Tikanga ā-Iwi

Tikanga ā-Iwi

English → Māori



(Te) Rā Whakamaumahara i Te Hononga Ope Kātua o Ahitereiria me Aotearoa

ANZAC, Australia New Zealand Army Corps

(Te) Hononga Ope Kātua o Ahitereiria me Aotearoa


Atireira (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Awhekenetāna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Afghanistan War

(Te) Pakanga ki Awhekenetāna


Āwherika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Arapeinia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Aratiria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Alpha Generation

Reanga Ārepa




Amerika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hāmoa-Amerika (takenga mai: Hekupumino.)


Pāpuniāmita (takenga mai: pāpuni - dam; āmita [kupu mino] - amster)


Anatōra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mihinare (takenga mai: He kupu mino [missionary].) (kupu kē atu: Mihingare)


Anakora (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Anakara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Antarctic Ocean, Southern Ocean

(Te) Tiri o te Moana ki te Tonga


(Te) Kōpakatanga ki te Tonga


(Te) Motu Nehe (takenga mai: motu - island; nehe - ancient times)


Anatepe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Āpia (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Hāmoa].)

Appeal Court

Kōti Pīra

Arabian Peninsula

(Te) Kūrae o Arāpia

Arabian Sea

(Te) Moana Arāpia

Archives New Zealand

(Te) Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga

Arctic Ocean

(Te) Tiri o te Moana ki te Raki


Āketina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Āmenia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Armistice Day

(Te) Rā Rangaawatea










Āhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ātene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Atlantic Ocean

(Te) Moana Ranatiki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tāmakimakaurau (kupu kē atu: Ākarana [kupu mino])


Ahitereiria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Te Whenua Moemoeā, Te Pāpaka-a-Māui)

Australian Capital Territory

(Te) Pae Kāwanatanga o Ahitereiria


Ataria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Atiria)


Atepaihānia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

able, ability

āhei ~nga ~ tanga


toiora (takenga mai: toiora - sound, uninjured)


hāpai toiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; toiora - able-bodied)

absolute monarchy

tino arikitanga

abstract thinking, abstract reasoning

whakaaro tūrehurehu (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort; rehurehu - to be seen indistinctly) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro waitara)

abundant, abundance

ranea (kupu kē atu: pukahu, huhua, humi, makuru)

account balance

tapeke pūtea

accountable, accountability

papanga ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kawe takohanga)




mahi kaute (takenga mai: mahi - work; kaute - to count [kupu mino])

accounts payable

nama kia utua atu

accounts receivable, outstanding invoice

nama kia utua mai

accounts, accounting statement

puka kaute (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book, document; kaute [kupu mino] - account)

acculturate, acculturation

kuhu ahurea (takenga mai: kuhu - to go into, to join)

accuse, accusation, allege, allegation, assert, assertion

whakapae ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakatuaki)

accuse, charge, sue, penalise

hāmene ~hia


pākawatanga (takenga mai: pākawa [pākawa ota] - nitrate; kawa [waikawa] - acid)

acquiescent, yeilding


acquire knowledge, knowledge acquisition

whai mōhiotanga

action research

rangahau whakanekeneke (takenga mai: whakanekeneke- cause to move along)

active citizenship

kirirarautanga hihiri (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)

active lifestyle, active living

(kātū) noho haukori

active transport

tūnuku kori (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type of; nuku - to move, shift; tūnuku - transport; kori - active person; kori [kori tinana] - physical exercise)


tūtohetohe (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)


kiritohe (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tohe - to argue, contend, object)

adapt, adaptation

urutau ~nga

advanced, mature


advantage, advantaged, privilege

momoho (takenga mai: momoho - to be fortunate, rewarded)

adventure tourism

tāpoi mātātoa

advertise, promote, market, promotion

whakatairanga ~hia (takenga mai: whakatairanga - to elevate, raise up) (kupu kē atu: pānui hokohoko)

advocate, advocacy

kōkiri ~hia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: hāpai)

affirmative action, positive discrimination

hāpaitanga (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

affordability index

tauine tareka ā-utu (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

affordability, affordable

tareka ā-utu (takenga mai: tareka - be attained; utu - to pay for, cost)


whakanehenehe ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; nehenehe - forest, bush)

age discrimination, ageism

(whaka) toihara taipakeke (kupu kē atu: aukatinga taipakeke)

age diversity

kanorau pakeke

age structure

hanganga taipakeke

agency (power to choose)

kahawhiri (takenga mai: kaha - power, strength, ability; whiri [kōwhiri] - to choose)

agenda (of a meeting)

rārangi take (takenga mai: rārangi - list; take - issue, matter, topic, subject)

agender, gender neutral


aggravated robbery

whānako haupatu

agnostic, agnosticism

pareatua ~tanga (takenga mai: pare - to turn aside; atua - god)


pakihi ahuwhenua

agricultural waste

para ahuwhenua

agriculture, agricultural industry

ahuwhenua (takenga mai: ahuwhenua - cultivate the soil)

air pollution

parahanga hau

air transport

tūnuku ā-rangi

alienated, estranged


allegiant, allegiance, loyal, loyalty, faithful

piripono (kupu kē atu: pirihonga)

ally, alliance

haumi ~tanga

alpine land

whenua tairanga (takenga mai: tairanga - to be elevated)

altar, place for sacred rituals

ahurewa (kupu kē atu: āta [kupu mino])

alternative-right, alt-right (politics)

aromatau whakaweti (takenga mai: aromatau - right wing; whakaweti - threaten, bully, intimidate)



altruism, altruistic

tūpore ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tūpore - to care for, look after, treat kindly) (kupu kē atu: tauwhiro)

amend, amendment, revise, revision

whakahou ~tia ~tanga

amendment (to a motion, law etc)

menemana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(hanga) tukuora (takenga mai: tuku - to provide; ora - health, wellness)


wā mukuhara (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)

analyse knowledge

tātari mōhiotanga

analyse, analysis

tātari ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tātari - to strain, filter, sift through)

anarchy, lawlessness

turekore (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)

ancestral home, homeland


ancestral land right

take tīpuna

ancient civilisation

tūāpori tuauri

ancient history

hītori tuauri

ancient times, long ago

nehe (kupu kē atu: neherā, uki, tāukiuki, tua whakarere, tuauri)


mauhanga hītōria ā-tau

annual income

moniwhiwhi ā-tau

annual meeting, annual general meeting, AGM

hui ā-tau


takiwā tangata (takenga mai: takiwā - era, time period; tangata - people, human)

anthropogenic climate change, human caused climate change

āhuarangi hurihuri pūtangata (takenga mai: pū - cause, origin; tangata - people)


mātai tikanga


ātete pakanga


momotu iwi (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)

apathy, apathetic, disinterest, indifference

ngākau-kore (kupu kē atu: arokore)

apology, regret, apologise



pīra ~ngia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

apply knowledge

whakamahi mōhiotanga

appreciation, increase in value

pikinga wāriu (kupu kē atu: pikinga uara)

appropriate technology

hangarau arotau (takenga mai: arotau - suited, appropriate) (kupu kē atu: hangarau tika)

aquaculture, aquaculture industry



mātāwainuku (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater)


mātai whaipara tangata (takenga mai: mātai - to study, inspect, examine; whaipara - remains, remnant; tangata - human being)


mekamoutere (takenga mai: meka [mekameka] - chain; moutere - island)


hoahoa whare

archival storehouse, repository

whare pūranga (kupu kē atu: rua mahara)


pūranga (takenga mai: pū - source, base; pūranga - heap, lie in a heap)

arranged marriage, betrothal

taumau ~tia

art history

hītori toi

artefact, treasure


article (section)

atikara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: upoko kōrero)

artificial fertiliser

whakahaumako horihori


tēpoko (takenga mai: tē - negative, not; poko - to be extinguished) (kupu kē atu: kiripaka)

assault, common assault

haupatu ~a ~ nga

assembly line

ara waihanga (takenga mai: ara - pathway; waihanga - to make, construct, build)


huarawa (takenga mai: hua - benefit, gain; rawa - resource, property)

assumption, supposition


asylum seeker

kaikimi punanga

atheism, atheist

atuakore ~tanga (takenga mai: atua - god; kore - negative, nil)

atomic age, atomic era

takiwā karihi



audit, conduct an audit

tātari kaute (takenga mai: tātari - to analyse; kaute [kupu mino] - accounts) (kupu kē atu: arotake kaute)


kaitātari kaute

authoritarian government

kāwanatanga whakatuanui

authority and responsibility over sea and lakes

mana moana

authority and responsibility to manage direct or control, executive power

mana whakahaere

authority, power and dignity of a person

mana tangata

authority, power, prestige, authorise



haukiri (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)

autocratic decision

whakataunga tōtahi (takenga mai: tōtahi - single, solitary)

autocratic leadership, authoritarian leadership

hautūtanga whakatuanui

autocratic republic

whenua tūhake whakatuanui

automatic transfer

whakawhitinga aunoa

aware, awareness, conscious, consciousness

tūoho (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake,arise, be roused [of feelings]) (kupu kē atu: aroā)

awareness raising, consciousness raising

whakapiki tūoho


Baby Boomer

Reanga Māpua (takenga mai: reanga - generation; māpua - prolific, productive)


Pākatata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pahama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pāreina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Pangakoko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pākaratēhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Papatohe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pāputa (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

Bay of Islands

(Te) Pēwhairangi (kupu kē atu: Te Pēowhairangi)

Bay of Plenty

(Te) Moana-a-Toi


Peihinga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pērara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Peretiama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Pehiamu)


Pērihi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Penini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Pearīni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pāmura (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pēna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Peterehama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pūtana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Paipera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)





Boer War

(Te) Pakanga Poa (takenga mai: Poa [kupu mino] - Boer)


Pokotā (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Poriwia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pono (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pōngia-Herekōwini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Poriwana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Parīhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Piripane (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Poronai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Paruhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Putapēhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Buddhism, Buddhist

Pūtimi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Buddhist temple

temepara Puta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Buenos Aires

Hau Pueno (takenga mai: hau - wind, air; Pueno - Buenos [kupu mino])


Purukāria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Purukēria)

Burkina Faso

Pākina Wharo (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


Puruniti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

balance sheet, account statement

ripanga kaute (takenga mai: ripanga - spreadsheet; kaute [kupu mino] - to account for) (kupu kē atu: puka kaute)

bank account

pūtea pēke

bankrupt, broke

mone (kupu kē atu: pēkerapu [kupu mino], pakaru te pūkoro [kīanga ōpaki])

barren (land), infertile (ground), exhausted by over-cultivation


basic amenity

tukuora matua

basic service, utility

ratonga tūāpapa (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation)

basin, dale



tāwhangawhanga (kupu kē atu: koko, kokoru, kopanga)

beauty pageant, beauty parade

whakaaturanga ātanga



belief system

pūnaha whakapono

belief, ideology, doctrine, to believe in

whakapono ~tia

belonging, sense of belonging, belong

noho huānga (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)

beneficiary (of a grant)

kaiwhiwhi takuhe (takenga mai: whiwhi - to get, receive, obtain; takuhe - benefit, grant)

beneficiary (of a trust etc)

kaiwhiwhi painga

benefit (payment of money)


benevolent dictatorship

tuanui arotau (takenga mai: arotau - to look kindly on, favourable)

bequest, bequeath

oha ~tia

bias, biased

haukume (takenga mai: haukume - to pull) (kupu kē atu: rītaha)

bias, biased

rītaha (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side) (kupu kē atu: haukume, arotītaha)


kākano rua (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga rua)

big picture

pikitia whārahi

bigamy, bigamous

moe punarua (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex with; punarua - in pairs, having two partners)

bigot, bigoted, intolerant, unsociable


bilateral treaty

tiriti takirua

bilateral, bilateralism

aroruatanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rua - two)

bill (draft of new law)

pire (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


papapānui korahi

binary gender

ira tāhūrua (kupu kē atu: ira weherua)

binary thinking, dichotomous thinking

whakaaro tāhūrua (takenga mai: tāhū - ridge beam of a house; rua - two; tāhūrua - binary)

binding referendum

pōtitake-here (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)

binge drinking culture

ahurea inu inati (kupu kē atu: ahurea inuinu)

biodiversity, biodiverse

kanorau koiora (takenga mai: kano - sort, kind; rau - multitude; koiora - biology)


haurongo (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)

biological process

tukanga koiora

biological sex

ira koiora


haumaru koiora (kupu kē atu: whakamaru koiora)


whakamaru koiora

bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement

tatūnga takirua


momo matarua

birth control, contraceptive, contraception

ārai hapū ~tanga (takenga mai: ārai - to obstruct, prevent; hapū - pregnant)

birth rate

pāpātanga whakawhānau


mōtika wherereitanga (takenga mai: whererei - to be born)


monimoka (takenga mai: moni - currency, money [kupu mino]; moka - bit, binary digit)

black lives matter movement

rangatohe oranga kirimangu

black power movement

rangatohe mana kirimangu


kāhaki pononga (takenga mai: kāhaki - to kidnap, take by force, abduct; pononga - slave)





blended family

whānau whirihono (takenga mai: whiri - to plait, twist together; hono - to join together)

blood donor

kaituku toto

blood quantum

tataunga toto (takenga mai: tatau - to count, enumerate)

blue collar crime

hara kara-ōrangi


kara-ōrangi (takenga mai: kara [kupu mino] - collar; ōrangi - blue)

blue-collar worker

kaimahi kara-ōrangi


arapapa (takenga mai: ara - pathway; papa - board, timber)

body image

ata tinana (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; tinana - body)

bond (monetary)

monihere (takenga mai: moni - money; here - to tie, restrict)

border security, border protection

whakamaru pae kati

borrow, borrowed

mino ~a (kupu kē atu: tono moni taurewa)


kirimino (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mino - to borrow)

bottom up

pūtake whakarunga (takenga mai: pūtake - base, root; whakarunga - upward direction) (kupu kē atu: mai i raro ki runga)

boundary marker, marker of (land) ownership, land marker post

pou whenua


papare ~a ~nga (takenga mai: papare - to avoid) (kupu kē atu: aukati, huri tuarā)

brain drain

heke manea (takenga mai: heke - migration; manea - clever person, intellectual)

brainwashed, indoctrinated

hinengaro takapapa (takenga mai: takapapa - to defeat, overcome, conquer)


tū whakatete (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)

bronze age

takiwā rauwhero

brother of a female



papa tukurua (takenga mai: papa - ground, field; tukurua - to reuse)


mahere pūtea (takenga mai: mahere – plan; pūtea – sum of money)


whakamahere pūtea

built environment

taiao hanga

bureaucracy, bureaucratic

aparau (takenga mai: apa - layer; rau - many)


pakihi (kupu kē atu: umanga)

business network

whatunga pakihi

business owner

rangatira pakihi

business ownership

rangatiratanga pakihi

business partner

hoa pakihi

business plan

mahere pakihi

business precinct, business quarter

paepakihi (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)

business relationship

hononga pakihi

business tax

tāke pakihi

business trust, trading trust

tarahiti pakihi

buy, purchase

hoko mai

buy, sell, purchase, trade, barter, exchange

hoko ~na ~nga




pōtitanga whakakapi (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; whakakapi - to replace)


ture ā-rohe (kupu kē atu: paeroa [kupu mino])


huataha (takenga mai: hua - fruit, product, outcome; taha [i te taha] - at the side of, along with) (kupu kē atu: huapiri)


Cabo Verde, Cape Verde

(Te) Kūrae Matomato


Kairo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kamapōtia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kemureti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kamarūna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kānata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kanipera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kanehi (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Wīwī].)

Cape Town

Kēpa Tāone (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Tāone Kūrae)


Karapīana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Taratahi (kupu kē atu: Katatāone)

Cartesian coordinates

taunga tukutuku (takenga mai: taunga - position; tukutuku - grid)


Katorika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Cayman Islands

(Ngā) Motu Kāmana (takenga mai: Kāmana [kupu mino] - Cayman)

Central Africa Republic

(Te) Whenua Tūhake o Āwherika Waenga

Central America

Amerika Waenga

Central Asia

Āhia Waenga


Kāta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Chatham Islands

Rēkohu (kupu kē atu: Wharekauri)


Hikāko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Children's Commission

Kōmihana Tamariki

Children's Commissioner

Kaikōmihana Tamariki


Hiri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Haina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



Christian, Christianity

Karaitiana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Clutha River





Koromōpia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

Commonwealth, British Commonwealth

(Te) Tōpūtanga o Ingarangi (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - association, collective)


Komoro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kōngo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Cook Islands

Kuki Airani (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kopeheikana (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Teina].)

