by rote (takenga mai: ā-kākā - in the manner of a parrot)
language function (takenga mai: āheinga - competence, ability)
clause (takenga mai: aho - line of descent)
independent clause, main clause
noun clause, nominal clause
adverbial clause
relative clause (takenga mai: whakamahuki - to elucidate, enlighten)
dependent clause, subordinate clause
language feature
features of (written) text
āhuatanga whakanahanaha (o te tuhinga)
organisational feature (of written text) (takenga mai: nahanaha - be well arranged, in good order, systematic)
(word) recognition
rote learning (takenga mai: ā-kākā - in the manner of a parrot)
visual learning (takenga mai: ako - to learn; ataata - visual)
digital learning
tactile learning, kinesthetic learning (takenga mai: ako - to learn; ringa - hand; pā - to touch)
auditory learning (takenga mai: ako - to learn; rongo - to hear)
cooperative learning
distance learning, distance education (kupu kē atu: ako ki tawhiti)
to tell a story in detail
writing framework, writing template (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework, organisation)
utopia (takenga mai: houkura - be prosperous, peaceful)
dystopia (takenga mai: hou - to enter; mate - sick, unwell, misfortune, calamity)
appendix (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)
supplement (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement)
space, gap (between words and lines of text)
communication gap, information gap (kupu kē atu: tiriwā kōrero)
phonics (takenga mai: ara whakaako - teaching pathway; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)
whole language method, whole language pedagogy
media (takenga mai: ara - pathway; pāho - to be heard abroad as news)
mainstream media
digital media
mass media
alphabet (kupu kē atu: wakapū)
second language speaker (takenga mai: arero - tongue; reo - language; rua [tuarua] - second)
native speaker (takenga mai: arero - tongue; ūkaipō - mother, source of sustenance, real home)
main idea
abstract concept (takenga mai: ariā – notion, idea, concept; tū – manner, sort; rehurehu – indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: ariā waitara)
unambiguous (takenga mai: ariari - clear, obvious, apparent)
be comprehended, comprehension, comprehend, be aware
metalinguistic awareness
phonemic awareness (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)
phonological awareness (takenga mai: wete - untie, unravel; oro - sound)
literary criticism
assess, assessment (takenga mai: aro - to take notice of, focus on; matawai - look closely)
formative assessment (takenga mai: arataki - to conduct, lead, point out, guide)
diagnostic assessment (takenga mai: kohura - to uncover)
formal assessment
informal assessment
criteria referenced assessment (takenga mai: paearu - criteria)
running record assessment for reading (kupu kē atu: tātaringa pānui)
self-assessment (takenga mai: whaiaro - self, person)
summative assessment (takenga mai: whakakapi - to conclude, finish) (kupu kē atu: aromatawai ā-kōeke)
interest, focus
meaning (kupu kē atu: tikanga)
object (of a sentence) (takenga mai: aro - turn towards, focus)
peer group (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree)
logic, logical, coherent (takenga mai: aro - to consider, take heed; rau - many)
evaluate, review
peer review, peer evaluation (takenga mai: aropā - clump of trees of one species; aropā - peer group)
evaluate knowledge
self-evaluation, self-review
literature review (kupu kē atu: tātaritanga mātākōrero)
stereotype, stereotypical (takenga mai: aro - to take heed of, be inclined toward; aro [whakaaro] - thought; toka - rock, be firm) (kupu kē atu: kiritoka)
monitor (language) (takenga mai: aro - consider, think; turuki - come as a supplement, follow, reinforce)
self-monitor (language) (takenga mai: aroturuki - monitor; whaiaro - self, person)
interject, interrupt (kupu kē atu: kohiko)
icon (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblance) (kupu kē atu: tohu)
speak deliberately
check (kupu kē atu: hihira)
static image (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence; toka - be firm, solid) (kupu kē atu: ata ngū)
video, visual
audio-visual (kupu kē atu: oro-ataata)
wit, intelligence, intelligent, smart, clever (takenga mai: atamai - be knowing, quick-witted, ready, intelligent)
Snapchat (takenga mai: ata - image, form; paki - story)
emoji (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence, icon; pā - touch; tuhi - write; pātuhi - text) (kupu kē atu: pūatahanga)
creative, creativity, innovative
automatic, automaticity (takenga mai: au - current; noa - spontaneously)
creative license
digital proficiency (takenga mai: aweko - to know)
intonation, tone, inflection (kupu kē atu: wairua, tangi)
student voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te ākonga, [te] reo ake o te ākonga)
author's voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te kaituhi, [te] reo ake o te kaituhi)
style of language (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor, tone) (kupu kē atu: tāera reo [kupu mino])
tribal style of language
modern style, contemporary style (of language)
traditional style (of language) (takenga mai: hā - essence, tone, tenor [of a speech]; ukiuki - of old)
individual style (of language) (takenga mai: hā - essence, tone, tenor [of a speech]; whaiaro - person, self)
falling intonation
haiku (poem) (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hapanihi].)
