He whakaritenga, he ture, he mahi, he whanonga rānei e whakaaetia ana, e whāia ana i ōna wā anō e tika ana, e ngā tāngata o roto i tētahi rōpū pērā i te whānau, i te hapū, i te iwi, i te hapori, i tētahi whakahaere rānei. Koia tētahi wāhanga matua o te ahurea o te rōpū, waihoki he tuku iho i ngā whakatipuranga o mua i te nuinga o te wā.
Arrangements, rules, practices and behaviours which are accepted and followed at appropriate times by the people who belong to a group such as a whānau, a hapū, an iwi, a community or an organisation. They are an integral part of the culture of the group, and are usually handed down from preceding generations.
He tuku iho ērā tikanga, kua paku panonihia i runga i ngā āhuatanga hou o ēnei rā.
E whakatūria ana he hui hei wānanga i ngā tikanga whakahaere mō tō tātou kura.
He mea whakahaere te hui i runga i ngā tikanga Māori.