manual (by hand)
actions in Māori weaponry (general term)
weft (in weaving)
light (illumination)
yarn, thread (kupu kē atu: miro)
string (of a musical instrument) (kupu kē atu: au)
steel string
nylon string
first weft (kupu kē atu: aho tapu, aho tāwhiu)
last weft
wire cutter (for clay) (takenga mai: aho - chord, string; hae - to cut)
throw (pottery) (takenga mai: ahu - shape, fashion; uku - clay)
two-dimensional (whakapotonga: ahu-2) (takenga mai: ahu - move in a certain direction; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: ahurua)
three-dimensional (whakapotonga: ahu-3) (takenga mai: ahu - move in a certain direction; toru - three) (kupu kē atu: ahutoru)
form, shape, appearance (kupu kē atu: ata)
to shape, fashion
left and right turning of haka performers
engaging, pleasurable, entertaining (kupu kē atu: pārekareka, whakarekareka)
design element (takenga mai: āhuatanga - aspect, characteristic, property, feature, attribute; hoahoa - layout, plan, arrange)
musical elements (kupu kē atu: huānga puoro)
direction (of movement)
slow (of movement)
nervous (kupu kē atu: ongaonga, taiatea)
presence, poise, dignified
curled (kupu kē atu: koromengemenge)
upright supports on either side of the front of a meeting house
curve, curved line (kupu kē atu: rārangi kōpiko, rārangi piko)
screen (for screen printing) (takenga mai: anga - frame; raumata - mesh of a net)
move easily or freely (kupu kē atu: whakaangi)
fine (texture), thin (kupu kē atu: rauangi, rauiti)
anxious, anxiety (kupu kē atu: āwangawanga, māharahara, manawapā, manawarū, mānukanuka)
tāniko pattern constructed from triangles, representing pursuit of knowledge about the natural world (kupu kē atu: aronui)
layer (digital image editing)
lament, song of grief for someone killed in battle
crowded, dense
ledger line (takenga mai: āpitihanga - supplement; tārawa - line or rail on which anything is hung [staff, stave in music])
cover, spread over (kupu kē atu: uhi)
harmonic interval (takenga mai: āputa - interval, gap; ngātahi - together)
melodic interval (takenga mai: āputa - interval, gap; tauaru - to follow, pursue)
path (digital image editing)
path (movement)
circular path (of movement)
diagonal pathway (of movement) (kupu kē atu: ara hōkai)
ara kōpekapeka (o te nekeneke)
zig-zag pathway (of movement)
curved path (of movement)
straight pathway (of movement)
secondary curtain (takenga mai: ārai – curtain; mātāmuri – last, latter; muri – behind)
leg curtain, side curtain (takenga mai: ārai – curtain; parirau – wing)
dust mask (takenga mai: ārai - screen, ward off; nehu - dust, fine powder)
procedure (takenga mai: ara - pathway; mahi - work) (kupu kē atu: hātepe, huarahi)
tāniko pattern consisting of a series of zigzag lines
orange (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: karaka)
tongue-tied (takenga mai: arero - tongue; whīwhiwhi - entangled) (kupu kē atu: whīwhiwhi te arero)
aria (takenga mai: He kupu mino [Itāria].)
concept, theory (takenga mai: ariā - notion, idea, feeling)
music theory
resolution (of an image) (takenga mai: ariari - clear)
low resolution (takenga mai: ari [ariari] - resolution [of an image]; iti - small)
high resolution (takenga mai: ari [ariari] - resolution [of an image]; nui - large)
straight-grained (of timber) (kupu kē atu: mākohe, ngako, pūkaka)
perceive, perception, awareness
spatial awareness (kupu kē atu: aroā whaitua)
movement awareness
energy awareness
time awareness (takenga mai: aroā – comprehended, be understood; rere – flow; wā – time)
body awareness
front row (of performing group)
foreground (takenga mai: aroaro - face, front) (kupu kē atu: papamua, [a] mua)
quiver, shake (of hands) (kupu kē atu: oreore, ori, tīkorikori, wiri)
direction (of focus)
innovation (takenga mai: aronga - direction; hou - new)
dominance (takenga mai: aronga - direction, attend to, favour; mātāmua - first)
subordination (takenga mai: aronga - direction, attend to, favour; mātāmuri - last, latter)
out there, unusually innovative (takenga mai: aronga – direction; whanokē – be peculiar, weird, different)
tāniko pattern constructed from triangles, representing pursuit of knowledge about the natural world (kupu kē atu: aonui)
lens (camera)
lens (lighting)
macro lens (takenga mai: piri - come close; tata - near)
zoom lens (takenga mai: topa - fly, soar, swoop)
telephoto lens
wide-angle lens (takenga mai: whārahi - broad, wide)
monitor (takenga mai: aro – to heed, pay attention to; turuki – to come as a supplement, follow, reinforce)
video monitor
audio monitor
reflected image
form, shape, image (kupu kē atu: āhua)
life drawing (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence, image; kirikau - naked)
special effect (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence; mariko - unreal, illusory)
realistic image (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence; pono - true, valid, honest)
still life, static image (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence, image; toka - stay still, firm, solid)
stylised image (takenga mai: ata - form, shape, semblence; whaihanga - make, construct, manipulate)
visual metaphor (kupu kē atu: tohu whakarite)
hand tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: ata - icon, image; ringa - hand)
string (of a musical instrument) (kupu kē atu: aho)
creative, creativity, innovative (takenga mai: auaha – throb, thrill with passion, shape, create, form, fashion)
frequency (of sound wave) (takenga mai: auau - frequently, again and again)
automatic (takenga mai: au - current; noa - spontaneous)
pin cushion
harp (takenga mai: au - string, cord; rau - many)
cloth made from the bark of the aute (mulberry) tree
safety pin
drag (of a song)
anxious, anxiety (kupu kē atu: anipā, māharahara, manawapā, manawarū, mānukanuka, mānatunatu)
creative license (kupu kē atu: whakaetanga auaha, herekore auaha)
(stage) presence (takenga mai: awenga – influence, power, presence)
scale (musical) (takenga mai: āwhata [arawhata] - ladder)
descending scale
major scale
ascending scale
minor scale (takenga mai: rikiriki - gloomy, small)
harmonic minor scale (takenga mai: whakahī - raise the pitch in a song)
melodic minor scale (takenga mai: whakahī - raise the pitch in a song; rua - two)
pentatonic scale
chromatic scale (takenga mai: tokitoki - altogether, without exception)
diatonic scale
foreground (kupu kē atu: aroaro, papamua)
background (kupu kē atu: papamuri, tuarongo)
middle ground (of an image) (kupu kē atu: papawaenga, tuawaenga)
carved posts on the interior end walls of a meeting house
tone, timbre (musical) (takenga mai: hā - breath, taste, flavour, tone of voice, tenor of a speech)
intonation (of voice) (takenga mai: hā - tone of voice)
cut, slit, tear (kupu kē atu: pihi)
parallel grooves of carving in surface decoration
falling intonation
principal stone in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones)
posture dance
haka of welcome (kupu kē atu: haka pōwhiri)
ceremonial haka (without weapons)
haka theatre
ditty, light song
faint sound, to hear faintly (kupu kē atu: hārearea, hīrea)
distractor, playful extrovert in haka performance (male)
curved, twisted (kupu kē atu: kōpiko)
scrape (kupu kē atu: harakuku, wakuwaku)
to be deliberate (e.g. in movement)
hammer (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: pākuru)
shout, yell (kupu kē atu: hāparangi)
(to) speak, utter, say (kupu kē atu: kōrero, kī)
mumble, mutter (kupu kē atu: pararāwaha)
stage fright (takenga mai: hanepī - to be dumbfounded)
build, construct (kupu kē atu: waihanga)
slab construction (clay)
composition (takenga mai: hanga - make, build, fashion, shape)
(musical) (musical) form
synthesiser (takenga mai: hanga - make, fashion, create; oro - sound) (kupu kē atu: huioro)
percussion synthesiser, drum synthesiser
make fun, jest (kupu kē atu: whakanene, hangarau)
cast (takenga mai: hanga - make, build, fashion; rewa - molten)
mould (takenga mai: hanga - make, build, fashion; rewa - molten; kōaro - inverted)
symmetry, symmetrical (takenga mai: hanga – shape; rite – alike, corresponding)
still, quiet (kupu kē atu: hū, ngū, noho puku, wahangū)
song of scorn and derision
merge (digital image editing)
horn (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
omission, miscue, error
penalty for an error or fault (takenga mai: hapa - fault, error; tautuku - stoop, bend, to give away)
yell, shout (kupu kē atu: hāmama)
rising intonation
scrape flax to soften it (kupu kē atu: hāro)
viscous (takenga mai: hāpiripiri - be sticky, viscous)
flax, Phormium tenax
dancing, entertainment, enjoyment (kupu kē atu: kanikani, kori, ngahau)
scrape (kupu kē atu: hākuku, wakuwaku)
craft (takenga mai: haratau - dextrous) (kupu kē atu: mahi ā-rehe)
adept, dexterous, deft (kupu kē atu: raka)
print (kupu kē atu: mātātuhi)
faint sound (kupu kē atu: hīrea)
lead (a song) (kupu kē atu: hī, taki, tātaki, whakataki)
song, sing, dance (kupu kē atu: maire, pao, pīoriori, takitaki, tau, waiata)
scrape flax to extract fibre (kupu kē atu: hāpine, harakuku)
monotone (takenga mai: hā – tone of voice; tahi – one)
faded (colour) (kupu kē atu: māwhe)
strike with an implement (kupu kē atu: pao, paopao, pātuki, kuru)
single file formation or movement of a kapa haka group (kupu kē atu: whiore tapatahi)
move briskly (kupu kē atu: tūtū)
brown (kupu kē atu: kākaka, parāone, parauri, ura)
brownish yellow (takenga mai: hāura - brown; kaho - anything light coloured)
blackish brown
light brown, pale brown (takenga mai: hāura - brown; tea - light [of colour]) (kupu kē atu: pākā kōrito)
diagonal (takenga mai: hauroki - the diagonals in measuring the ground plan of a house)
prodigy, star, talented performer (kupu kē atu: hautupua, ringa taiea)
daub, smear (kupu kē atu: pahawa)
out of tune, flat (of a musical instrument)
necklace, neck ornament (kupu kē atu: tāhei)
noise, noisy (of an image)
rafter in a meeting house
Mātuku-tangotango’s knot
bridge (of a stringed instrument) (takenga mai: here - tie; aho - string)
caulking, sealant
comb (adornment)
lead (a song) (kupu kē atu: hari, taki, tātaki, whakataki)
solo parts of a song (kupu kē atu: tōtahi, takitahi, whakatene)
sound of voices, singing (kupu kē atu: iere)
energetic, spirited, lively, envigorated (kupu kē atu: hihiri, pākahukahu, whitawhita, ngangahau)
spirited, envigorated, energetic, lively (kupu kē atu: hihiko, pākahukahu, whitawhita, ngangahau)
move feet to and fro
(musical) (musical) extract (takenga mai: hīkaro - to extract)
seam (kupu kē atu: maurua)
stagger (kupu kē atu: hīrori, hurori, kōkeke)
asymmetrical, irregular (kupu kē atu: tipihori, tipirori, tipitaha, tōroherohe)
hymn (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
grey (kupu kē atu: kiwikiwi, kororā)
pale grey (takenga mai: hina - grey; tea - light [of colour])
dark grey, charcoal (colour) (takenga mai: hina - grey; uri - dark [of colour])
uneven, puckered (in weaving) (kupu kē atu: hīnarunaru)
turpentine (takenga mai: hinu - oil; paina - pine [kupu mino])
bright glossy green (takenga mai: hīoi - native mint [Mentha cunninghamii])
hip-hop (music) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
freestyle (music or dance) (takenga mai: hipihope – hip-hop [kupu mino]; ohia – to think on the spur of the moment)
silk (kupu kē atu: papamāene)
faint sound, heard faintly (kupu kē atu: hārearea)
silver (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: kākonu)
stagger (kupu kē atu: hikoki, hurori, kōkeke)
move convulsively
high (pitch) (kupu kē atu: tīkā)
prance about, strut, walk on tiptoe
dark (of colour) (kupu kē atu: uri, kākarauri)
black (kupu kē atu: mangu, pango)
design (takenga mai: hoahoa - layout, plan, arrange)
fashion design (takenga mai: pūeru - clothing, garment)
distort (sound), distortion
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: huhū, mapu, rangorango, tamumu, wheo, wheowheo)
loud (kupu kē atu: rarahi, tīwerawera)
soar, fly (kupu kē atu: hoka, topa)
shuffle (the feet) (kupu kē atu: hōnukunuku, pikari)
grand staff (takenga mai: hono - join; tārawa - line or rail on which anything is hung [staff, stave in music])
join, splice
hot shoe (takenga mai: hono - connect; kōhiko - flash)
record sound, sound recording
photography (takenga mai: hopu - catch, seize; whakaahua - image)
music recording (takenga mai: hopu - catch)
original recording
pickup (for musical instrument) (takenga mai: hopu - capture, seize; oro - sound)
microphone (takenga mai: hopu – capture, seize; oro – sound)
radio microphone, wireless mircophone
a traditional percussion instrument
dub (music) (takenga mai: hopu - record, catch; rua - two)
drill (kupu kē atu: wiri, tūwiri)
red ochre (kupu kē atu: hōrua, kōkōwai)
sound (kupu kē atu: oro)
still, quiet (kupu kē atu: hāngū, ngū, noho puku, wahangū)
outline (takenga mai: hua - outline, leading lines of a pattern in carving)
sketch (takenga mai: huahua - sketch out a pattern before carving)
thumbnail sketch (takenga mai: huahua - sketch; hangariki - small)
metaphor, simile (kupu kē atu: kupu whakarite)
dance elements
musical elements (kupu kē atu: āhuatanga puoro)
elements of drama/theatre
rhyme (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] – pronounce; rite – similar)
concept (takenga mai: huatau - thought) (kupu kē atu: ariā)
elegant, graceful, suitable
gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris (kupu kē atu: tahā, kiaka)
a traditional woodwind instrument
a traditional percussion instrument
a traditional percussion instrument
cat’s cradle, string game (kupu kē atu: huhu, māui, whai)
thimble (takenga mai: hūhi - cover; mati - finger)
