkawa

formative assessment

aromatawai arataki (takenga mai: arataki - to conduct, lead, point out, guide)

full time student

ākonga ukiuki (takenga mai: ukiuki - lasting, continuous)


game based learning

para ako (takenga mai: para [para whakawai] - trials of skill in games) (kupu kē atu: ako pūkēmu, ako pūtākaro)

gatekeeping, gatekeeper

tūtei tomokanga (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)

gifted and talented (education)

(ako) iho pūmanawa (takenga mai: iho pūmanawa - talented person)

gifted learner, talented learner

ākonga iho pūmanawa


tohu kounga (takenga mai: tohu - to indicate; kounga - quality)

graduand, graduate

kiriwhakapōtae (takenga mai: kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: raukura)


raukura (takenga mai: raukura - treasure, plume of high honour)

graduate profile

kāhua kiriwhakapōtae (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance; kiri - person, self; whakapōtae - to be capped) (kupu kē atu: kāhua raukura)

graduate, graduation

whakapōtae ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakapūmau [tanga] tohu)

gratification, satisfaction, gratified

māha ~tanga (takenga mai: māha - to be gratified, satisfied)

group activity, work as a group

mahi ā-rōpū

group assessment

aromatawai ā-rōpū

group evaluation

arotake ā-rōpū

group intervention, collaborative intervention, group support

hāpai takirōpū (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

growth mindset

aronga hinengaro whakatipu


head of department

upoko uepū (takenga mai: uepū - company, group, crew) (kupu kē atu: kaihautū uepū, upoko wehenga, upoko tūtanga)

high decile

waengahuru teitei

high expectation

kawatau teitei

high self-esteem

kiritau hihiri (takenga mai: hihiri - spirited, lively) (kupu kē atu: kiritau rīrā, kiritau tōrunga)

higher order thinking

whakaaro tūārangi (takenga mai: tūā - e whai ana i tā te 'tūāpapa'; rangi - sky, upper realm) (kupu kē atu: kauae runga)

home school

kura kāinga


implicit curriculum, hidden curriculum

marautanga matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; huna - conceal, hide)

implicit learning, implicit instruction

ako matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; huna - to conceal, hide)

inclusive education

mātauranga kauawhi

inclusive learning

ako kauawhi

inclusive school, inclusive schooling

kura kauawhi

independence, independent

tū motuhake (takenga mai: tū - stance, to stand, take place; motuhake - separate, independent)

independent activity, work independently

mahi tūhake (takenga mai: tū - to stand, take place; hake [motuhake] - independent) (kupu kē atu: ngohe tūhake)

independent learner

ākonga tūhake (takenga mai: tū - to stand, take place; hake [motuhake] - independent)

independent learning, learn independently

ako tūhake (takenga mai: tū - to stand, take place; hake [motuhake] - independent)

individual activity, work individually

mahi takitahi (kupu kē atu: ngohe takitahi)

individual assessment

aromatawai takitahi

individual education plan, IEP

mahere ako whaiaro (takenga mai: whaiaro - person, self)

individual intervention, one to one intervention, individual support

hāpai takitahi (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

individualised assessment, tailored assessment

aromatawai kiritahi

individualised learning, tailored instruction, personalised learning

ako kiritahi

individualistic pedagogy

(ara) whakaako kiritahi

industry training organisation, ITO

whakahaere whakangungu ahumahi (kupu kē atu: whareako ahumahi, whare whakangungu ahumahi)

informal assessment

aromatawai ōpaki

informal learning, informal education

ako ōpaki

informed opinion, reasoned opinion

whakaaro pūmōhio (takenga mai: pū - source, origin; mōhio - wisdom, knowing)

initiative, to show initiative

kakama (takenga mai: kakama - quick, astute, alert)

intermediate school

kura waenga

internal assessment

aromatawai ā-roto

internal examination

whakamātautau ā-roto

internal moderation

mātairua ā-roto

internal motivation

hihiko rāroto

international student, foreign student

ākonga rāwaho

intervene, intervention

hāpaiora ~a ~nga (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - wellness)



lacking initiative


language across the curriculum

(te) toro o te reo i te marautanga tukipū (kupu kē atu: te toro rangiwhāwhā o te reo)

language mode

matareo (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; reo - language)

leadership skills

pūkenga hautū

learning area

wāhanga ako (takenga mai: wāhanga - part, division)

learning context

horopaki ako

learning difficulty

taitu ako (takenga mai: taitu - to be hindered, impeded)

learning disposition

aronga ako (takenga mai: aro - be inclined toward, disposed toward) (kupu kē atu: pūmanawa ako)

learning environment

taiao ako

learning intervention

hāpai ako (takenga mai: hāpai - uplift, support; ako - to learn)

learning need

matea ako (takenga mai: matea - to be needed)