Coral Sea

(Te) Moana Kāoa



Coromandel Peninsula

(Te) Tara-o-te-Ika-a-Māui

Costa Rica

Koto Rika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Cote d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast

(Te) Tai Rei (takenga mai: tai - coast; rei - tusk, ivory)


Koroātia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Kiupa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Kupa)


Haipara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia

Tiekerowākia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

cabinet (government)

rūnanga minita (takenga mai: rūnanga - council, assembly; minita [kupu mino] - minister) (kupu kē atu: kāhui minita)

camper van, motor home

waka noho

cancel culture

ahurea parahako (takenga mai: parahako - to reject, spurn, ostracise)


kaitono (takenga mai: tono - to apply for)

capacity (to produce)


capacity building

whakapakari raukaha

capital (finance)

pūrawa (takenga mai: pū - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource) (kupu kē atu: haupū rawa)

capital equipment

taputapu pūrawa

capital return, capital increase, capital growth, capital gain

pikinga pūrawa (takenga mai: piki - to increase; pu - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource; pūrawa - capital [finance])

capital value

wāriu pūrawa

capitalism, capitalistic

angahaorawa (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hao - acquisitive, greedy; rawa - property, resource)

capitalist dictatorship

tuanui angahaorawa (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; hao - acquisitive, greedy; angahaorawa - capitalism)

capitalist economy

ōhanga angahaorawa

carbon footprint

tapuwae waro

carbon sink

putunga waro (takenga mai: putunga - heap, stack, storage; waro - carbon)

carbon tax

tāke waro

carbon, coal


carbon-zero, carbon neutral

tukuwaro-kore (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; kore - zero, nil)

carpool, carpooling

tāpuna motukā

carry goods, transport of goods

kawe hautaonga


kaituhi mahere


tuhi mahere (takenga mai: tuhi - draw, write; mahere - map)

case study, case study research

rangahau whakapūaho (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, make clear, elucidate) (kupu kē atu: mātaitanga)


rārangi (~tanga) kōrero

caucus, group

uepū (takenga mai: uepū - company, party, crew, group)

cause and effect

pūtake me te hua

cause, origin, reason, originate

pūtake ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: take)



central business district, CBD

pokapū pakihi

central government, national government

kāwanatanga ā-motu

centre-left (politics)


centre-right (politics)


centrism, centrist

arowaenga (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; waenga - middle, amid, between)


rautau (takenga mai: rau - hundred; tau - year)

ceremonial courtyard (in front of meeting house)

marae ātea

ceremonial haka or dance of welcome

haka pōhiri

chair, chairperson, head of an organisation

upoko (takenga mai: upoko - head) (kupu kē atu: heamana [kupu mino], tiamana [kupu mino])


heamana (takenga mai: He kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: tiamana [kupu mino], upoko)

challenge stick


challenge, ceremonial challenge

wero ~hia (kupu kē atu: taki)


panoni ~hia ~tanga

channel, strait, narrow body of water


character (of a person)

ihokiri (takenga mai: iho - essence, essential quality, nature, inner core; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: āhua, wairua)



charitable enterprise

hinonga ohaoha

charitable trust

tarahiti ohaoha


rōpū ohaoha

chattel, possession

rirohanga (takenga mai: riro - be got, acquired, obtained)

chemical treatment (e.g. of sewage)

whakatika ā-matū

chemical waste

para matū

chief, chiefly, leader, chieftainship

rangatira ~tanga

child abuse

tūkino tamariki

child development

whanaketanga tamariki

child exploitation

kaiapo tamariki

child labour, child worker

kaimahi tamariki

child slave

pononga tamariki

child trafficking

hokotaihara tamariki

childhood home, place of growing up

kāinga tipu


huatea (kupu kē atu: huamutu)

children's rights

mōtika tamariki

choose, choice

kōwhiri ~a ~nga

chronology, chronological order

raupapatanga wā

church, house of prayer, place of worship

whare karakia

circular economy

ōhanga āmiomio


irapūmau (takenga mai: pūmau - fixed, constant, permanent)

citizen, citizenship

kirirarau ~tanga (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; rarau - settle down, remain, take root)


tāone nui

city council, town council

kaunihera ā-tāone

civic duty

mahi raraupori

civic education, civics

ako raraupori (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)

civic infrastructure

tūāhanga raraupori

civic responsibility

haepapa raraupori

civic, civics

raraupori (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)

civil case

take raraupori (kupu kē atu: take porihanga, take hiwhiri [kupu mino])

civil defence, emergency management

whakamaru ohotata (takenga mai: whakamaru - to protect, shelter; ohotata - emergency)

civil disobedience

tutūnga porihanga (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)

civil law

ture porihanga

civil rights movement

rangatohe mōtika raraupori

civil rights, societal rights

mōtika raraupori (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)

civil war

kaiākiri (kupu kē atu: riri tara ā-whare)


tūāpori (takenga mai: tūā[tūāpapa] - foundation; pori - people, tribe; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mātāpori)


takaporipori (takenga mai: taka -causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)

claim land by naming

taunaha ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: tapatapa whenua)


kaikerēme (takenga mai: kerēme - claim [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: kaitono)

client, customer, consumer





āhuarangi (takenga mai: āhua – form, appearance, character; rangi – sky, heavens, upper regions)

climate change

āhuarangi hurihuri

climate crisis

tairaru āhuarangi

climate justice

huatika āhuarangi (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just) (kupu kē atu: tika āhuarangi)

climate map

mahere āhuarangi

climate refugee

rerenga āhuarangi

clogged, congested, congestion

kūkā ~tia

closed loop

amio kati

closed question

pātai kati

coalition government

kāwanatanga haumi (takenga mai: haumi - in alliance)

coastal reserve, fisheries reserve, marine reserve


coastal town

tāone ki tai

coastline, sea coast, shore


cognitive challenge

wero hirikapo

cognitive dissonance

hirikapo taupatupatu

cognitive skill

pūkenga hirikapo

cognitive taxonomy

tātaitanga hirikapo (takenga mai: tātai - arrange, set in order; hirikapo - mind, intellect, cognition)

cognitive, cognition

hirikapo (takenga mai: hirikapo - mind, intellect)


pūtoi (takenga mai: pūtoi - bunch, cluster, kinship group) (kupu kē atu: hunga)


moniuka (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; uka - hard, firm) (kupu kē atu: kapa)

cold war

pakanga taungaungau (takenga mai: taungaungau - to wrangle, bicker, squabble; tau - indicating reciprocal action; tau - to attack) (kupu kē atu: pakanga kōpeke)

collaborative learning skills

pūkenga ako ngātahi (kupu kē atu: pūkenga ako ā-rōpū)

collateral, security (financial)

huarawa taurangi (takenga mai: huarawa - asset; taurangi - to guarantee)

collective action, collective stance

tū kiritōpū (takenga mai: tū - stance, to fight or oppose; kiri - person, self; tōpū - as a group) (kupu kē atu: kawenga kiritōpū)

collective choice

kōwhiringa kiritōpū

collective contract, collective agreement

kirimana tōpū (kupu kē atu: kirimana takimaha)

collective responsibility

haepapa kiritōpū (kupu kē atu: haepapa takimaha)

collective right

mōtika kiritōpū

collective, association, consortium

tōpūtanga (takenga mai: tōpū - consolidated, merged, united)

collective, collectivity

kiritōpū ~tanga (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōpū - as a group, combined, united) (kupu kē atu: tōpūtanga, takimaha, kōpuni)

collectivism, collectivist

angakōpuni (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; kōpuni - as a group, all together)

colonial government

kāwanatanga tātāmi

colonial history

hītori tātāmi

colonial period, colonial era

takiwā tātāmi

colonial repression

tātāmi a tauiwi

colonise, colonisation

taipūwhenua ~tanga (kupu kē atu: tāmi)

colonise, colonisation, oppress, suppress

tāmi ~a ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmi - repress, suppress) (kupu kē atu: taipūwhenua)


manatāmi (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tāmi - colonise, repress, suppress) (kupu kē atu: kiritāmi, iwi tātāmi)


whenua maru (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])

commercial fisher

kaihao arumoni

commercial goal

whāinga arumoni (kupu kē atu: whāinga tauhokohoko)

commercial goal

whāinga tauhokohoko (kupu kē atu: whāinga arumoni)

commercial precinct, commercial quarter

paetauhoko (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)

commercial relationship

hononga tauhokohoko

commercial waste, trade waste

para tauhokohoko

commercial, commercialisation

arumoni ~tanga (takenga mai: aru - to pursue, follow; moni [kupu mino] - money)

commercialisation of culture

tāhoko ahurea (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hoko - to buy or sell; ahurea - culture)


whakaarumoni ~ngia (kupu kē atu: tāhoko)

commission (finance)

tiringa (takenga mai: tiri - share, portion)

commission (organisation)

kōmihana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

commission of inquiry

kōmihana whakatewhatewha (takenga mai: whakatewhatewha - to investigate, examine, enquire into)


kaikōmihana (kupu kē atu: toihau)

commodify, commodification

whakatauhoko ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)


taongahoko kakapi (takenga mai: taonga - goods, property; hoko - to buy or sell; kakapi [whakakapi] - substitute, replace)

common good, mutual benefit, shared benefit

painga pātahi (takenga mai: pātahi - to befall all alike, affect all in common)

communication skills

pūkenga whakawhitiwhiti kōrero

communism, communistic

angatōpū (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tōpū - as a group, united)

communist dictatorship

tuanui angatōpū (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] -autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; tōpū - combined, as a group, collective; angatōpū - communism)



community board, community council

rūnanga hapori

company (business), agency

umanga (kupu kē atu: kamupene [kupu mino])

company of labourers


comparative history

hītori whakatairite

compare, comparison

whakataurite ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: whakatairite)

compare, comparison, comparative

whakatairite ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: whakataurite)

compensate, compensation, recompense, reparation, redress

paremata ~tia

compete, competition

whakataetae ~tia

compound interest

huamoni whakaputu (takenga mai: whakaputu - to pile up)



concession, compromise

āhuatanga tuku (takenga mai: āhuatanga - aspect; tuku - to give up, let go) (kupu kē atu: tautukunga)

concrete thinking

whakaaro tūhāngai (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort; hāngai - correspond to, in line with, directly)

confidence and supply

manatoko me te manapūtea (takenga mai: manatoko - to verify, validate, give credence to; manapūtea - fiscal authority)

confined aquifer

mātāwainuku hamaruru (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; hamaruru - to shut in, confine, restrict)

conflict of interest

pānga taupatupatu (takenga mai: pānga - connection, interest; taupatupatu - to dispute, contend, vie)

conflict resolution

whakatatū taututetute

conflict, dispute

taututetute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)

conflicting belief

whakapono taupatupatu

conflicting idea

whakaaro taupatupatu

conflicting values

uara taupatupatu

confluence, junction


conform, conformist

whanotau (takenga mai: whano [whanonga] - behaviour; whano - e whai ana i tā te whanokē; tau - suitable, settled)

connect, connectivity

tūhonohono ~a


arotika (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward, take notice of; aro [whakaaro] - thought; tika - correct, just, upright, fair; tika [matatika] - moral, ethical)


tatūnga tukipū (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread, broad) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)


tatūnga tokitoki (takenga mai: tatūnga - resolution, decision; tokitoki - without exception) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tukipū)

consequence, effect, repercussion


conservation status

tūnga whāomoomo

conservatism, conservatist (political)

arowheau (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; wheau - stay, remain)


kairokiroki taonga (takenga mai: rokiroki - to care for, protect, preserve)

conserve, conservation

whāomoomo ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whāomoomo - to conserve, husband, use sparingly) (kupu kē atu: whakauka)

conspiracy theory

ariā kakai (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)

constancy, permanency



kaipōti ā-rohe

constitution, constitutional

turepapa (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)

constitutional monarchy

arikitanga turepapa (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)

construction industry

ahumahi hanganui

construction waste

para hangahanga

consume, consumption, consumerism

whakapeto ~hia ~nga

consumer demand

popono kiritaki (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)

consumer demographic

hangapori kiritaki

consumer power

mana kiritaki

consumer price index, CPI

tauine utuhoko (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; utu - price, cost; hoko - to purchase, buy, sell)

consumer profile

kāhua kiritaki (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance)

consumer responsibility

haepapa kaiwhakapeto

consumer rights

mōtika kiritaki

contaminated soil

one hawa (takenga mai: one - soil; hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

contaminated water

wai hawa (takenga mai: hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

contemporary circumstance, contemporary phenomenon, contemporary factor

āhuatanga o te wā

contemporary culture

ahurea o nāianei

contents insurance

inihua taonga rōwhare


horopaki (takenga mai: horopaki - surround)


paparahi (takenga mai: papa – surface; rahi – large) (kupu kē atu: whenua rahi)

continental climate

āhuarangi paparahi

continental crust

kiri paparahi (takenga mai: kiri – skin; paparahi – continent)

continental shelf

paenga paparahi

contingency plan

mahere heipūtanga (takenga mai: heipū - to come upon)


auroatanga (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, lengthy) (kupu kē atu: haere tonutanga)

continuous occupation (of land), burning fires of occupation

ahikā (kupu kē atu: ahikāroa)

contour line

rārangi hua (takenga mai: outline, leading lines of a carving pattern)

contract, binding agreement

kirimana (takenga mai: kiri - skin, bark; mana - effectual, binding, authoritative)

contrast, contrasting

whakatauaro ~hia ~nga (takenga mai: whakataurite – compare; tauaro – be opposite)

controlled economy, command economy

ōhanga whakamatua

controversy, dispute, controversial

tautohe ~a ~nga

convention, conference, summit

hui taumata

conventional history, prevailing history, mainstream history

hītori auraki (takenga mai: auraki - mainstream)

convergent thinking

whakaaro rūnā (takenga mai: rūnā - to reduce, pare down)

cooperate, collaborate, collaboration

mahi ngātahi


tōpūtanga mahitahi (takenga mai: tōpū - consolidated, merged, united; mahi - work; tahi - as one, together)

cooperative business

pakihi ā-ohu

cooperative learning skills

pūkenga ako tahi

corporate crime

hara rangatōpū


rangatōpū (takenga mai: ranga - company of people; tōpū - assembled, in a body) (kupu kē atu: kaporeihana)

corrupt, corruption

whakakonuka ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)

cost of living

utu noho (kupu kē atu: utu toiora)

cost of living index

tauine utu noho (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

cost price, manufacturing price

utu waihanga

cost, price, pay, payment

utu ~a ~nga

cost-effective, cost-effectiveness

whaihua ā-utu (takenga mai: utu - cost, price, payment; whaihua - beneficial, worthwhile)

cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis

tātaritanga whaihua ā-utu

cottage industry, home industry

ahumahi tara ā-whare (takenga mai: tara ā-whare - home based, domestic) (kupu kē atu: ahumahi kāinga)


kaunihera (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

councillor, council representative

māngai kaunihera (kupu kē atu: kaikaunihera)

counter claim, cross claim, disputed claim

kokoraho taupatupatu


ahurea ātete (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose)

coup, coup d'état

pāhoro (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, storm a fortress) (kupu kē atu: tukipoto)


kōti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

courtyard, open area in front of meeting house, complex of land and buildings including meeting house and dining facilities


cove, bay, indentation of coastline

kokoru (kupu kē atu: koko, kopanga, tāwhangawhanga)


kawenata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

covert oppression

pēhitanga matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)

credit account

pūtea taurewa

credit card

kāri taurewa

credit limit

mōrahi taurewa (takenga mai: mōrahi - maximum, upper limit)

credit rating

pae taurewa (takenga mai: pae - margin, boundary; taurewa - credit)

credit, loan

moni taurewa (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; taurewa - to be unpaid, on loan) (kupu kē atu: pūtea taurewa)

creek, watercourse, ditch, branch of a river


crime against humanity

maukino mātātangata (takenga mai: maukino - abuse, ill-treat)

crime, offence, sin, offend


criminal case

take taihara

criminal law

ture taihara

crisis, predicament, serious problem

tairaru (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)

critical theory

ariā arohaehae

critical thinking

whakaaro arohaehae

crop (food))

huanga (kai)

crop farming, cropping

whakatipu huanga kai (takenga mai: whakatipu - to grow; huanga kai - crop)

crowdfund, crowdfunding

oha takitini (takenga mai: oha - to leave as a bequest, generosity; takitini - multitude, crowd)

crowdsource, crowdsourcing

tahua takitini (takenga mai: tahua - fund, sum of money; takitini - crowd, many people) (kupu kē atu: puna takitini)

crust (of the Earth)

kirinuku (takenga mai: kiri – skin; nuku – the Earth)


moni whitirangi (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - currency, money; whiti - to transfer, cross over; rangi [ipurangi] - internet) (kupu kē atu: moni matihuna, moni matihiko, moni mariko)


puni whanokē (takenga mai: puni - company of people; whanokē - peculiar, weird, unusual, eccentric)

cultivate, cultivation

ngaki ~na ~ nga

cultural anthropology

mātai tikanga ahurea

cultural appropriation, cultural misappropriation

pāhao ahurea (takenga mai: pāhao - to acquire stealthily) (kupu kē atu: pāhao tikanga)

cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, culturally aware

tūoho ahurea

cultural background

takenga ahurea (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

cultural context

horopaki ahurea

cultural diffusion

horahora ahurea

cultural diversity

kanorau ahurea

cultural envoy

karere ahurea

cultural evolution

kuneroa ahurea

cultural exploitation

kaiapo ahurea (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricous, greedy)

cultural festival

taiopenga ahurea

cultural hegemony

whakatuanui ahurea

cultural history

hītori ahurea

cultural identity

tuakiri ahurea

cultural impact

pāpātanga ahurea

cultural influence

awenga ahurea

cultural misappropriation

hone ahurea (takenga mai: hone - to acquire wrongfully)

cultural practice

tikanga ahurea

cultural precinct, cultural quarter

paeahurea (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)

cultural relativism

tūhāngai ahurea (takenga mai: tū - stance; tū - type, sort; hāngai - relevant to, in line with)

cultural response, cultural responsiveness

urupare ahurea

cultural revolution

taihuringa ahurea (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

cultural stereotype

arotoka ahurea

cultural tourism

tāpoi ahurea

culture shock

tūmatatenga ahurea (takenga mai: tūmatatenga - apprehension, anxiety, unease)

culture, cultural


curate, curation, curatorial

rauhī ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to care for, protect)


rāhui haere noa

current asset

huarawa wātea (takenga mai: wātea - available)

current events, current affairs

take o te wā (kupu kē atu: rongo kōrero o te wā)

custom, lore, practice, convention


cyberbully, cyberbullying

whakaweti ā-ipurangi

cycle of deprivation

pakukore tāruarua (takenga mai: pakukore - impoverished, deprivation; tāruarua - to repeat)

cycle of poverty

rawakore tāruarua (takenga mai: tāruarua - to repeat)

cycleway, cycle trail, cycle lane

ara pahikara


Dane, Danish

Teina (takenga mai: he kupu mino)