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: hohō, rangorango, tamumu, wheo, wheowheo, mapu)
festival (kupu kē atu: hui ahurei, taiopenga)
drum kit (kupu kē atu: kohinga pahū)
synthesiser (takenga mai: hanga - make, fashion, create; oro - sound) (kupu kē atu: hangaoro)
thrum, tassel (kupu kē atu: patapata)
gesticulate (kupu kē atu: tuone)
unfinished, incomplete (kupu kē atu: kohuku)
wobble, move about irregularly
crumpled (kupu kē atu: kōpenupenu)
matted, tangled, cross-grained (kupu kē atu: rapa, rīrapa, tahatonga, takawiri)
grind, rub fine (kupu kē atu: kanioro, kauoro, oro, pahunga)
audience, viewership (kupu kē atu: kaimātakitaki, minenga, whakaminenga)
listenership, audience (kupu kē atu: minenga, whakaminenga)
(to) spring, leap, jump (kupu kē atu: tarapeke, peke)
jump up and down (with bent legs)
uncover, expose to view (kupu kē atu: kohura)
shutter speed (takenga mai: hura - expose; kōpani - shutter [of camera])
under-exposure (takenga mai: pore - shortened, truncated)
over-exposure (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: huripapa)
rotate, turn
pirouette (takenga mai: huri – turn; hīteki – hop on one foot, walk on tip-toe; hītekiteki – ballet)
retrograde (dance)
twirl (kupu kē atu: porotiti)
avista (takenga mai: huri – change; pae [pae whakaari] – set; matanui [tūmatanui] – open, public, without disguise)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: huri)
spanner, wrench (takenga mai: huri - turn; peru - nut) (kupu kē atu: wāwāhi)
invert, inversion
second inversion (whakapotonga: huripokinga 2)
first inversion (whakapotonga: huripokinga 1)
screwdriver (takenga mai: huri - turn; wiri [tīwiri] -screw)
stagger (kupu kē atu: hikoki, hīrori, kōkeke)
jute (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
headdress (kupu kē atu: kōtaha)
flow (takenga mai: ia - current)
out of time, ‘out of sync’ (kupu kē atu: rangirua, rapa, taki hē)
singing, sound of voices (kupu kē atu: hiere)
thrill, excitement (kupu kē atu: ihiihi)
expressive (kupu kē atu: pūkare)
vibrations felt in waiata
novice, apprentice, trainee (kupu kē atu: tauhou, pia)
protractor (takenga mai: ine - to measure; koki - angle)
metronome (takenga mai: ine - to measure; taki - beat) (kupu kē atu: takitaki)
electronic metronome
pendulum metronome
pinch pot (takenga mai: ipu - pot; kini - nip, pinch; uku - clay)
a traditional wind instrument (kupu kē atu: koea, pūkāea, pūtahoro, tētere)
leader of a haka or waiata (kupu kē atu: kaitātaki, manukura)
human image carved on a post
cream (colour) (takenga mai: kaho - anything light coloured) (kupu kē atu: kirīmi [kupu mino])
horizontal batten of tukutuku panel
roof batten
horizontal wall batten in a meeting house
clothing, garment, costume (kupu kē atu: kākahu, kaka, pūeru)
kapa haka costume
underdress, under costume
cast (of a play) (takenga mai: kāhui - company, cluster; kiriwhakaari – actor) (kupu kē atu: rōpū kiriwhakaari)
diptych (takenga mai: kāhui - assemblage, cluster; takirua - in twos)
polyptych (takenga mai: kāhui - assemblage, cluster; takitini - many)
triptych (takenga mai: kāhui - assemblage, cluster; takitoru - in threes)
blue (kupu kē atu: ōrangi, kikorangi, purū)
kapa haka performer
film maker
clay artist (kupu kē atu: ringatoi uku)
back stage worker (kupu kē atu: kaimahi tuaroa)
costume designer
set designer
lighting designer
talk fast, burble
conductor (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; kōtui - lace, interlace) (kupu kē atu: kaiarataki)
knuckle bones (kupu kē atu: kōruru, ruru)
audience, viewer, viewership (kupu kē atu: hunga mātakitaki, minenga, whakaminenga)
haka or song of derision
curator (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; rauhī - to gather together, take care of)
coarse (texture) (kupu kē atu: matanui, mātoretore, raunui, taratara)
leader of a haka or waiata (kupu kē atu: kaea, manukura)
agent (of an artist) (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; taunaki - to support, promote, back)
composer, author
choreographer (kupu kē atu: kaitito kanikani)
disc jockey (tohu: DJ) (kupu kē atu: ringa kōpae)
vocalist, singer (kupu kē atu: reo waiata)
actor, thespian (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakaatu, kiriwhakaari, kiriwhakaatu)
performer (general) (takenga mai: whakaataata - to pretend, act out, perform)
provocateur (takenga mai: whakapātari – to challenge, provoke, incite)
master of ceremonies, announcer, presenter, compère, narrator
musician (kupu kē atu: ringapuoro)
judge (kupu kē atu: kaiwhiriwhiri)
fibre (kupu kē atu: weu)
main lines in tāmoko pattern
garment, clothing, costume (kupu kē atu: kākahu, kahu, pūeru)
synthetic fibre (takenga mai: horihori - false, untrue)
animal fibre
plant fibre
stem of toetoe plant
clothe, clothing, garment, costume (kupu kē atu: kahu, kaka, pūeru)
brown (kupu kē atu: hāura, parauri, parāone, ura)
texture, grain
(musical) texture
dark (of colour) (kupu kē atu: hiwa, uri)
brown or rusty edges and tips of flax leaves
green (kupu kē atu: kāriki)
handle (of a tool or object)
silver, silvery (takenga mai: kā [kakā] - to glow; konu [konganuku] - metal) (kupu kē atu: hiriwa [kupu mino])
left over pieces stripped off in the process of preparing flax (kupu kē atu: para, pūkaha)
camera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: pū whakaahua)
(to) join in a song
dark greeny-blue, emerald
canvas (made from cotton) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
fusion (dance) (takenga mai: kani [kanikani] – dance; kōmitimiti – merge, fuse, blend)
bandsaw (takenga mai: kani - saw; koropewa - ring, loop, bow)
chainsaw (kupu kē atu: kani mīhini)
fretsaw, coping saw (takenga mai: kani - saw; whakaniko - ornamented with curves)
electric saw (takenga mai: kani - saw; hiko - electricity)
break-dance (takenga mai: keretao - puppet, jumping jack, robot)
line dance (takenga mai: matatira – be in a row; tira – company of people)
sequence dance (takenga mai: nahanaha – well arranged, systematic, ordered)
contemporary dance
tap dance (takenga mai: patō - to emit a sharp sudden sound)
ballroom dancing (takenga mai: takirua - in pairs; ōkawa - formal)
krumping (takenga mai: tūtū – move with vigour)
rub fine, grind (kupu kē atu: hunga, kauoro, oro)
jigsaw (tool) (takenga mai: kani - saw; piko - curve)
pigment, colour, hue (takenga mai: kano - colour) (kupu kē atu: tae)
mask (takenga mai: kanohi - face; kē - different, other) (kupu kē atu: matahuna)
strand of cord or rope
weave the aho tāhuhu of a garment
multicoloured (takenga mai: kano - colour, pigment; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: taerau, taetini)
traditional weaving pattern representing the strength of a warrior
team, group, company of people (kupu kē atu: rōpū, kāhui, pūtoi)
row, rank, line
haka group, (Māori) concert party
choir (kupu kē atu: koaea [kupu mino] , tira waiata, rōpū waiata)
kōwhaiwhai symbol
traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern
scene (in a play) (takenga mai: kāpeka – branch of a tree or river)
move quickly to and fro (kupu kē atu: kapetau, takawheta)
glue (takenga mai: kāpia - kauri gum, resin)
history brush tool (digital image editing)
banner (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
orange (kupu kē atu: ārani)
pale orange, fawn (takenga mai: karaka - orange; tea - light [of colour])
climax (takenga mai: karamata – high point, pinnacle, summit)
a traditional woodwind instrument
a traditional woodwind instrument
whip for a spinning top, (to) whip a spinning top (kupu kē atu: tā)
light green (kupu kē atu: kārikitea)
puppet, marionette (kupu kē atu: keretao, korotao)
hand puppet
shadow puppet
sock puppet
quiver, shake, wriggle (kupu kē atu: oioi, oreore)
memory card
green (kupu kē atu: kākāriki)
olive, greenish-brown, browny-green (takenga mai: kāriki - green; hāura - brown)
pale yellowish-green (takenga mai: kāriki - green; kaho - anything light coloured)
lime green (kupu kē atu: māota)
blue-green, teal, cyan, turquoise, aquamarine
light green (takenga mai: kāriki - green; tea - light [of colour]) (kupu kē atu: karera)
dark green (takenga mai: kāriki - green; uri - dark [of colour]) (kupu kē atu: kānapanapa, pounamu)
calico (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
a weaving pattern
fish eye lens
rag (kupu kē atu: petapeta, ruha, ruharuha, ruwha)
cotton (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pluck (an instrument) (kupu kē atu: tākirikiri)
genre (kupu kē atu: momo, tūmomo)
mobile (takenga mai: kaui - string of articles)
move forward (kupu kē atu: paneke)
move steadily
grind, rub fine (kupu kē atu: hunga, kanioro, oro)
theme, subject, topic
sub-theme (takenga mai: āpiti – as well, in addition, supplement)
shade (drawing technique) (kupu kē atu: kauruki)
stipple, stippling (takenga mai: tongitongi - speckled)
cross-hatching (takenga mai: whakahāngai - perpendicular, at right angles)
hatching (takenga mai: whakarārangi - linear)
boom (e.g. of a microphone stand) (takenga mai: kauwhanga – limb of a tree)
export (an image) (takenga mai: kawe - carry, convey, take; atu - indicates direction away from the speaker)
import (an image) (takenga mai: kawe - carry, convey, take; mai - indicates direction toward the speaker)
the first piece woven by a learner
slovenly, crooked, loose (in weaving) (kupu kē atu: tāheha, tākeka)
rhythmic chant with no set movements (kupu kē atu: pōkeka)
clay (kupu kē atu: uku)
playdough (kupu kē atu: poikere)
lump of clay
plasticine (takenga mai: kerepeti - clay worked and pressed)
yellow clay
repertoire (musical) (takenga mai: kete - kit, basket; puoro - music)
sgraffito (kupu kē atu: toi rapirapi)
(to) speak, utter, say, express (kupu kē atu: hamumu, kōrero)
gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris (kupu kē atu: hue, tahā)
expression, saying
kiekie, Freycinetia banksii
sharp (kupu kē atu: koi, pīrata, ratarata)
blue (kupu kē atu: kahurangi, ōrangi)
figurative expression
blunt (kupu kē atu: pūhoi, pūhuki, tūnguru)
comedian, clown, jester (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; hangareka - to jest, make fun)
negative (film) (takenga mai: kiri [kiriata] - film; tōraro - negative [of an image])
slide (film) (takenga mai: kiri [kiriata] - film; tōrunga - positive [of an image])
acrylic (takenga mai: kiri - skin; aku [akuaku] - firm, strong; kiriaku - He kupu mino.)
film, movie, photographic slide (takenga mai: kiri - skin; ata - shape, semblence, reflected image)
suede (takenga mai: kiri - skin; hunga [perehunga] - nap, fluff)
glaze (takenga mai: kiri - skin; mōhinuhinu - shiny, glistening, glossy)
character (takenga mai: kiri – person, self; puaki – disclose, express)
main character (kupu kē atu: kiripuaki matua)
secondary character
support character
protagonist (takenga mai: kiri – person, self; toa – warrior)
tattoo (takenga mai: kiri - skin; tuhi -adorn with painting)
underpaint, primer (takenga mai: kiriwai - skin, dermis; peita - painting) (kupu kē atu: peita papatake)
actor, thespian (takenga mai: kiri - person; whakaari - drama, play) (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakaari, kaiwhakaatu, kiriwhakaatu)
main actor (kupu kē atu: kiriwhakaari mātāmua)
support actor
typecast actor (takenga mai: kiriwhakaari – actor; toka – rock, be firm)
solo performer
extra (actor), walk-on (takenga mai: kiriwhakaari – actor; tū – position, stand; poto – short)
guitar (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: kutā, rakuraku)
electric guitar
acoustic guitar
bass guitar
intense (of colour) (kupu kē atu: pūahoaho)
peripheral vision (takenga mai: mōwaho - outward, peripheral to, on the outskirts)
colloquialism, colloquial saying
grey (kupu kē atu: hina, kororā)
hemp (takenga mai: kōaka - coarse mat made of flax leaves)
glass (art) (takenga mai: kōataata - transparent)
cast glass
stained glass (takenga mai: ōpure - patches of colour)
transparent, clear (kupu kē atu: pūataata, purata)
a traditional woodwind instrument
a traditional woodwind instrument, nose flute
a traditional woodwind instrument
a traditional wind instrument (kupu kē atu: kāea, pūkāea, pūtahoro, tētere)
a weaving pattern
hole (kupu kē atu: poka)
flash (for a camera)
drum kit (kupu kē atu: huinga pahū)
art portfolio (takenga mai: kohi - collect, gather together; toi - art; whaiaro - self, person)
unfinished, incomplete (kupu kē atu: hukihuki)
type of flax, Phormium tenax
sharp (kupu kē atu: kikoha, pīrata, ratarata)
split (kupu kē atu: mātītore)
(a Māori) weapon
a traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern
non-locomotor movement (takenga mai: koiri – to bend the body, sway, move to and fro)
bone (kupu kē atu: wheua)
plain, devoid of ornamentation (kupu kē atu: māmore, taramore, tōkau, tōtōkau)
roughly made, imperfect (kupu kē atu: pūhungahunga)
stagger, move backwards and forwards
rush forward, charge
(a) kapa haka movement
witty speaker (takenga mai: kōkō - tūī, parson bird; tatakī - to be talkative, witty)
bent, warped, twisted (kupu kē atu: kōrapa, tahatonga, tātonga)
red ochre, dark red, red-brown, auburn (kupu kē atu: hōrū, hōrua)
off-white, whitish-grey (kupu kē atu: pūmā)
mould (clay) (takenga mai: kōmiri - rub with the hand or fingers)
gradient tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: kōmitimiti - blend, fuse, merge)
eraser tool (digital image editing)
file (of data)
chip, splinter (kupu kē atu: maramara)
move stealthily (kupu kē atu: koropuku, ninihi, whakakoko, whakamokamoka, whakamōkihi)
concert (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: whakangahau)
gig (takenga mai: konohete – concert [kupu mino]; ōpaki – informal)
compact disc, CD, record
digital versatile disk (DVD)
