He peka mātauranga nui e whakaakona ana i ō tātou kura, i ō tātou whare wānanga puta noa, e aro ana ki te āhua o te noho ā-pori o te tangata me ngā hononga ā-tangata o roto i ngā porihanga. Arā hoki ngā wānanga o roto i te tikanga ā-iwi, pērā i te hītori, i te matawhenua, i te mātai ōhanga, i te tōrangapū, i te ture me te mātai pāpori.
An extensive branch of knowledge that is taught in schools and universities, which focusses on the way people live in societies and the relationships of people within those societies. There are many disciplines within social science, including history, geography, economics, politics, law and sociology.
▾ao tangata
He aha ngā kaupapa o te tikanga ā-iwi e whakaakona ana i tēnei wāhanga o te tau i tō koutou kura?
E whai ana ia i te tohu tikanga ā-iwi paetahi i te whare wānanga.
Me mārama ngā ākonga katoa ki te mātauranga whānui o roto i te tikanga ā-iwi.