Ko te peinga atu o te tangata, o tētahi rōpū rānei i tētahi wāhi, i tētahi whenua rānei, inā he manene pea, ā, kāore ōna mana kia noho tonu ia ki reira i raro i te ture. Nā te hara pea o te tangata, nā te mōnehu rānei pea o tana kōkota ka tūwhitia ai.
The expelling of a person or a group from a particular place or country on the grounds that they are foreigners and do not have authority to be there under the law. This could be because of a criminal act or because their visa has expired.
He aha ia i tūwhitia ai?
He maha ngā kiritūwhiti e whakahokia mai ana i Ahitereiria, he takahi i te ture o reira te take.
Nō te 4 o Hōngongoi i te tau 1868 i tūwhitia hētia ai a Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Tūruki ki Rēkohu, ki reira noho herehere ai.