compact disk (CD) (takenga mai: kōpae - disk; puoro - music)
art folder/folio (takenga mai: kōpaki - wrap, envelop, enfold; toi - art)
wrinkled (of fabric etc.), creased
shutter (of camera) (takenga mai: kōpani - close off, door)
trap door (of trap room under a stage) (takenga mai: kōpani – lid, cover)
veil (for face or eyes)
compress, squeeze together in the hand (kupu kē atu: kōramuramu)
pliable, soft, pulpy
crumple, crumpled (kupu kē atu: hūmekemeke)
bow (to play a string instrument)
curve (kupu kē atu: hakoko)
(to) thrust the belly forward, amusing impromptu dance performed by women
compact, restricted
impressionism (takenga mai: kōpura - ruddy, shining)
sequin (takenga mai: kora - small fragment, speck, to gleam)
scale or size of movement (takenga mai: korahi - size, extent, scope)
compress, squeeze together in the hand (kupu kē atu: kōpē, kōpēpē)
blues (music) (takenga mai: kōrangaranga - ache, be in pain, vexed; kōranga - raise, lift up)
kōrangaranga tapa tekau mā rua
twelve bar blues
mottled, spotted (kupu kē atu: kōtingotingo, tāingoingo)
warped, twisted, bent (grain of timber) (kupu kē atu: kokohu, tahatonga, tātonga)
flower stem of flax plant
speak, utter, say (kupu kē atu: hamumu, kī, whakapuaki)
story, fiction, yarn, story telling (kupu kē atu: paki, pakiwaitara)
dance (kupu kē atu: harakoa, kanikani, ngahau)
move, movement (kupu kē atu: neke)
chorus, refrain (takenga mai: korihi - sing [as birds], dawn chorus; korihi - chorus [kupu mino])
simultaneous, in unison (of movement) (kupu kē atu: [neke] ngātahi)
sweet singer, melodious voice (takenga mai: korokoro - throat; tūī - parson bird) (kupu kē atu: reo rōreka)
curled (kupu kē atu: āmengemenge)
curl up the limbs
loop tool (clay)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: rāraki [rārangi])
move stealthily (kupu kē atu: konihi, ninihi, whakakoko, whakamokamoka, whakamōkihi)
bluey grey
distort (movement), distorted (takenga mai: kōrori - to distort, twisted, warped)
bulbed motif in kōwhaiwhai
carved slab over the window of a meeting house
corduroy (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: paparai)
carved face on the gable of a meeting house
knuckle bones (kupu kē atu: kaimakamaka, ruru)
headdress (kupu kē atu: hutukawa)
haka of triumph
(a Māori) weapon
slice tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: kotikoti - to cut to pieces, lay out boundaries)
mottled, spotted (kupu kē atu: kōrangorango, tāingoingo)
interlace, to lace (kupu kē atu: pawero)
kōwhaiwhai (painted scroll pattern)
menu (e.g. of a computer programme) (takenga mai: kōwhiri - select, choose) (kupu kē atu: tahua)
casting (characters for a play)
colour palette (takenga mai: kōwhiri - select, choose; tae - colour)
tools palette (digital image editing) (kupu kē atu: kōwhiringa taputapu)
marquee tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: kōwhiti - to select, to pull out)
magic wand tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: kano - colour, texture, stock)
rectangle tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tapawhā [tapawhā hāngai] - rectangle)
tuning key (takenga mai: kōwiri - twist)
drill, a traditional tool used to make holes in wood and stone
a traditional string instrument
dry leaves of flax (kupu kē atu: koka)
Jew's harp, mouth harp (kupu kē atu: rōria, tararī)
onomatopoeia (takenga mai: oro – sound; rite – similar)
soliloquy (takenga mai: whaiaro – self, person)
simile, metaphor (kupu kē atu: huahuatau)
red (kupu kē atu: whero)
light red (takenga mai: tea - light [colour])
dark red, crimson, ruby (takenga mai: uri - dark) (kupu kē atu: kōkōwai)
moko pattern on the forearm
out of rank, uneven
mallet, strike with a mallet or other implement (kupu kē atu: tā)
arrowhead formation of a kapa haka group
guitar (kupu kē atu: kitā, rakuraku)
pinking shears (takenga mai: kōpekapeka - zig zag)
fabric shears
scissors, shears
elastic (takenga mai: kūtoro - stretched, at full length)
anxious, anxiety, apprehension, tension, trepidation, unease (kupu kē atu: anipā, āwangawanga, manawapā, manawarū, mānukanuka , mānatunatu)
design brief (takenga mai: mahere - plan; hoahoa - design)
craft (kupu kē atu: haratau)
low contrast, dim (of an image) (kupu kē atu: whakawairua, whēkaro)
(a) weaving pattern
purple (kupu kē atu: pāpura [kupu mino], tawa, waiporoporo)
bargeboards (of a meeting house)
song of affection for the dead, haka to welcome guests to a tangi (kupu kē atu: maimai aroha)
(audio) feedback (takenga mai: maiorooro - be unpleasant, discordant, jarring)
song (kupu kē atu: hari, pao, pīoriori, takitaki, tau, waiata)
blurry (of an image) (kupu kē atu: rehurehu)
spiral (kupu kē atu: tōrino)
straight-grained (of timber) (kupu kē atu: aritahi, ngako, pūkaka)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: pūrerehua, rangorango)
plain, devoid of ornamentation (kupu kē atu: kōkau, taramore, tōkau, tōtōkau)
enraptured, ecstatic, delighted, euphoria (kupu kē atu: manawarū)
manaia (stylised figure in carving)
copyright (tohu: ©) (takenga mai: mana - authority, control; tārua - copy, duplicate) (kupu kē atu: manatā)
anxious (kupu kē atu: anipā, āwangawanga, māharahara, manawapā, mānukanuka)
(a) haka expressing anger or pain, with no set movements (kupu kē atu: manawawera)
muse, source of inspiration, creative influence (takenga mai: manawa - heart, seat of affection; kura [māreikura, whatukura] - order of female/male supernatural beings; kura - something cherished, dearly loved)
anxious, anxiety, apprehension, unease (kupu kē atu: anipā, āwangawanga, māharahara, mānukanuka)
enraptured, ecstatic, delighted (kupu kē atu: manahau)
cadence, rhythm (kupu kē atu: ūngeri)
act (section of a play) (takenga mai: manga - branch of a tree or river)
heavy (of movement)
traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern depicting the hammerhead shark
traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern symbolising the strength of the shark
black (kupu kē atu: hiwahiwa, pango)
closely woven (kupu kē atu: pūputu)
woman who performs on the side of a haka group to encourage and energise the performers
kite (kupu kē atu: manu aute, pākau)
anxious, anxiety (kupu kē atu: anipā, āwangawanga, māharahara, manawapā, manawarū)
lime green (kupu kē atu: kārikikōwhai)
maraca, castanet (takenga mai: māpara - pieces of wood used as castanets) (kupu kē atu: tōkere)
a traditional percussion instrument (kupu kē atu: tōkere)
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: hohō, huhū, rangorango, tamumu, wheo, wheowheo)
painted or carved figure in the form of a mythical sea creature
splinter, chip (kupu kē atu: kongakonga)
soft (of sound) (kupu kē atu: ririki)
short kilt or loin cloth
lens hood (takenga mai: maru - shield, shelter; arotahi - lens)
prophetic song
blade, cutting edge
screen (visual)
screen (visual display)
diamond cutter, diamond bit (takenga mai: mata - blade, edge, surface; taimana - diamond [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: niho taimana)
viewfinder (takenga mai: mataaho - window)
stained glass window (takenga mai: mataaho - window; ōpurepure - varied with patches of colour)
alert, vigilant
cubism, cubist (takenga mai: toi - art; mata - face, surface; mata [mataono] - cube; huhua - many)
mask (kupu kē atu: kanohi kē)
acoustics (field of study) (takenga mai: mātai - inspect, examine; oro - sound)
expert, professional (skilful, adept) (kupu kē atu: ngaio)
blade (of a saw) (takenga mai: mata - face, edge; niho - tooth)
coarse-grained (of a sharpening stone, etc.)
coarse, rough (texture) (kupu kē atu: kaitara, mātoretore, raunui, taratara)
ceramic (takenga mai: matapaia - clay work, pottery)
graphite (takenga mai: matā - lead; pango - black)
mural (takenga mai: matarahi - large; mata - surface; rahi - numerous)
fine-grained (of a sharpening stone, etc.)
flax divided into narrow strips for weaving
light part of an image (takenga mai: mātā [mātāniho] - print or mark of teeth; tea - white, clear)
fearless, energetic (kupu kē atu: tūkaha, uekaha)
print (takenga mai: mātā [mātāniho] – print or mark of teeth; tuhi – delineate, draw, adorn with painting) (kupu kē atu: hāraunga)
lino print
intaglio (takenga mai: kōaro - be inverted)
wood block print
screen print (takenga mai: raumata - mesh of a net)
photographic screen print
silhouette (takenga mai: mata - face; uri - dark)
dark part of an image (takenga mai: mātā [mātāniho] - print or mark of teeth; uri - dark)
digital (takenga mai: mati - digit; hiko - electricity)
toggle (takenga mai: mātiti - peg for tightening or securing anything)
split (kupu kē atu: kōihi)
aesthetic, visually appealing (kupu kē atu: rerehua)
rough (texture), coarse (kupu kē atu: kaitara, matanui, raunui, taratara)
conventional formation of a haka group (kupu kē atu: taparahi)
major (music)
Māori weaponry (kupu kē atu: ngā rākau a Tū, ngā rākau o te riri)
cat's cradle, string game (kupu kē atu: hūhi, huhu, whai)
red paint
vital essence, life force, source of emotions
seam (kupu kē atu: hiki)
faded (colour) (kupu kē atu: hātea)
pink (kupu kē atu: mākurakura)
pale pink (takenga mai: māwhero - pink; tea - light [of colour])
leap, skip
traditional Māori weapon
audience (kupu kē atu: hunga mātakitaki, hunga whakarongo, kaimātakitaki, whakaminenga)
act in a defiant manner (kupu kē atu: whakamīrei)
twist a cord by rubbing the strands on the thigh (kupu kē atu: tāmiro)
megapixel (tohu: MP)
megabyte (tohu: MB) (takenga mai: miriona - million [kupu mino]; wae - unit of measurment; matihiko - digital) (kupu kē atu: mekapaita [kupu mino])
thread, twisted cord (kupu kē atu: aho)
cotton thread (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rhythm, cadence, beat (kupu kē atu: manawataki, ūngeri)
elocution, diction, accent, dialect, register (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tūreo)
absorb (takenga mai: miti - lick up; mimiti - swallowed up)
gloss finish (takenga mai: mōhinuhinu - shiny, glistening, glossy) (kupu kē atu: pīata)
moko (tattooing on the face or body under traditional protocol) (kupu kē atu: tāmoko)
temporary moko (takenga mai: rangitahi – transient, short-lived)
space, spatial (kupu kē atu: takiwā, whaitua)
genre (kupu kē atu: kātū, tūmomo)
musical genre
predicament, crisis, danger, alarm
lament, traditional chant, folk song, sung poetry
(a Māori) game resembling draughts (kupu kē atu: tōrere)
foreground (kupu kē atu: aroaro, papamua)
flop (of a performance), failure (takenga mai: mūhore - to be unsuccessful in an activity)
prepared flax fibre (kupu kē atu: whītau)
erase, eraser (takenga mai: muku - wipe, rub) (kupu kē atu: rapa [kupu mino], ūkui)
traditional tukutuku pattern incorporating a number of patterns in an array (kupu kē atu: Whanganui mūmū)
gas burner
vivid (of colour), bright (takenga mai: muramura - glow, show a brilliant colour) (kupu kē atu: kitakita)
background (kupu kē atu: papamuri, tuarongo)
glide, move with an even motion (kupu kē atu: rōnaki)
inarticulate, incoherent, jumbled (kupu kē atu: tapepe)
weave (kupu kē atu: raranga, whatu)
move, movement (kupu kē atu: kori, nekeneke)
low movement
canon (movement)
floating (movement) (takenga mai: kārewa - be buoyed, floating)
free movement
in unison (of movement), simultaneous movement (kupu kē atu: korite)
contemporary movement
traditional movement
counterpoint (movement) (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to combine, co-operate, interact)
repetitive movement
high movement
choreography (kupu kē atu: tito nekehanga)
nail (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
dart (for throwing) (kupu kē atu: niti, pehu, teka)
diamond bit, diamond cutter (takenga mai: niho - tooth; taimana - diamond [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: mata taimana)
(a) traditional tukutuku pattern representing the teeth of a taniwha
zip (takenga mai: niho - teeth; kati - close) (kupu kē atu: niniho)
drill bit (takenga mai: niho - tooth; wiri - twist, bore)
coil (clay), to form into a coil
move stealthily (kupu kē atu: konihi, koropuku, whakakoko, whakamokamoka, whakamōkihi)
awkward (of movement), uncoordinated (kupu kē atu: pōrahu)
dart (for throwing) (kupu kē atu: neti, pehu, teka)
squat (kupu kē atu: kuparu)
quiet, still (kupu kē atu: hāngū, hū, ngū, wahangū)
musical device (takenga mai: nuka - device, stratagem)
literary device (takenga mai: nuka - stratagem, ploy, device)
choreographic device (takenga mai: nuka - device, stratagem, ploy)
move tool (digital image editing)
performing arts
Māori weaponry (kupu kē atu: mau rākau, ngā rākau o te riri)
dance (kupu kē atu: harakoa, kanikani, kori)
enjoyment, amusement, entertainment (kupu kē atu: rēhia)
nylon (takenga mai: ngai - He kupu mino.; aku [akuaku] - firm, strong)
professional (skilful, adept) (kupu kē atu: mātanga)
straight-grained (of timber) (kupu kē atu: aritahi, mākohe, pūkaka)
spirited, lively
clear, focussed
make a shrill high pitched noise in a haka or wero
dress timber with an adze (kupu kē atu: tahi)
finely finished adzing
coarse finished adzing
medium finished adzing
crawl, creep (kupu kē atu: ngōki)
black pigment, charcoal (kupu kē atu: konga, ngārehu, tārehu, waro)
song to make people pull together, anthem
move to and fro (kupu kē atu: koiri, piupiu, takaoreore)
shake, move to and fro
in unison (together)
shudder, vibrate
locomotor movement (takenga mai: ngatete – to move) (kupu kē atu: whakatakataka)
loosely woven (kupu kē atu: ngeki, tāwēwē)
short haka with no set movements
needle (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
clay needle tool
pompom (kupu kē atu: poi)
intense (of feeling, mood etc.)
