Ko ngā mahi katoa hei whakaiti i te pānga kino o te para ki te taiao ina porowhiua.
All activities to reduce the harmful impact of waste on the environment when it is discarded.
Tauira KŌrero
He aha ētahi o ngā mahi whakatika para e whāia ana e te kaunihera, he aha hoki ngā painga o tēnā me tēnā?
Ko tētahi whāinga matua o te whakatika para, ko te whakangū i ngā matūtāoke o roto.
Kua tae te wā kia whakahoungia te taupuni whakatika para o te tāone, engari e ātetetia ana e te rōpū kaiutu reiti.
WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga
Ko te whakatika para tētahi mahi ka taka ki raro i te mahere whakahaere para o tētahi tāone.
Koia nei ētahi momo whakatika para:
Ko te horoi i te para i mua i te tukutanga atu ki te taupuni para. Mā konei e taea ai te wehewehe i te para e whaitake tonu ana, me te hangarua i aua momo.