learning objective, instructional objective, learning intention

whāinga ako

learning outcome

hua ako

learning outside the classrom, EOTC

akoranga tūwaho

learning programme, programme of learning

hōtaka ako

learning style

taera ako (takenga mai: taera - style [kupu mino])

learning task, learning activity

ngohe ako

learning topic, learning theme

kaupapa ako

lecture, sermon

kauhau ~tia

lesson, course, learning


life skills

pūkenga noho ora

lifelong education, continuing education, lifelong learning

ako taumano

lifelong learner

ākonga taumano


(mātau) reo matatini

literal understanding

orotau more (takenga mai: orotau - to understand, comprehend; more - plain, bare)

local curriculum

marautanga haukāinga

long term goal

whāinga paetawhiti (kupu kē atu: whāinga roa)

low decile

waengahuru hahaka

low expectation

kawatau hahaka

low self-esteem

kiritau ngoikore (takenga mai: ngoikore - weak) (kupu kē atu: kiritau hahaka)

lower order thinking

whakaaro tūāpapa (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation, platform) (kupu kē atu: kauae raro)




Māori tertiary insitution


mainstream school, mainstream schooling

kura auraki (kupu kē atu: kura rīroa)

mark (e.g for an assignment), to mark

māka ~hia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

master's degree

tohu paerua

matrix, grid

mahere (tukutuku) (takenga mai: mahere - map, plan)


kaiwhakaruruhau (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; whakaruruhau - to protect, shelter) (kupu kē atu: pouhāpai, kaikumanu, pou āwhina)

mentoring, mentorship

kumanu ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kumanu - to tend, foster, care for) (kupu kē atu: poipoi)

metacognitive, metacognition

whiringa hirikapo (takenga mai: whiringa [whiriwhiri] - to consider; hirikapo - mind, intellect) (kupu kē atu: aroā hirikapo)

mid decile

waengahuru waenga

mind map, concept map

mahere huatau


aronga hinengaro (takenga mai: aronga - to be inclined toward, focus)

model, exemplify

whakatauira ~hia (takenga mai: whakatauira - illustration, example, sample)

modelling book

puka whakatauira

moderate, moderation

mātairua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: whakaōrite)

modern learning environment

taiao ako hou

motivate, stimulate, motivation, motivated

(whaka) hihiko ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kipakipa)

multi-choice test, multi-choice exam

whakamātautau whirirau (takenga mai: whiri [kōwhiri] - to choose; rau - many)

multimedia resource

rauemi rongorau (takenga mai: rongo - to hear, sense; rau - many)


National Certificate of Educational Achievement, NCEA

(Te) Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea

National Curriculum for Māori Medium Education

(Te) Marautanga o Aotearoa

New Zealand Correspondence School

(Te) Aho o te Kura Pounamu

New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

(Te) Pūkenga

New Zealand Qualifications Authority, NZQA

(Te) Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa

New Zealand Qualifications Framework, NZQF

(Te) Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Not Achieved

Kāore i Eke

national curriculum

marautanga ā-motu

national examination

whakamātautau ā-motu

national qualification

tohu mātauranga ā-motu

negative atmosphere, negative climate

wairua whakakino

negative feedback

whakahokinga (kōrero) tātā (takenga mai: tātā - criticise, express disapproval) (kupu kē atu: whakahokinga [kōrero] ngākaukino, whakahokinga [kōrero] tōraro)


mātau pāngarau (kupu kē atu: te reo matatini o te pāngarau)


objective assessment

aromatawai tapatahi (takenga mai: tapatahi - having one aspect; tapatahi [ngākau tapatahi] - impartial, neutral, fair)

objective criteria

paearu tapatahi

objective opinion

whakaaro tapatahi (takenga mai: tapatahi [ngākau tapatahi] - impartial, unbiased)

online classroom

akomanga tuihono

online course, online lesson

akoranga tuihono

online learning

ako tuihono

online portfolio

kōpaki tuihono

online resource

rauemi tuihono

online test, online examination

whakamātautau tuihono

open-book examination, open-book test

whakamātautau puka-hura



oral test, oral examination

whakamātautau ā-waha

outdoor education

akoranga tū-ā-nuku

over-dependence, over-dependent

whirinaki tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - over much, excessive)


part time student

ākonga harangotengote

passive learning

ako hohe-iti (takenga mai: hohe - to be active, energetic; iti - a small amount)

pedagogy, teaching approach

ara whakaako (takenga mai: ara - pathway, means of conveyance)

peer assessment

aromatawai aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree, peer)

peer conference, peer conferencing

wānanga aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree)

peer review, peer evaluation

arotake aropā

persevere, perseverance, determination


physical bullying, physical bully

whakaweti ā-tinana

plagiarise, plagiarism

tārua whānako (takenga mai: tārua - copy; whānako - to steal)

