Ko te mahi a tētahi iwi, a tētahi tangata rānei ki te whakatau i tō rātou mana me ā rātou ture ki runga ake i tētahi iwi kē (i te nuinga o te wā, he iwi tokoiti), ki runga ake rānei i tangata kē. He whakahāwea, he tikakore, he patu wairua, he patu tinana hoki i ētahi wā tēnei mea te pēhitanga.
The actions of one group or person to impose their authority and rule over another group (usually a minority group), or over another person. Oppression is discriminatory, unjust, demoralising and at times physically abusive.
E rongo tonu ana rātou i te ngau o te pēhitanga me te raupatu whenua.
He kino te mahi a taua tangata rā ki te pēhi i tana hoa me āna tamariki.
Ko te mate haere o te reo ūkaipō tētahi hua o te pēhitanga o te tokoiti e tētahi iwi awenui.