Tākiwira (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tāwini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Dawn Raid

Huakitanga Atapō

Declaration of the Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand

(Te) Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīreni

Democratic Republic of the Congo

(Te) Whenua Tūhake o Kōngo


Tenemāka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Department of Conservation

(Te) Papa Atawhai

District Court

Kōti ā-Rohe


Tiwāri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tominika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Dominican Republic

(Te) Whenua Tūhake o Tominika


Tupae (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tapurini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




raraunga (takenga mai: rarau - lay hold of, receptacle)

data driven

aro raraunga (takenga mai: aro - to take heed of, consider; raraunga - data)

data repatriation

taumanu raraunga (takenga mai: taumanu - reclaim, repossess; raraunga - data)

data security

whakamaru raraunga

data sovereignty

rangatiratanga raraunga

de-facto relationship

piringa noa (kupu kē atu: moe māori)

death rate, mortality rate

pāpātanga mate

debit, withdrawal

moni tango (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; tango - to take away, subtract)

debt, invoice, bill

nama (takenga mai: He kupu mino [number].)


ngahurutau (takenga mai: ngahuru - ten; tau - year)

decide, decision, determine

whakatau ~ria ~nga


waengahuru (takenga mai: wae [waeine] - unit of measurement; ngahuru - ten)

decision making process

tukanga whakatau

declining (species)

(momo) pāitiiti

decolonise, decolonisation

wetetāmi ~tanga (takenga mai: wete - to set free, release, untie, unravel; tāmi - colonise - suppress, repress)

deep affection, yearning (especially for one's homeland)


deep aquifer, artesian bore

puna manawa whenua


kiriuapare (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; uapare - to pass the blame, blame)

deficit, overdraft



hekeutu tukipū (takenga mai: heke - to subside, decline; utu - cost, price; tukipū - general, widespread)

deforest, deforestation

whakarake ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: tuangahere)

degrade, degradation, damage, spoil

whakakino ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: takakino)



demand (for goods and services)

popono (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)

democracy, democratic

manapori (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pori [porihanga] - society)

democratic government

kāwanatanga manapori

democratic leadership

hautūtanga manapori

democratic republic

whenua tūhake manapori

demographic change

panoni hangapori

demographic trend

ia hangapori

demographic, demography

hangapori (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; pori [taupori] - population; pori - people, tribe)


mātai hangapori (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate)

demonstration, stage a demonstration (protest)

whakatōhenehene (takenga mai: whakatōhenehene - disturb, disrupt)

denomination (of a religion)

tānga hāhi (takenga mai: tānga - division, company [of people])

dense, density

apiapi (kupu kē atu: kiato)

depend on, dependency

(whaka) whirinaki ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: pararau)

dependency, dependent nation

whenua whakawhirinaki (kupu kē atu: whenua pararau)

deport, banish, expel

tūwhiti ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: terepu)


kiritūwhiti (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tūwhiti - deport, banish, expel)

deposit (of money)

monikuhu (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; kuhu - to put in, insert) (kupu kē atu: moni kōkuhu)

deposit money

kuhu moni (kupu kē atu: kōkuhu moni)

deposit, down payment

moni tāpui (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tāpui - to reserve, set aside)

depot, encampment, station

taupuni (kupu kē atu: puni)

depreciation, decrease in value

hekenga wāriu

deregulate, deregulation

whakakore waeture

desert, barren expanse of land




despoil, pollute, defile, pollution

whakapoke ~a ~nga

detain, detainee, confine, imprison

whakarau ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: mauhere)

detention centre, detention camp

taupuni whakarau

develop, development

whanake, whakawhanake ~tanga (takenga mai: whanake - to move onwards, to grow, to develop)

developed nation, developed country

whenua whanake

developing nation, developing country

whenua whakawhanake


tūreo (takenga mai: tū - type, manner, sort; reo - language)


noho marara (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; marara - scattered)


manatuanui (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, dictatorial)

dictatorship, dictatorial

tuanui ~tanga (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, autocratic)


tāmatemate (takenga mai: tāmatemate - to decline, deteriorate) (kupu kē atu: mate taiora)

different, difference

rerekē ~tanga

digital age, digital era

takiwā matihiko

digital divide

āputa matihiko (takenga mai: āputa - gap)

diplomacy, diplomatic

whakahangahanga (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)


māngai whakahangahanga (takenga mai: māngai - mouthpiece, representative; whakahangahanga - diplomacy)

diplomatic protection, diplomatic immunity

maru whakahangahanga (takenga mai: maru - shelter, safeguard; whakahangahanga - diplomatic)

diplomatic relations

piringa whakahangahanga

direct action

tohe tū (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, persist; tū - to fight, engage, oppose)

disabled, disability

hauā (kupu kē atu: whaikaha)

disadvantage, disadvantaged, underprivileged

tōhore ~tanga (takenga mai: tō - e whai ana i tā te 'tōnui'; hore [pūhore] - scarce, poverty)

disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord

whakatete (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)

disarm, disarmament

tupe ~a ~nga (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)

disaster, calamity, misfortune, catastrophe

aituā (kupu kē atu: maikiroa, maiki, aitu)

discord, disharmony

ahitere (kupu kē atu: whakatete)


whakahekenga utu

discretionary income

moniwhiwhi kōwhiti (takenga mai: kōwhiti - to choose)

discriminate against, discrimination, despise, degrade

whakahāwea ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara, whakaparahako)

disempower, disempowerment

whakaeo ~tia ~tanga


manapōti-kore (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)

disengagement of elderly

maunutanga kaumātua

dishonest, corrupt, thieving, steal

keiā ~tia (kupu kē atu: raureka)

displaced person

mōrehu kāinga-kore (kupu kē atu: konene)

disposable income, available income

moniwhiwhi wātea

disproportionate, uneven


disruptive picket

tūtohe whakatōhenehene (takenga mai: tū - to stand, engage, oppose; tohe - to argue, contend; whakatōhenehene - to disrupt)

disruptive thinking

whakaaro porohuri (takenga mai: porohuri - to upset, overturn)

distant future

wāheke mamao

distant past

wāmua mamao

distribute, distribution, allocate, allocation

tuari ~hia

distributive justice

huatika tohatoha (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; tohatoha - to distribute) (kupu kē atu:  tika tohatoha)

district, area, territory, zone


divergent thinking

whakaaro roha (takenga mai: roha – to spread out, extend out)

diverse society, pluralistic society

porihanga kanorau

diverse, diversity, pluralism

kanorau ~tanga (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: matahuhuatanga)

diversify, diversification

whakakanorau ~tia ~tanga

diversity of sexual orientation

kanorau hōkakatanga

divided, polarised, split

tōtara wāhi rua (kupu kē atu: totoe)


utu whaipānga (takenga mai: utu - payment; whaipānga - to have a share, interest)


tokorau ~tanga

dog park

papa kurī


whakaaro whakatuanui (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)

domestic market

mākete taiwhenua

domestic tourism, internal tourism

tāpoi taiwhenua

domestic violence, famly violence, domestic abuse

riri ā-whare (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence, rage; ā-whare - in-house)

domestic waste, household waste

para kāinga

dominant culture

ahurea awenui (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence; nui - big, large) (kupu kē atu: ahurea whakatuanui)

dominant group of people, dominant tribe

iwi awenui (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence) (kupu kē atu: iwi whakatuanui)


tominiana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

domino effect, chain reaction, ripple effect

huanga whaiwhai (takenga mai: huanga - outcome, result; whaiwhai - to follow)

donation scam

tāware takoha

donation, gift



kaituku (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tuku - to give)

double standard

paerewa matarua (takenga mai: paerewa - standard; mata - face; rua - two)


hangararo ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; raro - down)


reremuri (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri - after, coming behind)

downstream consequence

rara reremuri (takenga mai: rara - consequence, effect, repercussion; rere - to flow; muri - behind)

downstream effect

hua reremuri (takenga mai: hua - outcome; rere - to flow; muri - behind)

downstream service

ratonga reremuri (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri, behind, after)

dress code

kawa kākahu (takenga mai: kawa - protocol)

drinking water, potable water

wai inu

dropout, drop out, indolent

inukorokoro (takenga mai: inukorokoro - to be indolent, lackadaisical, inactive)

drought, dehydrate, dehydration, dehydrated

tauraki ~na ~tanga

drug trafficking

hokotaihara pūroi

dry climate

āhuarangi pakapaka

dry season

kaupeka pakapaka

due diligence

haurapatanga (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, to probe, delve)


manatōrua (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tōrua - twofold)

duty of disclosure

haepapa whāki (takenga mai: haepapa - responsibility; whāki - to disclose)


arikitanga tūroa (takenga mai: arikitanga - monarchy; tūroa - established, of long standing, enduring)

dysfunction, dysfunctional

turingonge (takenga mai: turingongengonge - crippled, lame, malfunctioning)


maurutanga (takenga mai: mauru - to be eased, allayed, appeased)



kāri utuhiko (takenga mai: kāri - card [kupu mino]; utu - to pay for; hiko [tāhiko] - electronic)



East Asia

Āhia ki te Rāwhiti

East Coast (of North Island)

(Te) Tai Rāwhiti (kupu kē atu: Te Tairāwhiti)

East Timor

Tīmoa ki te Rāwhiti


Aranga (takenga mai: ara - to rise up)

Eastern Europe

Ūropi ki te Rāwhiti


Ekuatoa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Īhipa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

El Salvador




Employment Court

Kōti Take Mahi

Employment Relations Authority

(Te) Ratonga Ahumana Taimahi


Ingarangi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Environment Court

Kōti Taiao

Equatorial Guinea

Kini Ekuatoria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Eriterea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Etōnia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ehiwatini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Etiopia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ūropi (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

European Union

(Te) Tōpūtanga o Ūropi


ītauhoko (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)


īpara (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; para - waste) (kupu kē atu: para tāhiko)

early vote, advance voting

pōti tōmua


rū whenua

eco lifestyle, green lifestyle, green living

(kātū) noho tautaiao (kupu kē atu: [kātū] noho kāriki)

eco-farm, eco-farming

pāmu tautaiao


hautaonga tautaiao

ecological footprint

tapuwae hauropi



economic change

panoni ohaoha

economic community

hapori ohaoha

economic crisis

tairaru ohaoha

economic depression

aumate ohaoha (takenga mai: au - current; au - e whai ana i tā te 'aupiki' me te 'auheke'; mate - sick, ailing, unwell)

economic development

whanaketanga ohaoha

economic expansion

aupiki ohaoha (takenga mai: aupiki - to ascend, success)

economic growth

tipu ohaoha

economic hegemony

whakatuanui ohaoha

economic history

hītori ōhanga

economic impact

pāpātanga ohaoha

economic incentive

poapoa ohaoha

economic map, economic plan

mahere ohaoha

economic policy

kaupapahere ohaoha

economic recession

auheke ohaoha (takenga mai: auheke - difficulty, failure, descent)

economic recovery

mātūtū ōhanga

economic system

pūnaha ōhanga

economic trend

ia ohaoha

economic unity

kotahitanga ā-ōhanga


mātai ōhanga


ōhanga (kupu kē atu: taiōhanga)

economy of scale

(te) whaihua ake o te mahinga nui


pūnaha hauropi (takenga mai: pūnaha ‒ system; hauropi ‒ ecology)

ecosystem service

ratonga pūnaha hauropi


tāpoi tautaiao

eco~, environmentally friendly

tautaiao (takenga mai: tau [tautoko] - to support; tau – befitting, calm, settled; taiao – environment)

education background

takenga mātauranga (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

education policy

kaupapahere mātauranga

efficacy, efficacious

whaikaha (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - power, strength, ability) (kupu kē atu: ngoi)

egg donor

kaituku kākano


pōtitanga (kupu kē atu: kōwhiringa pōti)

electoral roll

rārangi pōti

electorate, constituency, ward

rohe pōti (kupu kē atu: wāri [kupu mino - ward])

electronic transaction

kurutete tāhiko (takenga mai: kurutete - to exchange, swap)

electronic transfer

whakawhitinga tāhiko

emancipatory learning, emancipatory education

ako wetehere (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; wete - to release, untie, set free; here - restriction, tie)

embargo (trade sanction)

herepū ~tia (takenga mai: herepū - to seize, catch and hold firmly)

embark, proceed (onto marae)

whakaeke ~a

embassy, diplomatic residence

pā whakahangahanga (takenga mai: pā - fortified village; whakahangahanga - to handle gently, be diplomatic, tactful)

embodiment, archetype

kikomūrau (takenga mai: kiko - person, body; mūrau - a person cited as a noteable example)

emergency housing, emergency accommodation

wharenoho ohotata

emergency service

ratonga ohotata

emigrate, emigration

heke (~nga) atu

emotional need

matea kare ā-roto

emotional relationship

hononga kare ā-roto

emotional trauma

kohuki kare ā-roto

empathy, empathetic

ngākau aroha


kaituku mahi (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakawhiwhi mahi)

employment contract

kirimana whiwhi mahi

employment, employed

whiwhi mahi

empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise

whakamana ~hia ~tanga

enclosed incineration

tūmata kōpani (takenga mai: tūmata - to burn, incinerate; kōpani - enclosed)

endangered species

momo mōrea (kupu kē atu: momo tata korehāhā)

endow, endowment

waiho ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: waiho - to leave)

energy crisis

tairaru pūngao

energy infrastructure

tūāhanga pūngao

energy recovery

taumanu pūngao (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: unu pūngao)

energy security

tūwhita pūngao (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; whita - to be firm, secure)

enforce, compel, coercion

uruhi ~a ~tanga

enlighten, Enlightenment

whakamahuki ~tia ~tanga

enterprise, entity

hinonga (takenga mai: hinonga - doing, undertaking)

entertain, entertainment

whakangahau ~tia

entrepreneur, entrepreneurial

rakahinonga (takenga mai: raka - agile, adept; hinonga - enterprise)

entrepreneurial skills

pūkenga rakahinonga



environmental controversy

tautohe taiao

environmental crisis

tairaru taiao

environmental disaster

aituā taiao

environmental exploitation

kaiapo taiao

environmental geography

matawhenua taiao

environmental history

hītori taiao

environmental impact

pāpātanga taiao

environmental policy

kaupapahere taiao

environmental protection, environmental safeguard

whakamaru taiao

environmental racism

kaikiri taiao

environmental safety

haumaru taiao

envoy, messenger



mātai tahumaero tahapori (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine; tahumaero - disease, sickness; taha - side, dimension; pori [pāpori] - social)

equal employment opportunity

ara whiwhi mahi tautika (takenga mai: ara - pathway; ara [arawātea] - opportunity; tautika - even, level, straight; tautika - equitable)

equal opportunity

arawātea ōrite

equal, same


equality, equal status

manarite (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)


