Hei whakaahua i tētahi mea kāore e whakapaungia, kāore e whatungarongaro, ka tū tonu, ka haere tonu. Ka pā ki ngā āhuatanga maha pērā i ngā rawa o te taiao, i te mahi a te tangata, i te ōhanga, i te hangarau hoki.
Used to describe something which does not become depleted or disappear but remains or carries on. It is applied to many things such as natural resources, human endeavour, the economy and technology.
He maha ngā umanga puta noa i te ao e tahuri ana ki te tirotiro i te toitūtanga o ā rātou mahi.
Kāore e toitū ana te pūkaha kōhinu inā te whakaputa hauhā ki te kōhauhau me te mimiti haere o te hinu māori.
Rārangihia mai ētahi āhuatanga e toitū ake ai te āhua o tā tātou noho ki ō tātou kāinga.