He porihanga matatini, korahi anō hoki me ōna anō āhuatanga ahurea, āhuatanga hangarau, āhuatanga toi tūāpapa, tae atu ki ōna pūnaha whakahaere pāpori.
A large complex human society which is founded on certain cultural, technological and artistic characteristics, as well as systems of social organisation.
tūā (tūāpapa) - foundation
pori - people, tribe
pori (porihanga) - society
Nō te takiwā o te 27 tau i mua i te whānautanga o Ihu Karaiti, i poua ai te tūāpori Rōmana.
Ko tāna i tohe ai, ko te apotaonga me te angatakitahi ngā pou e rua o te tūāpori o te rātō o ēnei rā.
Ko tētahi peka o te mātai whaipara tangata, he tūhura i ngā waihotanga a ngā tūāpori tuauri.