(te) weheruatanga o te ao

equipment pool, equipment pooling

tāpuna taputapu

equity (finance)

tūtanga (takenga mai: tūtanga - portion, division)

equity, equitable


erode, erosion

ngāhorohoro (takenga mai: ngāhorohoro – fall off bit by bit)



ethical controversy, moral controversy

tautohe matatika

ethical dilemma, moral dilemma

matawaenga matatika

ethical investment, responsible investment

haumitanga matatika

ethical lifestyle, ethical living

(kātū) noho matatika

ethical living

noho matatika

ethical practice

ritenga matatika (takenga mai: ritenga - customary practice, habit, the normal way of doing things)

ethical product

hautaonga matatika

ethical production

whakaputa matatika

ethical standard, moral standard

paerewa matatika

ethical trade, fair trade

tauhoko matatika

ethics approval

whakaaetanga matatika

ethics, ethical, moral, morality

matatika (takenga mai: matatika - right, straight)

ethnic balance

taurite mātāwaka

ethnic bias

rītaha mātāwaka

ethnic diversity

kanorau mātāwaka (kupu kē atu: kanorau ā-iwi)

ethnicity, ethnic group


ethnocentric, ethnocentricism

arotītaha ahurea (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; tītaha - skewed; ahurea - culture) (kupu kē atu: arotītaha ā-iwi, whakaariki ā-iwi)

euthanasia, assisted dying

mate whakaahuru (takenga mai: mate - to die; whakaahuru - comfortable)

evacuate, evacuation, withdraw, retreat

whakatahi ~a ~nga

evacuation centre

puni whakatahi (takenga mai: puni - encampment, camping place; whakatahi - to evacuate)

evaluation of knowledge

arotake mōhiotanga

evangelism, evangelical

tāwheta rongopai (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour, enthusiasm; rongopai - gospel)

event tourism

tāpoi taiopenga

event, occasion, festival

taiopenga (takenga mai: taiope - gather together) (kupu kē atu: huihuinga)

evidence based

whai taunaki (takenga mai: whai - to possess, have; taunakitanga - evidence)

evidence, testimony, testify, reinforce, support

taunaki ~tia ~ tanga

evolve, evolution

kuneroa ~tanga (takenga mai: kune - to swell, grow; roa - to be a long time) (kupu kē atu: kukuwha)

exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerated

whakamōmona ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakamōmona - to fatten, enrich)

excess (insurance)

utu tūmua (takenga mai: utu - payment; tū - to stand, set in place; mua - in front, before)

excess demand

popono tuhene

excess supply, oversupply

whakaratonga tuhene

exchange rate

pāpātanga whakawhiti (kupu kē atu: pāpātanga kurutete)

exchange student

ākonga whakawhiti

exchange system, system of exchange

pūnaha kurutete

excise tax

tāke whāiti (takenga mai: tāke - tax [kupu mino]; whāiti - narrow, specific)

exclude, exclusive, exclusion

kaupare ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kaupare - to divert, turn aside)

exclusive leadership

hautūtanga kaupare

exclusive society

porihanga kaupare

executive (of government)

taha whakahaere

exotic forest

ngahere rāwaho (takenga mai: rāwaho - from the outside)


manu kaewa (takenga mai: manu - bird; kaewa - to wander, roam)

expenditure, expenses


exploit, exploitation

kaiapo ~hia ~ tanga (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricious, greedy)

explorer, pioneer


exponential growth

tipu taupūtanga


hoko whakawaho (takenga mai: whakawaho - outward direction) (kupu kē atu: hoko ki tai, hokowaho)

exterminate, annihilate, devastate, devastation

whakamōtī ~tia ~tanga

external pressure

pēhanga rāwaho (kupu kē atu: whakawhere rāwaho)

external, foreign

rāwaho (kupu kē atu: tauwhenua, manene, whakawaho)

extinct, extinction

korehāhā (kupu kē atu: mate ā-moa)

extreme temperature

paemahana taikaha (kupu kē atu: pāmahana hārukiruki)

extreme weather

huarere taikaha

extremism, extreme

angahāruki (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)


taihāruki (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extreme)


Falkland Islands

(Ngā) Motu Whākana

Family Court

Kōti Whānau

Faroe Islands

(Ngā) Motu Wharau





Festival of Lights

Taiopenga Rama


Whītī (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Whinarana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hinerangi)




Whōrene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(Te) Awahou

Foxton Beach

(Te) Wharangi


Wīwī (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Wīwī].) (kupu kē atu: Parani)


Parewhiti (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

French Guiana

Kiāna Wīwī (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


hanga (whaitake) (takenga mai: hanga - construction, goods, property; whaitake - purposeful)

fact check

whakakoia meka (takenga mai: whakakoia - to affirm, confirm; meka - fact, truth)


orokē (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)


wheketere (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

factory farm, factory farming

pāmu kōpiripiri (takenga mai: kōpiripiri - crowded close together, cramped)

factual information

kōrero pono

fair, impartial


faith in humanity

pono ki te koutangata

fake news

rongo tipatipa (takenga mai: rongo - news, report; tipatipa - false, lying, untrue, fake) (kupu kē atu: hau meho)

fallacy, fallacious, untrue


fallow ground, abandoned cultivation


false information, disinformation, misinformation

kōrero horihori (kupu kē atu: kōrero parau, kōrero meho)

familial relationship

hononga ā-whānau

family background

takenga ā-whānau (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

family benefit

takuhe whānau

family crisis

tairaru ā-whānau

family dysfunction

turingonge ā-whānau

family history

hītori whānau (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-whānau)

family trust

tarahiti ā-whānau

family, extended family


fanatic, fanatical, zealot

taiwhiwhita (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)

fanatical jihadi

tīhati whiwhita (takenga mai: tīhati [kupu mino] - jihad; whiwhita - fanaticism, dedication)

fanaticism, fanatical


far-left, extreme left (politics)

aromauī hāruki (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; mauī - the left; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)

far-right, extreme right (politics)

aromatau hāruki (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - the right; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)

farm, farming

pāmu ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: whāmu)


noho pāmu

fascism, fascist

angamatau whakapēhi (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; matau - right; whakapēhi - to oppress)

fast, go without food, fasting



kōkiri mana wahine (takenga mai: kōkiri - to champion, promote, advocate; mana wahine - status, power, dignity of women) (kupu kē atu: tohe mana wahine)

festival, carnival

hui taurima (kupu kē atu: taiopenga)

feudal society

porihanga whakaapaapa (takenga mai: whakaapaapa - layered; apa - layer; apa - slave, servant)

finance, financial, monetary

ahumoni (takenga mai: ahu – tend, foster, oriented towards; moni [kupu mino] – money)

financial benefit, monetary benefit

painga ahumoni

financial incentive, monetary incentive

poapoa ahumoni

financial plan

mahere ahumoni

financial risk

tūraru ahumoni

financial year

tau ahumoni

fine (punishment)

whaina ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

fiord, fjord

tai matapari

fire service

ratonga tinei ahi

first born

mātāmua (kupu kē atu: huatahi)

first past the post, FPP

pōti whiritoa (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; toa - victor, winner)

first world nation

whenua ao-tahi

fiscal policy

kaupapahere moni tūmatanui (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tūmatanui - public)

fishing industry

ahumahi ika

fixed asset

huarawa pūmau

fixed interest

huamoni pūmau

fixed rate, flat rate

pāpātanga pūmau

flaxroots, grassroots

pū harakeke (takenga mai: pū - originate; harakeke - flax; pū harakeke - flax bush)


waipuke ~hia

flood plain

mānia waipuke

floor space on the left on entering a meeting house

tara iti (kupu kē atu: kopa iti , tara whāiti)

floor space on the right on entering a meeting house

tara nui (kupu kē atu: tara whānui)

food globalisation

whakaaotanga kai

food insecurity

(te) pāhekeheke o te kai (takenga mai: pāhekeheke - to be slippery, uncertain, unstable)

food miles

awhenga kai (takenga mai: awhe - to travel)

food processing industry

ahumahi tukatuka kai

food recovery, food rescue

taumanu kai (takenga mai: taumanu - take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: pena kai)

food security

tūwhita kai (takenga mai: tū - stance, position; whita - to be firm, secure)

food sovereignty

(te) rangatiratanga o te kai

food trend

ia kai

food wastage

moumou kai

food waste

para kai


pātaka hapori (takenga mai: pātaka - food storehouse; hapori - community)

forced labour

whakamahi mauhere (takenga mai: mauhere - captive, imprisoned)

forced resettlement

whakanōhanga tohuhere (takenga mai: tohu - to direct; here - restriction, obligation)

foreign affairs, external affairs, international affairs

take tāwāhi (kupu kē atu: take rāwaho)

foreign culture

ahurea rāwaho

foreign policy

kaupapahere tauwhenua (kupu kē atu: kaupapahere tāwāhi)




ngahere (kupu kē atu: wao, ngahengahe, nehenehe)

formal meeting

hui ōkawa

formal proceeding

whakahaere ōkawa

formal relationship

hononga ōkawa

fossil fuel

koranehe (takenga mai: kora - fuel; nehe - ancient times)

fossil fuel

koranehe (takenga mai: kora - fuel; nehe - ancient times)

foster child

tamaiti whāngai

foster parent

matua whāngai

found guilty, proven guilty

mau tangetange


hara tāware (takenga mai: tāware - dupe, deceive)

free from the restrictions of tapu, ordinary


free love, sexual freedom

ai māhorahora

free market, deregulated market

mākete herekore (kupu kē atu: mākete waeture-kore)

free trade, free enterprise

tauhoko herekore

free, freedom, liberty

(whaka) wātea ~tanga (kupu kē atu: herekore)

free, freedom, liberty

herekore (takenga mai: here - to restrict; kore - negative) (kupu kē atu: wātea)


tahawhenua (takenga mai: tahawhenua - to roam, wander, move about)

free-range farm, free-range farming

pāmu tahawhenua (takenga mai: tahawhenua - to roam, wander, move about)

freedom camp, freedom camping

puni mataraharaha (takenga mai: puni - camping place; mataraharaha - freedom from care, carefree)

freedom of belief

manawhiri whakapono (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)

freedom of choice

manawhiri (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)

freedom of speech

manawhiri kōrero (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)

freehold title

taitara herekore


whakaaro māhorahora

fresh water

wai māori

frugal lifestyle, frugal living

(kātū) noho whakamoamoa

frugal, economise, thrifty

whakamoamoa ~tia (takenga mai: whakamoamoa - economise, husband) (kupu kē atu: ihupuku)

fund, sum of money

tahua (kupu kē atu: pūtea)

fund, sum of money


fundamentalism, fundamentalist

angawhakapū (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; whakapū - fundamentally, founding)

funeral insurance

inihua tangihanga

future time

wāheke (takenga mai: wā - time; heke - to be coming) (kupu kē atu: anamata)



Kāpona (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kamopia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Gaza Strip

(Te) Awarua o Kāha (takenga mai: awarua - strip of territory between two tribes or rivers; Kāha [kupu mino] - Gaza)

Generation X

Reanga X

Generation Z

Reanga Z


Hiniwa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hōria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Heratini (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


Tiamana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hāmene)


Kāna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



Global Positioning System, GPS

Pūnaha Kimi Taunga (takenga mai: pūnaha ‒ system; kimi ‒ search; taunga ‒ location)

Golden Bay


Goods and Services Tax, GST, sales tax

Tāke Hokohoko



Great Barrier Island


Great Britain

Piritana Nui (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kirihi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Kerenata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




(Te) Hūpēnui




Kuatamāra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kini-Pihāu (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


Kaiana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

garden waste, plant waste, green waste

para tipu (kupu kē atu: para māra)

gaseous waste

para haurehu

gated community

hapori tūkati (takenga mai: tūkati - to be closed up, blocked)

gatekeeping, gatekeeper

tūtei tomokanga (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)


ira (kupu kē atu: ira tangata)

gender balance

taurite ira

gender bias

rītaha ira

gender diverse, gender diversity

irahuhua (kupu kē atu: kanorau ā-ira)

gender diversity

kanorau ā-ira (kupu kē atu: irahuhua)

gender fluid

irarere (takenga mai: rere - to flow) (kupu kē atu: irahuri)

gender identity

tuakiri ā-ira

gender privilege

whiwhi painga ā-ira

gender queer

irakē (takenga mai: ira - gender; kē - indicating difference)

gender stereotype

arotoka ā-ira

genealogy, lineage, descent

whakapapa ~tia

general business

take whānui

general election

pōtitanga whānui (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga ā-motu)

general electoral roll

rārangi pōti auraki

general electorate, general ward

rohe pōti auraki (kupu kē atu: wāri auraki)

generation gap

āputa reanga

generational trauma, intergenerational trauma, transgenerational trauma

kohuki tuku iho (kupu kē atu: kohuki whitireanga)

genocide, ethnic cleansing, holocaust

hoepapa ā-iwi (takenga mai: hoepapa - to eradicate, wipe out, exterminate)


kaimātai matawhenua

geographical distribution, geographical spread

tuari matawhenua


matawhenua (takenga mai: mata - surface, face; whenua - land, ground)

geologic time scale

tohuwā ā-nuku (takenga mai: tohu - to signal; wā - time; nuku - Earth)

geopolitical conflict, geopolitical dispute

taututetute tōrangapū ā-whenua

geopolitical power

mana tōrangapū ā-whenua

geopolitics, geopolitical

tōrangapū ā-whenua


paenoho pakukore (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell; pakukore - impoverished) (kupu kē atu: puni pakukore)


awa kōpaka

global commerce

tauhokohoko ao whānui

global community

hapori ao whānui

global context

horopaki huriao

global culture

ahurea o te ao

global economy

ōhanga ao whānui

global market

mākete huriao (takenga mai: mākete - market [kupu mino]; huri - to go around; ao - world)

global politics

tōrangapū huriao

global trend

ia huriao




mahere ao porotaka (takenga mai: mahere - map; ao - world; porotaka - round [shape])

god, deity, supernatural being


goods, product

hautaonga (kupu kē atu: taonga, utauta, hokonga)


āpiti (kupu kē atu: tāwhārua)

gospel, scripture


governance, authority to govern

mana urungi (takenga mai: urungi - to steer, navigate) (kupu kē atu: mana kāwana, mana whakatere, kāwanatanga [kupu mino])


kāwanatanga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

government intervention

whawhenga kāwanatanga (takenga mai: whawhe - to manipulate, interfere with)

government superannuation

penihana kāwanatanga

governor general

kāwana tianara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

grandchild, descendant


grandparent, ancestor

tipuna (kupu kē atu: tupuna)

great migration

hekenga nui

green architecture

hoahoa whare kāriki

green culture

ahurea kāriki

green energy

pūngao kāriki

green house, green home

whare kāriki

green infrastructure

tūāhanga kāriki

green product, green goods

hautaonga kāriki

green production

whakaputa kāriki

green scheme

kaupapa kāriki


papa ururua (takenga mai: papa - ground, field; ururua - scrub, brushwood)

greenwash, greenwashing

nukakāriki (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)

greenwash, greenwashing

nukakāriki (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)

greet, greeting, acknowledge, acknowledgement

mihi ~a (kupu kē atu: mihimihi)

grey area, unclear circumstance

āhuatanga kaurehu (takenga mai: kaurehu - dim, gloomy)





grievance, complaint

nawe (kupu kē atu: amuamu)

gross domestic product, GDP

tapeke wāriu hokonga (takenga mai: takepe - total; wāriu - value; hokonga [hoko] - to buy or sell)

gross income

moniwhiwhi peke (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; peke - be all included)


wainuku (takenga mai: wai - water; nuku - earth)

growth rate

pāpātanga tipu

guarantee, assure, pledge

(whaka) taurangi


taituarā (takenga mai: taituarā - to support; tuarā - backbone)

guardianship, stewardship




Hāiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hamupēke (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



Hamner Springs

(Te) Whakatakataka o te Ngāheru o Ahi Tamatea


Hanoi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Hawhāna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



Havelock North


Hawke Bay

(Te) Matau-a-Māui


Hēriki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Heretiki)

