Para Kore

Para Kore

English → Māori


aerobic process

tukanga ā-hāora

agricultural waste

para ahuwhenua

air pollution

parahanga hau

alkaline battery

pūhiko waipāhua

alluvial soil



konumohe (tohu: Al) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] - metal; mohe - soft) (kupu kē atu: aruminiama [kupu mino])

aluminium foil

raukonu (takenga mai: rau - leaf; rau [rautao] - leaves for wrapping food in a hāngi; konu [konumohe] - aluminium)

aluminium smelter

wheketere waihanga konumohe

aluminium tray

paepae konumohe

anaerobic digestion

nakunaku hāora-kore

anaerobic process

tukanga hāora-kore

appliance, household appliance

pūrere kāinga


ahiniki (tohu: As) (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: ahineke)

artificial fertiliser

whakahaumako horihori


tēpoko (takenga mai: tē - negative, not; poko - be extinguished) (kupu kē atu: kiripaka)

attitudinal change

panoni waiaro



pokahi (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

bacteria, bacterial

huakita (takenga mai: hua – product, progeny, abundance; kita – anything very small)

baking paper

rautunu (takenga mai: rau [rautao] - leaves for wrapping food in a hāngi; tunu - to bake, cook)

balance, balanced



inanga (kupu kē atu: pamupū [kupu mino])

barren (land), infertile (ground), exhausted by over-cultivation



pūhiko (takenga mai: pū – origin, source; hiko – electricity)


toka konumohe (takenga mai: toka – rock; konumohe – aluminium)

behavioural change

panoni whanonga

beneficial byproduct

huataha whaipainga

bin, receptacle


biodiversity, biodiverse

kanorau koiora (takenga mai: kano - sort, kind; rau - multitude; koiora - biology)


haurehu koiora

bits of plastic, plastic pieces, plastic bits

kongakonga kirihou


whakakōmā ~tia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; kōmā - whitish, creamy coloured)

bleached paper

pepa whakakōmā


pātara (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

bottling (food preservation)

whakapounamu ~tia


kuratea (takenga mai: kura [konukura] - copper; tea [konutea] - zinc)

break down, crumble


brightly coloured paper

pepa tae kitakita

broken into pieces, smashed, shattered

pākarukaru ~hia

build, construct, create, generate

waihanga ~tia

bulk bin store

toa tokanga (takenga mai: tokanga - large basket for food)

button battery

pūhiko pātene




huataha (takenga mai: hua - product, outcome; taha [i te taha] - at the side of, along with) (kupu kē atu: huapiri)



kēne (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

carbon dioxide

hauhā (tohu: CO2)

carbon emission


carbon footprint

tapuwae waro

carbon matter, carbon material

matū waro

carbon sequestration

wehe mōriroriro i te hauhā

carbon sink

putunga waro (takenga mai: putunga - heap, stack, storage; waro - carbon)

carbon steel

maitai waronui (takenga mai: waro - carbon; nui - big)

carbon, coal

waro (tohu: C)

carbon-zero, carbon neutral

tukuwaro-kore (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; kore - zero, nil)


kārimārō (takenga mai: kāri - card [kupu mino]; mārō - hard, stiff)

cardboard box

pouaka kārimārō (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

carpool, carpooling

tāpuna motukā

cast iron

rino whai waro (takenga mai: rino - iron; whai - possessing, having; waro - carbon)


matapaia (takenga mai: matapaia - clay work, pottery)

ceramics, ceramic ware

tūemi matapaia (takenga mai: tūemi - item; matapaia - pottery clay)


panoni ~hia ~tanga

chemical waste

para matū

chinaware, chaina

tūemi haina (takenga mai: tūemi - item; haina - china [kupu mino])

circular economy

ōhanga āmiomio (takenga mai: āmiomio - to turn around and around)


hua hīmoe (takenga mai: hua - fruit; hīmoe - acidic, sour, bitter)


parukore (takenga mai: paru - dirt, dirty; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mā)