rest (in music) (takenga mai: ngū - silent)
still, quiet (kupu kē atu: hāngū, hū, noho puku, wahangū)
reserved, inhibited (kupu kē atu: whakatōngā)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: pororua)
contemporary (takenga mai: o nāianei - of now, of the present)
traditional (takenga mai: o nehe - of the past) (kupu kē atu: tuku iho)
shake, quiver, wriggle (kupu kē atu: kareu, oreore)
writhe, toss about (kupu kē atu: takawhitiwhiti)
pause, rest (kupu kē atu: whakatā)
nervous (kupu kē atu: āmaimai, taiatea)
major sixth
minor sixth
pied, patches of colour
blue (kupu kē atu: kahurangi, kikorangi)
electric blue (takenga mai: ōrangi - blue; hiko - electric)
light blue (takenga mai: ōrangi - blue; tea - light [of colour])
dark blue, navy blue (takenga mai: ōrangi - blue; uri - dark [of colour]) (kupu kē atu: pukepoto)
wriggle, quiver, shake (kupu kē atu: kareu, oioi)
move easily to and fro (kupu kē atu: pīoioi)
ballet (takenga mai: ori - sway, move about; hīteki - walk on tiptoe)
lullaby, song composed for the birth of a child (kupu kē atu: taiapo)
note (music) (takenga mai: oro - sound)
sound (kupu kē atu: hou)
grind, rub fine (kupu kē atu: hunga, kanioro, kauoro)
foldback (sound) (takenga mai: auraki – return)
digital audio (takenga mai: mati - digit; hiko - electric)
tonic, home note (kupu kē atu: [oro] paetahi)
electronic sound
contrasting sound (takenga mai: oro - sound, note; tauaro - opposite)
dotted note
sharpen (kupu kē atu: whakakoi)
alliteration (takenga mai: orokati – consonant; tārua – repeat)
natural (musical note) (tohu: ♮) (takenga mai: oro - note [music]; noa - ordinary)
acoustic (takenga mai: oro – sound; pāorooro – resound)
assonance (takenga mai: oropuare – vowel; tārua – repeat)
in unison (pitch) (takenga mai: oro - note [music]; rite - corresponding)
a traditional woodwind instrument
flat, out of tune (of a voice) (takenga mai: taha - to pass by)
in tune (of a voice) (takenga mai: oro – sound, note; tau – neat, becoming, suitable)
sound effects (takenga mai: oro – sound; taunaki – reinforce, support)
submediant, sixth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; ono - six)
dominant, fifth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; rima - five)
supertonic, second degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; rua - two)
home note, first degree (of a scale), tonic (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; tahi - one) (kupu kē atu: oro matua)
mediant, third degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; toru - three)
octave, eighth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; waru - eight) (kupu kē atu: waruoro)
subdominant, fourth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; whā - four)
leading note, seventh degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; whitu - seven)
triad (takenga mai: oro - note; takitoru - in threes)
semitone, half tone (takenga mai: oro - musical note, sound; wae - unit, division; haurua - half)
tone (interval) (takenga mai: oro - musical note, sound; wae - unit, division; tahi - one)
hip-hop (music) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
underpaint, primer (takenga mai: kiriwai - skin, dermis; peita - painting) (kupu kē atu: peita papatake)
blues (music) (takenga mai: kōrangaranga - ache, be in pain, vexed; kōranga - raise, lift up)
tone control (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button [kupu mino]; pā - touch; hā - tone; oro - sound)
volume control (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button [kupu mino]; pā - touch; kahaoro - volume)
shutter button (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button; pā - touch; kōpani - shutter [of a camera])
menu control (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button; pā - touch; kōwhiringa - menu)
zoom control (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button; pā - touch; topa [arotahi topa] - zoom lens)
mode control (takenga mai: pā [pātene] - button; pā - touch; whakahaere - organise, operate)
set (of a play) (takenga mai: pae - perch, site; whakaari - drama)
palette (takenga mai: pae -perch, rest; whakaranu - mix together)
submediant, sixth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; ono - six)
key (tonal framework) (takenga mai: pae - region, boundary; oro - sound)
major key (takenga mai: paeoro - key [music]; matua - main)
minor key (takenga mai: paeoro - key [music]; rikiriki - gloomy, small)
threshold of a meeting house
nut (of a guitar or similar instrument) (takenga mai: pae - perch, rest, lie across; pane - head)
mounting (for an artwork) (takenga mai: pae - surround with a border; piri - be attached, fastened to)
dominant, fifth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; rima - five)
sensor (takenga mai: pae - perch; paenga - place where things are heaped up; rongo - apprehend by the senses)
supertonic, second degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; rua - two)
wings (of a stage) (kupu kē atu: parirau)
home note, first degree (of a scale), tonic (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; tahi - one) (kupu kē atu: oro matua)
bar line (takenga mai: pae - boundary, region; tapa - bar [music])
mediant, third degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; toru - three)
saddle (of a guitar or similar instrument) (takenga mai: pae - perch, rest, lie across; tumu - foundation, stump, post)
moko pattern on the thigh (kupu kē atu: pakituri)
octave, eighth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; waru - eight) (kupu kē atu: waruoro)
subdominant, fourth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; whā - four)
leading note, seventh degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: pae [kaupae] - rung on a ladder; whitu - seven)
appropriate, appropriation (takenga mai: pāhao - borrow, acquire information stealthily, glean)
smear, daub (kupu kē atu: hawahawa)
live stream, live broadcast (takenga mai: pāho - broadcast; mata - face; ora - alive)
drum (kupu kē atu: taramu [kupu mino])
bass drum (takenga mai: nguru [panguru] - bass, gruff)
snare drum (takenga mai: rarā - rattle)
kettle drum, timpani (takenga mai: rino - metal)
bongo drum
tomtom drum (takenga mai: tametame - tomtom [kupu mino])
conga drum (takenga mai: tāroa - tall)
fade (of sound), decline (kupu kē atu: tāromaroma)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: panga, ruke)
light brown, khaki (kupu kē atu: hāuratea)
envigorated, energetic, spirited, lively (kupu kē atu: hihiko, hihiri, whitawhita, ngangahau)
burnt orange, dark orange
xylophone, marimba (takenga mai: pakakau - two sticks with which a sort of tune is played)
glockenspiel (takenga mai: pakakau - two sticks with which a sort of tune is played [xylophone]; rino - metal)
banjo (takenga mai: pakakū - make a harsh grating sound; kū - a one stringed instrument played with a stick)
(a) carving pattern for surface decoration consisting of a series of notches
kite (kupu kē atu: manu aute, manu tukutuku)
rough cape of undressed kiekie or flax
clap (kupu kē atu: pakipaki, papaki)
story, fiction, yarn, story telling (kupu kē atu: kōrero paki, pakiwaitara)
border on a garment
moko pattern on the thigh (kupu kē atu: paeturi)
story, fiction, yarn (kupu kē atu: paki, kōrero paki)
resound, pop, bang, boom, a loud sudden noise (kupu kē atu: pakū, papā)
image, statue (kupu kē atu: whakapakoko)
hammer (kupu kē atu: hama [kupu mino])
a traditional percussion instrument (kupu kē atu: pānguru)
strike (an instrument) (kupu kē atu: pao)
head (of a guitar or similar instrument)
move forward (kupu kē atu: kauneke)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: paka, ruke)
proportion (takenga mai: pānga [pā] - connected with, relationship; riterite - alike, corresponding)
black (kupu kē atu: hiwahiwa, mangu)
bass, double bass (takenga mai: panguru - bass, gruff)
electric bass
acoustic bass
smear, paint (kupu kē atu: penu)
impasto (takenga mai: pani - paint, smear, spread anything on something else; kukū - thick liquid)
gesso (takenga mai: pani - paint, smear, spread; pākeho - limestone, white clay)
make-up, cosmetics (takenga mai: panipani – to smear, daub, paint)
ditty, popular song, impromptu topical song to entertain
strike with an implement (kupu kē atu: hau, hahau, kuru, pātuki)
resound, echo (kupu kē atu: haruru, paoro)
cover (song) (takenga mai: pao - sing; rua - two)
percussion (instrument) (kupu kē atu: [taonga] tāpatupatu)
resound, pop, bang, boom, a loud sudden noise (kupu kē atu: pakō, pakū)
pegboard (takenga mai: papa - surface; kōputaputa - pitted, full of holes)
chipboard (takenga mai: papa - surface, board; maramara - chip, splinter)
fibreboard (takenga mai: papa - surface, board; mara [maramara] - chip, splinter; riki - small)
keyboard (music) (takenga mai: papa - anything broad or flat; pato [patopato] - to tap; oro - sound, note)
paper trimmer (takenga mai: papa - flat surface; poro - trim off, cut off)
drawing board
cutting board/mat
stage used for kapa haka performance
reverb, reverberation (takenga mai: papahū - to resound, reverberate)
cotton (fabric) (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - cloth, fabric; hune - pappus of seeds of raupō)
(a) weaving pattern
clap (kupu kē atu: paki, pakipaki)
body percussion
(a) weaving pattern (kupu kē atu: papakingaro)
canvas (made from hemp) (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - cloth, fabric; kōaka - hemp)
silk (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - cloth, fabric; maene - soft, smooth) (kupu kē atu: hiraka)
satin (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - fabric; mōhinu [mōhinuhinu] - shiny, glistening, glossy)
velvet (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - cloth, fabric; mōnehu - the fine rusty pubescence on the unexpanded fronds of bracken and other ferns)
foreground (kupu kē atu: aroaro, [a] mua)
linen (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - fabric; muka - flax fibre)
background (kupu kē atu: [a] muri, tuarongo)
fabric, material, cloth (takenga mai: papanga rua - two-fold, of fabric)
layer, layered (kupu kē atu: paparanga)
stretch fabric (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - fabric; kūtoro - stretched at full length, a closely woven fabric)
corduroy (takenga mai: papa [papanga] - fabric; rarai - ribbed, furrowed) (kupu kē atu: koruroi)
layer, layered (kupu kē atu: papanga)
fretboard (takenga mai: papa - flat surface; ripa - ridge [fret in music])
beat, rhythm of a poi (kupu kē atu: patu, rau)
(drawing) tablet (takenga mai: papa - surface; tuhi - write, draw)
middle ground (of an image) (kupu kē atu: tuawaenga, [a] waenga)
left over pieces stripped off in the process of preparing flax (kupu kē atu: kaku, pūkaha)
avant-garde (takenga mai: para - to remove obstructions; huarahi - pathway)
practise the use of weapons
tool (kupu kē atu: taputapu)
brush (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
synthetic brush (takenga mai: horihori - false, artificial)
sable brush (takenga mai: huruhuru - hair, fur)
airbrush (takenga mai: kōkōhau - air)
nylon brush
fine brush
broad brush
mumble, mutter (kupu kē atu: hamumu)
splash (cymbal) (takenga mai: paratī - to splash up; tī [tīwēwē] - cymbal)
dark brown, chocolate colour (kupu kē atu: hāura, kākaka, parāone [kupu mino], ura)
carved door lintel of a meeting house
pleasurable, entertaining, engaging (kupu kē atu: āhuareka, whakarekareka)
enticing movement of a woman’s hips (in haka)
bodice, bra
wings (of a stage) (kupu kē atu: paetaha)
mud (used in the process of dyeing fibre)
pit (kupu kē atu: rua)
(a) weaving pattern
tassel, thrum (kupu kē atu: hukahuka)
entice, beguile, divert (kupu kē atu: whakawai)
chant, song of derision
(a) traditional kōwhaiwhai and tukutuku pattern depicting the flounder and Coalsack constellation
staccato (tohu: ) (takenga mai: patō - emit a sharp sudden sound)
horizontal type tool (digital image editing)
vertical type tool (digital image editing)
type (on a keyboard)
key (of a musical keyboard) (takenga mai: pato [patopato] - tap; oro - sound, note)
(a) traditional Māori club-like weapon
strike with an implement (kupu kē atu: hau, hahau, pao, paopao)
lace, interlace (kupu kē atu: kōtui, kōtuitui)
dart (for throwing) (kupu kē atu: neti, niti, teka)
paint, painting (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: pani)
oil paint
acrylic paint
enamel paint (takenga mai: kōrahirahi - thin, somewhat transparent)
fauvism (takenga mai: pāwhara - wild, untamed)
spray paint
figurative painting
abstract painting
watercolour paint
gouache (takenga mai: peita - paint [kupu mino]; wai - water; kukū - firm, stiff, thickened, thick liquid)
wash (paint) (takenga mai: waimeha - diluted)
metallic paint (takenga mai: whai - possessing; rino - metal [kupu mino])
disco dancing, disco (takenga mai: pekerangi – dance accompanied by song)
pen (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pen tool (digital image editing)
band (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rōpū puoro)
stylus (takenga mai: pene - pen; matihiko - digital)
permanent marker pen
chalk pen
fountain pen, ink pen
felt pen (takenga mai: pene - pen; whītau - prepared fibre)
smear (kupu kē atu: pani)
recycled paper
sugar paper
cotton paper
textured paper (kupu kē atu: pepa whaikakano)
canvas paper
cartridge paper (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
black cartridge paper
blotting paper (takenga mai: mitimiti - lick up)
tinfoil (takenga mai: mohe [konumohe] - aluminium)
glossy paper
linen paper
wallpaper (kupu kē atu: pepa pātū)
matt paper
tissue paper (takenga mai: rauangi - to be thin, fine)
brown paper (wrapping paper)
tracing paper
newsprint (takenga mai: tōkau - to be plain)
graph paper
watercolour paper
wax paper
coloured paper
metallic paper (takenga mai: whai - possessing; rino - metal [kupu mino])
photography paper
sandpaper (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; maene - smooth)
papier mâché (takenga mai: pepa - paper; whakapiri - stick, fasten)
translucent paper
fire brick
nut (takenga mai: peru - head as of a nail etc.)
machine head (of a guitar or similar instrument) (takenga mai: peru - head of a nail etc.)