mumble, mutter (kupu kē atu: pararāwaha)
stage fright (takenga mai: hanepī - to be dumbfounded)
language structure, language form, language pattern
make meaning, make sense
anachronism (takenga mai: hanga - thing; nō - of, belonging to; wā - time; kē - different)
shape of a word
appropriate, appropriateness (of language) (takenga mai: hāngai - relevant to, in line with) (kupu kē atu: tika )
error, fault, miscue
rising intonation
prove, proof, verify
monotone (takenga mai: hā - intonation; tahi - one)
procedure (kupu kē atu: aramahi)
writing style (takenga mai: hā - essence, taste, tenor [of a speech]; tuhi - write) (kupu kē atu: tāera o te tuhituhi [he kupu mino])
stress, accent
editorial (takenga mai: hau - to be heard, spread [news]; ētita [kupu mino] - editor)
secondary stress
primary stress
blog (takenga mai: hau [hautaka] - journal; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital; hiko - electronic) (kupu kē atu: rangitaki)
strengthen, bolster (kupu kē atu: whakakaha)
autobiography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self; haurongo - biography) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)
bias, biased (takenga mai: haukume - to pull) (kupu kē atu: rītaha)
ream of paper (takenga mai: haupū - gather into a heap)
journalism (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe)
photojournalism (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, probe; whakaahua - photograph, image; haurapa kōrero - journalism)
biography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)
journal (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad, report; taka - come around as in a date or period of time)
particle with no meaning
motivated, motivation
intrinsic motivation, internal motivation
external motivation, extrinsic motivation
unmotivated (kupu kē atu: korou-kore)
infer, inference
footer (takenga mai: hiku - tail, rear)
dust cover, dust jacket (takenga mai: hīpoki - covering)
cognitive, cognition (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect)
cognitive dissonance (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect; taupatupatu - to vie with one another, call into question)
fish-bone diagram
Venn diagram, set diagram
cyclic diagram
tree diagram
flow diagram
graphic design
network diagram (takenga mai: whatu - to weave)
language acquisition (takenga mai: hopu - to catch)
direct (kupu kē atu: tōtika)
language context
meaningful context
metaphor, simile (kupu kē atu: kupu whakarite)
extended metaphor (takenga mai: tō - to pull; roa - to be long)
huānga (o te kohinga pukapuka)
volume (from within a set of books) (takenga mai: huānga - relative, member of the same hapū)
rhyme (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronunciation; rite - be like, similar)
volume (of periodicals)
viewership, audience (of viewers) (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)
readership, audience (of readers) (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)
listenership, audience (of listeners) (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)
reflect upon, reflection, deliberate (kupu kē atu: whakaaroaro)
preview (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - come round as a date or period of time; mua - before, ahead) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamua)
review (takenga mai: huritao - to consider, reflect on; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: tiro takamuri)
expressive, expressiveness
contents (of a book) (takenga mai: ihi - separate, divide; rangi [rārangi] - list) (kupu kē atu: ngā kai o roto)
moral, essence (takenga mai: iho - heart, essence, pith)
intuitive, clever, knowing
e-portfolio, electronic portfolio, digital portfolio (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi; kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete matihiko, īkete, kōpaki matihiko)
title, name
subtitle (kupu kē atu: ingoa mātāmuri)
pen name, pseudonym, nom de plume (takenga mai: ingoa - name; tā - to print, write; tā - quill of a feather)
podcast (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi; pāho - to broadcast, disseminate, make widely known) (kupu kē atu: pāhorangi)
e-book, electronic book, digital book (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga o te 'e' [mō te electronic] mai i te reo Ingarihi) (kupu kē atu: puka matihiko, īpuka)
blurb, teaser (takenga mai: kāhakihaki - to pull, attract, entice) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakapoapoa)
reviewer, evaluator
peer reviewer (takenga mai: aropā - peer group; aropā - clump of one species of tree)
journalist (kupu kē atu: kaikawe kōrero)
graphic designer
talk fast, burble
agent (kupu kē atu: kaimahi)
independent reader (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaipānui tūtahi)
early reader, emergent reader
proofreader (kupu kē atu: kanohi hōmiromiro)
printer (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tā - to print)
writer, author, scribe (kupu kē atu: ringatuhi)
independent writer (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: kaituhi tūtahi)
early writer, emergent writer
opening presenter (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; wāhi - break open, disclose)
provocateur (takenga mai: whakapātari - to challenge, provoke)
adjudicator, judge
multicultural (takenga mai: kākano - stock, descent; maha - many)
bicultural (takenga mai: kākano - stock, descent; rua - two)
scene (in a play) (takenga mai: kāpeka - branch of a tree)
climax (takenga mai: karamata - pinnacle, high point, peak)
class of adjective
flashforward, prolepsis (takenga mai: karapa - to glance, peek, scan; whakamua - ahead)
flashback (takenga mai: karapa - to glance, peek, scan; whakamuri - backwards)
juxtapose, juxtaposition (takenga mai: karapiti - to put together, side by side)
punctuate, punctuation (takenga mai: kārawarawa -division, subdivision; kārawarawa - mark of a stripe) (kupu kē atu: tohutuhi)
cue card (kupu kē atu: kāri whāngai kōrero)
genre (kupu kē atu: momo )
lecture, sermon
homily (takenga mai: kauhau - sermon, speech; matatika - be right, ethical, fair, moral)
sub-theme (kupu kē atu: kaupapa mātāmuri)
bulletin (takenga mai: kawe - to carry; rongo - news, report)
sight vocabulary (takenga mai: āhukahuka - to recognise)
receptive vocabulary, passive vocabulary (takenga mai: torohū - be latent)
productive vocabulary
quote, quotation, direct speech (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; horipū - direct) (kupu kē atu: kī takitaki)
indirect speech, reported speech (takenga mai: kī - to say, speak; tāhapa - not in the direct line [of whakapapa])
expression, saying
conjunctive phrase, connective phrase (kupu kē atu: kīhono)
prepositional phrase (kupu kē atu: kīpūhono)
parallelism (takenga mai: tā - a causative prefix; tā - to print, publish; rara [whakarara] - parallel; rara - ribs) (kupu kē atu: kītārara)
catchphrase, tagline (takenga mai: kīanga - expression, saying; tere - be quick, swift, fast; mau - grasp, lay hold of) (kupu kē atu: kīteremau)
adjective phrase (kupu kē atu: kīāhua)
noun phrase (kupu kē atu: kīingoa)
adverbial phrase
verbal phrase, predicate (kupu kē atu: kītūmahi)
appositive, explanatory phrase (kupu kē atu: kīwhakamārama)
comparative phrase (kupu kē atu: kīwhakatairite)
slang (takenga mai: kī - to say; kī [kīanga] - expression, saying; paki [ōpaki] - informal)
figurative expression, figure of speech (takenga mai: kī - to say, utter; peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)
oxymoron (takenga mai: kīpeha - figure of speech; tauaro - be opposite)
idiom (takenga mai: kī - saying; rehu - dimly seen, obscure)
film, movie (takenga mai: kiri - skin; ata - shape, semblence, reflected image)
anonymous, anonymity (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; muna - be confidential, secret)
archetype, archetypical (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mūrau - a person cited as a noteable example, byword)
reporter (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; pāho - broadcast) (kupu kē atu: kairīpoata, kaikawe kōrero)
character (takenga mai: puaki - reveal, come forth)
protagonist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous)
antagonist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toa - champion, courageous; riri - battle, fight)
second person (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nā - indicating location by the listener or reader)
first person (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nei - indicating location by the speaker or writer)
third person (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating locationsome distance away from the speakerand listener)
colloquialism, colloquial expression
palindrome (takenga mai: kōaro - be inverted, turned right around; rite - to resemble, be alike)
jabber, babble, talk nonsense (kupu kē atu: hautete)