cleaning liquid, washing liquid

wē horoi

climate change

āhuarangi hurihuri

climate justice

huatika āhuarangi (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just) (kupu kē atu: tika āhuarangi)

cling wrap

tākaipiri (takenga mai: tākai - to wrap; piri - to cling)

closed loop system

pūnaha amio kati

cloth nappy

kope papanga

cloth wipe

muku papanga

coconut coir

weu kokonati (takenga mai: weu - fibre)

coffee grounds

whaipara kawhe (takenga mai: whaipara - dregs, remains, sediment)

cold compost, cold composting

wairākau mātao

collective change

panoni kiritōpū (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōpū - as a group, combined, united)

colonise, colonisation, oppress, suppress

tāmi ~a ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmi - repress, suppress) (kupu kē atu: taipūwhenua)

coloured paper

pepa whaikano (takenga mai: whai - to posess; kano - pigment, colour)

commercial waste, trade waste

para tauhokohoko

compacted waste

para pāpā (takenga mai: pāpā - to ram, compress, compact)

compost enclosure, compost bay

pākoro wairākau (takenga mai: pākoro - small fenced enclosure, storing place [eg. for potatoes])

compost heap

pū wairākau

compost, composting, compostable

(whaka) wairākau

compostable container

ipu whakawairākau

compostable packaging

tākai whakawairākau

compress, compact, compaction

pāpā ~tanga ~ ngia (kupu kē atu: pēhi)

concrete block

poro raima (takenga mai: raima - lime [kupu mino])

conserve, conservation

whāomoomo ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whāomoomo - to conserve, husband, use sparingly) (kupu kē atu: whakauka)

construction waste

para hangahanga

consume, consumption, consumerism, consumerist

whakapeto ~hia ~nga

consumer power

mana kaiwhakapeto (kupu kē atu: mana kiritaki)

consumer responsibility

haepapa kaiwhakapeto

contaminate, contamination

tāhawahawa ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakakino)

contaminated soil

one hawa (takenga mai: one - soil; hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

contaminated water

wai hawa (takenga mai: hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

conventional farm, conventional farming

pāmu auraki (takenga mai: auraki - mainstream)

conventionally grown

tupu auraki (takenga mai: tupu - to grow; auraki - mainstream)


konukura (tohu: Cu) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] - metal; kura - red ochre) (kupu kē atu: kapa [kupu mino])

corporate responsibility

haepapa rangatōpū

corrugated cardboard

kārimārō kōwakawaka


kātene (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

cricular system of consumption, circular system of stuff

pūnaha whakapeto hautaonga āmiomio


utauta kai (takenga mai: utauta - equipment, tool, goods; kai - food)

crude oil

hinu māori

crush, crumple up, scrunch

kopenu ~a (kupu kē atu: kōpē)

cure or preserve with salt

whakatote ~hia


dark fertile soil


decay, decayed

pōpopo (kupu kē atu: whakapopo, kurupopo, popo)

decolonise, decolonisation, decolonising

wetetāmi ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: wete - to set free, release, untie, unravel; tāmi - colonise - suppress, repress)

decompose, break down, decomposed

whakapopo (kupu kē atu: pōpopo)

dehydrate (food)

tauraki ~tia

detrimental byproduct

huataha kino


pūnakunaku (takenga mai: pū [pūrere] – machine, device; nakunaku – digest, reduce to fragments)


taioke (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; oke [tāoke] - toxic; taioke - he kupu mino)

discarded resource

rawa ākiri

disposable nappy

kope porowhiu

dispose, throw away

porowhiu ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: ākiri)

distribute, distribution

tohatoha ~ina ~tanga (kupu kē atu: tuari)

distribution centre

pokapū tohatoha

diversion rate

ōrau whakapeau (takenga mai: ōrau - percentage; whakapeau - to divert)

divert, diversion, diverted (e.g of waste)

whakapeau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakapeau - to turn away, divert, redirect)

diverted waste

para whakapeau (takenga mai: whakapeau - to redirect, divert)