Hibiscus Coast

(Te) Tai o Whangaparāoa

High Court

Kōti Matua


Hinerū (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Hindu temple

temepara Hinerū (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hopatāone (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Urupatu Hūrae (takenga mai: urupatu - annihilation; Hūrae [kupu mino] - Jew)


Honotura (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Hong Kong

Hongipua (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Honiara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Honoruru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Human Rights Commission

(Te) Kāhui Tika Tangata


Hanekari (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rāhui Pōkeka




hāwhe-kāehe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

harbour, cove


harmony, harmonious, peaceful

aumārire (kupu kē atu: mārie, rangimārie)

hate crime

hara māhie (takenga mai: māhie - hatred, evil deed)

hate speech

kōrero mauāhara (kupu kē atu: kōrero māhie)

hazardous waste

para mōrearea

headland, peninsula


headwater, source of a river or stream


health crisis

tairaru hauora

health infrastructure

tūāhanga hauora

health policy

kaupapahere hauora

healthy lifestyle, healthy living

(kātū) noho ora

hegemony, domination, hegemonic

whakatuanui ~tanga (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)


patu otaota (takenga mai: patu - subdue, kill; otaota - weed, vegetation)

heritage trail, history trail

ara hītōria (kupu kē atu: ara aronehe)

heritage, heirloom

taonga tuku iho


taearo (takenga mai: tae [taera] - sexual attraction; aro [tauaro] - opposite)

heterosexual female

wahine moe tāne

heterosexual male

tāne moe wahine

heterosexual privilege

whiwhi painga taearo


whai paparanga (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; paparanga - layer)

high decile

waengahuru teitei

high density housing

wharenoho mātoru-nui

high-rise apartment

wharenoho tīkoke (takenga mai: tīkoke - high, tall, towering)

higher order thinking

whakaaro tūārangi (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; rangi - sky, upper realm)

hillock, mound


hire purchase

hoko harangote (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)


mātai hītori


tumu kōrero o mua (kupu kē atu: kaimātai hītori)

historical abuse

tūkinotanga o mua

historical cause, historical reason

pūtake o mua

historical circumstance, historical factor, historical phenomenon

āhuatanga o nehe (kupu kē atu: āhuatanga aronehe, āhuatanga o mua)

historical context

horopaki aronehe (kupu kē atu: horopaki hītōria)

historical diary

rātaka aronehe (kupu kē atu: rātaka hītōria)

historical empathy

ngākau aronehe (takenga mai: ngākau - heart, seat of affections; aro - to be inclined towards; nehe - time past)

historical event, past event

tūāhuatanga o mua (takenga mai: tūāhua - situation)

historical fiction

paki aronehe (kupu kē atu: paki hītōria)

historical force

ānga o mua

historical influence

awenga o mua

historical inquiry

pakirehua aronehe (kupu kē atu: pakirehua hītōria)

historical interpretation

whakamāori aronehe (kupu kē atu: whakamāori hītōria)

historical narrative, historical text

kōrero aronehe (takenga mai: kōrero - story, text, narrative; aro - to turn towards, take heed; nehe - past times) (kupu kē atu: kōrero hītōria, tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o nehe)

historical reason

take o mua (kupu kē atu: pūtake o mua)

historical record

mauhanga hītōria

historical research

rangahau aronehe (kupu kē atu: rangahau hītōria)

historical trend

ia o mua (kupu kē atu: ia aronehe)

history, historical

hītori (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o mua, kōrero o nehe, hītōria)

home owner

rangatira puriwhare (takenga mai: puri - to hold, retain possession of)

home ownership

rangatiratanga whare

home people


home people, (to be) naturalised, indigenous people

tangata whenua ~tia

home school movement

rangatohe kura kāinga

homeless, homelessness

kāingakore ~tanga

homesick, homesickness

kōingo kāinga (takenga mai: kōingo - to yearn, fret, desire)

homogeneous society

porihanga kanorite


mae takatāpui


takatāpui (kupu kē atu: takāpui)

homosexual female, lesbian

wahine moe wahine

homosexual male

tāne moe tāne

horticulture, horticultural industry


hospitality industry

ahumahi manaaki

house insurance, home owners insurance, home insurance

inihua whare


kāinga tūtahi (takenga mai: kāinga - home, residence, dwelling; tūtahi - separate, independent)

housing affordability

tareka ā-utu o te whare

housing crisis

tairaru whiwhi whare

housing infrastructure

tūāhanga wharenoho

housing market, property market

mākete whare

housing, accommodation, hostel


human development

whanaketanga tangata

human evolution

kuneroa tangata

human geography

matawhenua tangata

human impact

pāpātanga tangata

human migration

hekenga tangata

human mobility

panuku tangata

human resource, human capital

pūmanawa tangata (takenga mai: pūmanawa - talent, cleverness)

human rights

mōtika tangata

human trafficking

hokotaihara tangata

humanitarian aid

tautāwhi tangata



humanity, human race

mātātangata (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te mātāwaka; mātā - heap; tangata - person, human being)

humanity, humanness, human goodness

koutangata (takenga mai: kou - of good quality; tangata - person, human being)

hung parliament

pāremata tārewa (takenga mai: tārewa - unresolved, inconclusive, hanging)

hunger strike

porotū kape kai (takenga mai: porotū - strike; kape - to reject, refuse; kai - food)

hurricane, typhoon

haumātakataka (kupu kē atu: huripari)

hydraulic fracturing, fracking

whakapiere waipēhi (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; piere - crack, fissure; waipēhi - hydraulic)

hypothesis, hypothetical

whakapae ~tia ~tanga



Tiorangi (takenga mai: tio - ice)


Īnia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Indian Ocean

(Te) Moana Īnia


Initonīhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kōhanga Moa




Irāna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Irāka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Airani (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Islam, Islamic

Ihirama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Iharaira (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Itapūru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Itāria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Itari)


toka haupapa (kupu kē atu: motu haupapa)

idealism, idealistic

angaparuhi (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; paruhi - to be perfect, complete)



identity crisis

tairaru tuakiri

identity scam, catfish scam

tāware kiriparau (takenga mai: tāware - scam, to dupe, deceive; kiri - person, self; parau - false)

ill-treat, torture, abuse, maltreatment

tūkino ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: maukino)

illegal migration

hekenga taihara

illegal, unlawful, crime

taihara (kupu kē atu: hara)

immigrate, immigration

heke (~nga) mai

immigration centre

pokapū manuheke (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)


pāpātanga (takenga mai: pāpā - to affect, touch, strike) (kupu kē atu: pānga)


hoko whakaroto (takenga mai: whakaroto - inward direction) (kupu kē atu: hoko ki uta, hokoroto)

impose authority

whakatau mana

impoverished, deprived, deprivation


imprison, imprisonment, prisoner, incarcerate

mauhere ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakarau)

in committee (meeting term)


inalienable right, permanent right

mōtika unukore (takenga mai: unu - surrender, exempt, exclude; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mōtika pūmau)

inbound tourism

tāpoi mai i tāwāhi

incentive scheme

kaupapa poapoa


whakapoapoa ~ina

inclusion, inclusive, inclusiveness, include

kauawhi ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kauawhi - to embrace)

inclusive leadership, shared leadership

hautūtanga kauawhi

inclusive society

porihanga kauawhi

income tax

tāke moniwhiwhi

income, revenue

moniwhiwhi (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; whiwhi - to get, receive, acquire)

incorporated, incorporated society

manatōpū ~tanga (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tōpū - assembled in a body)

increase density, intensify (housing etc)

whakaapiapi ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; apiapi - dense, crowded)

indentured labour, indentured servitude

mahi whakaea nama (takenga mai: whakaea - to repay; nama - debt)



indigenous culture

ahurea taketake (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)

indigenous forest, native forest

ngahere taketake (kupu kē atu: ngahere māori)

indigenous people, indigenous tribe

iwi taketake (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)

indigenous rights

mōtika iwi taketake

indigenous rights movement

rangatohe mōtika iwi taketake

indigenous species, endemic species

momo taketake

indigenous vegetation, endemic vegetation

tipu taketake (kupu kē atu: otaota taketake)

indigenous, aboriginal, endemic


individual action, individual stance

tū kiritahi (takenga mai: tū - stance, to fight or oppose; kiri - person, self; tahi - single, one) (kupu kē atu: kawenga kiritahi)

individual choice

kōwhiringa kiritahi

individual contract, individual agreement

kirimana tōtahi (kupu kē atu: kirimana takitahi)

individual land title

taitara whenua kiritahi

individual responsibility

haepapa kiritahi (kupu kē atu: haepapa takitahi)

individual right

mōtika kiritahi

individual, individuality

kiritahi ~tanga (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tahi - one)

individualism, individualistic

angatakitahi (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tahi - single, one)

indivisible right

mōtika wāhikore (takenga mai: wāhi - to partition, subdivide; kore - negative, not)

indoctrinate, brainwashing

tūrourou hinengaro (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)

industrial age, industrial era

takiwā ahumahi

industrial crisis

tairaru ahumahi

industrial development

whanaketanga ahumahi

industrial precinct, industrial quarter

paeahumahi (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)

industrial society

porihanga ahumahi

industrial waste

para ahumahi


ahumahi (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, fashion; mahi - work)

inequality, disparity


inequitable society

porihanga tautika-kore

inequitable, inequity


infant mortality

mate kōhungahunga

infill housing

wharenoho whakakapi (takenga mai: whakakapi - to fill up a space, occupy, cover)


pikiutu tukipū (takenga mai: piki - to increase, ascend; utu - cost, price, payment; tukipū - general, overall) (kupu kē atu: tāmi ahumoni)



informal relationship

hononga ōpaki

informed consent

whakaae i runga i te mōhio


tūāhanga (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; hanga [hanganga] - structure) (kupu kē atu: pūnahahanga)


whakahekenga (takenga mai: whakaheke - to hand down, bequeath)

inherited authority and responsibility, inherited status

mana whakaheke

injustice, maltreatment

tūkinotanga (kupu kē atu: hēnga)

inner city

puku o te tāone

inner core (of Earth)

iho roto

innocent, innocence, not guilty

harakore ~tanga

inorganic waste



whāurunga (takenga mai: whā - causative prefix; uru - to enter, go in)

inquire, question, interview, ask

ui, uiui ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: pātai)

inquiry question

pātai pakirehua

insider research

rangahau rāroto (kupu kē atu: rangahau huānga)

installment plan

mahere utu harangote

instalment (payment)

utu harangote (takenga mai: utu - to pay; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)

institutional racism

kaikiri torowhare (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - stretch forth, extend; whare - building, people in a building)

insurance claim

kerēme inihua (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

insurance company

umanga inihua

insurance policy, insurance contract

kirimana inihua (takenga mai: kirimana - contract)

insurance premium

utuhoko inihua

insure, insurance

inihua ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

intellectual asset

huarawa hirikapo

intellectual property right

mana whakairo hinengaro

inter-tribal war, tribal war

pakanga ā-iwi

interact with, interaction

taunekeneke ~tia (kupu kē atu: pāhekoheko)

interact, interaction, interactive

pāhekoheko ~tia (kupu kē atu: taunekeneke)

interactive map

mahere pāhekoheko

interdependence, interdependent


interest (finance)

huamoni (takenga mai: hua – product, bear fruit; moni – money)

interest rate

pāpātanga huamoni

intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction

turingonge tuku iho

intergenerational language transmission

tuku ihotanga o te reo

intergenerational poverty

rawakore tuku iho (kupu kē atu: rawakore whitireanga)

internal affairs, domestic affairs

take rāroto (kupu kē atu: take taiwhenua)

internal migration, migrate internally

hekenga rāroto

internal pressure

pēhanga rāroto (kupu kē atu: whakawhere rāroto)

internal, domestic

rāroto (kupu kē atu: taiwhenua, whakaroto)

international dispute, international conflict

taututetute tāwāhi

international market, foreign market

mākete tāwāhi (kupu kē atu: mākete ā-ao)

international peacekeeping, global peacekeeping

hohou rongo huriao

international relations

hononga tāwāhi (kupu kē atu: piringa tāwāhi)

international trade, international commerce

tauhoko tāwāhi

internet safety, cybersafety

haumaru ipurangi

interrelated, interrelatedness

tūhonohono ~a

intertidal zone


intervene, intervention

hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - wellness)

intervention programme

hōtaka hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - well, safe, healthy)

intimate relationship

hononga taupiri

intolerant society

porihanga kiripiro

intra-tribal war, tribal war

riri tara ā-whare

invade, attack

whakaeke ~a

invade, invasion, attack

urutomo ~kia (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)

inventory of equipment

rārangi taputapu

inventory of goods

rārangi hautaonga

invest, investment

haumi ~tanga (takenga mai: haumi - to reserve, lay aside, lengthen by addition) (kupu kē atu: whakangao)

investment account, investment fund

pūtea haumi

investment fund

tahua haumi (kupu kē atu: pūtea haumi)

investment manager

kaiwhakahaere haumitanga

investment period

wā haumi

investment plan

mahere haumi

investment profile

kāhua haumi (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance; haumi - to invest)

investment risk

tūraru haumitanga



iron age

takiwā rino

iron ore

tokahuke rino

island nation

whenua moutere

isolationism, isolationist

angataratahi ~tanga (takenga mai: anga -to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; taratahi - isolated, alone) (kupu kē atu: mōriroriro)

issue, case, claim, matter, reason, cause




Tiakāta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hemeika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hapani (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hapana, Tiapani)


Hera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hiruhārama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Jew, Jewish

Hūrae (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hūrai)


Hōrano (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


tīhati (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

judge, adjudicate, arbitrate, judgement

whakawā ~ngia ~tanga

judge, arbitrator


judicial, judiciary

taha kōti


hunga whakawā (kupu kē atu: rōpū whakawā, kāhui whakawā)

just society

porihanga tika (kupu kē atu: porihanga manatika)

just, justice

tika (kupu kē atu: huatika)

justice system

pūnaha tika (kupu kē atu: pūnaha manatika)

justify, justification

parahau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: parahau - protect, defend)



Karāti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Katamarū (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Katatānga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kenia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kiripati (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Koran, Quran, Qur'an

Kōrana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Korean War

(Te) Pakanga ki Kōrea


Kōhoro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Kuala Lumpur

Kuara Rūpa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kūweiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kikitānga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

kaupapa Māori theory

ariā kaupapa Māori

keepsake, momento


kerbside collection

kohinga taparori (takenga mai: tapa - edge, side; rori [kupu mino] - road)

key stakeholder

kiripānga matua


kāhaki ~na ~tanga

kin relationship

hononga ā-whakapapa

knowledge and understanding (usually tribal), deliberate, consider, discuss

wānanga ~tia

knowledge creation

waihanga mōhiotanga

knowledge society

porihanga mātauranga



Rāoho (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rāwhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Repanona (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rēneti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Teroto (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Raipiria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ripia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rīkenetaina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rima (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rīpene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rituānia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Local Government Commission

(Te) Mana Kāwanatanga ā-Rohe


Rānana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Los Angeles

Ngā Anahera (takenga mai: Anahera [kupu mino] - Angel)

