Ko tā te tangata rongo i te tika, i te hē rānei o tētahi mahi, i runga anō i ōna uara me ōna whakapono. He rongo ā-hinengaro, ā-whatumanawa, ā-puku anō hoki te arotika o te tangata. Ko tōna arotika kei te taki i āna mahi.
A person's sense of whether something is right or wrong, based on their values and beliefs. A person's conscience is sensed through their mind, their heart and their stomach. A person's conscience guides their actions.
aro - to be inclined toward, take notice of
aro (whakaaro) - thought
tika - correct, just, upright, fair
tika (matatika) - moral, ethical
Ko tana arotika e mea ana kei te hē, engari nā te pēhanga aropā, ka whai tonu ia i taua mahi heahea rā.
E tau ana taku arotika, kīhai i hē aku mahi.
Ko taku arotika i āki i a au ki te whāki i taku hara.