collection (of literary works)
progress (takenga mai: koke - to move forward)
witty speaker (takenga mai: kōkō - parson bird [tūī]; tātākī - talkative, witty)
flap (of a book) (takenga mai: kopa - to be folded; kopa - satchel [with a flap lid])
portfolio (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete)
writing portfolio (takenga mai: kōpaki - envelope) (kupu kē atu: pūkete tuhituhi)
fullstop (tohu: .) (kupu kē atu: irakati, tongi)
semicolon (tohu: ;) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; piko - comma) (kupu kē atu: irapiko)
colon (tohu: :) (takenga mai: kopi - fullstop; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: irarua)
information (kupu kē atu: pārongo)
text, speech, discourse, prose, talk
publishing information (kupu kē atu: taipitopito whakaputa)
written text, script, article (written) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga)
oral text
visual text (takenga mai: ataata [ata] - reflected image)
omitted text, omission, missing information (kupu kē atu: pārongo ngaro)
second person narrative (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nā - indicating location connected with listener or reader)
first person narrative (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nei - indicating location connected with speaker or writer)
third person narrative (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating location some distance away from the speaker and listener)
explicit information (takenga mai: mataaho - clear)
implicit information (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; huna - conceal, hide)
main story, feature, cover story
illogical information (kupu kē atu: kōrero arorau-kore)
factual information (kupu kē atu: pārongo pono)
important information (takenga mai: taikākā - heartwood) (kupu kē atu: pārongo hira, kōrero mātuatua)
less important information (takenga mai: taitea - sapwood)
fable, parable, folk tale (kupu kē atu: pakikīrehe)
repetitive text, repetitive speech
supporting information (kupu kē atu: pārongo hāpai, kōrero taunaki)
impromptu speech
jumbled text, scrambled information (takenga mai: kōrero - talk, text; tīrangorango - scattered, in disorder) (kupu kē atu: kōrero tōroherohe)
complex text (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: kōrero matatini)
abstract text (takenga mai: tū - in the manner of; rehurehu - indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga waitara)
specific information (kupu kē atu: pārongo whāiti)
phatic communion, phatic communication, small talk
joke (kupu kē atu: kupu kārikarika, kōrero whakatangatanga pāpāringa)
understatement (takenga mai: tūai - thin, lean)
general information (kupu kē atu: pārongo whānui)
chorus, refrain
synthesise, synthesis (takenga mai: kōtuitui - interlink, connect)
paragraph (takenga mai: kōwae - part, division)
affix, affixation (takenga mai: kuhi - insert)
prefix (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; mua - in front of) (kupu kē atu: pīmua)
causative prefix
suffix (takenga mai: kū [kuhu] - insert; muri - behind, after) (kupu kē atu: pīmuri)
passive ending (kupu kē atu: kūmuri whakahāngū)
word, lyric
sight word
metalanguage (kupu kē atu: tohu ahureo)
interest word, personally significant word (takenga mai: anganui - to face directly towards)
pun (takenga mai: anga - to move in a certain direction, to face; rua - two)
footnote, endnote (takenga mai: āpiti - in addition, supplement, append) (kupu kē atu: kupu tāpiri)
guide word
high frequency word (kupu kē atu: kupu pū noa)
innuendo (takenga mai: hā - tone, tenor; huna - to hide) (kupu kē atu: kī hāhuna)
new vocabulary
homonym, homograph (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; rite - be like)
minimal pair (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronounce; tata - be close)
antimetabole (takenga mai: huri - to change, turn upside down; hāngai - opposite)
expressive word
emotive word (takenga mai: kakare – emotion, feeling, sentiment)
subject specific word, technical word, topic word, jargon (kupu kē atu: kupu whāiti)
content word (takenga mai: kiko - flesh, content, substance)
structural word, function word (takenga mai: kōiwi - bone) (kupu kē atu: kupu rangaranga)
academic vocabulary, academic word
loanword, transliteration (takenga mai: mino - to borrow) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakawhiti)
collocation (takenga mai: piritahi - to be together)
compound word, blended word
acronym (takenga mai: rāpoto [whakarāpopoto] - summary)
foreword (takenga mai: takamua - fore, front)
annotation (takenga mai: tāpiri - to add on, supplement, append)
keyword (takenga mai: tāpua - significant, to stand out)
minimal pair synonym
redundant word (takenga mai: tāwere - in excess)
note (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)
basic vocabulary
soliloquy (takenga mai: whaiaro - self, person)
prophetic saying
dedication (kupu kē atu: kupu whakamānawa)
euphemism (takenga mai: whakamauru – placatory, appeasing) (kupu kē atu: kupu whakangāwari)
propaganda (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)
hyperbole (takenga mai: whakapehapeha - to boast, brag)
preface (takenga mai: whakapuaki - to reveal, disclose, express)
intensifier (takenga mai: rīrā - strong)
simile, metaphor (kupu kē atu: huahuatau)
introduction, prologue (takenga mai: whakataki - begin a speech or talk) (kupu kē atu: wāhinga)
vulgarity, dysphemism (takenga mai: whakatara - offensive, provocative, insulting)
general word, general term
buzzword (takenga mai: wheowheo - to buzz, hum, tingle)
causal link, causal conjunction (kupu kē atu: kīhono pūtake)
term of address, vocative (takenga mai: kupu - word, utterance; kiri - person)
term of endearment (takenga mai: mateoha - endearing, loveable)
formal term of address
informal term of address
word list (kupu kē atu: rārangi kupu)
index (takenga mai: kupu - word; tohu - guide, direct)
hypertext, hyperlink (takenga mai: toro - to visit, go and see)
infix (takenga mai: kū - [kuhi] - insert; waenga - the middle)
cliché (takenga mai: rārahu - common bracken fern found throughout Aotearoa)
memory (kupu kē atu: pūmahara)
short term memory (takenga mai: mau - to hold, be comprehended; poto - be short)
long term memory (takenga mai: mau - tohold, be comprehended; roa - be a long time)
magazine (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: moheni [kupu mino])
mind map, concept map (kupu kē atu: mahere ā-hinengaro)
language plan
independent activity (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone) (kupu kē atu: ngohe motuhake)
epitaph, song of affection for the dead (takenga mai: maimai - a type of lament for the dead; maimai aroha - expression or token of affection)
pointed question
readable, readability (takenga mai: māmā - easy)
copyright (tohu: ©) (takenga mai: mana - authority; tārua - copy, duplicate) (kupu kē atu: manatā)
act (section of a play) (takenga mai: manga - branch of a tree or river)
clear, lucid, understandable
virtual (takenga mai: mariko - phantom, unreal)
touch screen (takenga mai: mata - screen; pā - touch)
metalinguistics (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; ahu - to tend, foster; reo - language)
etymology (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study])
linguistics (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; reo - language)
morphology (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; kupu - word)
phonology (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)
moderate, moderation (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: whakaōrite)
view, watch, observe
literature (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)
predict, prediction
discuss, discussion (kupu kē atu: kōrerorero, whakawhiti kōrero)
group talk, group discussion
partner talk, pair discussion
encyclopedia (takenga mai: mātā - heap, receptacle packed with preserved fish or birds; punenga - be clever, intelligent)
language mode (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; reo - language) (kupu kē atu: kātū reo, whenu reo)
brochure, pamphlet, circular, leaflet, flyer (takenga mai: mātārere - forerunner, harbinger)
(language) proficiency, proficient
academic language proficiency
matatau ki te reo whakawhitiwhiti
communicative proficiency
fossilisation, fossilised (language) (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; mātā [mātāniho] - print or mark of teeth; toka - stone, rock)
written literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)
financial literacy, financial capability (takenga mai: mātau - knowledge; ahumoni - finance)
cultural literacy
procedural knowledge (takenga mai: mātau - to know; hātepe - to follow in regular sequence, process, procedure)
literate (kupu kē atu: mātau reo matatini)
digital literacy
emergent literacy (takenga mai: pitomata [pito mata] - potential, literally the 'uncooked portion'.)
