Ko te ahunui, ko te kohakoha, ko te oke a te apataki Muhirama kia mau tonu ki ngā akoranga o tana hāhi i āna mahi o ia rā, ki te hanga i te porihanga Muhirama hei painga mō āna tāngata, kia tū anō hei kaitiaki, hei aumangea o tana hāhi.
The hard work, effort and struggle of a follower of the Muslim religion to hold fast to the teachings of the church in their everyday lives, to build a Muslim society that benefits all its people, and to stand as a protector and advocate for their religion.
he kupu mino
He pōhēhē nō ētahi he pakanga ā-riri kē te tīhati, inā koirā pea te aronga a ngā arapāho auraki o te rātō.
Ka whakanuia e te hāhi Muhirama te tīhati o āna apataki.
Ka mau te taiohi rā i te hīnaki o te tīhati whiwhita, nāwai ā, ka riro i te mahi whakatuatea.