haka with leaping, performed with long weapons (kupu kē atu: puha, tūtū ngārahu, tūtū waewae)
rag (kupu kē atu: karukaru, ruha, ruharuha, ruwha)
apprentice, novice, trainee (kupu kē atu: ika tauhou, tauhou)
pastel (takenga mai: pia - gum of a tree; kano - colour)
piano (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
gloss finish (kupu kē atu: mōhinuhinu)
matt finish
crazing (takenga mai: pīereere - fissured)
cut, slit, tear (kupu kē atu: hae, hahae, ripi)
shuffle (the feet) (kupu kē atu: hōnekeneke, hōnukunuku)
(a) foot movement in execution of the wero
sharp (musical notation) (tohu: ♯) (takenga mai: piki - ascend, go upward)
understudy (takenga mai: piki – second, support in a duel; piki tūranga – successor)
picture (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: whakaahua)
illustration (takenga mai: whakaari - to show, display, present)
pin (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tāpine)
pīngao, golden sand sedge, Demoschoenus spiralis
golden yellow
move easily to and fro (kupu kē atu: ori)
song (kupu kē atu: hari, maire, pao, takitaki, waiata)
wide apart, gaping (kupu kē atu: tīrara, tīwāwā)
sharp (kupu kē atu: kikoha, koi, ratarata)
headset (takenga mai: piri – cling)
gigabyte (tohu: GB) (takenga mai: piriona - billion; wae - unit of measurement; matihiko - digital) (kupu kē atu: kikapaita [kupu mino])
velcro (takenga mai: piripiri - Acaena anserinifolia, a creeping burr; piri - stick, adhere)
traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern relating to the manaia figure in carving
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones)
swing, skip
skirt made from flax
move to and fro (kupu kē atu: koiri, ngarue, ngāruerue, takaoreore)
surrealism (takenga mai: toi - art; pohewa - imagine, fancy, in imagination)
suspense (takenga mai: poho - chest, seat of affections; tārewa - suspended, dangling, unresolved) (kupu kē atu: pohopā)
ear ornament (kupu kē atu: whakakai)
suspense (kupu kē atu: poho tārewa)
pompom (kupu kē atu: ngore)
poi (traditional instrument), swing (a poi), cultural item involving poi
ornamented poi (kupu kē atu: poi tāniko)
poi made from dried and curled strands of flax (kupu kē atu: poi piu)
poi made from dried and curled strands of flax (kupu kē atu: poi patu)
short poi
stick games (kupu kē atu: tī rākau, tītī tōrea, tītī tourea, tītī touretua)
long poi
a traditional percussion instrument
playdough (takenga mai: poi - make into a ball, knead, work up; kere - clay, earth) (kupu kē atu: kere pokepoke)
protégé (takenga mai: poipoi – to nurture) (kupu kē atu: paruhi)
hole, bore, pierce (kupu kē atu: kōhao)
hank (of yarn)
rhythmic chant without actions (kupu kē atu: keka)
wedge, knead (clay) (takenga mai: pokepoke - knead)
valve cap (takenga mai: poki - cover over, cap; wenewene - fingerhole in flute)
fingering (on a wind instrument)
headphones (takenga mai: poki – to cover)
trap room (takenga mai: pokorua – pit, hollow, crevasse)
sluggish, unenergetic
uncoordinated, awkward (of movement) (kupu kē atu: ninipa)
crop, trim, crop tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: poro - to cut short, trim off)
claves (kupu kē atu: tīare)
crop an image (takenga mai: poro - cut short; whakaahua - photograph, image)
indigo, blue-black (takenga mai: poro [waiporoporo] - purple; pango - black)
violet, mauve, pale purple-blue
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: nguru)
a traditional woodwind instrument
twirl (kupu kē atu: hurihuri)
dark purple (takenga mai: poro [waiporoporo] - purple; uri - dark [of colour])
a traditional woodwind instrument, piccolo
hi-hat (cymbal) (takenga mai: pōtae - hat; rua - two)
spinning top
gourd spinning top
humming top (kupu kē atu: pōtaka kukume, pōtaka tākiri)
double pointed spinning top (kupu kē atu: pōtaka tikitiki, pōtaka whero rua)
whipping top
(to) close the eyes when performing haka and waiata
conch shell trumpet (kupu kē atu: pūmoana, pūtātara)
mentor (kupu kē atu: whakaruruhau)
light box
(a) weaving pattern
dark green (kupu kē atu: kānapanapa, kārikiuri)
carved upright slab on the interior walls of a meeting house
traditional tukutuku pattern resembling steps
centre ridge-pole of a meeting house
carved centre post on the interior end wall of a meeting house
(a Māori) weapon
base, source, origin (kupu kē atu: pūtake, take )
pipe, tube
vanishing point
camera (takenga mai: pū - origin, source; pū [pūrere] - device; whakaahua - image) (kupu kē atu: kāmera [kupu mino])
video camera (takenga mai: ataata - video)
film camera (tohu: SLR)
digital camera (takenga mai: mati - digit; hiko - electricity)
pin-hole camera (takenga mai: puare - aperture, opening; ririki - small)
high contrast (takenga mai: pūahoaho - clarity, clearness)
express, expression, say, utter (kupu kē atu: kī, whakapuaki)
aperture (of a lens)
sound hole
transparent, clear (kupu kē atu: kōataata, purata)
clothing, garment, fashion (kupu kē atu: kahu, kaka, kākahu)
haka with leaping, performed with long weapons (kupu kē atu: peruperu, tūtū ngārahu, tūtū waewae)
woodwind (instrument)
top knot, plume, adorn with feathers
decorate with feathers, bunches of hair etc.
blunt (kupu kē atu: kiporo, pūhuki, tūnguru)
trombone (takenga mai: pū - tube; hōkai - extend and retract alternately)
traditional kōwhaiwhai and moko pattern usually on the upper leg
blunt (kupu kē atu: kiporo, pūhoi, tūnguru)
roughly made, imperfect (kupu kē atu: kōkau)
a traditional wind instrument (kupu kē atu: kāea, koea, pūtahoro, tētere)
left over pieces stripped off in the process of preparing flax (kupu kē atu: kaku, para)
straight-grained (of timber) (kupu kē atu: aritahi, mākohe, ngako)
(to) stare wildly, dilate the eyes (kupu kē atu: whākana)
knot (in timber) (kupu kē atu: pūpeka, pūmanga)
evocative, expressive (takenga mai: pū [pupū] - break forth, spring up; kare [kare ā-roto] - emotion)
audio technician, audio engineer (takenga mai: pūkenga – skilled person; oro – sound)
lighting technician (takenga mai: pūkenga – skilled person; tūrama – light, lighting, illuminate)
aural skill
dark blue, navy blue (kupu kē atu: ōrangiuri)
organ (takenga mai: pū - tube; pūkeru - blow) (kupu kē atu: ōkena [kupu mino])
pipe organ
electronic organ
reed organ
movement vocabulary, dance vocabulary (takenga mai: pū - heap, stack; kete - kit) (kupu kē atu: pūkete kanikani)
orator (kupu kē atu: kākā wahanui)
butterflies in the stomach (takenga mai: āmaimai - nervous, anxious)
black comedy, dark comedy (takenga mai: pukuhohe – humour; mōkinokino – bleak, dismal, dreadful, grim)
off-white, whitish grey (kupu kē atu: kōmā)
memory stick, pen drive
knot (in timber) (kupu kē atu: pūkanohi, pūpeka)
hard drive
scanner (takenga mai: pū [pūrere] - device; matawai - look closely, inspect, scan)
conch shell trumpet (kupu kē atu: potipoti, pūtātara)
a traditional woodwind instrument
fly system (of a stage), theatrical rigging system (takenga mai: pūnaha - system; tīrewa - scaffolding)
bagpipes (takenga mai: pū - pipe, tube; ngawī - squeal, howl)
tuba (takenga mai: pū - tube; nguru [tanguru] - deep toned, gruff)
wardrobe (takenga mai: puni - place of encampment, company of persons; kahu - costume, clothing, garment)
art installation (takenga mai: puni - encampment)
music (kupu kē atu: pūoru)
pop music (takenga mai: aro - attend to, favour, be inclined toward; tini - many)
world music (takenga mai: au [aumoana] - open sea; nuku - wide extent, the Earth)
soul music (takenga mai: kōmanawa - spring, well up, of water and thoughts)
fusion (takenga mai: kōmitimiti - combine, fuse, merge)
blues music
classical music (takenga mai: ōkawa - formal)
disco music (takenga mai: pekerangi - dance accompanied by song)
rock and roll music (takenga mai: raka [kupu mino] - rock; pioi - to shake, sway)
rock music (takenga mai: rakatū - He kupu mino.)
gospel music
indigenous music
background music (takenga mai: tuarongo - back of the interior of a house, back wall)
symphony (takenga mai: tuatini - with many parts, of many strands)
country music
country pop music
country soul music
country blues music
country and western music
country rock music
rhythm and blues
opera (kupu kē atu: ōpera [kupu mino])
concerto (takenga mai: whakatene - sing the solo part of a song)
music (kupu kē atu: puoro)
knot (in timber) (kupu kē atu: pūkanohi, pūmanga)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: pūpū whakarongotaua)
a traditional woodwind instrument
close, tight (of weaving) (kupu kē atu: mangungu)
legend, traditional story
lamp, light bulb
(a) traditional tukutuku pattern representing the myriad stars of the night sky
transparent, clear (kupu kē atu: kōataata, pūataata)
blur (takenga mai: pūrehurehu - be misty, dim, blurred, indistinct)
digital device, digital instrument (kupu kē atu: taputapu matihiko)
beat box
tāmoko machine
drum machine
sewing machine
radio transmitter
equaliser (takenga mai: pūrere - device, machine; whakataurite - balance, match; oro - sound)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: mamae, rangorango)
vise (takenga mai: puri - hold; mau - fixed, be held)
hook (catchy musical phrase) (takenga mai: puri - hold on to, keep in the memory)
copy (kupu kē atu: tārua)
clone stamp tool (digital image editing)
earphones, ear bud, ear piece (takenga mai: puru - plug, bung;)
clarinet (kupu kē atu: rehu matangi)
a traditional wind instrument (kupu kē atu: kāea, koea, pūkāea, tētere)
base, source, origin (kupu kē atu: pū, take)
root position of a chord
harmonica, mouth organ (takenga mai: pū - blow gently, pipe, tube, flute; tangitangi - make a sound)
a traditional wind instrument
trumpet (musical instrument)
wide-eyed stare (kupu kē atu: whetē)
wind (instrument), brass (instrument) (takenga mai: pū - tube; tētere - wind instrument, trumpet)
saxophone (takenga mai: pū - tube; tohe [tohetohe] - vibrating reed) (kupu kē atu: rehu kōkō)
theatre company (takenga mai: pūtoi – kinship group, tribe, family) (kupu kē atu: rōpū whakaari)
oboe (takenga mai: pū - tube; tōiri - tingle, vibrate, resound)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: pū)
flute (kupu kē atu: pū)
carving pattern for surface decoration
french horn (takenga mai: pū - tube; wīwī [Wīwī] - France)
march (music) (takenga mai: rangatū - to march, advance in order)
rap (music) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
jazz (music) (takenga mai: tautito [tautitotito] - sing songs in response to one another; tito [tito ohia] - improvise)
licence (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: whakaaetanga)
lycra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
dexterous, deft, adept (kupu kē atu: haratau)
adorn, embellish (kupu kē atu: whakanako, whakanikoniko, whakapaipai, whakarākai, whakarākei)
dexterity of the feet, fleet footed
rock and roll (takenga mai: raka - rock [kupu mino]; pioi - to shake, sway)
drumstick (kupu kē atu: toko pahū)
raku (clay technique) (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hapanihi].)
guitar (kupu kē atu: kitā, kutā)
research (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out)
orchestra (takenga mai: rāngai - company, group; puoro - music)
symphony orchestra (takenga mai: rāngai - company, group; puoro - music; tuatini - with many parts, of many strands)
(musical) structure (takenga mai: rangaranga - structure of a speech etc.)
march (music) (takenga mai: rangatū - to march, advance in order)
melody, tune
canon, round (takenga mai: rangi - tune; inaki - overlap)
counter-melody, counterpoint, contrapuntal (takenga mai: rangi - melody; pāhekoheko - interact, combine)
out of time, out of sync (kupu kē atu: taki hē)
twist together, bind
roller, cylinder
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: hohō, huhū, mapu, tamumu, wheo, wheowheo)
a traditional woodwind instrument (kupu kē atu: mamae, pūrerehua)
mix, mixture (kupu kē atu: whakahanumi, whakaranu)
eraser (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: muku, ūkui)
tangled, cross-grained (kupu kē atu: hūmengemenge, rīrapa, tahatonga, takawiri)
amateur (unskilful) (takenga mai: rapa – awkward, unskilful, inexpert) (kupu kē atu: ringarapa)
kilt worn from waist to knee
the projecting ends of the bargeboards of a meeting house
moko pattern usually on the buttocks
rap (music) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
shaker, rattle, clatter
loud (kupu kē atu: tīwerawera, hoihoi)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: rārangi)
strum (an instrument)
weave, weaving (kupu kē atu: nape, whatu)
tight weaving
open weaving (kupu kē atu: raranga tātahi)
contour lines (takenga mai: hua - outline, contour line)
curved line (kupu kē atu: ānau, rārangi piko)
unbroken line, continuous line
broken line
guides (digital image editing) (takenga mai: rārangi - line; tīaroaro - alignment)
straight line
conflict (kupu kē atu: tutūnga o te puehu)
sharp (kupu kē atu: kikoha, koi, pīrata)
rhythm of a poi, beat (kupu kē atu: papatu, patu)
fine (texture), thin (kupu kē atu: angiangi, rauiti)
curate, curation, curatorial (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to care for, protect)
coarse, rough (texture) (kupu kē atu: kaitara, matanui, mātoretore, taratara)
arpeggio (tohu: ) (takenga mai: rau [raupapa] - put in order, sequence; oro - note)
sequential (movement)
harmonic progression (takenga mai: raupapa - sequence, order; tangiata - chord)
bulrush, Typha orientalis
carving pattern for surface decoration
spiral carving pattern for surface decoration
squeegee (takenga mai: rau [rarau] - lay hold of, grasp, handle; tahi - sweep)
visual diary, work journal (takenga mai: rau - to put into, gather into; taka - to come around as a date or period of time) (kupu kē atu: mahitaka ataata)
bronze (takenga mai: rauwhero - ruddy brown)
recycled material
natural resource
reused material, recycled material (kupu kē atu: rawa hangarua)
art materials, medium (takenga mai: rawa - goods, property; toi - art)
mixed media (takenga mai: rawatoi - medium [visual art]; tini - many) (kupu kē atu: toirau)
manipulate, fashion
image manipulation (kupu kē atu: whakarākei whakaahua)
expert, clever, deft, virtuoso (kupu kē atu: ringarehe, tohunga)
entertainment, amusement, enjoyment, (kupu kē atu: ngahau)
a traditional woodwind instrument
recorder (musical instrument)
saxophone (kupu kē atu: pūtohe)
clarinet (kupu kē atu: pūtahoro)
blurry (of an image) (kupu kē atu: makaro)
rayon (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
reggae (takenga mai: He kupu mino mai i te kupu rege-rege o te reo Hemeika.) (kupu kē atu: rēkei [kupu mino])
lower border on a cloak
tribal dialect (kupu kē atu: tūreo ā-iwi)
voice-over (takenga mai: āpiti – to add, supplement)
visual literacy
tenor (takenga mai: reo - voice; iere - sound of voices, singing)
baritone (takenga mai: reo - voice; mārū - low in tone)
bass (singer) (takenga mai: reo - voice; nguru [tanguru] - deep toned, gruff)
harmony (music) (takenga mai: reo – voice, sound; niko [whakaniko] – to adorn, enhance, embellish)
alto (takenga mai: reo - voice; pekerangi - a voice pitched above the rest in singing)
backing vocalist
soprano (takenga mai: reo - voice; tōiri - tingle, vibrate, resound)
vocalist, singer (kupu kē atu: kaiwaiata)
aside (takenga mai: whakamahuki – to explain, elucidate, enlighten)
falsetto (takenga mai: reo - sound, voice; hori - false, untrue)
aesthetic, aesthetically pleasing, beauty (kupu kē atu: matomato)
(musical) phrase
riff, motif (musical) (takenga mai: rerenga - phrase; auau - frequently repeated)
movement phrase (kupu kē atu: rerenga kanikani)
coordinated, coordination (takenga mai: rere – flow; tahi – one, as one)
harmony, harmonious (takenga mai: rere - flow; rere [rerehua] - pleasant to the sight, beauty, aesthetic; tau - be neat, attractive, beautiful)
minor (music)
perfect fifth (takenga mai: arotau - favourable, suitable)
diminished fifth (takenga mai: taka - flat [music], go downward)
camera operator (takenga mai: ringa – hand; hopu – catch; ata – image)