visual literacy
computer literacy
early literacy
phonic knowledge (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)
bilingual education
dual bilingual education, two way bilingual education (takenga mai: kārure - two strand cord or rope)
transitional bilingual education
oral literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; waha - mouth, voice)
learning need (takenga mai: matea - to be needed)
record, documentation (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)
record of achievement
record of progress (takenga mai: koke - to move forward, progress)
fact, factual (takenga mai: meka - true)
positive feedback
greeting, salutation
audience (kupu kē atu: whakaminenga)
give prominence to, highlight, emphasise
diction, elocution, accent, dialect (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tūreo)
prior knowledge (kupu kē atu: mātauranga o mua)
register, type of language
(written) text type, form of writing
danger, predicament, crisis, endangered
byword, embodiment, epitome
inarticulate, incoherent, jumbled (of language) (kupu kē atu: tapepe)
eye movement
embargoed, confidential (takenga mai: noho - remain; tapu - inaccessible, restricted, set apart)
landscape (page format) (takenga mai: noho - to sit; pae - horizontal)
portrait (page format) (takenga mai: noho - to sit; tū - upright)
literary device
indent (takenga mai: nuku - to move)
paragraph indent
right indent
left indent
hanging indent
newspaper (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: niupepa)
task, activity (kupu kē atu: mahi)
rote task or activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; ā-kākā - in the manner of a parrot)
choral task or activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; kārangaranga - echoing)
pre-reading activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as in a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)
early reading activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)
authentic language task (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; houtupu - genuine, authentic) (kupu kē atu: ngohe reo tūturu)
individual task or activity
barrier task or game (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tauārai - screen, barrier)
repetition task or activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; toai - to repeat, say again)
mingle, mingling activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; torotoro - to visit [a number of times])
pre-writing activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; taka - to come around, as a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)
early writing activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tō - belonging to, that of; mua - before, in front of)
jigsaw activity (takenga mai: ngohe - task, learning activity; tūhono - to join)
substitution task or activity
communicative task or activity
brainstorm (takenga mai: ohia - to think on the spur of the moment; manomano - innumerable)
exclamation (takenga mai: ohorere - surprise, shock) (kupu kē atu: kupu ohorere, kupuoho)
formal (takenga mai: ō - belonging to, possessing; kawa - protocol, custom)
audio, sound
dipthong (takenga mai: oro - sound; tōpū - assembled together, combined)
consonant digraph (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)
alliteration (takenga mai: orokati - consonant; tārua - repeat)
phoneme (takenga mai: oro – sound; motu – separated)
elision (takenga mai: oro – sound; naki – glide smoothly)
short vowel
vowel digraph, vowel blend (takenga mai: pūrua - duplicate, do a second time)
long vowel (kupu kē atu: oropuare tō)
assonance (takenga mai: oropuare - vowel; tārua - to repeat)
onomatopoeia (takenga mai: oro - sound; rite - be like, similar)
conceptual understanding (takenga mai: orotau - to understand, comprehend; hōhonu - deep)
digital fluency (takenga mai: orotau - to understand, comprehend; matihiko - digital)
literal understanding (takenga mai: orotau - to understand, comprehend; more - plain, bare)
grapheme (takenga mai: oro - sound; tuhi - to write)
Instagram (takenga mai: pae - perch, bench; āhua [whakaahua] - image, photograph)
criteria (takenga mai: pae - step [of a ladder]; aru - follow, pursue)
anthology (takenga mai: paenga - perch, place where things are heaped up) (kupu kē atu: tōpūtanga [kōrero])
standard, benchmark (takenga mai: pae - step [of a ladder]; rewa - elevated)
appropriate, to take (takenga mai: pāhao - borrow, acquire information stealthily)
cultural appropriation (takenga mai: pāhao - to borrow, acquire stealthily; tikanga - custom) (kupu kē atu: pāhao ahurea)
misappropriate, misappropriation
interact, interaction, interactive (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to combine, co-operate, interact)
social media (takenga mai: pāho - broadcast; pori [pāpori] - social)
live broadcast, live stream
digital broadcast
story, fiction, anecdote, yarn (kupu kē atu: kōrero paki, pakiwaitara)
prequel (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; mua - the past, the time before)
sequel (takenga mai: paki - story; ahu - to move in a certain direction; muri - after, the future)
historical fiction (takenga mai: aro - pay attention to, be inclined towards; nehe - ancient times) (kupu kē atu: paki hītori)
creative story
utopian fiction
dystopian fiction
erotic novel, erotic fiction
action and adventure (story genre) (takenga mai: mātātoa - be fearless, daring, intrepid)
fantasy (story genre)
science fiction (takenga mai: pohewa - fantasy; pūtaiao - science)
thriller (takenga mai: pohopā - in suspense)
true story
mystery (story genre) (takenga mai: porehu - mysterious)
humour (story genre) (takenga mai: puku [pukukata] - laughing, hilarious; hohe [hohehohe] - wrinkled with laughter)
crime (story genre)
romance, love story
allegory (takenga mai: paki - story; whakarite - to make like, liken to, compare) (kupu kē atu: kupu tairite)
horror (story genre) (takenga mai: whakawehi - to frighten, horrify)
graphic novel (takenga mai: waituhi - painting; waituhi [pakiwaituhi] - cartoon, animation)
apostrophe (takenga mai: pakini - notch)
short story
classic story, classic (takenga mai: paki - story; tūroa - longstanding)
cartoon, comic strip (takenga mai: pakiwaitara - fiction story; tuhi - draw, adorn with painting)
animation, animated cartoon (takenga mai: pakiwaituhi - cartoon; tā - to draw; oreore - to move, quiver) (kupu kē atu: pakiwaituhi ataata)
masthead (takenga mai: pane - head)
riddle, puzzle, word game (kupu kē atu: kai)
read, reading
newsletter (takenga mai: pānui - to announce, notify)
notice, announcement
read aloud
guided reading
speed reading
reading fluency
early reading fluency
independent reading (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
shared reading
read for enjoyment
emergent reading
read for information
skim read
recreational reading (takenga mai: runaruna - pastime, hobby)
early reading
read on (kupu kē atu: pānui whakamua)
public notice, classified advertisement
silent reading (kupu kē atu: pānui nohopuku)
close reading (takenga mai: wetewete - to untie, unravel)
nursery rhyme
storyboard (kupu kē atu: mahere paki)
dictionary (takenga mai: papa - box, chest; kupu - word)
layers of information (kupu kē atu: paparanga pārongo )
flip chart (takenga mai: papa - surface; tuhi - to write; hura - uncover)
interactive whiteboard (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to combine, co-operate, interact)
justify (takenga mai: parahau - to defend, protect, justify)
key information (kupu kē atu: kōrero matua, mōhiohio matua)
question (kupu kē atu: ui, pakirehua)
yes-no question
tag question (takenga mai: haumi - extension, to join)
closed question
alternative question, choice question
unscripted question, impromtu question (takenga mai: matawhawhati - sudden, unexpected) (kupu kē atu: pātai tene)