domestic waste, household waste

para kāinga


hangararo ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; raro - down)

drain off, reduce

whakamimiti ~tia

driftwood, debris cast up on beach




tūemi ā-nuku (takenga mai: tūemi - item; nuku - earth)

eco-farm, eco-farming

pāmu tautaiao

eco-friendly choice

kōwhiringa tautaiao

eco-friendly nappy, environmentally friendly nappy

kope tautaiao (takenga mai: tau [tautoko] - to support; tau - befitting, calm, settled; taiao - environment)

eco-friendly organisation

whakahaere tautaiao

eco-friendly wrapping, eco friendly packaging

tākai tautaiao


whare tautaiao


hautaonga tautaiao

ecological footprint

tapuwae hauropi

ecological marker, environmental marker

tūtohu oranga taiao


pūnaha hauropi (takenga mai: pūnaha ‒ system; hauropi ‒ ecology)

ecosystem service

ratonga pūnaha hauropi

eco~, environmentally friendly

tautaiao (takenga mai: tau [tautoko] - to support; tau - befitting, calm, settled; taiao - environment)

egg carton

kātene hēki (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

electrical device, appliance

pūrere hiko

electronic device

pūrere tāhiko

electronic waste

īpara (takenga mai: ī - ko te whakawhitinga oro o te 'e', mai i te electronic) (kupu kē atu: para tāhiko)

electronic waste, e-waste

para tāhiko (kupu kē atu: īpara)

emit, emission

tuku ~a ~nga

enclosed system

pūnaha haupunu (takenga mai: haupunu - shut in, enclosed)

energy consumption

whakapetonga pūngao (kupu kē atu: whakapaunga pūngao)

energy extraction

unu pūngao

energy recovery

taumanu pūngao (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

enrich, make fertile, enrichment

whakamōmona ~tia

environmental abuse

tūkino taiao

environmental impact

pāpātanga taiao

equipment pool, equipment pooling

tāpuna taputapu

ethical production

whakaputa matatika

everyday product, everyday stuff

hautaonga o ia rā

extract, dig up

huke ~a ~nga


fabric bag, cloth bag

pēke papanga

fabric, material, textile


false pathway, misleading solution, false solution

ara whakapōhēhē (takenga mai: ara - pathway; whakapōhēhē - to deceive, dupe, mislead)

farmers' market

mākete kaipāmu

ferment, fermentation

whakamara ~tia (kupu kē atu: toroī)

ferment, fermented food

toroī (kupu kē atu: moī, ī)

ferrous metal

konganuku whai rino (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; rino - iron)

fertile (of the land)

haumako (kupu kē atu: mōmona)


whakahaumako ~tia (takenga mai: whaka – causative prefix, to make; haumako – rich, fertile)


kaka kōata (takenga mai: kaka – fibre; kōata – glass) (kupu kē atu: kaka karāhe)

fine soil

one angiangi

flax roots community, grass roots community

hapori pūharakeke

fly-tipping, illegal dumping

porowhiu taurekareka (takenga mai: porowhiu - to discard, throw away; taurekareka - shameful, dastardly, degenerate)

food in its most pure and nutrient dense form

kai atua

food industry

ahumahi kai

food miles

awhenga kai (takenga mai: awhe - to travel) (kupu kē atu:   )

food preservation

rokiroki kai

food recovery, food rescue

taumanu kai (takenga mai: taumanu - take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: pena kai)

food sovereignty

(te) rangatiratanga o te kai

food supply chain

ara tukutuku kai (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tukutuku - to send)

food wastage

moumou kai

food waste

para kai

forage, foraging

hamukai (takenga mai: hamu - to gather things which are scattered, glean) (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu kai)

fossil fuel

koranehe (takenga mai: kora – fuel; nehe - ancient times) (kupu kē atu: kora mātātoka)

fossil fuel industry

ahumahi koranehe

freeze, frozen

whakatio ~hia


garden waste, plant waste, green waste

para tipu (kupu kē atu: para māra, para kāriki)