sound technician (takenga mai: ringa - hand; hopu - to catch, capture; oro - sound)
professional (skilled person) (kupu kē atu: ringarehe)
guillotine (takenga mai: ringa - arm; pīauau - cutting instrument)
turntablist (takenga mai: ringa - hand; rakaraka - to scratch)
amateur (unpaid person)
professional (paid person) (takenga mai: ringa – hand; whai – to have, acquire; utu – payment)
musician (takenga mai: ringa - hand; puoro - music) (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakatangitangi)
amateur (unskilful) (takenga mai: ringa - hand; rapa - awkward, unskilful, inexpert) (kupu kē atu: rapa)
craftsman, craftsperson, expert, skilled person, artisan (takenga mai: ringa - hand; ringatoi - artist; rehe - adept, skillful) (kupu kē atu: ringaharatau)
director (takenga mai: ringa – hand; tohu – command, signal)
technical director
musical director
visual artist
clay artist (kupu kē atu: kaihanga uku)
potter (takenga mai: ringa - hand; uku - clay)
corrugated iron
fret (stringed instrument) (takenga mai: ripa - ridge, side, edge, boundary)
cut, slit, tear (kupu kē atu: hae, haehae, pihi)
carving pattern for surface decoration
accent (tohu: ) (takenga mai: rīrā - strong)
cross-grained, matted, tangled (kupu kē atu: hūmengemenge, rapa, takawiri, tahatonga)
soft (of sound) (kupu kē atu: mārire)
(new) young shoot of flax plant
core (of body) (takenga mai: riu – belly, chest, abdomen, stomach) (kupu kē atu: tumu)
depth of field (takenga mai: rohe - area, region; ngangahu - clear, in focus)
traditional tukutuku pattern representing albatross tears
knead (clay) (kupu kē atu: pokepoke [uku])
legato, slur (takenga mai: rōnaki - gliding easily)
glide, move with an even motion (kupu kē atu: naki)
perceive, perception, awareness, feel (kupu kē atu: aroā)
group, company of people, team (kupu kē atu: kapa, kāhui, pūtoi)
camera crew (takenga mai: rōpū – group; hopu – catch; ata – image)
dance ensemble
band (kupu kē atu: pēne [kupu mino])
choir (kupu kē atu: kapa waiata, koaea [kupu mino], tira waiata)
theatre company (kupu kē atu: pūtoi whakaari)
sweet sound, melodious (kupu kē atu: wainene)
mouth harp, Jew's harp (kupu kē atu: kūkau, tararī)
sign with the hands
verse for children
cable release (takenga mai: rou - a long stick used to reach anything; kōpani - shutter [of a camera])
pit (kupu kē atu: pārua)
major second
minor second
(a) weaving pattern
rag (takenga mai: karukaru) (kupu kē atu: petapeta, ruharuha)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones) (kupu kē atu: paka, panga)
ruler (takenga mai: rūri - He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tauine)
short love ditty, poem, jingle
measuring tape (kupu kē atu: tēpa ine)
knuckle bones (kupu kē atu: kōruru, kaimakamaka)
out of tune, flat (of a musical instrument)
Mātuku-tangotango’s knot
glass (art) (takenga mai: kōataata - transparent)
impressionism (takenga mai: kōpura - ruddy, shining)
cubism, cubist (takenga mai: toi - art; mata - face, surface; mata [mataono] - cube; huhua - many)
percussion (instrument) (kupu kē atu: [taonga] tāpatupatu)
surrealism (takenga mai: toi - art; pohewa - imagine, fancy, in imagination)
woodwind (instrument)
wind (instrument), brass (instrument) (takenga mai: pū - tube; tētere - wind instrument, trumpet)
etch, draw, engrave, cut, fashion, paint, print
whip for a spinning top, (to) whip a spinning top (kupu kē atu: kare)
facial expression
pointillism (takenga mai: tā - draw; tongi - point, speck)
colour, hue (kupu kē atu: kano)
warm colour
primary colour (takenga mai: mātāmua - first)
tertiary colour (takenga mai: mātāmuri - last)
cool colour
secondary colour (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i te tauira o te 'mātāmua' me te 'mātāmuri'; waenga - middle)
earth colour (takenga mai: ō - of, pertaining to; nuku - the earth)
triad colours (takenga mai: tapatoru - triangle)
contrasting colour (takenga mai: tauaro - opposite) (kupu kē atu: tae wana)
contrasting colour (kupu kē atu: tae tauaro)
colour wheel (takenga mai: tae - colour; āwhio - circle, round) (kupu kē atu: wīra tae)
analogous colour (takenga mai: rata - friendly, tame)
monochromatic (takenga mai: tahi - one)
polychromatic (takenga mai: tini - many)
gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris (kupu kē atu: hue, kiaka)
misappropriate (kupu kē atu: whānako)
set square (tool) (takenga mai: tā - to draw, mark; hāngai - at right angles)
bent, warped, twisted (kupu kē atu: kokohu, kōrapa, tātonga)
cross-grained, matted, tangled (kupu kē atu: hūmengemenge, rapa, rīrapa, takawiri)
slovenly, crooked, loose (in weaving) (kupu kē atu: kāwitiwiti, tākeka)
dress timber with an adze (kupu kē atu: ngao)
perfect first (takenga mai: arotau - favourable, suitable)
electronic (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hiko - electricity)
tone (of colour) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hina - grey)
brush stroke (takenga mai: tahi - sweep)
brush tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tahitahi - stroke, sweep; kano - colour, texture, stock)
ridge-beam of a meeting house (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu)
plot (takenga mai: tāhū – ridge beam of a meeting house)
sequential plot, linear narrative
counterplot (takenga mai: taupatupatu - to compete, vie with one another)
non-sequential plot, non-linear narrative (takenga mai: whakahipahipa - irregular)
stencil (takenga mai: tā - draw, cut, etch; hua - outline)
render (digital image editing)
ridge-beam of a meeting house (kupu kē atu: tāhū)
(a Māori) weapon
song composed for the birth of a child (kupu kē atu: oriori)
nervous (kupu kē atu: āmaimai, ongaonga)
turning point (takenga mai: tai – tide; huri – turn)
revolving movement in kapa haka
dynamics (of movement) (takenga mai: tai – a prefix which sometimes denotes a qualifying force; neke – move)
mottled, spotted (kupu kē atu: kōrangorango, kōtingotingo)
festival (kupu kē atu: hui ahurei, hui taurima)
dynamics (of sound) (takenga mai: tai – a prefix which sometimes denotes a qualifying force; oro – sound)
frame, border (kupu kē atu: taku, tāpare)
flat (musical notation) (tohu: ♭) (takenga mai: taka - fall, go downward)
chamber orchestra (takenga mai: taka - company of persons; puoro - music)
dance step, dance move
stamp (foot action)
dodge tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; kaho - anything light in colour)
tint (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; kano - pigment, colour)
move to and fro (kupu kē atu: koiri, ngarue, ngāruerue, piupiu)
game, play
semi-gloss (takenga mai: tākarokaro - shine dimly)
stagecraft (takenga mai: takatū – to prepare, make ready; atamira – stage)
(to) thrash about, move quickly to and fro (kupu kē atu: kapekapetau, kapetau)
toss about, writhe (kupu kē atu: oke, okeoke)
tangled, cross-grained, matted (kupu kē atu: hūmengemenge, rapa, rīrapa, tahatonga)
base, source, origin, cause, reason (kupu kē atu: pū, pūtake)
slovenly, crooked, loose (in weaving) (kupu kē atu: tāheha, kāwitiwiti)
original (takenga mai: taketake - origin, beginning, root)
lead a song (kupu kē atu: hari, hī, tātaki, whakataki)
beat (takenga mai: taki – lead, bring along) (kupu kē atu: mita)
syncopation (takenga mai: taki - beat; aruaru - chase, pursue, interrupt)
out of time (kupu kē atu: ia kore, rangirua)
beats per minute (BPM)
on beat
regular beat (takenga mai: taki - beat; nahanaha - be well arranged, in good order)
off beat (takenga mai: whai - to follow)
irregular beat (takenga mai: whakahipahipa - irregular, of different lengths)
sixteenth note (American notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; hau-tekau mā ono - one sixteenth)
thirty-second note (American notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; hau-toru tekau mā rua - one thirty second)
quaver (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; haurua - half)
half note (American notation) (tohu: )
demisemiquaver (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; hauwaru - eighth)
eighth note (American notation) (tohu: )
semiquaver (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; hauwhā - quarter)
quarter note (American notation) (tohu: )
split into fine strips
pluck (an instrument) (kupu kē atu: katokato)
quintet (kupu kē atu: tōrima)
minim (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; rua - two)
duo, duet
crotchet (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; tahi - one)
whole note (American notation) (tohu: )
solo (kupu kē atu: tōtahi, whakatene)
recite, recital, narrate, narration (kupu kē atu: takutaku, whakataki)
song (kupu kē atu: hari, maire, pao, pīoriori, tau, waiata)
traditional tukutuku pattern symbolising two-way communication
triad (takenga mai: oro - note; takitoru - in threes)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones)
space (kupu kē atu: mokowā)
setting (takenga mai: takiwā – space, region, time, period)
semibreve (British notation) (tohu: ) (takenga mai: taki - beat; whā - four)
(a) stage in the game of kōruru (knuckle bones)
quartet, quad (kupu kē atu: tōwhā)
dark orange, burnt orange, ochre (kupu kē atu: pākākā)
burn (an electronic file to a disk) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; mau - capture, hold fast) (kupu kē atu: tahu)
solvent (takenga mai: tā - causitive prefix; meha [memeha] - be dissolved)
twist a cord by rubbing the strands on the thigh (kupu kē atu: miri)
tāmoko (tattooing on the face or body under customary protocol) (kupu kē atu: moko)
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: hohō, huhū, mapu, rangorango, wheo, wheowheo)
digital drawing (takenga mai: tā - draw, paint; mati - digit; hiko - electric)
cartoon drawing, comic drawing
denim (takenga mai: He kupu mino [mai i te kupu 'dungaree'].)
loose, at ease
pitch (of sound) (takenga mai: tangi - sound, resound) (kupu kē atu: hauoro)
low pitch
high pitch (kupu kē atu: hītawe)
pivot chord (takenga mai: tangiata - chord; kauneke - move forward)
major chord
home chord
minor chord (takenga mai: rikiriki - gloomy, sad, small)
deep toned, gruff
tāniko (finger weaving)
toxic (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; oke - ill, ailing)
acoustic instrument
musical instrument (kupu kē atu: taonga whakatangitangi)
claywork, pottery
greenware (takenga mai: taonga - object; uku - clay; mata - fresh, green, uncooked)
jewellery (kupu kē atu: whakapīwari)
body adornment (kupu kē atu: whakapīwari, taonga o wharawhara)
carving pattern for surface decoration
tapa (cloth)
edge, margin
bar (music) (takenga mai: tapa - margin, edge)
flexi-curve (takenga mai: tapa - edge; pīngore - flexible)
conventional formation of a kapa haka group (kupu kē atu: matua)
frame (kupu kē atu: taitapa, taku)
kapa haka formation with alternate rows standing in the gaps
triangle (musical instrument)
percussion (instrument) (kupu kē atu: [taonga] papā)
vinyl (takenga mai: tapeha - rind, bark, skin)
sash, diagonal shoulder belt
incoherent, inarticulate, jumbled (kupu kē atu: nanu)
pout, put out the lips (kupu kē atu: tupere)
healing brush tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tapi - patch, mend, repair)
lock off (turn in the strands of a piece of weaving)
french curve (takenga mai: tā - draw, etch; piko - curve)
pin (kupu kē atu: pine)
accumulation (takenga mai: tāpiri – to add on, supplement, append)
hessian (takenga mai: tāpora - a coarse floor mat)
compass (takenga mai: tā - draw, etch; porowhita - circle)
tool (kupu kē atu: pāraharaha)
prop, equipment (takenga mai: taputapu – gear, movable property) (kupu kē atu: utauta)
digital instrument, digital device (kupu kē atu: pūrere matihiko)
sculpting tool, kidney (tool for clay work)
drawing instrument
sculpt, fashion, sculpture (takenga mai: tārai - dress, shape, fashion)
clay sculpture
power carver (takenga mai: tārai - dress, shape, fashion; hiko - electricity)
dremel (takenga mai: tārai - dress, shape, fashion; hiko - electricity; matarehu - fine)
additive sculpture
subtractive sculpture
free-standing sculpture
plain, devoid of ornamentation (kupu kē atu: kōkau, māmore, tōkau, tōtōkau)
drum (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: pahū)
to spring, leap, jump (kupu kē atu: hūpeke, peke)
(to) jump or hop about
fine, small, as fibres of finely dressed flax
Jew's harp, mouth harp (kupu kē atu: kūkau, rōria)
coarse, rough (texture) (kupu kē atu: kaitara, matanui, mātoretore, raunui)
carving pattern for surface decoration (kupu kē atu: taratara-a-Kae, taratara-o-Kai)
stave, staff (music) (takenga mai: tārawa - line or rail on which anything is hung)
neutral clef (takenga mai: tārawa - line or rail on which anything is hung [staff, stave in music]; papā - percussion)
charcoal, black pigment (kupu kē atu: ngārahu, ngārehu, waro)
graver, burin (takenga mai: tā - cut, tattoo; ripa - groove, furrow)
fade (of sound), decline (kupu kē atu: pāitiiti)
lasso tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tārore - put into a noose, snare)
duplicate, copy
digital extraction, rip (takenga mai: tārua - copy, duplicate; ā - after the manner of; matihiko - digital)
plagiarise, plagiarism, illegal copying (takenga mai: tārua – copy, duplicate; whānako – steal, rob)
repeating, repetition
scumble, scumbling (takenga mai: tā - paint; runga - top; whakarehurehu - blur)
style (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, adorn, set in order, recite genealogy) (kupu kē atu: tāera [kupu mino])
tambourine (takenga mai: tatangi - jingle, rattle)
colour filter
competition (kupu kē atu: whakataetae)
shade (of colour) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; tiwha - dark)
bent, warped, twisted (kupu kē atu: kokohu, kōrapa, tahatonga)
guitar strap
cadence (closure) (takenga mai: tatū - arrive, settle, be at ease)
resolution, denouement (takenga mai: tatū – to be settled, agreed)
rhythmic cadence (takenga mai: manawataki - rhythm)
harmonic cadence (takenga mai: tangiata - chord)
totter, unsteady on the feet
song (kupu kē atu: hari, maire, pao, pīoriori, takitaki, waiata)
lash, fasten, bind (kupu kē atu: whiwhita)
trainee, novice, apprentice (kupu kē atu: ika tauhou, pia)
ruler (kupu kē atu: rūri)
model, maquette
geometric pattern
echo pattern
movement level
interact, interaction (takenga mai: taunekeneke – interaction, relationship)
crouch, stoop, bow down (kupu kē atu: tuohu)
lens cap (takenga mai: taupoki - cover, close with a lid; arotahi -lens)
recording studio (takenga mai: taupuni - place of assignation; hopu - catch, seize; oro - sound)
balance, balanced
asymmetrical balance (takenga mai: taurite - balance; hikuwaru - crooked, asymmetrical)
burn tool (digital image editing) (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; uriuri - dark in colour)
jam session (takenga mai: tangi - to sing, make a sound; tau [tautitotito] - sing songs in response to one another)
chant a song for keeping time (kupu kē atu: umere)
jazz (music) (takenga mai: tautito [tautitotito] - sing songs in response to one another; tito [tito ohia] - improvise)
call and response (music) (takenga mai: tautitotito - sing songs in response to one another, recite alternately)
purple (kupu kē atu: māhoe, pāpura [kupu mino], waiporoporo)
(to) dye (takenga mai: tāwai - steep in vegetable dye)
stain (takenga mai: tawau - milky juice of plants, stain therefrom) (kupu kē atu: tae)
loosely woven (kupu kē atu: ngeki, ngekingeki)
trace (takenga mai: tā - draw, etch; whai - follow, acquire the shape or character of; tāwhai - imitate)
mimic, imitate (kupu kē atu: whakatau)
spin (clay)
light (of colour), pale (kupu kē atu: kaho, kōmā, teatea)
dart (for throwing) (kupu kē atu: neti, niti, pehu)
carved figure on the gable of a meeting house
impromptu, ad-lib
waltz (takenga mai: hītengi - hop on one foot; tengi - three)
measuring tape (takenga mai: tēpa - He kupu mino.; ine - measure) (kupu kē atu: rūri tākai)
stapler (takenga mai: tēpara - He kupu mino.)