open-ended question
multi-choice question (takenga mai: whiri [kōwhiri] - choose; rau - many)
interview (kupu kē atu: uiui)
key, legend (takenga mai: pā - clump, group; pā - to be connected with, relate to; tohu - symbol)
word processing
text, texting (takenga mai: pā - to touch, strike; tuhi - to write)
motto (takenga mai: peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)
tongue twister (kupu kē atu: takawiri arero, tatau manawa, taki manawa)
tribal saying
comma (tohu: ,) (takenga mai: piko - bent, curved)
imagine, imagination, fantasy, fantasise
suspense (takenga mai: poho - chest, seat of affections; tārewa - to suspend, hang) (kupu kē atu: pohopā)
speech bubble (takenga mai: poihau - balloon)
thought bubble
protégé (takenga mai: poipoi - to nurture) (kupu kē atu: paruhi)
navigate (written text) (takenga mai: pōkai - travel about)
non-fiction (kupu kē atu: kōrero pono)
eulogy, farewell
side bar, side column (takenga mai: pou - column; taha - side)
reading scale, reading progressions (kupu kē atu: āwhata pānui)
letter (of the alphabet)
definite article (takenga mai: pū [putohu] - article; tautuhi - to indicate, define, specify)
directional particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; anga - face or move in a certain direction)
positional particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; hea - location interrogative)
satire, satirical (takenga mai: pūhohe - mocking, laughing)
preposition (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; hono - join) (kupu kē atu: pūtūmua)
nominal particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; ingoa - name)
reader (text for teaching reading)
concept book
rhyming book
tome (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book; kūpara - large, heavy, substantial)
popup book (takenga mai: mārangaranga - to rise up, to bob up and down, popping up here and there)
audio book (takenga mai: oro - sound)
recipe book
chapter book
picture book
unpublished book (takenga mai: mataiti [tūmataiti] - private)
published book (takenga mai: matanui [tūmatanui] - public) (kupu kē atu: pukapuka whakaputa)
textbook (takenga mai: matua - main, principal) (kupu kē atu: pukamatua)
modelling book
reference book (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)
cognitive skill (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect)
receptive language skill
productive language skill
orator, articulate speaker (kupu kē atu: kākā tarahae, manu kōrero)
body (of a book)
auditory memory
verbal particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; mahi [tūmahi] - verb)
word processing software, word processing program (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)
spellchecker (takenga mai: pūmanawa [pūmanawa rorohiko] - computer software)
capital letter, upper case
proper article (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; moko [tūmoko] - proper noun)
source of information
multiple sources of information
lexicon (takenga mai: puna - spring [of water], well)
orthography, orthographic system
particle (takenga mai: punga - to anchor)
episode (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, set of offspring)
trilogy (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takitoru - in threes)
quartet (of literary works) (takenga mai: puni [punipuni] - brood, litter, offspring; punipuni [kōrero] - series [of literary works]; takiwhā - in fours)
series (of literary works) (takenga mai: punipuni - brood, litter, set of offspring)
indefinite article
legend, traditional story
printing machine, printer
small letter, lower case
possessive particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; riro - be got, acquired, obtained)
singular possessive
plural possessive
report (takenga mai: pūrongorongo - tell news, report) (kupu kē atu: rīpoata [kupu mino])
limited edition (takenga mai: kōtahitahi - be few) (kupu kē atu: putanga whāiti)
revised edition, new edition
article (grammar) (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; tohu - show, point out)
corpus (takenga mai: putunga - heap, pile, stack) (kupu kē atu: putunga kōrero)
locative particle (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; wāhi - location, place)
censor, censorship (takenga mai: rāhui - restrict access)
research (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out, pursue)
structure of text, text structure (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc) (kupu kē atu: hanganga)
cliché (takenga mai: rārahu - common bracken fern found throughout Aotearoa)
catalogue, list
questionnaire (takenga mai: rārangi - list; pātai - question) (kupu kē atu: rārangi uiui, patapatai)
bibliography (takenga mai: rārangi - list; puna - spring [of water, well]; kōrero - information) (kupu kē atu: rārangi pukapuka, rārangi tohutoro)
checklist (kupu kē atu: rārangi hihira)
reference catalogue, list of references
conflict (kupu kē atu: raruraru)
diary (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around as a date or period of time)
visual journal (takenga mai: rātaka whaiaro - personal journal; rātaka - diary; ataata - visual)
personal journal (takenga mai: rā - day; taka - come around, as a date or period of time; rātaka - diary; whaiaro - self)
digital resource
alphabetical order
leaf, sheet (of paper) (takenga mai: rau - leaf; pepa - paper)
language learning strategy
comprehension strategy
reading comprehension strategy
listening comprehension strategy
monitoring strategy
cognitive strategy (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect) (kupu kē atu: rautaki ā-hinengaro)
reading strategy
language strategy
decoding strategy (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)
processing strategy
word solving strategy, word attack strategy (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)
minority language
majority language
tribal dialect
oral language, verbal language, spoken language
voice over (takenga mai: āpiti - to add, supplement)
comprehensible input (takenga mai: reo - language; aroā - be comprehended, understood)
visual language (kupu kē atu: reo ā-tā)
passive voice (takenga mai: hāngū - silent, passive)
active voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor; oho - awake) (kupu kē atu: reo hāpai)
vernacular, everyday language
emotive language
introduced language (takenga mai: kōkuhu - to insert, introduce)
hypertext mark up language, HTML (whakapotonga: HTML) (takenga mai: reo - language; kupu - word; toro - to visit, call on)
foreign language (takenga mai: manene - immigrant, foreigner)
literal language (takenga mai: more - plain, bare)
figurative language (takenga mai: peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)
sign language
indigenous language, native language
interlanguage (takenga mai: tāranu - to mix)
body language, non-verbal language
unsophisticated language, common language (takenga mai: tōkau - plain, devoid of ornamentation)
receptive language (takenga mai: torohū - be latent, receptive)
written language
mother tongue (takenga mai: ūkaipō - mother, source of sustenance)
sophisticated language (takenga mai: whakaniko - enhanced, embellished) (kupu kē atu: reo tuawhiti)
productive language
bilingual, bilingualism
additive bilingualism
subtractive bilingualism
stream of consciousness
passive sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; hāngū - passive) (kupu kē atu: rerenga kōrero hāngū)
active sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; hāoho - active) (kupu kē atu: rerenga kōrero hāoho, rerehāpai)
verbal sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; mahi [tūmahi] - verb)
stative sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; mahi [tūmahi] - verb; āhua [tūmahi āhua] - stative verb)
simple sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; māmā - simple) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] māmā)