gaseous waste

para haurehu

germinate, germination, sprout

tinaku ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kahu)


karāhe (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: kōata, karaehe)

glass bottle

pātara karāhe

glass jar

ipu karāhe


tūemi karāhe (takenga mai: tūemi - item; karāhe - glass [kupu mino])

glaze, glazed (eg. of pottery)

kirimōhinu (takenga mai: kiri - skin; mōhinuhinu - shiny, glossy)

glitter paper

pepa korakora (takenga mai: korakora - particle; korakora - to glisten, sparkle)

global food trade

tauhokohoko kai huriao

global trade, global commerce, global trading

tauhokohoko huriao

glossy paper

pepa mōhinuhinu


komoringa (takenga mai: komo - to put in, insert; ringa - hand) (kupu kē atu: karapu [kupu mino])

goods, product

hautaonga (kupu kē atu: taonga, utauta, hanga)

grass clippings

tapahanga pātītī

gravelly dark coloured soil

onehanahana (kupu kē atu: onepākirikiri)

green energy

pūngao kāriki

green house, green home

whare kāriki

green organisation

whakahaere kāriki

green product, green goods

hautaonga kāriki

green production

whakaputa kāriki

green scheme

kaupapa kāriki

greenhouse gas

haurehu kati mahana (takenga mai: haurehu – gas; kati – close in, barrier, trap; mahana – warm)

greenwash, greenwashing

nukakāriki (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)

growers' market

mākete kaiwhakatipu

growing season

kaupeka tipu (kupu kē atu: kaupeka tupu)

guardianship, stewardship



hazardous waste

para mōrearea

heavy metal

konganuku taumaha


patu otaota (takenga mai: patu - to subdue, kill; otaota - vegetation, weed)


tupukāinga (kupu kē atu: tipukāinga)



hot compost, hot composting

wairākau wera

hydraulic fracturing, fracking

whakapiere waipēhi (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; piere - crack, fissure; waipēhi - hydraulic)


hauwai (tohu: H) (takenga mai: hau [haurehu] - gas; wai - water)

hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen dioxide

hauwai ōkai-rua (tohu: H2O2) (takenga mai: hau [haurehu] - gas; wai - water; ōkai - oxide [kupu mino]; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: hauwai hāora-rua)


imbalance, imbalanced


impermeable membrane

kiri tukukore (takenga mai: kiri - skin; tuku - to allow, release; kore - negative)


unukore (takenga mai: unu - withdraw, extract, exclude; kore - negative)

incinerate, incineration

tūmata ~tia

incineration plant

taupuni tūmata


pākaitūmata (takenga mai: pākai [pākaiahi] - fireplace; tūmata - incinerate, burn)



individual change

panoni kiritahi (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tahi - single)

industrial agriculture

ahuwhenua matarahi

industrial horticulture

ahumāra matarahi (takenga mai: matarahi - large, sizeable)

industrial sector

rāngai ahumahi

industrial waste

para ahumahi


whakaurunga (takenga mai: whakauru - to insert, put in)

inner, liner (eg. of a nappy)

paparoto (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - fabric; papa [paparanga] - layer; roto - inside)

inorganic fertiliser

whakahaumako pararopi-kore

inorganic matter, inorganic substance

matū pararopi-kore

inorganic waste, inorganic

pararopi-kore (takenga mai: para - waste; ropi [rauropi] - organism)

iron (metal)

rino (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

iron ore

tokahuke rino


onepū rino (kupu kē atu: onepū pango)


kerbside collection, roadside collection

kohinga taparori (takenga mai: tapa - edge, side; rori [kupu mino] - road)

kitchen bin (for rubbish)

ipupara kīhini

kitchen towel

tāora kīhini

kitchen wrap

rautākai kīhini (takenga mai: rau - [rautao] - leaves for wrapping food in a hāngi; tākai - to wrap)