set (clay) (takenga mai: tetepe - set, become firm)
a traditional wind instrument (kupu kē atu: kāea, koea, pūkāea, pūtahoro)
(a Māori) weapon
stick game (kupu kē atu: poi rākau , tītī tōrea , tītī tourea, tītī touretua)
claves (takenga mai: tīare - hollow, empty, void) (kupu kē atu: poro rākau)
(body) alignment
ride (cymbal) (takenga mai: tī [; eke - ride)
sway up and down
T-square (takenga mai: koki hāngai - right angle)
strip (flax)
in tune (of a musical instrument)
high (pitch) (takenga mai: tīkā - shrill) (kupu kē atu: hītawe)
art technique
download (electronic data)
quiver, shake (of hands) (kupu kē atu: aroarowhaki, oreore, ori, wiri)
flue (takenga mai: He kupu mino [mai i te kupu 'chimney'].)
sensual movement of the hips
viola (takenga mai: tiora - shrill; tiora - He kupu mino [Itāriana].)
resound, loud (kupu kē atu: tīoriori)
shrill sound, shriek, screech
select, selection
sample, sampling (takenga mai: tīpako - to pick out, select)
path selection tool (digital image editing)
irregular (shape) (kupu kē atu: hikuwaru, tipitaha, tōroherohe, tipihori)
superhero (kupu kē atu: tupua)
troupe, travelling group (of entertainers)
baton (of a conductor) (takenga mai: tira - a wand used with various rituals and karakia)
string ensemble
dance troupe
percussion ensemble
woodwind ensemble
ensemble, musical group
brass ensemble
choir (takenga mai: tira - a travelling group of entertainers) (kupu kē atu: kapa waiata, koea [kupu mino], rōpū waiata )
theatre troupe (takenga mai: tira – travelling party)
(a) type of foot movement in kapa haka
gaping, wide apart (kupu kē atu: pirara, tīwāwā)
easel (takenga mai: tīrewa - scaffolding or raised frame for hanging things on; peita - painting)
lighting scaffold
commission (fee), royalty (takenga mai: tiri - share, portion)
look askance or sideways (kupu kē atu: tiro korotaha)
perspective (takenga mai: tirohanga - view, sight, aspect)
two-point perspective (takenga mai: pū - originate; pū [pūwāhi] - point in space; rua - two)
single-point perspective, one-point perspective (takenga mai: pū - originate; pū [pūwāhi] - point in space; tahi - one)
three-point percpective (takenga mai: pū - originate; pū [pūwāhi] - point in space; toru - three)
stick game (kupu kē atu: poi rākau, tī rākau, tītī tourea, tītī touretua)
compose, composition
choreograph, choreography (takenga mai: tito – to compose, to make up; nekehanga – movement) (kupu kē atu: nekenekehanga)
improvise, improvisation (takenga mai: tito – compose; ohia – to think on the spur of the moment)
score (musical) (takenga mai: titonga - composition; tōpū - be assembled, in a body, combined)
crash (cymbal) (takenga mai: tī [tīwēwē] - cymbal; tukituki - crash)
microphone stand (takenga mai: tīwai – trunk, main stem of a tree)
steel scraper (takenga mai: tīwani - to scrape, dress, smooth; maitai - steel)
wide apart, gaping (kupu kē atu: pirara, tīrara)
loud, intense (kupu kē atu: hoihoi, rarahi)
cymbal (takenga mai: tīwēwē - scream, unrestrained, uncontrolled)
black hole, black spot (stage lighting) (takenga mai: tiwha – be black, patch, spot; tuauriuri – be very dark, pitch black)
symbol, symbolise
bass clef (tohu: ) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; nguru [tanguru] - deep toned) (kupu kē atu: tohu panguru)
key signature (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; paeoro - key [tonal framework])
percussion notation, beat chart (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; papā - percussion)
musical notation, tablature
formal musical notation
informal musical notation
phrase mark
clef (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; tārawa - stave)
tempo marking
treble clef (tohu: ) (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; tīkā - high pitch)
accidental (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; whakaauau - to modulate, affect change)
articulation symbols (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; whakapuaki - express)
visual metaphor (kupu kē atu: ata whakarite)
time signature (takenga mai: tohu - symbol; mita - accent, beat)
common time
expert, skilled person, expertise
cue (takenga mai: tohu – signal; uru – enter, come in)
folk art
pop art (takenga mai: aro - desire, inclination, attend to, favour; tini - many)
visual art
wearable art (kupu kē atu: toi pūeru)
graffiti art (takenga mai: He kupu mino [Itariana].)
impressionism (takenga mai: kōpura - ruddy, shining)
cubism (takenga mai: mata - face, surface; mata [mataono] - cube; huhua - many)
protest art (takenga mai: mautohe - to oppose, take a stand against, protest)
derivative art (takenga mai: mino – to borrow)
marbling (takenga mai: pīereere - fissured)
collage (takenga mai: piripiri - stick, adhere, cling)
surrealism (takenga mai: pohewa - imagine, fancy, in imagination)
wearable art (kupu kē atu: toi kaka, toi kākahu)
expressionism (takenga mai: pu [pupū] - break forth, spring up; kare [kare ā-roto] - emotion)
installation art (takenga mai: puni - encampment)
sgraffito (takenga mai: rapirapi - scratch) (kupu kē atu: ketuketu)
line art
mosaic (takenga mai: rōpinepine - place close together)
minimalist art (takenga mai: tahanga - naked, bereft, having nothing)
non-figurative art, non-representational art (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, appear; aweawe - distant, out of reach)
sewing arts
abstract art (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, appear; rehurehu - indistinctly seen)
figurative art, representational art (takenga mai: tūturu - real, true, actual, authentic)
construction art, assemblage
song for encouraging and giving time for paddlers
poem, poetry (takenga mai: toi - art, knowledge; kupu - word, utterance, message) (kupu kē atu: ruri)
mixed media (kupu kē atu: rawatoi tini)
vibrate, vibration (kupu kē atu: ihirangaranga, tāwariwari, tōiriiri)
violin (takenga mai: tōiri - tingle, vibrate, resound)
vibrato (takenga mai: tōiriiri - to resound, tingle, vibrate)
reverb, reverberation
cut (a notch), notch (kupu kē atu: pakini)
plain, devoid of ornamentation (kupu kē atu: kōkau, māmore, taramore)
a traditional percussion instrument (kupu kē atu: māpara)
castanet, maraca (kupu kē atu: māpara)
(a) traditional Māori weapon used by a leader
drumstick (kupu kē atu: rākau pahū)
trolley, dolly (takenga mai: tō – to drag; neke – move)
pixel (tohu: px) (takenga mai: tongi - speck; iti - small) (kupu kē atu: pika [kupu mino])
grainy (of an image) (takenga mai: tongitongi - speckled)
commission (a piece of art) (takenga mai: tono - to request, order, demand, bid)
zoom in (kupu kē atu: topa mai)
zoom out (kupu kē atu: topa atu)
photomontage (takenga mai: tōpū - assembled together; whakaahua - photograph)
negative (of an image) (takenga mai: tō - that of, pertaining to; raro - below)
(a Māori) game resembling draughts (kupu kē atu: mū tōrere)
quintet (takenga mai: tōrua - duet [twofold]; tōtoru - trio [threefold]) (kupu kē atu: takirima)
spiral (kupu kē atu: makaurangi)
dart throwing
irregular (kupu kē atu: tipihori, tipirori, tipitaha)
major third
minor third (takenga mai: rikiriki - gloomy, sad, small)
double weave, two-fold, twilled
duet, duo (takenga mai: tōrua - twofold, double thickness) (kupu kē atu: takirua)
positive (of an image) (takenga mai: tō - that of, pertaining to; runga - above)
solo (kupu kē atu: takitahi, whakatene)
trio (takenga mai: tōtoru - threefold, a few) (kupu kē atu: takitoru)
quartet (takenga mai: tōrua - duet [twofold]; tōtoru - trio [threefold]) (kupu kē atu: takiwhā)
upright haka stance with both feet together
kapa haka formation
bent knee stance in haka with straight back (kupu kē atu: turi whati)
upright stance in haka with the right foot back (kupu kē atu: tū tāne)
upright stance in haka with feet side by side, slightly apart (kupu kē atu: tū wahine)
haka stance, stretching forward with the right foot back
haka stance, rocking backward and forward, with the right foot back
upright stance in haka with the right foot back (kupu kē atu: tū kakara)
haka stance, stretching backward with the weight on the right foot
upright stance in haka with feet side by side, slightly apart (kupu kē atu: tū kapa)
upright stance in haka with the left foot back
proscenium, apron (of a stage) (takenga mai: tua – e whai ana i te tua o te kupu tuarongo; aroaro – face, front)
hero, principal male actor, male idol
prelude (takenga mai: tūā - prefix to indicate a stage or part of something; mua - in front, ahead)
movement (in a piece of music) (takenga mai: tūā - prefix to indicate a stage or part of something; rere - flow, offshoot of a family)
backstage (takenga mai: tuaroa – back part of a house)
background (takenga mai: tua - back, the farther side; tuarongo - back of the interior of a house) (kupu kē atu: a muri, papamuri)
backdrop (takenga mai: tuarongo – back wall of a meeting house)
a traditional wind instrument
blackout (takenga mai: tuauriuri – be very dark, pitch black)
middle ground (of an image) (takenga mai: tua - e whai ana i te 'tua' o te kupu tuarongo; waenga - middle) (kupu kē atu: [a] waenga, papawaenga)
heroine, principal female actor, female idol
colour spectrum (takenga mai: tūāwhiorangi - rainbow)
draw, drawing (kupu kē atu: tā ~ia ~nga)
typography (takenga mai: tuhi - write; rere - flow, flowing; rerehua - pleasant to the sight, beauty, aesthetic)
(drama) script
scale drawing
tie (takenga mai: tūhono - join)
explore, exploration
quilting (takenga mai: tui - sew; kuira - quilt [kupu mino])
tapestry (takenga mai: tui - sew; raumata - mesh)
appliqué (takenga mai: tui - sew; tāpiri - join, add, append, supplement)
embroidery (takenga mai: tui - sew; whakaniko - ornament, adorn)
sew, stitch
zigzag stitch
cross stitch (takenga mai: kōwhiti - a cross stitch in reed panelling)
chain stitch
hem stitch
running stitch
back stitch
lock stitch
overcast stitch
fearless, energetic (kupu kē atu: mātātoa, uekaha)
creative process (takenga mai: tukanga [tukatuka] - start up, proceed forward; auaha - creative)
choreographic process
art process (takenga mai: tukanga [tukatuka] - start up, proceed forward)
tāniko pattern made up of notched zigzag lines
projector (takenga mai: tuku – send, release; ata – image)
upload (electronic data)
loudspeaker (takenga mai: tuku - let go, send; oro - sound)
stage monitor, foldback speaker
reprise (takenga mai: tukurua – to repeat)
upcycle (takenga mai: tuku [tukurua] - recycle; runga - up)
synchronise, synchronisation (takenga mai: tukutahi - together, in unison, simultaneous)
lattice work, interior woven panels of wharenui
upright rod on the front of a tukutuku panel
mordant (kupu kē atu: waitumu)
genre (kupu kē atu: momo, kātū)
body base (takenga mai: tumu – stump, base)
producer (takenga mai: tumu - dependable leader; whakaputa - produce)
a traditional percussion instrument
curtain call (takenga mai: tūnga – stand; whakamihi – acknowledge, pay tribute to, acclaim, congratulate)
blunt (kupu kē atu: kiporo, pūhoi, pūhuki)
stoop, crouch, bow down (kupu kē atu: tāupe)
gesture, gesticulate, paralanguage (kupu kē atu: hūkari)
pout, put out the lips (kupu kē atu: tāperu)
lighting (takenga mai: tūrama – give light to, illuminate)
down lighting (takenga mai: aro – face, direction; nuku – the Earth)
up lighting (takenga mai: aro – face, direction; rangi – sky)
spotlight, hot spot (takenga mai: arotahi – focus on, zero in on) (kupu kē atu: tūrama tīwerawera)
front lighting
back lighting
flood lighting (takenga mai: raharaha – spread out)
background lighting (takenga mai: tuarongo - back of the interior of a house, back wall)
cross lighting
abstract (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort; rehurehu - indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: waitara)
bent knee stance in haka (kupu kē atu: tū hengere)
weaving pattern
tāmoko needle made from the bone of the dotterel bird
encore (takenga mai: turuki – to come as a supplement, to follow)
epilogue (takenga mai: turuki - come as a supplement, follow)
eyedropper tool (digital image editing)
move with vigour (kupu kē atu: haukori)
haka with leaping, performed with long weapons (kupu kē atu: peruperu, puha, tūtū waewae)
conflict (kupu kē atu: raru, raruraru)
(a) type of foot movement in kapa haka
tāmoko instrument
iridescent (takenga mai: uira – to flash, gleam; iraira – to shine, glitter, be variegated)
clay (kupu kē atu: kere)
earthenware (takenga mai: koropungapunga - porous)
erase, eraser (kupu kē atu: muku, rapa)
smudge tool (digital image editing)
ukulele (takenga mai: He kupu mino [Hawai'i].) (kupu kē atu: ukarere)
applaud, shout, cheer
chant a song for keeping time (kupu kē atu: tautapa)
gas kiln
turf kiln
paper kiln
pit kiln
wood fired kiln
kiln, clay oven (takenga mai: umu - oven; uku - clay)
carving pattern for surface decoration (kupu kē atu: riporipo)
rhythm, cadence (kupu kē atu: manawataki, mita)
in line, abreast, even, side by side
brown (kupu kē atu: parauri, kākaka, parāone [kupu mino])
auburn (kupu kē atu: kōkōwai - red brown)
dark (of colour) (kupu kē atu: hiwa, kākarauri)
flashmob (takenga mai: urumaranga - ambush, surprise attack; uru – grove of trees; maranga – get up, arise)
equipment, prop (kupu kē atu: taputapu)
semitone, half tone (takenga mai: oro - musical note, sound; wae - unit, division; haurua - half)
byte (tohu: B) (takenga mai: wae - unit of measurement; matihiko - digital) (kupu kē atu: paita [kupu mino])
middle ground (of an image) (kupu kē atu: papawaenga, tuawaenga)
f-stop, f-number (tohu: f) (takenga mai: wae - unit of measurement; puare - aperture)
ISO (takenga mai: wae - unit of measurement; rongo - sense; aho - light)
tone (interval) (takenga mai: oro - musical note, sound; wae - unit, division; tahi - one)