topic sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; matua - main, important) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] māmā)
sentence (takenga mai: rere - flow)
question sentence, interrogative sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; pātai - question) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] pātai)
compound sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; pū - origin, source, bundle; hui - come together, double up) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] pūhui)
fluency, fluent (language) (takenga mai: rere - flow; tau - be neat, comely)
statement sentence, declarative sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; tauākī - statement) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] tauākī)
complex sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] tuatini)
command sentence, imperative sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; whakahau - to command) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] whakahau)
exclamation sentence (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; whakaoho - to startle) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] whakaoho)
letter (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
formal letter
personal letter (takenga mai: whaiaro - person, self)
editor (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino])
scribe, writer
slash (tohu: /) (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side)
forward slash (tohu: /)
backslash, reverse slash (tohu: \)
stop press, breaking news (takenga mai: rongo - tidings,report, news; inamata - immediately)
news (takenga mai: rongo - tidings, report, fame)
international news
local news
national news
multimedia (takenga mai: rongo - to hear, sense; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: pāhorau, pāhomatarau)
verse for children, nursery rhyme (kupu kē atu: pao kōhungahunga)
immersion (takenga mai: rumaki - to immerse)
free verse poem (kupu kē atu: toikupu māhorahora)
ballad (takenga mai: ruri - poem; paki - story)
acrostic poem (takenga mai: ruri - poem; rārangi - to line up; pū - letter of the alphabet) (kupu kē atu: toikupu rārangipū)
shape poem (kupu kē atu: toikupu whai āhua)
student voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te ākonga, [te] reo ake o te ākonga)
author's voice (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor [of a speech]) (kupu kē atu: [te] whakaaro o te kaituhi, [te] reo ake o te kaituhi)
shape of a word
structure of text, text structure (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc) (kupu kē atu: hanganga)
facial expression, facial gesture
centrefold (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out; whārangi tahora - double spread; waenga - middle)
sub-plot (kupu kē atu: tāhū mātāmuri)
sequential plot, linear narrative
non-sequential plot, non-linear narrative (takenga mai: whakahipahipa - irregular)
phonemic environment
brackets, parentheses (takenga mai: taiapa - to fence off)
turning point (takenga mai: tai - a prefix which has a qualifying force; huri - to turn)
detailed information
publishing details
analogy (takenga mai: tai - prefix which has a qualifying force; ritenga - resemblance, corresponding thing)
border, frame
circumlocution, circumlocutory (takenga mai: takaāmio - to go round about)
edit (takenga mai: taka - to prepare; tā - to print, publish) (kupu kē atu: ētita [kupu mino], whakatika)
complicated (takenga mai: takawhīwhiwhi – entangled, interlaced, complicated, intricate)
purpose (of text)
recite by rote (takenga mai: taki - recite; ā-kākā - in the manner of a parrot)
historical recount
creative recount
imaginative recount (takenga mai: pohewa - to imagine, fancy, fantasize)
factual recount
personal recount
cognitive engagement (takenga mai: tākiri - affect the emotions, move; hirikapo - mind, intellect)
retell (takenga mai: taki - to recite; rua - two)
setting (takenga mai: takiwā - territory, space, time, period)
(page) layout
bold (takenga mai: tā - to print; miramira - give prominence to, emphasise)
highlight (takenga mai: tā - to print; muramura - colourful, bright, vivid)
kern, kerning (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre; pū - letter)
leading (takenga mai: tā- causative prefix; nekeneke - move about, manoeuvre)
reprint, reprinted editon
digital copy
paper copy, hard copy
periodical (takenga mai: tānga [tā] - to print; putuputu - frequently)
label (takenga mai: tapa - to call, name)
subjective, subjectivity (takenga mai: tapa [tapatahi] - objective; roto - inside)
objective, unbiased, impartial, objectivity (takenga mai: tapatahi [ngākau tapatahi] – impartial, unbiased)
falter, stumble (of language)
characterise, characterisation (takenga mai: tārai - to fashion, shape, sculpt; kiripuaki - character)
underline (takenga mai: tā - to print; raro - under)
copy, duplicate (takenga mai: tārua - repeat any process; tā - to print; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: pūrua)
plagiarise, plagiarism (takenga mai: tārua - copy; whānako - to steal)
typography (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order, deck out, beautify)
syntax (takenga mai: tātai - to arrange, set in order)
schema (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order; aroā - be comprehended)
cognitive taxonomy (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order; hirikapo - mind, intellect, cognition)
graphic organiser (takenga mai: tātai – to arrange, set in order; whakaahua – image, illustration)
spell, spelling (takenga mai: taki - recite, lead, bring along)
analyse, analysis
critical analysis, critically analyse
miscue analysis
discourse analysis
knowledge analysis
resolution, denouement (takenga mai: tatū - to be settled, agreed)
cardinal number (takenga mai: tau - number; maha - be many)
ordinal number (takenga mai: tau - number; raupapa - sequence, order)
statement, declaration
affective filter (takenga mai: tauārai - barrier, obstruction; kare ā-roto - emotion)
antithesis (takenga mai: tauaro - opposite)
draft (kupu kē atu: tuhinga hukihuki)
intonation pattern
writing sample, sample text
independent reading level (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
instructional reading level
frustration reading level
evidence, support with evidence
incantation to begin a formal speech
conflict, conflicting, dispute
argument, argue, contend (kupu kē atu: taukumekume, taupatupatu, tautohetohe, tohe)
debate (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)
identify, identification (takenga mai: tautohu - to identify, locate)
define, specify, indicate
parody (takenga mai: tāwhai - to imitate, impersonate, mimic; pūhohe - mocking, laughing, cynical)
impromptu, ad-lib, unrehearsed
alignment (of text)
Twitter (takenga mai: tīhau - twittering, chirping)
accurate, correct, accuracy
meaning (kupu kē atu: aronga)
literal meaning (kupu kē atu: tikanga more)
figurative meaning (takenga mai: peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)
writing convention, print convention
excerpt, extract, passage, select, selection (takenga mai: tīpako - to pick out, highlight, select)
dyslexia (takenga mai: tīpaopao - put out of proper sequence)
scaffold, scaffolding
view, lens, point of view, perspective
overview, outline (takenga mai: tiro - to view, look at; whānui - in general, broad, wide)
compose, composition
column (takenga mai: tīwae - to divide, separate) (kupu kē atu: pou)
cue, clue
visual cue
contextual cue
typographical cue
syntactical cue (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tātaikupu - syntax; tātai - to arrange, set in order)
semantic cue (takenga mai: tīwhiri - clue; tikanga - meaning [of a word], definition) (kupu kē atu: tīwhiri aronga)
repeat, reiterate, say again
symbol, symbolise
punctuation symbol
literary award
question mark (tohu: ?)
