He pūnaha hei whakaatu i ngā tūāhuatanga i te kuneroatanga o Papatūānuku ki tā te mātauranga pūtaiao Pākehā, mai i te orokohanga o tō tātou aorangi i tūāuri whāioio, ki te takiwā o ināianei. Mā te āta mātai i ngā mātātoka o roto i ngā paparanga toka o Papatūānuku e tautohua ai ngā takiwā o nehe.
A system to denote events during the evolution of Earth according to the academy of Pākehā science, from the creation of our planet in the distant past until the present era. By studying fossils within the Earth's layers of rock, historical time periods can be identified.
tohu - to signal
wā - time
nuku - Earth
He aha ētahi wehewehenga o te tohuwā ā-nuku?
Mā te āta mātai me te whakamātau i ngā paparanga toka me ngā mātātoka o roto, e pūrangiaho ai ngā tohuwā ā-nuku.
E ai ki te tohuwā ā-nuku a ngā mātanga pūtaiao, kei te takiwā o te 4,600 miriona tau i neherā te orokohanga mai o Papatūānuku.