tripod (takenga mai: wae - leg; toru - three)
carved uprights on either side of the door of a meeting house (kupu kē atu: whakawae)
quick unpick (kupu kē atu: wewete tuinga)
(a Māori) weapon
cadenza (takenga mai: wāhanga - part, section; takitahi - single, solo)
quiet, still (kupu kē atu: hāngū, hū, noho puku, ngū)
articulate, eloquent
tāniko and tukutuku pattern with small double diamond shapes representing courage and commitment
prologue (takenga mai: wāhi – break open, disclose)
pigment for tāmoko (kupu kē atu: waikauri)
song, sing (kupu kē atu: hari, maire, pao, pīoriori, takitaki, tau)
action song (kupu kē atu: waiata kori)
pop song (takenga mai: aro – to heed, to pay attention; tini – many, multitude)
traditional chant (kupu kē atu: waiata tahito, waiata tawhito)
ballad (takenga mai: paki – story)
a cappella (takenga mai: tahanga – alone)
song of lament
traditional chant (kupu kē atu: waiata koroua, waiata tahito)
choral (takenga mai: tira – troupe, choir)
construct, build (kupu kē atu: hanga)
weak, dull (of colour) (takenga mai: waimeha - diluted)
melodious, sweet sounding, mellifluous (kupu kē atu: rōreka)
purple (kupu kē atu: māhoe, pāpura [kupu mino], tawa)
atmosphere, mood, feeling
dye (takenga mai: wai - liquid; tae - colour) (kupu kē atu: tae)
abstract (kupu kē atu: tūrehurehu)
motif (takenga mai: waitohu - mark, signify, indicate)
(dance) motif (takenga mai: waitohu – mark, symbol, brand, signature)
ink (takenga mai: wai - liquid; tuhi - write, draw, adorn with painting)
acrylic ink
mordant (kupu kē atu: tūmau kano)
slip (clay) (takenga mai: wai - water; uku - clay)
wax (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rasp (takenga mai: waku - rub, scrape, abrade; kaitara - rough, coarse)
file (tool) (takenga mai: waku - rub, scrape, abrade; matarehu - fine grained)
scrape, scraper (kupu kē atu: hākuku, harakuku)
frottage, rubbing (takenga mai: wakuwaku - rub, scrape, abrade)
contrast (of an image) (takenga mai: wana - conspicuous)
awe-inspiring, thrilling
uninspiring, lacklustre, limp, boring (kupu kē atu: mehameha)
varnish (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
charcoal, black pigment (kupu kē atu: ngārahu, ngārehu, tārehu)
perfect octave (takenga mai: arotau - favourable, suitable)
octave, eighth degree (of a scale) (takenga mai: waru - eight; oro - note, sound) (kupu kē atu: [oro] paewaru)
glide, skim (kupu kē atu: waniwani)
dread, feeling of awe, fear
finger hole
(traditional) challenge
quick unpick (takenga mai: wete - untie, unravel; tuinga - stitch) (kupu kē atu: waha kai tuinga)
fibre (kupu kē atu: kaka)
colour wheel (kupu kē atu: taeāwhio)
pottery wheel, clay wheel
shake, quiver (kupu kē atu: aroarowhaki, oreore, ori, tīkorikori, whākapakapa)
drill (takenga mai: wiri - bore, twist) (kupu kē atu: hōrete, tūwiri)
battery drill (kupu kē atu: tūwiri pūhiko)
energetic, spirited, lively, envigorated (kupu kē atu: hihiri, pākahukahu, whitawhita, ngangahau)
perfect fourth (takenga mai: whā - four; arotau - suitable)
augmented fourth
string game, cat’s cradle (kupu kē atu: hūhi, huhu, māui)
percussive (takenga mai: whai - possessing; taki - beat)
monologue (takenga mai: whaikī – to make a formal speech; tōtahi – solitary, single, alone)
(to) grimace, contort the facial gestures (kupu kē atu: whakapī)
front of house (takenga mai: whaitua – space, designated area; matanui [tūmatanui] – open, in public)
performance space, venue
licence, agreement (kupu kē atu: raihana)
image (kupu kē atu: ata)
metamorphosis, transform
aerial photograph (kupu kē atu: whakaahua mai i runga)
thumbnail (takenga mai: hangariki - small)
self-portrait (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; aro [whaiaro] - self, person)
caricature (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; paki [pakiwaitara] - fiction, legend, folk lore)
portrait (takenga mai: kiritangata – person)
aerial photograph (kupu kē atu: whakaahua ā-manu)
digital photograph (takenga mai: matihiko - digital)
landscape (image) (takenga mai: taiao - environment)
time-lapse photography
panorama (takenga mai: takiraha - wide, extended)
close-up (photograph) (takenga mai: tiro - survey, view; tata - close)
still life photography (takenga mai: toka - stay still, firm)
static image (kupu kē atu: whakaahua hū)
move easily or freely (kupu kē atu: angi)
drama, play, act (kupu kē atu: whakaataata)
shadow theatre
one-act play (takenga mai: whakaari – drama, play; manga – branch of a tree; tahi – one)
supernatural drama (takenga mai: whakaari – play, drama; mariko – be unreal, supernatural apparition)
mime (takenga mai: ngū – be silent, speechless)
docudrama (takenga mai: whakaari – play, drama; paki – story; pū – origin, source; meka – true)
melodrama (takenga mai: whakaari – play, drama; pehapeha – boast)
television drama
musical, musical theatre, musical drama
radio drama, audio drama
impromptu acting
solo performance, one person play (takenga mai: tōtahi - solitary, single, alone)
scenery (takenga mai: whakaariari – to show, expose to view)
perform, act (kupu kē atu: whakaari)
performance, show, exhibit, exhibition, recital (kupu kē atu: whakakite, whakangahau, konohete [kupu mino])
audition (takenga mai: whakaatu – show, reveal, demonstrate; kōwhiri – choose, select) (kupu kē atu: whakamātau)
private performance (takenga mai: mataiti [tūmataiti] - private)
public performance (takenga mai: matanui [tūmatanui] - public)
live performance (takenga mai: mata – face; ora – alive)
street performance
modulation (takenga mai: whakaauau - to modulate, effect change)
entrance item in a performance
amplify, amplifier (takenga mai: whā - causative prefix; kaha - strength, volume)
mix together (paint etc.) (kupu kē atu: ranu, whakaranu)
rehearse, practise (kupu kē atu: parakatihi [kupu mino], whakawai)
dress rehearsal (takenga mai: whakaharatau – rehearse, practice; whano – to be on the point of, nearly, looming, almost; tū – take place, convene)
song for inspiring workers
distort (image)
(a) facial gesture in kapa haka
(a) haka stance
raise the pitch
motivate, inspire, motivation (kupu kē atu: whakaohooho)
nemesis, downfall
dart, tuck in (sewing) (takenga mai: whakahoi - insert divergent threads in the woof of a garment to make fullness)
reversion (music)
pronounce, pronunciation
winner, champion (kupu kē atu: toa)
carve, carving, ornamented with a pattern
rock carving, rock art (takenga mai: whakairo - carve, ornament with a pattern, sculpt; kāmaka - rock, stone)
bone carving
relief carving, bas relief
wood carving
carving pattern for surface decoration
ear ornament (kupu kē atu: pōhoi)
put on airs, haughty, assume superiority
conclude, conclusion (kupu kē atu: whakatepe)
coda (tohu: ) (takenga mai: whakakapi - to conclude, close, finish)
augmentation (takenga mai: kaurahi – large)
diminish, reduce, shrink (takenga mai: kauriki – small)
fill (digital image editing)
exhibit, exhibition, show, performance (kupu kē atu: whakaatu)
sharpen (kupu kē atu: oroi)
move stealthily (kupu kē atu: konihi, koropuku, ninihi, whakamokamoka, whakamōkihi)
capo (takenga mai: whakakopa - clasp, clutch)
electric sander (takenga mai: whakamaene - make smooth; hiko - electricity)
catharsis (takenga mai: whakamahea – to allay, clear away, dispel, calm)
burnish (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; maheni - smooth)
polish, polisher
cool down, bend and stretch body to relieve muscles (kupu kē atu: whakamākakakaka)
praise, acclaim, accolade
instil confidence, encourage
stand upright
intermission, interlude, interval
audience (kupu kē atu: hunga mātakitaki, hunga whakarongo, kaimātakitaki, minenga)
act in a defiant matter (kupu kē atu: mīreirei)
move stealthily (kupu kē atu: konihi, koropuku, ninihi, whakakoko, whakamokamoka)
(to) stare wildly, dilate the eyes (kupu kē atu: pūkana)
jest, make fun (kupu kē atu: hangarau, hangareka)
entertain, entertainment (kupu kē atu: ngahau)
busk (takenga mai: whakangahau - to entertain; pati - appeal, solicit)
sharpen (an image) (takenga mai: ngangahu - clear, in focus)
embellish, adorn, embellishment, adornment (takenga mai: whakanikoniko - ornament with curves, adorn) (kupu kē atu: whakanakonako, whakarākai, whakarākei)
motivate, inspire (kupu kē atu: whakahihiko)
element of surprise, surprise
adorn, make up, ornament (takenga mai: whakapaipai – adorn, beautify, embellish)
firing (clay) (takenga mai: paka - dried, baked, cook)
glaze firing
pit firing (clay) (takenga mai: rō [roto] - in; rua - pit)
biscuit firing, bisque (takenga mai: whakapaka - firing; totoka - make solid)
shake, quiver (kupu kē atu: wiri)
strengthen, refine
statue (kupu kē atu: pakoko)
(to) contort the facial features, grimace (kupu kē atu: whāitaita)
headset (takenga mai: whakapiringa - attachment)
(a) bunched together formation of a kapa haka
jewellery (takenga mai: whakapīwari – bedeck, ornament) (kupu kē atu: taonga whakarākei, taonga whakapaipai)
expose the buttocks and private parts, to show contempt
express, say, utter (kupu kē atu: kī, kōrero, puaki)
hand, stick and string games (takenga mai: raka – adept, skilful)
embellish, adorn (kupu kē atu: rākai, rākei, whakaniko, whakanakonako, whakapaipai)
elaborate, embellish, enhance (kupu kē atu: whakanakonako, whakaniko, whakanikoniko, whakapaipai, whakarākei)
whakarākei ~tia ~ tanga (puoro)
remix (music) (takenga mai: whakarākei - adorn, decorate, embellish)
image manipulation, image enhancement (kupu kē atu: raweke whakaahua, whakarākei ata)
produce two types of sound
mix together (paint etc.) (kupu kē atu: ranu, whakahanumi)
entertaining, pleasurable, engaging (kupu kē atu: āhuareka, pārekareka)
(a) haka to show force before a battle
launch, premiere (takenga mai: whakarewa – to set in motion, launch)
psych up, mental preparation
stall for time (takenga mai: whakaroaroa - to delay, dither, hold up) (kupu kē atu: whakawhētōtō)
(a) facial gesture in kapa haka where the enlarged eyes stare in one direction and the tongue protrudes in the opposite direction
mentor (takenga mai: whakaruruhau – protector, shield, advisor, mentor) (kupu kē atu: pou)
compete, competition (kupu kē atu: tātāwhāinga, tauwhāinga, whakatatae)
kapa haka competition (kupu kē atu: tātāwhāinga kapa haka)
theatre sports
move about aimlessly
introduce, introduction, exposition (kupu kē atu: tīmatanga)
lead, conduct (kupu kē atu: tātaki)
narrate, recite, narration (kupu kē atu: tātaki, takitaki)
play (an instrument or musical note etc)
play by ear
instrumental (takenga mai: whakatangitangi - to play an instrument)
pretend, make believe
imitate, mimic (kupu kē atu: tāwhai)
exemplify, illustrate
equalisation (sound) (takenga mai: whakataurite - balance, matching; oro - sound)
move in an enchanting way in a performance
play, act, drama (kupu kē atu: whakaari)
solo (kupu kē atu: takitahi, tōtahi)
outro, conclude, conclusion (takenga mai: whakatepe - finish off, conclude)
(to) expose the teeth
tune (an instrument) (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tika - correct)
inhibited, reserved (kupu kē atu: nguengue)
pixelate (digital image editing) (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tongotongi - speckled)
dim out (takenga mai: uriuri – dark)
carved uprights on either side of the door of a meeting house (kupu kē atu: waewae)
smear (kupu kē atu: pani, penu)
practise, rehearse (kupu kē atu: parakitihi [kupu mino], whakaharatau, whakawaiwai)
beguile, divert, seduce, entice (kupu kē atu: whakawaiwai, pātaritari)
low contrast, dim (of an image) (takenga mai: whakawairua - appear dim and shadowy) (kupu kē atu: māhinahina, whēkaro)
exit item in a performance
stylise (digital image editing) (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; whaihanga - manipulate, make, construct)
develop (takenga mai: whaka - causitive prefix; whanake - grow)
dialogue, conversaton
(a) type of foot movement in kapa haka
misappropriate (takenga mai: whānako - cheat, rob, steal) (kupu kē atu: tāhae)
traditional tukutuku pattern incorporating a number of patterns in an array (kupu kē atu: mūmū)
hoarse, nasal sound
v chisel
flat chisel (takenga mai: papatahi - flat)
gouge chisel (takenga mai: pewa - anything bow-shaped)
bolt (takenga mai: whao - iron tool; wiri - twist, thread)
travelling entertainment troupe
house of entertainment (kupu kē atu: whare tapere)
house of entertainment, place for performance under tikanga Māori
theatre, auditorium, house of entertainment (kupu kē atu: whare whakaaturanga, whare rēhia, whare whakarauika)
(art) gallery
carved house
auditorium (kupu kē atu: whare whakaari)
meeting house
fermata (tohu: ) (takenga mai: whā - causative prefix; roa - long)
focal length
(to) protrude or poke out the tongue (kupu kē atu: whētero)
(to) falter or break the flow of words in a waiata or karakia
weave (kupu kē atu: nape, raranga)
single weft twining
double weft twining
low contrast, dim (of an image) (kupu kē atu: māhinahina, whakawairua)
warp (in weaving)
hum, buzz (kupu kē atu: hohō, huhū, mapu, rangorango, tamumu)
red, orange-red (kupu kē atu: kura - red)
wide-eyed stare (kupu kē atu: putē)
(to) protrude or poke out the tongue (kupu kē atu: whātero)
movie star
bone (kupu kē atu: kōiwi)
movement of a haka group in two's
single file formation or movement of a haka group (kupu kē atu: haukaiwahine)
fiddle (musical instrument) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
cello (takenga mai: whira - fiddle [kupu mino]; nui - large)
prepared flax fibre (kupu kē atu: muka)
lively, energetic, spirited, envigorated (kupu kē atu: hihiko, hihiri, pākahukahu, ngangahau)
major seventh
minor seventh
fasten, bind, lash (kupu kē atu: tauhere)
tongue-tied (takenga mai: whīwhiwhi – entangled; arero – tongue) (kupu kē atu: arero whīwhiwhi)