He momo titiro, he momo rangahau, he momo wetewete i ngā āhuatanga maha o te porihanga, pērā i ngā tikanga, i ngā ture, me ngā whanonga e whāia nuitia ana, e pūrangiaho ai ngā pēhitanga me ngā āhuatanga tautika-kore.
A way of looking at, researching and unravelling many aspects of society such as normalised conventions, laws and behaviours, in order to expose oppression and inequity.
Mā te ariā arohaehae e mārama ai tātou ki ngā āhuatanga e pēhi nei i ngā iwi taketake i tēnā whenua, i tēnā whenua, huri i te ao.
Ko tā te ariā arohaehae, he wero i ngā āhuatanga e whiwhi painga tonu ai te hunga pūwhero, e whakaeotia tonu ai te hunga rawakore.
Kaua e waiho te ariā arohaehae hei ako mā ngā whare wānanga, engari me tīmata kē i te kura tuatahi.