Lower Hutt

(Te) Awakairangi


Rakapuō (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



labour intensive, laborious

tōhaunui (kupu kē atu: papatoiake, papatoieke)

land claim opponent, objector

kaitāwari (takenga mai: tāwari - to oppose [a claim to land etc])

land claim, claim of ownership

kokoraho ~tia (kupu kē atu: taunaha, kerēme whenua)

land right by discovery

take whenua kite

land right by gift

take tuku

land right obtained by conquest

take raupatu

land rights

mōtika whenua

land title

taitara whenua

land transport

tūnuku ā-papa

land trust

tarahiti whenua

land war, territorial war

pakanga whenua

land, country, nation, state


landfill, rubbish dump



hanganuku (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; nuku - Earth)


tai-kore (takenga mai: tai - coast; kore - none, nil)

landlord, lessor

kaituku rīhi

landslide, landslip


language development, linguistic development

whanaketanga reo

language policy

kaupapahere reo

large-scale monoculture, intensive monoculture

ahutahi whakahara

last born, baby of the family


lasting peace, enduring peace

rongo taketake (kupu kē atu: tatau pounamu)

lasting peace, enduring peace

tatau pounamu (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)

lateral thinking

whakaaro kaurapa (takenga mai: kaurapa - having broad lateral projections)


ahopae (takenga mai: aho - line; pae - horizontal)

law, act (of parliament), rule, statute

ture (takenga mai: he kupu mino [reo Hīperu])

lawyer, counsel

rōia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


hoko tāpui (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; tāpui - reserve, set aside)

leach mining, in-situ mining, in-situ leaching, in-situ recovery

maina whakapākeka


wai whakapākeka (takenga mai: pākeka – land that has been exhausted by cultivation) (kupu kē atu: wai papī)

lead by example

hautū whakatauira


kaihautū (kupu kē atu: manukura, poutoko, kaiarataki, kākākura)



leadership responsibility

haepapa hautū

leadership skill

pūkenga kaiārahi (kupu kē atu: pūkenga hautū)

lean year, year of scarcity, famine

tau nihoroa (kupu kē atu: tau tukuroa)

lease, rent

rīhi ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti [kupu mino])

leasehold title

taitara rīhi

left wing (politics)

aromauī (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; mauī - left)

legal assembly, legal council, legal authority, tribunal

rūnanga manature

legend, key (e.g. of a map)

pātohu (takenga mai: pā - clump, group; pā - connected with; tohu - symbol)

legislative, legislature

taha whakature



lessee, tenant, renter, leaseholder

kairīhi (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - to lease)

liability (financial)

pūnama (takenga mai: pū - heap, stack; nama - debt) (kupu kē atu: taunaha)


aroherekore (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; herekore - free of restrictions)

liberate, liberation, emancipatory

wetehere ~a ~nga (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)

liberation movement

rangatohe wetehere (takenga mai: wete - to set free; here - restriction)

life insurance

inihua mataora

life skills

pūkenga noho ora

lifespan, life expectancy



kātū noho (takenga mai: kātū - type, sort; noho - to live, dwell)

lifestyle choice

kōwhiringa kātū noho

light pollution

parahanga aho

limited liability company

umanga taunaha tāpui

limited monarchy

arikitanga taparere (takenga mai: taparere - restricted, limited, constrained)

line of descent

kāwai heke (kupu kē atu: kāwai whakaheke, hikahika)

line scale, linear scale

āwhata rārangi

linear economy

ōhanga torotika

linear thinking

whakaaro torotika

linguistic background, language background

takenga reo (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

liquid asset

huarawa māngohe (takenga mai: māngohe - soft, pliable)

liquid waste

para wē

liquidity, liquid (finance)

māngohe (takenga mai: māngohe - malleable, pliable)


mātākōrero (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)

literature review

arotake mātākōrero

literature search

rapunga mātākōrero

living wage

utu ā-haora whaiora

lobby, campaign

kōkirikiri ~tia

local body election

pōtitanga ā-rohe (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga kaunihera ā-rohe)

local council, district council

kaunihera ā-rohe

local food festival

taiopenga kai tuputata

local food market, local produce market

puni kai tuputata

local government

kāwanatanga ā-rohe

local history

hītori haukāinga (kupu kē atu: hītori ā-rohe)

local produce, locally produced food

kai tuputata

local state of emergency

tūohotata haukāinga (kupu kē atu: tūohotata ā-rohe)


taunga (kupu kē atu: tauwāhi)


aukati ~a ~nga

logic, logical

arorau (takenga mai: aro - to consider, take heed; rau - many)

logical thinking

whakaaro arorau

long term cause

pūtake tautini (takenga mai: tautini - long time, longstanding)

long term effect

hua tautini (takenga mai: hua - outcome, product; tautini - long time, longstanding) (kupu kē atu: hua tauroa)

long term goal

whāinga paetawhiti (kupu kē atu: whāinga roa)

long term lease

rīhi tautini

long term plan

mahere paetawhiti (kupu kē atu: mahere auroa)


ahopou (takenga mai: aho - line; pou [poutū] - vertical)

loss (finance)


low carbon emission

tukuwaro-iti (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; iti - small, little)

low decile

waengahuru hahaka

low density housing

wharenoho mātoru-iti

low-lying land

whenua tāpotupotu

lower class

papapori raro

lower order thinking

whakaaro tūāpapa (takenga mai: tūāpapa - foundation, platform)

loyal, loyalist, faithful

pirihonga (kupu kē atu: piripono)



Makau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Matakāhika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mātiri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Marāwi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mareia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Māratiri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Māri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mārata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Manira (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Marshall Islands

(Ngā) Motu Māhara (takenga mai: Mātara [kupu mino] - Marshall)








Mauritānia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Marihi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Mediterranean Sea

(Te) Moana Mehetereinia (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: Te Moana Metitareniana)


Merenīhia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


Poipiripi (takenga mai: he kupu mino [Port Phillips])


Mēpihi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Mēhiko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Mexico City

(Te) Tāone Nui o Mēhiko


Mekanēhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Middle East

Rāwhiti Waenga


Mirāno (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Itāria].)

Millennial Generation, Generation Y

Reanga Manotau, Reanga Y

Mitre Peak



Morotawa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Monāko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mongōria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Maungaata (takenga mai: maunga - mountain; ata [ataata] - video)


Maungaihi (takenga mai: maunga - mountain)


Moroko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Mohikau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(Te) Konika o Matamata

Mount Aspiring


Mount Maunganui



Mohapiki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mumupai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Mūniki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Muhirama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pēma (takenga mai: Pēma [kupu mino] - Burma)

Māori Appellate Court

Kōti Pīra Māori

Māori Land Court

Kōti Whenua Māori

Māori economic base

papa ōhanga Māori

Māori economy

ōhanga Māori

Māori electoral roll

rārangi pōti Māori

Māori electorate, Māori ward

rohe pōti Māori (kupu kē atu: wāri Māori)

Māori viewpoint, Māori world view

tā te Māori titiro (kupu kē atu: tirohanga ao Māori)

Māori, indigenous people of Aotearoa

Māori (takenga mai: Māori [māori] - normal, usual, ordinary)

machine age

takiwā mīhini

macro level

kōeke whārahi

macro level research

rangahau whārahi


ōhanga whārahi


hītori whārahi

main catalogue

rārangi mātāmua

mainstream society

porihanga auraki (kupu kē atu: porihanga rīroa)



majority culture

ahurea (o te) tokomaha

majority rule

manapio (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pio - majority, many)

man-made disaster, anthropogenic disaster

aituā pūtangata (takenga mai: pū - cause, origin; tangata - people)

manager, organiser


mantle (of Earth)

nukuratarata (takenga mai: nuku – the Earth; ratarata – red hot)

manual labourer

kaimahi ā-ringa


whakanao ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakanao - make, manipulate, operate on)

manufacturing industry

ahumahi whakanao



marginalise, belittle, marginalisation

whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga

marine debris

para reremoana (takenga mai: para - refuse, waste; rere - to flow; moana - sea)

marine environment

taiao moana

mark up

whakapikinga utu


mākete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

market force

ānga mākete

market value

wāriu mākete

marry, marriage

mārena (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: moe)

mass incarceration, mass imprisonment

mauhere nuipuku (takenga mai: mauhere - to imprison; nuipuku - multitude)

mass produce, mass production

whakaputa ngahue (takenga mai: ngahue - in abundance, in great numbers)

materialistic, materialism

apotaonga (takenga mai: apo - greedy, acquisitive; taonga - goods, property) (kupu kē atu: haotaonga)

matriarchal, matriarchy

tāmaruwahine ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, to overshadow; wahine - female)

mayor, chief, leader

kahika (takenga mai: kahika - chief, leader) (kupu kē atu: koromatua)

mechanical process

tukanga pūhanga

mediate, mediator, go-between, facilitator


medium density housing

wharenoho mātoru-waenga

medium of exchange

hangawhiti (takenga mai: hanga - object, thing; whiti - to transfer, cross over) (kupu kē atu: hanga kurutete)

melting pot, assimilative amalgamation

tōpūtanga whakawaimeha (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)

melting pot, diverse amalgamation

tōpūtanga kanorau

member of parliament, MP

māngai pāremata (takenga mai: māngai - spokesperson, representative) (kupu kē atu: mema pāremata)


ripoinga mahara (takenga mai: ripoinga - haunts, hangouts; ripoi - to travel about; mahara - to remember)

memorandum of understanding, declaration of agreement

tauākī whakaaetanga (takenga mai: tauākī - declaration, statement; whakaaetanga - agreement)

menial, unskilled, person in a menial position


meso level research, mezzo level research

rangahau wawaenga (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)

meso level, mezzo level

kōeke wawaenga (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)

mesoeconomics, mezzoeconomics

ōhanga wawaenga (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)


tāone whakahara (takenga mai: tāone - town [kupu mino]; whakahara - large, vast)

micro level

kōeke whāiti

micro level research

rangahau whāiti


ōhanga whāiti


hītori whāiti

mid decile

waengahuru waenga

middle ages

takiwā wawaenga

middle class

papapori waenga


rerewaenga (takenga mai: rere - to flow; waenga - middle, amidst, in between)

migrant, immigrant

manuheke (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)

migrate, migration

heke ~a ~nga


manotau (takenga mai: mano - thousand; tau - year)

mine, mining

maina ~hia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


kohuke (takenga mai: ko [kongakonga] - fragment; huke - expose by removing the earth, excavate) (kupu kē atu: manawa whenua)

minimum wage

utu ā-haora mōkito

mining industry

ahumahi maina (kupu kē atu: ahumahi huke rawa)

mining waste, tailings

para maina


minita (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

ministry (government)

manatū (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tū - to establish, to be appointed)

minor crime, petty crime, misdemeanor

hara iti

minor theft

whānako iti



minority culture

ahurea (o te) tokoiti

minority rule

manapota (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pota - be few)

minutes (meeting term)

meneti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

misogyny, misogynist

konekone wahine (takenga mai: konekone - to despise, loathe)


pohūrere (takenga mai: pohū - bomb, grenade, explosion; rere - to fly)


mihinare (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: mihingare)

mitigate, mitigation

whakamauru ~tia ~tanga

mixed economy

ōhanga angarua (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - framework, structure; rua - two)

mixed ethnicity

mātāwaka matarau (takenga mai: mata - face, countenance; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: mātāwaka kanorau)

mixed farm, mixed farming

pāmu whakauruuru

mixed member proportional, MMP

pōti whirirua (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; rua - two)

mixed race, multiracial

momo matarau

modern history

hītori tūtata (takenga mai: tū - take place; tata - to be near)


angahou (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; hou - new, recent, modern)

monetary asset

huarawa tahua

monetary policy

kaupapahere ahumoni

monetary system

pūnaha moni

monetise, monetisation

whakamoni ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; moni [kupu mino] - money)

money, currency, cash

moni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


kākano tahi (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage; tahi - one)

monoculture (single crop)

ahutahi (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua] - agriculture; tahi - one)

monogamy, monogamous

moe punatahi (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex; puna - e whai ana i tā te 'punarua'; tahi - one)


mana tōtahi (takenga mai: mana - power, control, authority; tōtahi - single, solo) (kupu kē atu: manatoki)

monotheism, monotheistic

atuatahi ~tanga (takenga mai: atua - god; tahi - one)

monument, memorial, commemoration


moral high ground, moral advantage

ahurewa matatika (takenga mai: ahurewa - throne, stage, platform; matatika - moral, ethical)

moral incentive

poapoa matatika

moratorium, suspension, postpone, postponement

whakatārewa ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakatārewa - to suspend, postpone, defer, set aside)


mōkete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


whare karakia Ihirama (takenga mai: Ihirama - Islam, Islamic) (kupu kē atu: whare Ihirama, whare karakia Muhirama)

mother in law, father in law

hungarei (kupu kē atu: hungawai, hūngoi)

motion (meeting term)

mōtini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

mountain range

pae maunga

movement (social or political)

rangatohe (takenga mai: ranga - company of people; tohe - to contend, argue, persist)


kākano maha (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga maha)

multilateral treaty

tiriti takitini

multilateral, multilateralism

arorautanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rau - many)

multinational corporation

rangatōpū whenuarau (takenga mai: rangatōpū - corporation; whenua - country, nation; rau - many)

multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement

tatūnga takitini

multiple reuse

tukurau ~tia ~tanga

multitribal, multiracial

iwi matarau


whare taonga (kupu kē atu: whare pupuri taonga, whare tongarewa)

museum curator

kairauhī taonga (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to takecare of, protect)

musket war

pakanga pū okaoka



Nakoia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ngāiropi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Namipia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



National Emergency Management Agency, Civil Defence Aotearoa

(Te) Rākau Whakamarumaru

National Park

Papa Tāpui ā-Motu (kupu kē atu: Papakura ā-Motu)


Nauru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Nepōra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Netherlands, Holland

Hōrana (takenga mai: Hōrana [kupu mino] - Holland)

New Caledonia

Whenua Kanaki (kupu kē atu: Kanaki, Niu Karetōnia [kupu mino])

New Dehli

Niu Teri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

New Plymouth


New South Wales

Niu Haute Wēra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Niu Taute Wēra)

New York

(Te) Āporo Nui

New Zealand

Aotearoa (kupu kē atu: Niu Tīreni [kupu mino])

New Zealand Company

(Te) Kamupene o Niu Tīreni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

New Zealand Land Wars

(Ngā) Pakanga Whenua o Aotearoa

New Zealand Police

Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa


Nikarāhua (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Nīhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ngāika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ngāitīria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Niue (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

North America

Amerika ki te Raki

North Atlantic Ocean

(Te) Moana Ranatiki ki te Raki

North Island

(Te) Ika-a-Māui (kupu kē atu: Te Hutinga-a-Māui, Te Ikaroa-a-Māui)

North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Kōrea ki te Raki (takenga mai: Kōrea [kupu mino] - Korea)

North Macedonia

Makerōnia ki te Raki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

North Pacific Ocean

(Te) Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ki te Raki

Northern Australia, Northern Territory

Ahitereiria ki te Raki

Northern Ireland

Airani ki te Raki


(Te) Tai Tokerau (kupu kē atu: Te Hiku-o-te-Ika)


Nōwei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Nūmea (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Nukuaroha (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

narrow minded

whakaaro kūiti (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; kūiti - narrow, confined)

national border, land boundary

pae whenua

national census

tatauranga ā-motu

national identity

tuakiri ā-motu (kupu kē atu: tuakiri ā-whenua)

national identity

tuakiri ā-whenua (kupu kē atu: tuakiri ā-motu)

national security

whakamaru whenua

national state of emergency

tūohotata ā-motu

nationalism, nationalistic

tāwheta ā-whenua (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation, country)


kiritāwheta ā-whenua (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation)

nationalist movement

rangatohe tāwheta ā-whenua

nationally critical (of a species)

mōrea rukiruki ā-motu

nationally endangered (of a species)

mōrea ā-motu

nationally vulnerable (of a species)

whakaraerae ā-motu

native (person)

kirimāori (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; māori - native, normal)

natural amenity

tukuora māori

natural disaster

aituā māori

natural environment

taiao māori

natural feature, natural form

hanga māori

natural history

hītori aotūroa

natural pollutant

parakino māori

natural population change

panonitanga noa o te taupori

natural process

tukanga māori

natural resource

rawa māori

naturally uncommon, rare (of a species)

onge māori

need, to be needed

matea (takenga mai: mate - to be in want of, need)

negative attitude, ill-disposed

ngākaukino (kupu kē atu: waiaro whakakino)

negative stereotype

arotoka whakakino (takenga mai: whakakino -disapprove of, malign)

negotiate, consult, negotiation

whiriwhiri ~a ~nga


kiritata (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tata - close, near) (kupu kē atu: kiri nohotata)


paekiritata (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; kiritata - neighbour)


angahao herekore (takenga mai: angahao [angahaorawa] - capitalism; herekore - without restraint, free)

nephew, niece


net income

moniwhiwhi more (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; more - plain, without appendages)

net migration

hekenga tapeke

neutral, neutrality (of a person)

arero taiaha

no claims bonus

hua tonokore

noise pollution

parahanga haunene (takenga mai: haunene - noisy)

nomad, nomadic, travel about

tipiwhenua (kupu kē atu: tangata takapau pōkai, kaewa)

non-Māori, foreigner


non-binding referendum

pōtitake-herekore (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)


arumoni-kore (kupu kē atu: huamoni-kore)

non-fungible token, NFT

tohu kapinga-kore (takenga mai: tohu - sign, mark, token; kapi [whakakapi] - substitute, replacement; kore - negative)

non-governmental organisation, NGO

whakahaere tūhake (takenga mai: whakahaere - organisation; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent) (kupu kē atu: whakahaere tārake)

non-point source pollution

parahanga takenga whārahi (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whārahi - broad, wide, extensive)

non-profit organisation

whakahaere monihua-kore

non-profit, not for profit




non-renewable resource

rawa whatungarongaro


hāpai ira (takenga mai: hāpai - support, uplift; ira - gender) (kupu kē atu: toihara ā-ira kore)

nonbinary gender

ira tāhūrua-kore

nonconforming, nonconformist

whanokē (takenga mai: whanokē - perculiar, different, odd)


ririkore (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence; kore - not, negative) (kupu kē atu: mārire)

normal, normalised, normalisation

taunoa ~tanga (takenga mai: tau - to settle on, come to rest; noa - common) (kupu kē atu: hanga māori)

northern hemisphere

tuakoi raki

nostalgia, nostalgic

whēnakonako ~tanga (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)

nostalgic text, nostalgic narrative

kōrero whēnakonako (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)

not threatened (of a species)

whakaraerae kore

note (money)

monirau (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; rau - leaf)

nuclear bomb, atomic bomb

pohū karihi (kupu kē atu: pōmu karihi)



