Ko te tipu ake, ko te whanake o te nōhanga tāngata, kia maha ake ngā whare, ngā huarahi me ngā tāngata. Ko te tipu o te tāone ki tētahi wāhi kāore ōna whare i mua. Ko te hūnuku o te tangata ki te tāone, ki te tāone nui rānei ki reira noho ai.
The growth and development of a settlement to have more buildings, roads and people. The growth of a town in a place where previously there were no buildings. The movement of people to towns and cities to live.
Ko tā te whakatāonetanga ki Pukekohe, he apo i ngā whenua haumako o ngā māra whakatipu huawhenua.
I tīmata te tino whakatāonetanga o te iwi Māori i ngā tau o te 1950.
He mea whakatāone te wāhi rā nā runga i tōna pātata ki te huarahi matua.