He momo tirohanga ki te ao, e ātete ana, e whakahē ana i ngā whakaaro whānui o mua e pā ana ki te tūturutanga, te pono me te mātātangata. Ka aronuitia ngā whakapono me ngā wheako i tua atu i ngā whakaaro whakatuanui o te ao o te rātō, tae atu ki ngā rangatohe pēnei i te kōkiri mana wahine, i te taketaketanga me te mana kirimangu.
A way of viewing the world which is in opposition to, and critical of widely held traditional ideas about reality, truth and humanity. Cultural beliefs and experiences from outside of the dogma of the western world are recognised as valid, including movements such as feminism, indigeneity and black power.
anga - to face a certain direction
anga - structure, framework
tua - beyond
hou - new, recent, modern
He aha ētahi āhuatanga angatuahou e tino kitea ana i te ao hoahoa whare o ēnei rā?
He kaituhi ia nō roto i te mātākōrero angatuahou.