hyphen (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; hono - to join) (kupu kē atu: tohuwehe)
speech mark, quotation mark (tohu: " " ' ') (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; kī - to say) (kupu kē atu: tohu kōrero)
exclamation mark (tohu: !) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; oho - awaken) (kupu kē atu: tohuhā)
denote, denotation (takenga mai: tohu - to point out, indicate; pū - exactly, precisely)
macron (takenga mai: tohu - symbol, mark; tō - to drag, pull)
reference, citation (takenga mai: tohu - to mark, point out, show; toro - to explore, probe, visit)
connote, connotation (takenga mai: tohu - to point out, indicate; tua - beyond)
hyphen (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; wehe - to separate) (kupu kē atu: tohuhono)
dash (tohu: –) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; whai - to follow, pursue) (kupu kē atu: tā)
en dash (tohu: -) (kupu kē atu: tāpoto)
em dash (tohu: –) (kupu kē atu: tāroa)
opus (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; mana - prestige, high status)
poem, poetry, poetic (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; kupu - word, utterance, message) (kupu kē atu: ruri, mōteatea)
bullet point (tohu: •) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; matā - bullet)
ellipsis (tohu: ...) (takenga mai: tongi - dot; tāruarua - repeated) (kupu kē atu: tongitoru)
hero, principal male character
adjective (takenga mai: tū - sort, type; āhua - appearance) (kupu kē atu: kupuāhua)
superlative (takenga mai: tūāhua - adjective; inati - exceptional, remarkable)
complex (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: matatini, pīroiroi)
complexity (of text) (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands)
heroine, principal female character
imperative verb (takenga mai: tū - sort, type; hau [whakahau] - command) (kupu kē atu: tūmahi tohutohu)
write, notate (kupu kē atu: tuhituhi)
guided writing (takenga mai: arahanga [arahi] - to lead; arahanga - bridge, ladder)
blogging (takenga mai: hauhiko - blog; hau - be heard, published, report; hiko [matihiko] - digital)
free writing
printing, manuscript (takenga mai: motumotu - to separate, sever)
shared writing, collaborative writing
cursive script (takenga mai: rere - to flow)
note taking (takenga mai: tīpoka [tīpokapoka] - taking some and leaving some)
environmental print
(drama) script
handwritten text
advice column, agony column (takenga mai: akoako - to give or take counsel) (kupu kē atu: tuhinga tohutohu)
creative writing, creative text
sports article, sports section
academic text (written)
transactional writing, transactional text (takenga mai: meka - fact, to be true)
continuous writing
entertainment column, entertainment section
gossip column
narrative writing, narrative text
original text, manuscript
written recount, chronicle
instructional (written) text, instructional writing, procedural text (takenga mai: tohutohu - to instruct, advise,guide, direct)
poetic writing, poetic text
descriptive writing, descriptive text
expository writing, expository text
thesis (takenga mai: whakapae - hypothesis)
illustrative text (takenga mai: whakatauira - to illustrate, give an example)
persuasive writing, persuasive text (kupu kē atu: tuhinga whakapakepake)
encode (takenga mai: tuhi - to write; oro - sound)
independent writing (takenga mai: motuhake - positioned independently, stand-alone)
match (takenga mai: tūhono - connect, join)
one-to-one matching (takenga mai: tūhono - join, connect; pā- to touch, to be connected with; tahi - one)
cohesion, cohesive (takenga mai: tūhonohono - to join, link)
inquiry cycle, enquiry cycle (takenga mai: tūhura - explore, investigate, bring to light; amio - circle around, travel around) (kupu kē atu: huringa pakirehua)
noun (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; ingoa - name) (kupu kē atu: kupuingoa)
concrete noun (takenga mai: ōkiko - physical; ō - pertaining to; kiko - body, substance)
collective noun (takenga mai: rangapū - company, group)
abstract noun
creative process
cognitive process (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect) (kupu kē atu: tukanga hinengaro)
writing process
pronoun, personal pronoun (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; kapi [whakakapi] - to replace, substitute) (kupu kē atu: tūpou)
dual pronoun
inclusive pronoun (takenga mai: kauawhi - be near, embrace)
exclusive pronoun (takenga mai: kaupare - avert, turn in a different direction)
second person pronoun (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person, self; tū - position; nā - indicating location connected with the listener or reader)
first person pronoun (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person, self; tū - position; nei - indicating location connected with the speaker or writer)
third person pronoun (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating location some distance away from the speaker and listener)
possessive pronoun (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; riro - be got, acquired, obtained)
singular pronoun
plural pronoun
dictation, dictate
projector (kupu kē atu: rauata)
verb (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; mahi - to work, perform, job, activity) (kupu kē atu: kupumahi)
stative verb
passive verb
active verb (kupu kē atu: tūmahi hāpai)
neuter verb
intransitive verb
transitive verb
proper noun (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; moko - person [figurative])
root (of a word), stem, base (takenga mai: tumu - foundation, stump, base)
subject, nucleus (of a sentence) (takenga mai: tumu - stump, base, foundation)
gesture, gesticulate, paralanguage (kupu kē atu: hūkari)
interrogative, question word (takenga mai: tū [tūmomo] - manner, sort, type; pātai - question)
epilogue, afterword (takenga mai: turuki - to come as a supplement, follow) (kupu kē atu: whakatepenga)
front matter (of a book) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; mua - in front, before)
back matter (of a book) (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division; muri - behind, coming after)
rumour, gossip (kupu kē atu: kōhimuhimu, ngutungutu)
table (of information), chart (kupu kē atu: ripanga)
web chart, semantic web
genealogy chart
achieve, achievement, achieved (kupu kē atu: ekenga paetae, eke)
conflict (takenga mai: tutū - to be stirred up; puehu - dust) (kupu kē atu: raruraru)
locative noun
(book) cover
hard cover
front cover
back cover
soft cover, paperback
leading question (takenga mai: ui - question, query; kukume - to pull, draw out)
rhetorical question
punchline (takenga mai: ū - bring to land, strike home)
subheading (kupu kē atu: upoko mātāmuri)
respond, reply, response (kupu kē atu: kupu paremata)
response (to text)
personal response (kupu kē atu: paremata whaiaro)
adapt, adaptation
future tense, future time (takenga mai: wā - time; heke - to be coming)
prologue (takenga mai: wāhi – break open, disclose)
create knowledge
mood, feeling, atmosphere
tense (takenga mai: wā - time; mahi - activity)
past time, past tense (takenga mai: wā - time; mua - the past)
uninspiring, lacklustre, limp, boring (kupu kē atu: takeo)
conference, conferencing (takenga mai: wānanga - to meet and discuss, deliberate, consider)
tribal knowledge, lore, learning, seminar, educational institution
peer conferencing (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree) (kupu kē atu: wānanga ā-hoa)