polytechnic, polytech


poor learning disposition, negative learning disposition

aronga ako takarepa (takenga mai: takarepa - deficient)

positive atmosphere, positive climate

wairua whakapai

positive feedback, feedback positively

mihi ~a (kupu kē atu: whakahokinga [kōrero] ngākaupai, whakahokinga [kōrero] tōrunga)

positive learning disposition

aronga ako whaihua (takenga mai: whaihua - worthwhile, of value, beneficial)

positive mindset

aronga hinengaro tōrunga

post graduate qualification

tohu tāura (takenga mai: tāura - second order of learners)

practical test, practical examination

whakamātautau ā-ringa

pre-entry course

akoranga uru tōmua (kupu kē atu: akoranga uru tūmua)


akoranga tōmua (kupu kē atu: akoranga tūmua, akoranga whakapakari)

primary school

kura tuatahi

principal, head teacher


print resource

rauemi tā

prior experience

wheako o mua

prior knowledge

mātauranga o mua

prior learning

akoranga o mua

private school

kura tūmataiti

private training establishment, PTO

whakahaere whakangungu tūmataiti (kupu kē atu: whare whakangungu tūmataiti)

problem solving skills

pūkenga whakaoti rapanga

procedural knowledge

mātau hātepe (takenga mai: mātau - to know; hātepe - to follow in regular sequence, process, procedure)

procedural pedagogy

(ara) whakaako hātepe

productive language

reo whakaputa

professional development, professional learning, PLD

ako ngaiotanga

proficiency test, proficiency examination

whakamātautau matatau


koke ~nga (takenga mai: koke - to move forward)

public opinion

whakaaro o te marea

public school, state (funded) school

kura tūmatanui




qualifications framework

anga tohu mātauranga


Reading Recovery

Whakapiki Pānui

receptive language

reo torohū (takenga mai: torohū - be latent)

record of progress

mauhanga kokenga (kupu kē atu: pūranga kokenga)

relevant, relevance, meaningful, important

whai tikanga (takenga mai: whai tikanga - have importance, meaningful) (kupu kē atu: hāngai)

reliable, reliability (of assessment)

haepapa (o te aromatawai) (takenga mai: haepapa - straight, correct, responsible, reliable)

remedial learning, remedial education

ako whakapakari (takenga mai: whakapakari - to strengthen)

resilience, resilient


reskill, reskilling

ako pūkenga hou

resource teacher of Māori

pouhāpai reo Māori

resource teacher of deaf students

pouhāpai turi

resource teacher of learning and behaviour, RTLB

pouhāpai i te ako me te whanonga

responsive practice

mahi aronui (takenga mai: aronui - to take notice of, focus on)

resubit, resubmission

tāpaerua ~tia ~tanga

reviewer, evaluator


revise, study (e.g for an exam), swot

takamātau (takenga mai: taka - to prepare; taka - causative prefix; mātau - knowledge)

rewindable learning

ako tukurua (takenga mai: tukurua - to repeat, redo)

rich learning task

ngohe ako haumako (takenga mai: haumako - fertile, productive [of soil])

risk taker, risk taking

manawa kai tūraru (takenga mai: manawa - heart; kai - to consume; tūraru - risk; e whai ana i te 'manawa kai tūtae')

role model

kiriwhakatauira (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; whakatauira - to exemplify) (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakatauira)

rote learning

ako ā-kākā (takenga mai: ā-kākā - in the manner of a parrot)


mahere paearu kounga (takenga mai: mahere - plan, chart; paearu - criteria; kounga - quality)


Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource, STAR

(Te) Pūtea Kōtui i te Rāngai Paerua me te Rāngai Paetoru

scaffold, scaffolding


school curriculum

marautanga ā-kura

school entry

whakaurunga kura

school operating under Māori custom and using Māori as the medium of learning

kura kaupapa Māori

school operating under tribal custom and focussing on learning important to the tribe

kura ā-iwi

school term

kaupeka kura (takenga mai: kaupeka - section, division, part, season) (kupu kē atu: wāhanga o te tau kura)

school, attending school

kura ~ina

second language acquisition, SLA

hopu reo rua (takenga mai: hopu - to catch)

second language learning, SLL

ako reo rua

secondary school operating under Māori custom and using Māori as the medium of learning


secondary school qualification

tohu kura tuarua

secondary school, high school

kura tuarua


aromatawai whaiaro (takenga mai: whaiaro - self, person)

self-directed learning

ako tautauāmoa (takenga mai: tautauāmoa - each for oneself)


urupū whaiaro (takenga mai: urupū - diligent, persevering)


whaikaha whaiaro (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - power, strength, ability; whaiaro - personal, self) (kupu kē atu: ngoi whaiaro)

