He tangata kāore ōna kāinga pūmau, ka pōkai haere i te whenua ki wāhi kē, ki wāhi kē. I mua, i ētahi whenua o tāwāhi, ko te kimi pātītī hei kaikai mā ngā kararehe te take matua. Ko te wairua mātātoa o te tangata, ko te kimi oranga ētahi atu take mō te tipiwhenua.
A person without a permanent home who travels about the country from place to place. In the past, in some countries, the main reason was to find pasture for animals to graze. An adventurous spirit, and seeking livelihood are other reasons.
tangata takapau pōkai
He wae kai kapua te tipiwhenua rā, kāore ōna māharahara.
Kua iti haere ngā puni noho mō te hunga tāpoi tipiwhenua huri i Aotearoa i ngā tau tata kua hori nei.
He tipiwhenua ētahi iwi taketake, pērā i te Sāmi ka whaiwhai haere i te tia hei oranga mō rātou.