present time, present tense (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt) (kupu kē atu: wānei)
cognitive challenge, cognitive demand, cognitively demanding (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect) (kupu kē atu: wero hinengaro)
decode (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound; oro [oromotu] - phoneme)
barking at print
grammar (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; reo - language)
to have understanding, acquire understanding
acquire knowledge
monologue (takenga mai: whaikī - to make a formal speech; tōtahi - solitary, single, alone)
speech (formal), oration (kupu kē atu: whaikupu)
learning objective, instructional objective
achievement objective
short term objective (kupu kē atu: whāinga paetata)
long term objective (kupu kē atu: whāinga paetawhiti)
aim, general objective
language domain (takenga mai: whaitua - region, designated area)
agree, concur, agreement
describe, description
photograph, image, picture
mental image, imaging
caricature (takenga mai: whakaahua - image, representation; kiri - person, self; paki - story, anecdote, fiction)
drama, play, act
one-act play
supernatural drama
mime (takenga mai: ngū - be silent)
docudrama (takenga mai: paki - story, narrative; pū - origin, source; meka - true)
comedy, humorous drama
musical, musical drama
one-person play, solo act
melodrama (takenga mai: whakapehapeha - to boast, brag)
think, thought, idea
critical thinking
logical thinking
creative thinking
divergent thinking (takenga mai: roha – to spread out, extend out)
convergent thinking (takenga mai: rūnā - to reduce, pare down)
complicated idea (takenga mai: takawhīwhiwhi - entangled, interlaced, complicated, intricate)
lower order thinking (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation, platform)
higher level thinking (takenga mai: tūā - mai i te 'tūāpapa' mō te foundation; rangi - sky, upper realm)
complex idea (takenga mai: tuatini [tuatinitini] - with many parts, of many strands) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro matatini)
concrete thinking (takenga mai: tū - manner, stance; hāngai - correspond to, in line with, directly)
abstract thinking, abstract reasoning (takenga mai: tū – manner, sort; rehurehu – indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro waitara)
consider, ponder, contemplate (kupu kē atu: kohuki )
present, show, depict, display, demonstrate, portray
collate, collation (text) (kupu kē atu: whakakao [kōrero])
allude, allusion (takenga mai: whakahahaki - to point out, indicate, draw attention to)
disagree, criticise
motivate, stimulate, inspire (kupu kē atu: whakaohooho, whakatītina, whakakipakipa)
nemesis, downfall (kupu kē atu: whewheia)
critical feedback
negative feedback (takenga mai: tātā - criticise, express diaspproval)
constructive feedback (takenga mai: whaihua - to have value, beneficial)
contradict, contradiction (kupu kē atu: kōrero taupatupatu)
pronounce, pronunciation
sound out, enounce (takenga mai: whakahua - to say, pronounce; motumotu - be divided into isolated portions)
graphics (takenga mai: whakairoiro - ornamented, decorative)
infographic (takenga mai: whakairoiro - to carve, ornament with a pattern; whakairoiro - graphics; pārongo - information)
negate, negation
conclude, conclusion (kupu kē atu: whakatepe)
cloze (takenga mai: whakakī - to fill; āputa - be empty, a gap)
cathartic, catharsis, emotional release (takenga mai: whakamahea - to allay, clear away, dispel, calm)
acquisition planning (language)
status planning
corpus planning (takenga mai: whakamahere - to plan; putunga - heap, stack, pile)
language planning
apply knowledge
elaborate, explain, elaboration, explanation
interpret, translate (to Māori)
word for word translation (to Māori)
intrepretive translation (to Māori)
literal translation, direct translation (to Māori) (takenga mai: horipū - direct)
decipher (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel)
word attack (takenga mai: whakamatara - to unravel, untie)
test, examination
diagnostic test (takenga mai: kohura - uncover, reveal)
proficiency test
acknowledge, acknowledgement
whakamōmona (i te kōrero) ~tia
overstate, exaggerate, exaggeration
surprise, element of surprise (takenga mai: whakaohooho - to arouse, to awaken)
language revitalisation (kupu kē atu: whakarauora reo)
hypothesis, hypothesise
conjecture, speculation, speculate (kupu kē atu: pūmāramarama)
broadcast (takenga mai: pāho - to be heard abroad as news) (kupu kē atu: pāho)
refine (kupu kē atu: whakahuatau)
abbreviate, abbreviation
caption (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, elucidate)
express, say, utter
paraphrase, reword, rephrase, re-express
publish, publication
summary, synopsis, abstract, precis, summarise
consider at length, debate fully
passive listening (takenga mai: aro - take notice of, pay attention to; iti - a little)
active listening, attentive listening (takenga mai: pīkari - attentively) (kupu kē atu: whakarongo aronui)
mentor (takenga mai: whakaruruhau - protector, shield, advisor, mentor)
advertise, advertisement, promote (takenga mai: whakatairanga - elevate, promote)
trailer (preview) (takenga mai: whakatairanga - to promote; takamua - to come before)
compare, comparison (kupu kē atu: whakataurite)
sarcastic, sarcasm (takenga mai: whakatakē - to look down on, criticise negatively, disparage, belittle) (kupu kē atu: whakahāwea)
narrate, recite (kupu kē atu: tātaki)
introduction, opening
format, to lay out
personify, personification
banter (takenga mai: whakatara - banter, chaff, joking, to jest)
role play, simulation (takenga mai: whakatau - to imitate, mimic, act out)
generalise, generalisation
contrast (takenga mai: whakataurite – compare; tauaro – be opposite)
model, exemplify (takenga mai: whakatauira - illustration, example, sample)
proverb, proverbalise (kupu kē atu: whakatauākī)
justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
right justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
left justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
centre justify (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tautika - even, level, boundary)
epilogue (takenga mai: whakatepe - to finish off, conclude) (kupu kē atu: turukitanga)
amend (kupu kē atu: tapi)
prejudice, prejudge, discriminate, discrimination (takenga mai: whakatoihara - disparage)
understate, understated (takenga mai: tūai - thin, lean)
remedial reading (takenga mai: whakawhanake - to develop, improve; pānui - to read)
persuade, persuasion, persuasive (kupu kē atu: whakakīkī, whakapakepake)
dialogue, conversation, communication, discussion
cognitive development (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect)
word family
endpaper, endsheet (takenga mai: whārahi - broad, wide; whā [whārangi] - page; rahi - large)
contents page
title page
web page
home page
double spread (takenga mai: tahora - to spread out, lay out)
falter, break the flow of words
personal experience
metacognitive, metacognition (takenga mai: whiringa [whiriwhiri] - to consider; hirikapo - mind, intellect)
work out, solve, deduce (takenga mai: whiriwhiri - to discuss, decide, consider, negotiate)
verse, stanza
code switching, language mixing (takenga mai: whitiwhiti - to change, turn, swap)
tongue-tied (takenga mai: whīwhiwhi - entangled; arero - tongue) (kupu kē atu: arero whīwhiwhi)