(Te) Oha a Maru


(Ngā) Moutere-a-Kiwa

Olympic Games

Taumāhekeheke o te Ao


Ōmana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ohaka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ōhoro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Otawa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

object, oppose

whakahē ~ngia

objectify, objectification, dehumanise

whakataurekareka ~tia (takenga mai: whakataurekareka - treat with contempt, subjugate, deride)

objective, unbiased, impartial, objectivity

tapatahi (takenga mai: tapatahi [ngākau tapatahi] – impartial, unbiased)

obliged, obligation

here ~a ~nga

observe, observation

mātakitaki ~hia

occupy, occupation

nohowheta (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)

oceanic crust

kiri moana (takenga mai: kiri – skin; moana – sea)

offender, criminal, culprit, crime


offering, sacrifice


offspring, descendants, relatives

uri (kupu kē atu: huauri)

older sister of a female, older brother of a male



mana tokoiti (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tokoiti - small number of people, minority)

online community

hapori tuihono

online market

mākete tuihono

online relationship

hononga tuihono

online shopping

hoko tuihono

only child


open discussion, open debate

matapaki māhorahora (takenga mai: māhorahora - to be open, without restraint)

open minded, open mind

whakaaro tuwhera (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; tuwhera - to be open)

open question

pātai tuwhera (kupu kē atu: pātai puare)

open-cast mining, open-pit mining

maina puare

operational plan

mahere mahi

opinion, thought, idea, think

whakaaro ~hia


arawātea ~tanga (takenga mai: ara - pathway; wātea - available, clear)

opposition (party)

(rōpū) ātete (kupu kē atu: āpitihana [kupu mino])

oppress, suppress, oppression, persecute

pēhi ~a ~tanga

oppression of the mind

pēhitanga hinengaro

oppression of the spirit, demoralisation

pēhitanga wairua


ringapēhi (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)

optimistic, optimism

ngākau rorotu (kupu kē atu: mariu)

oral literature

mātāwaha (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; waha - mouth, voice)

oral recording

hopunga kōrero ā-waha

orators bench


organ donor

kaituku whēkau

organ trafficking

hokotaihara whēkau

organic food

kai tipumāori (takenga mai: kai - food; tipu - to grow; māori - natural) (kupu kē atu: kai parakore)

organic waste


organise, administer, manage, organisation

whakahaere ~tia ~tanga


rauropi (kupu kē atu: kaiao)

original document

tuhinga taketake

original record

mauhanga taketake


puri tikanga (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)

orthodox church

hāhi puri tikanga (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)

outbound tourism

tāpoi ki tāwāhi

outcome, effect

hua (kupu kē atu: otinga, putanga)

outdoor altar, sacred place for ritual practices


outdoor lifestyle, outdoor living

(kātū) noho tū-ā-nuku

outer core (of Earth)

iho waho


putanga (kupu kē atu: hua)

outsider research

rangahau rāwaho


ripa (tāone) (takenga mai: ripa - boundary, border)

over cultivation

ngaki tuhene

over grazing

kaikai tuhene


whakaatanga tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)

overcrowding, overcrowded

apiapi tuhene (takenga mai: apiapi - dense, density; tuhene - overmuch, excessive)

overfish, overfishing

hao tuhene

overhead (finance)

utu whakahaere (takenga mai: utu - cost; whakahaere - to operate, administer)

overpopulation, overpopulated

taupori tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)

overstay, overstayer

nohoroa (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)

overt bias, conscious bias

rītaha mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident)

overt oppression

pēhitanga mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)


turaki ~na ~tanga

owner, ownership

rangatira ~tanga (kupu kē atu: manapuri)

ownership responsibility

haepapa rangatiratanga

ownership right

mōtika rangatiratanga


Pacific Ocean

(Te) Moana-nui-a-Kiwa


Pakitāne (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pārau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Parihitini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Palmerston North



Panama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Papeete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Papua New Guinea

Papua Nūkini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Parakai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Parī (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Pētia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Peru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Piripīni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Phnom Penh

Penoma Pena (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Pōrana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Poronēhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Port Moresby

Pōta Moahipi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Port Vila

Pōta Whira (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Port of Spain

(Te) Pōta o Pāniora (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Potukara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Parāka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Piritōria (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

Prime Minister

Pirimia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Porotehana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Puerto Rico

Peta Riko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Pākehā, New Zealander of European descent


pacify, placate

whakamārie (kupu kē atu: whakamārire)

packaging waste

para tākai

pan, panning (e.g. for gold)

hōpane (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

pandemic, epidemic

mate urutā

parallel import

hokoroto whakarara

paramount chief, lord, monarch, monarchy

ariki ~tanga


murunga hara (takenga mai: muru - to wipe out, forgive, absolve; hara - offence, crime, wrongdoing)

parental influence

awenga mātua

parental pressure

pēhanga mātua (kupu kē atu: whakawhere mātua)




pāremata (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: pāremete)

partial stopwork

porotū mahi hamanga

participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access

whai wāhi ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)


hoa patui (takenga mai: patui - to walk arm in arm)


rangapū mahitahi (kupu kē atu: pātuinga)

passage of time

takanga wā (kupu kē atu: takiwā)

passionate, enthusiastic, enthusiasm

ngākau whiwhita (kupu kē atu: kohara)

passive picket

tūtohe māhaki (takenga mai: tū - to stand, engage, oppose; tohe - to argue, contend; māhaki - mild, placid)

passive protest, passive action

tohe māhaki (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, protest; māhaki - placid, mild)

passive resistance

ātete mārire (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose; mārire - peaceful) (kupu kē atu: ātete mauritau)

passive resistance movement

rangatohe ātete mārire (kupu kē atu: rangatohe ātete rongomau)


uruwhenua (takenga mai: uru - to enter; whenua - country, nation)

past (history)


past time

wāmua (kupu kē atu: inamata)

pastoral farm, pastoral farming

pāmu kararehe

patriarchal, patriarchy

tāmarutāne ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, overshadow; tāne - male)


kiritōmau ā-whenua (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal; whenua - nation, country)

patriotic, patriotism, loyal, loyalism

tōmau ~tanga (takenga mai: tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal)


kairangi (takenga mai: kairangi - anything held in high esteem) (kupu kē atu: matatairanga)



pay gap, salary gap

āputa utu


utu whakaparo (takenga mai: whakaparo - to hover)

peace alliance

haumi rongomau

peace envoy

karere rongomau (kupu kē atu: manu rongomau)

peace movement

rangatohe rongomau

peaceful march

hīkoi mārire

peacekeeping force

ope hohou rongo

peer influence

awenga aropā

peer pressure

pēhanga aropā (kupu kē atu: whakawhere aropā)

peer relationship

hononga aropā

penalise, penalty, punish, punishment, sanction

whiu ~a ~nga

pension, superannuation

penihana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

people of the Treaty, non-Māori New Zealander

tangata Tiriti

pepper potting

whakanoho toiroa (takenga mai: whakanoho - placement; toiroa - wide apart)

peppercorn rental, nominal lease

rīhi kongakonga (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - lease, rent; kongakonga - crumb, something insignificant)

performance indicator

waitohu tutukinga (takenga mai: waitohu - to indicate, signify; tutuki - achieved, completed)

performance review

arotake tutukinga (takenga mai: arotake - evaluate, review; tutuki - achieved, completed, finished)

performance, exhibition



ahutoitū (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua, ahumāra] - agriculture, horticulture; toitū - sustainable)

permanent housing, permanent accommodation

wharenoho pūmau

persecute, persecution

nonope ~a ~tanga (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)

persevere, perseverance, determination


person of high social class, aristocrat, elite

pūwhero (kupu kē atu: kahurangi)

person of lower class, low born, commoner, peasant

hauhauā (kupu kē atu: tautauhea)

personal identity

tuakiri whaiaro

personal incentive

poapoa whaiaro

personal values

uara whaiaro


haukiri (takenga mai: hau - vitality of a person; hau - breath, wind; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: āhua whaiaro)

personification of floods, avalanches and tsunami

Parawhenua mea

pessimism, pessimistic

ngākau hākerekere


kīrearea (kupu kē atu: riha)


petihana ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


ringaoha (takenga mai: ringa - hand; oha - bequest, generosity)

philanthropy, philathropic

tukuoha (takenga mai: tuku - to give; oha - generous,munificent, gift)


ihumanea tautake (takenga mai: ihumanea - intellectual, clever person; tautake - philosophy) (kupu kē atu: pūtautake)


tautake (kupu kē atu: rapunga whakaaro)


hītinihanga ~tia (takenga mai: hī - to fish; tinihanga - to deceive, trick, cheat)

physical asset

huarawa ōkiko

physical geography

matawhenua tūroa (takenga mai: tūroa [ao tūroa] - natural world)

physical map

mahere ā-nuku (takenga mai: ā-nuku - of the Earth)

physical need

matea kikokiko (kupu kē atu: matea tinana)

pilot study

rangahau tōmua (takenga mai: tōmua - early)

place a tapu or restriction on something, consecrate, consecration, sanctify

whakatapu ~a ~nga

place of belonging



ahu nōhanga (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, fashion; nōhanga - settlement, habitat, dwelling place)

placer mining

maina takere (takenga mai: takere - riverbed, channel)

plain, flatland


plaintiff, complainant, accuser

kaiwhakapae (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; whakapae - to accuse)

plan, planning

(whaka) mahere

plan, planning

whakamahere ~tia

plantation forest

ngahere whakatiputipu (takenga mai: whakatiputipu - to rear, cause to grow)

plaque, commemorative tablet

papa kōrero (takenga mai: papa - slab, surface; kōrero - narrative, story)

plateau, tableland, highland, elevated plain

mānia tairanga (takenga mai: mānia - plain, flatland; tairanga - elevated) (kupu kē atu: mānia pūwhata)


papa tākaro (kupu kē atu: papa hākinakina)


whakataurangi ~tia

pledge, set aside

taunaha ~tia ~tanga

plentiful, abundant, abundance

pukahu (kupu kē atu: ranea, huhua, humi, makuru)

plunder, rob, burgle, thieve, loot, ransack

pāhua ~tia

pocket money, cash

moni pūkoro

point of order (meeting term)

ui tikanga (takenga mai: ui - question, query; tikanga - convention)

point of sale, POS

wāhi hoko

point source pollution

parahanga takenga whāiti (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whāiti - narrow, compact)

polar climate

āhuarangi tōpito

polar zone

rohe kōpaka (takenga mai: kōpaka - ice)


kaupapahere (takenga mai: kaupapa - matter for discussion, plan, scheme, proposal; here - obligation)

political alliance

haumi tōrangapū

political asylum, political refuge

punanga tōrangapū

political awareness, politically aware

tūoho tōrangapū

political background

takenga tōrangapū (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

political belief, political ideology

whakapono tōrangapū

political change

panoni tōrangapū

political change

panoni tōrangapū

political context

horopaki tōrangapū

political controversy

tautohe tōrangapū

political crisis, constitutional crisis

tairaru tōrangapū

political disorder, political chaos

kaumingomingo tōrangapū (takenga mai: kaumingomingo - state of confusion)

political dysfunction

turingonge tōrangapū

political envoy

karere tōrangapū

political freedom

manawhiri tōrangapū (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)

political hegemony

whakatuanui tōrangapū

political history

hītori tōrangapū

political map

mahere tōrangapū

political movement

rangatohe tōrangapū

political party

rōpū tōrangapū (kupu kē atu: pāti tōrangapū)

political power, political authority

mana tōrangapū

political refugee

rerenga tōrangapū

political revolution, political uprising

taihuringa tōrangapū (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

political stability

tūwhena tōrangapū

political studies, politics

mātai tōrangapū

political system

pūnaha tōrangapū

political theory

ariā tōrangapū

politically correct, political correctness, PC

karo muhani ~tanga (takenga mai: karo - to dodge, avoid; muhani - insult, affront, offend) (kupu kē atu: tika tōrangapū, arorīroa)


kaitōrangapū (kupu kē atu: kiritōrangapū)

politics, political



parakino (takenga mai: para [parahanga] - pollution; kino [whakakino] - degrade, damage, spoil)

pollute, pollution, polluted

parahanga ~tia (takenga mai: parahanga - rubbish, litter) (kupu kē atu: whakapoke)

polygamous relationship

hononga moe punarau

polygamy, polygamous

moe punarau (takenga mai: moe - marry, wed, have sex with; puna - e whai ana i tā te 'punarua'; rau - many)

polytheism, polytheistic

atuarau ~tanga (takenga mai: atua - god; rau - many)

pool (a resource)

tāpuna (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; puna - pool, source, well)

poor, underprivileged, poverty

rawakore ~tanga (kupu kē atu: pōhara [kupu mino])

popular culture

ahurea arotini (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards, disposed toward; tini - many)


taupori (takenga mai: tau - number; pori - people, tribe)

population decline, depopulation

pāitiiti taupori

population decrease

taupori paheke

population density

apiapi taupori

population distribution

tuari (o te) taupori

population explosion

taupori tupurea (takenga mai: tupu - to grow; rea - multiply) (kupu kē atu: taupori kaha piki)

population growth, population increase

tipu (o te) taupori

population increase

taupori piki

population pyramid

koeko taupori

population trend

ia taupori

populism, populist

arotini ~tanga (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; tini - multitude; arotini - popular)

positive attitude, favourably disposed


positive stereotype

arotoka whakapai

post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD

kohuki taumuri (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, stress, distress; tau - to come to land, settle; muri - after)

postmodern, postmodernism

angatuahou (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; tua - beyond; hou - new, recent, modern)

potato blight

kōmae rīwai

poverty index

tauine rawakore (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; rawakore - poor)

poverty, poverty-stricken, destitute, extremely poor

tuakoka (kupu kē atu: rawakore)

power, strength, powerful




pragmatism, pragmatic

raungāwari (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - ploy, tactic; rau [rautaki] - strategy; ngāwari - easy, tolerant)

prehistoric times, very ancient past

tuauri whāioio


hītori tuauri whāioio

prejudice, discriminate, discrimination

whakatoihara ~tia

present time

wātū (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)


angawātū (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; wātū - present time; wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)


perehitene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

press noses in greeting


price trend, cost trend

ia utu

primary industry

ahumahi mātāmua

primary infrastructure, critical infrastructure

tūāhanga mātāmua

primary sector

rāngai mātāmua

primary source (of information)

puna mātāmua

principal (finance)

tahua more (takenga mai: tahua - fund; more - without appendages, plain)

private benefit

painga tūmataiti

private event

taiopenga tūmataiti

private public partnership, PPP

rangapū mahitahi tūmataiti tūmatanui

private sector

rāngai tūmataiti

private superannuation, personal superannuation

penihana tūmataiti

privatise, privatisation

whakatūmataiti ~hia ~tanga

privilege, privileged

whiwhi painga (takenga mai: whiwhi - to have, acquire, possess; painga - benefit, advantage) (kupu kē atu: momoho)

problem solving skills

pūkenga whakaoti rapanga

procedural justice

huatika taunekeneke (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; taunekeneke - interaction, relationship) (kupu kē atu: tika taunekeneke)



produce, production

whakaputa ~ina ~nga



producer responsibility

haepapa kaiwhakaputa

product cycle, product life cycle

huringa hautaonga

product stewardship

kaitiakitanga hautaonga

productive, productivity

māpua ~tanga

professional indemnity insurance

inihua pare whiunga ngaiotanga (takenga mai: pare - to ward off; whiunga - penalty, punishment)


monihua (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; hua - benefit, accrue, gain)


koke (kupu kē atu: kauneke, koke whakamua)


aukatinga (kupu kē atu: poropeihana [kupu mino], katinga, rāhui)


kupu whakanewha (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)

property market, real estate market

mākete papanoho

property owner

rangatira papanoho (kupu kē atu: rangatira pito whenua)

property ownership

rangatiratanga papanoho (kupu kē atu: rangatiratanga pito whenua)

prosperous, peaceful, affluent

houkura (kupu kē atu: tōnui)


pākaihoko (takenga mai: pākai - shield, screen, buffer; hoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)

protective incantation



mautohe ~tia (kupu kē atu: porotēhi [kupu mino])



protocol for speechmaking on marae where all the local speakers speak first


protocol for speechmaking on marae where local speakers and visiting speakers alternate

tauutuutu (kupu kē atu: tū atu tū mai)


tātai takenga (takenga mai: tātai - lineage; takenga - origin)

provider, service provider, supplier



rohe taiwhenua (takenga mai: taiwhenua - district)

provincial town

tāone taiwhenua

provisional tax

tāke tārewa (takenga mai: tāke [kupu mino] - tax; tārewa - unresolved, deferred, set aside)

public event

taiopenga tūmatanui

public good, public benefit

painga tūmatanui

public liability insurance

inihua pare taunaha tūmatanui (takenga mai: pare - to ward off, avoid, protect; taunaha - liability; tūmatanui - public)

public opinion

whakaaro o te marea

public policy

kaupapahere tūmatanui

public sector

rāngai tūmatanui

public servant, government worker

kaimahi kāwanatanga

public service, public utility

ratonga tūmatanui

public space

whaitua tūmatanui

public transport

waka tūmatanui (kupu kē atu: tūnuku tūmatanui)

pull factor

āhuatanga kukume

purchaser, seller, vendor


push factor

āhuatanga ue

putrescible waste

para kerakera (takenga mai: kerakera - putrid, foul)

pyramid scheme, pyramid scam

tāware koeko (takenga mai: tāware - scam, to dupe, deceive; koeko - pyramid)