landfill, rubbish dump


large scale farm, industrial farming

pāmu matarahi

large scale plantation, large scale cultivation

māra matarahi

layer, heap up layer by layer

apa ~ria

leach mining, in-situ mining, in-situ leaching, in-situ recovery

maina whakapākeka


wai whakapākeka (takenga mai: pākeka – land that has been exhausted by cultivation) (kupu kē atu: wai papī)


konumatā (tohu: Pb) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] – metal; matā – lead bullet) (kupu kē atu: matā)

lead acid battery

pūhiko waikawa konumatā

legislative change

panoni ā-ture

lichen, bearded lichen


lidded plastic container, tupperware

ipu kirihou whai taupoki

life span, shelf life

wā toiora (takenga mai: wā - time; toiora - to be sound, uninjured)

light-coloured sandy volcanic soil


linear economy

ōhanga torotika

linear system of consumption, linear system of stuff

pūnaha whakapeto hautaonga torotika

liner (eg. for a bin)

tīrongo (takenga mai: tīrongo - lining of fern for a kūmara pit)

liquid waste

para wē

lithium ion battery, Li-ion

pūhiko konukōhatu whai katote

lithium metal battery

pūhiko konukōhatu

local food market

mākete kai o tata

local food market, local produce market

puni kai tuputata (takenga mai: tupu - to grow; tata - close, nearby)

local produce, locally produced food

kai tuputata

local supplier, local provider

kaiwhakarato o tata

locally gathered food

kai kohitata

low carbon emission

tukuwaro-iti (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; iti - small, little)

lumpy (eg. of soil)

pōrukuruku (kupu kē atu: pōkurukuru)


magnet, magnetic

autō (takenga mai: au - current; tō - to pull) (kupu kē atu: aukume)


whakanao ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakanao - make, manipulate, operate on)

marine debris

para reremoana (takenga mai: rere - to flow; moana - sea) (kupu kē atu: para moana)

matter, material, substance

matū (takenga mai: matū - gist, kernel of a matter)

menstrual cup

ipu ikura (kupu kē atu: kapu ikura)

menstruation, period

ikura (ā-marama) (takenga mai: ikura [mai i Kurawaka] - from the sacred earth of Kurawaka) (kupu kē atu: ikura ā-marama, [te] awa o te atua)


konganuku (takenga mai: konga [kongakonga] - fragment, chip; nuku - the Earth) (kupu kē atu: maitai, mētara [kupu mino])

metal recycling depot

taupuni hangarua konganuku

metal waste

para konganuku


mewaro (tohu: CH4) (takenga mai: me – He whakawhitinga o ngā pū i te kupu Ingarihi.; waro [waiwaro] – hydrocarbon)

micro-organism, microbe

moroiti (takenga mai: moroiti – small)


raupihi (takenga mai: rau - leaf; pihi - to sprout)


korakora moroiti


kirihou moroiti

mild steel

maitai waroiti (takenga mai: waro - carbon; iti - small)


tā te hinengaro

mine, mining

maina ~hia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


kohuke (takenga mai: ko [konganuku] - metal; ko [kongakonga] - fragment; huke - expose by removing the earth, excavate) (kupu kē atu: manawa whenua)

moist (eg. of soil)

haumākū (kupu kē atu: hauwai)


ahutahi (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua, ahumāra] - agriculture, horticulture; tahi - one, single)

monthly cycle

rerenga ā-marama (kupu kē atu: huringa ā-marama)

moss, absorbent moss


mould, mouldy, fungi

puruheka (takenga mai: puruhekaheka - mould [fungi])

multinational corporation

rangatōpū whenuarau (takenga mai: rangatōpū - corporation; whenua - country, nation; rau - many)

multiple reuse, reusable, reuse

tukurau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tuku - to release, allow, transfer; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: mahinga rau)


mahinga rau (kupu kē atu: mahinga tukurau)



kirihou mōkitokito (takenga mai: mōkitokito - very small, minute, microscopic)

nappy change

tīni kope (takenga mai: tīni - to change [kupu mino])

nappy outer


nappy, absorbent pad


natural bleach

whakakōmā māori

natural fertiliser, organic fertiliser

whakahaumako māori (kupu kē atu: whakahaumako pararopi)

