He tangata ka whakarere i tana pirihonga ki tōna iwi, ki tōna whenua, ki ōna hoa, ki tētahi kaupapa rānei, ā, ka tahuri ki te āwhina, ki te tautoko i te hoariri.
A person who abandons their loyalty to their people, to their nation, to their friends, or to a particular cause, and turns to help and support the enemy.
Nā te mahi kaikaiwaiū a taua rōpū rā i hinga ai te kāwanatanga.
Ko te kaikaiwaiū te hāmene i utaina ki runga i a ia.
He mea āwhina te kaikaiwaū rā i ngā hoariri kia urutomo atu ki ngā pātengi raraunga rorohiko a te kāwanatanga.