Ko te keri i te mata, i te kōpū rānei o te whenua, ko te ketu i raro rānei i te whenua, o te papamoana rānei, me te unu ake i ngā momo kohuke, i ngā momo toka whai painga. He rawa whatungarongaro ēnei kohuke me ēnei toka, pērā i te waro, i te kōura, i te onepū rino, i te pākeho me te konukōhatu.
Digging on the surface or deep into the land or seabed, in order to extract different types of minerals and valuable rocks. These minerals and rocks are non-renewable resources and include coal, gold, ironsand, limestone and lithium.
He kupu mino.
Kei Maramarua tētahi maina waro, he maina puare.
Kāore e whakaaetia te mahi maina i ngā Papa Tāpui ā-Motu o Aotearoa.