natural process

tukanga māori

natural resource

rawa māori

natural substance, natural material

matū māori

natural system

pūnaha māori

naturally grown, organically grown

tupumāori (kupu kē atu: tipumāori)

nature, natural world

ao tūroa

nickel cadmium battery, NiCad

pūhiko konukōreko pūmā

nickel metal hydride battery, NiMH

pūhiko konukōreko hauwai

nitrogen matter, nitrogen material

matū hauota

non-ferrous metal

konganuku rino-kore






whatungarongaro (takenga mai: whatungarongaro – disappear) (kupu kē atu: whakahou-kore)

non-renewable energy

pūngao whatungarongaro (takenga mai: pūngao – energy; whatungarongaro – disappear)

non-renewable resource

rawa whatungarongaro (takenga mai: whatungarongaro - to disappear)

nutrient dense food

kai taiora nui

nutrient, nutrition


nutritional benefit

huanga taiora

nutritious, nourishing

taioraora (takenga mai: taiora - nutrient) (kupu kē atu: hākarikari)


office waste bin

ipupara ā-tari



open-cast mining, open-pit mining

maina puare

organic food

kai parakore (kupu kē atu: kai tupumāori)

organic matter, organic substance

matū pararopi (takenga mai: para - waste; ropi [rauropi] - organism)

organic waste, organic

pararopi (takenga mai: para - waste; ropi [rauropi] - organism)


rauropi (kupu kē atu: kaiao)


hāora (tohu: O2)


Plastic No.6, PS-E Polystyrene (Expanded Styrene)

kirihou kōmāmā (kupu kē atu: kirihou-6)

packaging waste

para tākai


pārete (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


pepa (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

paper packaging, paper wrap

tākai pepa


tukumate (takenga mai: tuku - to release; mate - sickness, disease)

period poverty

tuakoka ikura (takenga mai: tuakoka - poverty; ikura [ā-marama] - menstruation, period)

period product

hanga ikura

period underpants

tarau ikura


ahutoitū (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua, ahumāra] - agriculture, horticulture; toitū - sustainable)

persistant organic pollutant, POP

parakino whaiwaro tūroa


paturiha (takenga mai: patu - to subdue, kill; riha - pest)


kōhinu (kupu kē atu: penehīni [benzene])

placer mining

maina takere (takenga mai: takere - riverbed, channel)

plain paper

pepa tōkau

plain paper packaging, plain paper wrapping

tākai pepa tōkau


papa ukutea


kirihou (takenga mai: kiri - skin; hou - new)

plastic bag

pēke kirihou

plastic bubble wrap

tākai kirihou whaimiru (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; miru [mirumiru] - bubble)

plastic chips, plastic fragments

maramara kirihou

plastic packaging strap

ngaku kirihou tākai

plastic particles

korakora kirihou

plastic rubbish bag

pēke kirihou para

plastic shrink wrap

tākai kirihou pīngongo (takenga mai: pīngongo - to shrink)

plastic stretch wrap

tākai kirihou kūtoro

plastic wrapping, plastic packaging

tākai kirihou



poisonous substance, poisonous matter

matū paihana (kupu kē atu: matū paitini)


parakino (takenga mai: para [parahanga] - pollution; kino [whakakino] - degrade, damage, spoil)

pollute, pollution, polluted

parahanga ~tia (takenga mai: parahanga - rubbish, litter) (kupu kē atu: whakapoke)


waerau (takenga mai: wae – unit; rau –multitude, number)

poor redish soil



tūemi porarīni (takenga mai: tūemi - item; porarīni - porcelain [kupu mino])

power tool

taputapu whai pūkaha

practice, habit, norm


preserve in fat

tutu ~a (kupu kē atu: kōtutu, tahu)

preserve, store, husband

rokiroki ~tia ~ tanga


tukanga (takenga mai: tukatuka - start up, proceed forward, to process)

