Ko ngā āhuatanga pāpori, ohaoha hoki e hāngai ana ki te tangata me tana noho ki roto i te porihanga. Ko ngā āhuatanga ka whai wāhi atu ki te takenga ohapori o tētahi tamaiti, ko ngā tūranga mahi o ōna mātua, ko te rahi o te moniwhiwhi a te whānau, ko te taumata o ngā tohu mātauranga o ngā mātua, mēnā e whirinaki ana ki tētahi takuhe tautāwhi a te kāwanatanga, me ngā tūāhuatanga e hāngai ana ki tōna whare noho.
Social and economic factors relating to an individual and their situation within society. Factors which contribute to the socioeconomic background of a child include their parents' occupations, family income, the educational qualifications of their parents, whether they are reliant on a government benefit, as well as conditions relating to their housing.
takenga - source, origin
oha (ohaoha) - economic
pori (pāpori) - social
He aha ētahi whakamahinga o te takenga ohapori o te tangata i roto i ētahi manatū kāwanatanga?
E tika ana kia āta mōhio te kaiako ki te takenga ohapori o āna ākonga.
Ka kohia he raraunga e pā ana ki te takenga ohapori o te tangata i te tatauranga ā-motu i ia rima tau.