Ko te tohe i te hītori e whāia whānuitia ana e te marea, ko te whakamāoritanga hou o ngā kōrero o nehe. I te nuinga o te wā, ko te iwi tokoiti e tohe ana i ā te iwi awenui kōrero hītōria, me te pāho anō i ā rātou ake kōrero e ai ki ā rātou ake titiro.
The challenging of widely accepted views of history and the re-interpretation of historical accounts. Usually this is a challenge by minority groups of the historical accounts articulated by the dominant group, and the dissemination of historical narratives from their own perspectives.
whakapūaho - to elucidate, clarify
Tae rawa atu ki te tau 2022, kātahi rā ka whai wāhi atu te hītori whakapūaho ki roto i te marautanga o ngā kura o Aotearoa.
Mā te ako i te hītori whakapūaho e tika ai ngā kōrero i whakaakona i mua i ō tātou kura.
Ko tā te hītori whakapūaho he aro ki ngā taha katoa o tētahi tūāhuatanga o mua.