process, processed

tukatuka ~tia (takenga mai: tukatuka - to start up, proceed forward)

producer responsibility

haepapa kaiwhakaputa

product cycle, product life cycle

huringa hautaonga

product stewardship

kaitiakitanga hautaonga



putrescible waste

para kerakera (takenga mai: kerakera - putrid, foul)



tāweru (kupu kē atu: ruha, petapeta, karukaru)

rare earth metal

konganuku onge

raw material

rawa taketake

recharge, rechargeable

whakahihiko ~tia

reciprocal, reciprocity


recommend, recommendation

tūtohu ~a ~ nga

recycle, recyclable

hangarua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: hanga – make, build, fashion; rua – two)

recycling bin

ipupara hangarua

recycling bin

ipu hangarua

recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre

taupuni hangarua

recycling signage, recycling symbol

tohu hangarua

recycling waste

para hangarua

reflect upon, deliberate

huritao ~ngia

refrigerate, fridge

whakamātao ~tia

regenerative agriculture

ahuwhenua torokiki (takenga mai: torokiki - to sprout afresh, regrow)

regenerative economy

ōhanga torokiki (takenga mai: torokiki - to sprout afresh, regrow)

regenerative farm, regenerative farming

pāmu torokiki (takenga mai: torokiki - to sprout afresh, regrow)

regenerative system

pūnaha torokiki (takenga mai: torokiki - to sprout afresh, regrow) (kupu kē atu: pūnaha whakatiputipu, pūnaha whakahou)

renewable energy

pūngao whakahou

renewable resource

rawa whakahou


hangahou ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; hou - new, fresh)

resilient, resilience

manawaroa ~tanga



resource management

whakahaere rawa

resource pool, resource pooling

tāpuna rawa

resource recovery

taumanu rawa (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

reusable bag

pēke tukurau

reusable container

ipu tukurau (takenga mai: tuku - to release, allow, transfer; rau - many)

reusable nappy

kope tukurau

reusable wipe

muku tukurau


whakamahi anō (kupu kē atu: tukurua)

reuse, reusable

tukurua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tuku - to release, allow, transfer; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: whakamahi anō)

rich dark soil, humus


rich loamy soil

taepu (kupu kē atu: onematua)


opeope ~a

rubbish bag

pēke para

rubbish bin with lid

ipupara whai taupoki

rubbish crate

raurau para (takenga mai: raurau - receptacle, container, basket)

rubbish signage, waste symbol

tohu para


kongakonga (takenga mai: kongakonga - fragment)


safety protocol, safe practices

tikanga haumaru

sandy loam soil


sanitary pad

kope ikura

sea sponge


seabed dredging

hirou papamoana

seabed mining

maina papamoana

second hand, hand me down


seed bed (for plants)

pārekereke (kupu kē atu: whakaika)

seed raising mix

one pārekereke (takenga mai: one - soil; pārekereke - seed bed)

seed tray, tray for raising seeds

paepae pārekereke

self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-sufficiency

ringaora ~tanga (takenga mai: ringa - nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa'; ora - alive)

sequester, sequestration

wehe mōriroriro (takenga mai: wehe - to separate, detach; mōriroriro - to be isolated) (kupu kē atu: roki mōriroriro)

silica sand, white sand

onepū takawai (kupu kē atu: onepū mā)

silver oxide battery

pūhiko hiriwa ōkai

single use

mahinga tukutahi (kupu kē atu: mahinga tahi, tukutahi)

skip bin (for rubbish)

taiaroa para nui (takenga mai: taiaroa - basket, receptacle)

slash, forestry slash, flood debris


soak, saturate

tōpuni ~tia

social sustainablity

toitūtanga pāpori


oneone (kupu kē atu: one)

soil pollution

parahanga oneone

solid waste

para totoka

sort out (eg. recycling)

kōmaka ~hia

special waste

para motuhake

spray bottle

pātara wairehu (takenga mai: wai - water; rehu - mist, spray)

spray can

kēne tukurehu (takenga mai: tuku - to give off, discharge; rehu - spray, mist)