self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect


self-management skills

pūkenga auāki (takenga mai: au - I, me; āki - to encourage, urge on) (kupu kē atu: pūkenga taki whaiaro)

self-paced learning

ako koke whaiaro (takenga mai: koke - to move forward on a course; whaiaro - self, personal)

self-review, self-evaluation, self-appraisal

arotake whaiaro

short term goal

whāinga paetata (kupu kē atu: whāinga poto)

single sex school

kura iratahi (takenga mai: ira - gender; tahi - one)

skill, skilled, expert

pūkenga ~tia

social bullying, social bully

whakaweti pāpori

social skills

pūkenga pāpori

socioeconomic index

tauine ohapori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

socioeconomic level

kōeke ohapori

special character school, designated character school

kura motuhake

speech and language therapist

kaihaumanu reo ā-waha (kupu kē atu: kaihaumanu whakaputa reo, kaiwhakatika reo)

sports coordinator

kairuruku hākinakina (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; ruruku - to draw together, bind together)

stand down, informal suspension

whakatārewa ōpaki

standard, benchmark

paerewa (takenga mai: pae - step [of a ladder]; rewa - elevated)

streaming (in education)

whakapūkaki (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pūkaki - stream)

studdy buddy, study partner

hoa takamātau (takenga mai: taka - to prepare; taka - causative prefix; mātau - knowledge)

student agency

kahawhiri (o te) ākonga (takenga mai: kaha - power, strength, ability; whiri [kōwhiri] - to choose)

student, learner

ākonga (kupu kē atu: tauira)


mātai ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate)

subject (for learning and teaching)

marau (ako) (takenga mai: marau - subject of talk)

subject choice

whiringa marau ako

subjective assessment

aromatawai taparoto (takenga mai: tapa [tapatahi] - objective; roto - inside)

subjective opinion

whakaaro taparoto (takenga mai: tapa - e whai ana i tā te 'tapatahi' mō te objective; roto - inside)

subtractive bilingualism

reorua tatango

success criteria

paearu angitu

summative assessment

aromatawai whakakapi (takenga mai: whakakapi - to conclude, finish) (kupu kē atu: aromatawai ā-kōeke)

summer school

kura raumati (kupu kē atu: kura o te waru)

surface learning

ako pāpaku

suspension, formal suspension, suspend

whakatārewa ōkawa


tactile learning activity, kinesthetic learning task

ngohe ako ringapā (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pā - to touch)

tactile learning, kinesthetic learning

ako ringapā (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pā - to touch)

tactile resource, tactile materials, hands on resource

rauemi ringapā (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pā - to touch)


pouako (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakaako, kaiako)

teacher aide

kaiāwhina pouako

teacher expectation

kawatau (o te) pouako

teaching programme, programme of teaching

hōtaka whakaako

teaching strategy

rautaki whakaako

teen parent (education) unit

whareako māmā taiohi

tertiary education, tertiary institution, tertiary education centre

whareako paetoru (takenga mai: pae - level; toru - three) (kupu kē atu: whareako paerunga)

test, examination

whakamātautau ~ria


pukamatua (takenga mai: puka - book; matua - principal, main)



thesis, dissertation

tuhinga whakapae (takenga mai: whakapae - hypothesis)

think, thought, idea

whakaaro ~hia

top stream

pūkaki runga

trade certificate

pōkaitahi ringarehe

trade training, vocational training, vocational course, vocational education

akoranga ringarehe (takenga mai: ringa - hand; rehe - deft hand, expert)

transitional bilingual education

mātauranga reorua whakawhiti

tribal curriculum

marautanga ā-iwi

truant, truancy

tamō ~tanga (takenga mai: tamō - to be absent) (kupu kē atu: matangaro)


uninformed opinion

whakaaro kūare

unit of learning, module

kōwae ako (takenga mai: kōwae - division, part; ako - to learn, teach)

university degree

tohu whare wānanga

university entrance

urunga whare wānanga

university, house of learning

whare wānanga



upskill, upskilling

whakapiki pūkenga


validity (of assessment)

pono (o te aromatawai)

value, values

uara ~tia

verbal abuse, verbal bullying

whakamania ~tia

virtual classroom

akomanga mariko

visual learning

ako ataata (takenga mai: ataata - visual)

visual literacy

mātau reo ataata

visual resource

rauemi ataata

vocational education provider

whareako ringarehe

vocational pathway

ara ringarehe

vocational qualification

tohu ringarehe


well-being intervention, well-being support

hāpai oranga (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

whole language pedagogy

(ara) whakaako reo whānui


rāngaimahi (takenga mai: rāngai - flock, group, sector)


whārangi mahi (kupu kē atu: raumahi)

workshop, seminar, work as a group

awheawhe ~a (takenga mai: awheawhe - to work as a group)

written test, written examination

whakamātautau ā-tuhi