stage, step, phase

kaupae (takenga mai: kaupae - rung of a ladder)

stainless steel

maitai waikura-kore (takenga mai: waikura - rust; kore - negative, not)

steel, metal



tūemi kāmaka (takenga mai: tūemi - item; kāmaka - stone, rock)

surgical waste, medical waste

para poka (takenga mai: poka - operation [medical], surgery) (kupu kē atu: para hāparapara)

sustainable choice

kōwhiringa toitū

sustainable development

whanaketanga toitū

sustainable process

tukanga toitū

sustainable product

hautaonga toitū

sustainable production

whakanaotanga toitū

sustainable resource

rawa toitū

sustainable source

takenga toitū

sustainable system

pūnaha toitū

sustainable technology

hangarau toitū

sustainable, sustainability

toitū ~tanga

swap, exchange

kurutete ~a

synthetic material, artificial substance

matū horihori

system of consumption

pūnaha whakapeto

systemic change

panoni toronaha (takenga mai: toro - to visit, stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)


take, remove

tango ~hia ~hanga


hokimuri (takenga mai: hoki - to return; muri - back)


puru taiawa


ipu kiriraukonu (takenga mai: ipu - container; kiri - skin; rau - many; raukonu - aluminium foil)

thin clear plastic

kirihou angiangi kōataata

timber preservative

tāroki rākau (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; roki [rokiroki] - to preserve)

tissue paper

pepa rauangi

to dislike certain foods


to go to seed (of a plant)

puarere ~tia

toxic residue

toenga tāoke

toxic soil

one tāoke

toxic substance, contaminant

matū tāoke

toxic waste

para tāoke

toxic, toxin, toxicity


transplant (eg. seedlings), transplanted

huaranga ~tia

treated timber

rākau tāroki (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; roki [rokiroki] - to preserve) (kupu kē atu: rākau whakauka)

twig (of tree)

rārā (kupu kē atu: tākupu)


underground mining

maina rōnuku (takenga mai: rō [roto] - inside; nuku - earth)




hangarewa ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; rewa - to be elevated, high up)


vacuum pack

tākai haukore (takenga mai: tākai - to wrap up, covering, packaging; hau - air, gas; kore - nil)


otaota (kupu kē atu: mautī)

vermicast, worm casting

tūtae noke (kupu kē atu: paranoke)

virus, viral

huaketo (takenga mai: hua – outcome, product; keto – infested with maggots) (kupu kē atu: wheori)


washing powder

paura horoi (kupu kē atu: korakora horoi)

waste audit, waste review

arotakenga para

waste bin, rubbish bin


waste hierarchy

paparanga para (takenga mai: paparanga - layer)

waste incineration

tūmata para (takenga mai: tūmata - to incinerate, burn, set fire to)

waste recovery

taumanu para (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

waste reduction, waste minimisation

whakaiti para

waste sample

tīpakonga para

waste stream

rerenga para (takenga mai: rere - to flow)

waste to energy

para ki te pūngao

waste to energy plant

taupuni para ki te pūngao

waste, rubbish, refuse, trash


water pollution

parahanga wai

wax wrap

tākai wākihi (takenga mai: wākihi - wax [kupu mino])


māheuheu (kupu kē atu: tarutaru)

well, sound, in good condition


wet wipe

muku mōwai

wheelie bin

ipupara whai wīra


muku ~a

wood pulp

puru rākau


noke (kupu kē atu: toke)

worm farm, vermiculture

pāmu noke (kupu kē atu: pāmu toke)

worm tea, worm juice

wai noke (kupu kē atu: tī noke, wai toke, tī toke)

wrap, wrapping, packaging

tākai ~tia

wrought iron

rino noa (takenga mai: rino - iron; noa - ordinary)


zero waste

para kore

zero waste packaging

tākai para kore

zinc (metal)

konutea (tohu: Zn) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] – metal; tea – white)

ziplock bag

pēke ngutupiri (takenga mai: ngutu - lip; piri - to cling together)