Katā (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Quebec City

(Te) Kūititanga (takenga mai: kūiti - peninsula) (kupu kē atu: Kuipeka [kupu mino])


Kuīnirangi (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: Kuīnirani)



qualitative data

raraunga inekounga (takenga mai: ine - to measure, compare; kounga - quality)

qualitative research

rangahau inekounga (takenga mai: ine - to measure; kounga - quality)

quantitative data

raraunga inerahi (takenga mai: ine - to measure, compare; rahi - amount, size, large)

quantitative research

rangahau inerahi (takenga mai: ine - to measure; rahi - size, amount)


koata-kāehe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

quarternary industry

ahumahi mātāwhā (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; whā - four)

quarternary sector

rāngai mātāwhā (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; whā - four)


rārangi patapatai


kōrama (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tokamatua)


rahinga (kupu kē atu: motunga, tiringa)





Ramatana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Red Crescent

Niko Whero

Red Cross

Rīpeka Whero

Republic of Djibouti

(Te) Whenua Tūhake o Tepūti


Reikahiki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



Rio de Janeiro

Rio Tihiēro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Riata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)




Romeinia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rōma (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rūhia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Rāwana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

race (of people)

momo ā-iwi

racial stereotype

arotoka ā-iwi

racism, racial discrimination, racist

kaikiri (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara ā-iwi)

racist stereotype

arotoka kaikiri


tūwhana (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)


whakatūwhana ~hia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tūwhana - radical; tū - to oppose, fight; whana - revolt, rebel)

radioactive waste

para iraruke

radiocarbon dating

inewā horowaro (takenga mai: ine - to measure; wā - time; horo - waste away, crumble down; waro - carbon)

rail infrastructure

tūāhanga rerewhenua

rainbow community

hapori āniwaniwa (kupu kē atu: hapori uenuku)

rainbow culture

ahurea āniwaniwa (kupu kē atu: ahurea uenuku)

rainbow movement

rangatohe āniwaniwa

rainwater harvesting

hopu wai ua

rape, sexual assault

pāwhera ~tia (kupu kē atu: taitōkai)

rapid (on a river)

taiheke (kupu kē atu: tāheke, korio)


pāpātanga (takenga mai: pā - to be connected with)

rate of inflation

pāpātanga pikiutu tukipū


reiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti)

ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation

whakapūmau ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)

ratio scale

āwhata ōwehenga

raw material

rawa taketake

real estate agent

kaihoko papanoho

real estate, property

papanoho (takenga mai: papa - land, floor; papa [papa kāinga] - home base; noho - to live, reside) (kupu kē atu: pito whenua)


monihoki (takenga mai: moni - money; hoki - to return)

rebel, revolutionary

taiwhana (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)

rebellion, revolution, insurrection

pāhoro ~tia (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, capture) (kupu kē atu: whana)


whakaputa maharatanga (kupu kē atu: tiki mahara)

recent past

wāmua tata

reciprocity, reciprocal


reclaim, repossess

taumanu ~tia

recolonise, recolonisation

tāmirua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)

recommend, recommendation

tūtohu ~a ~nga

reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation

whakaturi ~hia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)

reconcile, reconciliatory, pacify

whakamārire (kupu kē atu: whakaepaepa, whakaturi)

record, documentation

mauhanga kōrero (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)

recovering (species)

(momo) ngaringari (takenga mai: ngaringari - to increase in numbers)


hangarua ~tia (takenga mai: hanga – make, build, fashion; rua – two)

recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre

taupuni hangarua

recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre

taupuni hangarua

red tape, bureaucratic obstacle

taero (takenga mai: taero - obstruction, hinderance)

redneck, racist, bigot

kakī whero



reference book

pukatara (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)


pōtitake (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)

refuge, to take refuge, asylum, haven



rerenga (takenga mai: rerenga - person who has escaped, fugitive, survivor) (kupu kē atu: konene)

refugee camp

taupuni rerenga


whakahokinga moni

refuse station, transfer station

taupuni para

regenerate, restore, rehabilitate

(whaka) haumanu ~tia (takenga mai: haumanu - to restore to health) (kupu kē atu: whakamātūtū)

regenerating forest

ngahere whakamātūtū (takenga mai: whakamātūtū - recovering, returning to health)

region, territory, space, district


regional council

kaunihera ā-takiwā

regional reserve

papa tāpui ā-rohe


rēhita ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

regulated market, controlled market

mākete whakamatua


waeture (kupu kē atu: ture ārahi)

relationship, connection

hononga (kupu kē atu: whakapiringa, piringa, pānga)

relict (species)

(momo) makorea

religion, sect, faith, church

hāhi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

religious diversity

kanorau whakapono

religious persecution, religious oppression

pēhitanga hāhi

religious privilege

whiwhi painga hāhi

remove restrictions of tapu

horohoro (kupu kē atu: whakanoa, taitai)

renewable resource

rawa whakahou

rent review, lease review

arotake rīhi

rental housing, rental accommodation, lease housing

wharenoho rīhi

repatriate, return, repatriation

whakahoki ~a ~tanga

repay, settle a debt

whakaea ~tia

replacement cost

utu whakakapi

represent, portray, representivity

whakaata ~ngia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakaata - to reflect)

representative, spokesperson, delegate, ambassador



whenua tūhake (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)


hangahou ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; hou - new, fresh)

rescue service

ratonga rauora


rangahau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out, pursue)

research question

pātai rangahau



resent, resentment, resentful

hūngeingei (kupu kē atu: hūneinei)

reserve (land)

papa tāpui (takenga mai: papa - land, Earth; tāpui - to reserve, set aside) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāpui)

reserve bank, central bank

pēke matua

reserve, set aside

tāpui ~a

reservoir, water tank



whakanōhanga hou

resilient, resilience


resist, oppose

ātete ~ngia ~nga

resistance movement

rangatohe ātete (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose, resist)


rawa (kupu kē atu: rauemi)

resource exploitation

kaiapo rawa

resource management

whakahaere rawa

resource pool, resource pooling

tāpuna rawa

resource recovery

taumanu rawa (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

respond, response

urupare ~tia

responsible business

pakihi haepapa

responsible government

kāwanatanga haepapa

responsible, responsibility, be responsibile for


restorative justice

huatika hohourongo (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; hohou rongo - to make peace) (kupu kē atu: tika hohourongo)

restrict, restriction

here ~a ~nga

results, findings (of research)

kitenga (takenga mai: kite - to see, perceive, discover) (kupu kē atu: hua)

retail price, purchase price

utu kaihoko

retirement village, old people's village, rest home

papakāinga kaumātua

retributive justice

huatika hāmene (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; hāmene - to accuse, charge, penalty)


tukurua ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakamahi anō)

revisionist history

hītori whakapūaho (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to elucidate, clarify)

revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising

whana (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)

revolutionary movement

rangatohe pāhoro

right to freedom

mōtika herekore

right to life, subsistence rights

mōtika oranga

right wing (politics)

aromatau (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - right)


mōtika (kupu kē atu: motika)

risk, at risk

tūraru (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tū [tūponotanga] - chance; raru - in difficulty, trouble)

ritual chant, prayer

karakia ~tia

ritual restriction or prohibition according to Māori custom, prohibit

rāhui ~tia



river mouth


road map

mahere huarahi

roading infrastructure

tūāhanga rori

rocky shore

ākau (kupu kē atu: ākau tokatoka)

romanticise, romanticisation

whakakura ~tia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; kura - valued possession)


wai rere noa (takenga mai: wai - water; rere - to flow; noa - without restraint)

rural lifestyle, country lifestyle, rural living

(kātū) noho tuawhenua

rural town

tāone tuawhenua

rural, rural locality, hinterland




Hāmoa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

San Diego

Hana Piako (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

San Francisco

Hana Paraniko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

San Marino

Hana Marino (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Santa Fe

Hāta Whei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hanatiāko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Sao Paulo

Hao Pāoro (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Saudi Arabia

Hauri Arāpia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Kotarangi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Kōtirana, Kōtarani)


Heātara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Henekara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Houra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hirupia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Hēpia)


Heikere (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hangahai (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Sierra Leone

(Te) Araone (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Silent Generation

Reanga Ngū


Hingapoa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Horowākia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Horowinia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Solomon Islands

(Ngā) Motu Horomona (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hūmārie (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

South Africa

Āwherika ki te Tonga

South America

Amerika ki te Tonga

South Asia

Āhia ki te Tonga

South Atlantic Ocean

(Te) Moana Ranatiki ki te Tonga

South Australia

Ahitereiria ki te Tonga

South Island

(Te) Waka-o-Māui (kupu kē atu: Te Waipounamu, Te Wai Pounamu, Te Wāhi Pounamu, Te Waka-o-Aoraki)

South Island

(Te) Waipounamu (kupu kē atu: Te Waka-o-Māui, Te Waka-o-Aoraki)

South Korea

Kōrea ki te Tonga

South Pacific Ocean

(Te) Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ki te Tonga

South Sudan

Hūtāne ki te Tonga

South-East Asia

Āhia ki te Pitonga (takenga mai: pitonga - south east)

Southern Alps

(Te) Tiritiri-o-te-Moana


Peina (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Sri Lanka

Hiri Rānaka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Stewart Island



Tokoomo (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Stolen Generation

Reanga Kāhakina




Hūtāne (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Supreme Court

Kōti Mana Nui


Huriname (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hura (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Huitene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Huiterangi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Poihākena (takenga mai: He kupu mino [Port Jackson].)


Hiria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

sacred, sacredness, restricted, set apart


safe, safety


safeguard, security convention, safety protocol

tikanga whakamaru

safety conscious, safety awareness

tūoho haumaru

safety risk

tūraru haumaru


utu ā-tau


tīpako ~na ~nga

sample size

rahinga tīpako

sand dune


sandy beach, sandbank


scale (for measurement)

āwhata (takenga mai: āwhata [arawhata] - ladder)


tāware ~tia (takenga mai: tāware - to dupe, deceive)


uaparenga (takenga mai: uapare - to pass the blame)

scarce, scarcity

pūhore (kupu kē atu: onge, ngouruuru, korekore)

school community

hapori kura

school culture

ahurea kura

school infrastructure

tūāhanga kura

scrub, brushwood

tāwhao (kupu kē atu: ururua, mōheuheu)

sea, ocean, large lake


seabed dredging

hirou papamoana

seabed mining

maina papamoana


kaipatu kekeno

secede, secession, pull out, withdraw, withdrawal

kounu ~hia ~ tanga

second hand, hand me down


second world nation

whenua ao-rua

secondary industry

ahumahi mātārua (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua - two)

secondary road

huarahi mātāmuri

secondary sector

rāngai mātārua (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua - two)

secondary source (of information)

puna mātārua (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua [tuarua] - second)

secular, non-religious


secure, security

whakamaru ~hia (kupu kē atu: haumaru)

security alliance

haumi whakamaru

security risk

tūraru whakamaru

sedentary lifestyle, inactive lifestyle, sedentary living

(kātū) noho houtete

segregate, segregation

whakatāuke ~tia

select committee

komiti whiriwhiri (takenga mai: komiti [kupu mino] - committee; whiriwhiri - to discuss, decide, consider)

self-awareness, personal awareness

tūoho whaiaro

self-contained campervan

waka noho tūhake (takenga mai: waka - vehicle; noho - to dwell; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent)


whaikaha whaiaro (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; kaha - ability, strength; whaiaro - person, self) (kupu kē atu: ngoi whaiaro)

self-employed, self-employment

mahikuhu (takenga mai: mahi - work; kuhu - do on one's own)

self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth



ata whaiaro (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; whaiaro - person, self)

self-management skills

pūkenga auāki (takenga mai: au - I, me; āki - to encourage, urge on) (kupu kē atu: pūkenga taki whaiaro)

self-righteous, conceited, arrogant, self-righteousness

whakakake ~a (takenga mai: whakakake - to assume superiority, self importance)

self-sufficient lifestyle, subsistence lifestyle, subsistence living

(kātū) noho ringaora (takenga mai: ringa - nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa'; ora - alive, well-being)

self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-sufficiency

ringaora (takenga mai: ringa - nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa'; ora - alive)


hoko atu

senior male line of descent

ure tārewa

sense of humanity

aroā koutangata (takenga mai: aroā - to perceive, to be aware, comprehend; kou - of good quality; tangata - people, human)

sentimental value

uara whēnakonako (takenga mai: uara - value; whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn, long for; whēnakonako - nostalgic)

separate authority, autonomy, self-determination, independence

mana motuhake (kupu kē atu: tino rangatiratanga, rangatiratanga)

septic tank, sewage tank

kura parakaingaki





settlement, agreement

tatūnga (kupu kē atu: whakaaetanga, tatūnga tokitoki)


kirinoho (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; noho - to live, dwell)

settlor, creator of a trust

kaihanga tarahiti

sewage sludge

kene parakaingaki

sewage treatment

whakatika parakaingaki

sewage treatment station, sewage treatment facility

taupuni whakatika parakaingaki

sewage, sewerage, effluent


sex slave, forced sex worker

pononga kairau

sex trafficking

hokotaihara kairau (kupu kē atu: mauhere kairau)

sex work

mahi kairau

sexist, sexism, gender discrimination

(whaka) toihara ira (takenga mai: toihara - discrimination; ira - gender) (kupu kē atu: aukatinga ā-ira, whakatoihara ā-ira)

sexual exploitation

kaiapo onioni

sexual orientation

aronga hōkaka

sexual relationship

hononga tauonioni

sexual revolution

taihuringa hōkakatanga (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)



sexually harass, sexual harassment

whakatīwheta hemahema (takenga mai: whakatīwheta - to torment, harass, annoy; hemahema - to make amorous advances) (kupu kē atu: whakatīwheta karihika)

shackles of colonialism

here tātāmi


kāinga kuha (takenga mai: kuha - shabby, delapidated) (kupu kē atu: kuha kāinga)

share (finance)

pānga (takenga mai: pā - be connected with) (kupu kē atu: hea [kupu mino])

share market

mākete pānga

shared decision, collective decision

whakataunga tōpū (takenga mai: tōpū - combined, unified, consolidated)

shared pathway

aratini (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tini - many)

sharefarm, sharefarming

pāmu whaipānga


kaiwhaipānga (kupu kē atu: tangata whaipānga)


kaimiraka whaipānga (kupu kē atu: kaikutētē whaipānga)

shopping precinct, shopping quarter

paehokohoko (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity)

short term effect

hua taupoto (takenga mai: hua - outcome, product; tau - period of time; poto - short)

short term goal

whāinga paetata (kupu kē atu: whāinga poto)

short term plan

mahere paetata

shortage, lack, scarcity

kōpaka (kupu kē atu: pūhore, ngōuruuru, korekore)

show, concert, performance

whakaaturanga ā-rēhia

sickness benefit

takuhe tūroro (kupu kē atu: takuhe hāura)

significant event

tūāhuatanga tāpua

significant site

wāhi tāpua

silent partner

hoa ngū

simple interest

huamoni tūpā (takenga mai: tūpā - flat, level)

single transferable vote, STV

pōti whakaraupapa (takenga mai: whakaraupapa - to put in order, sequence)

single use

mahinga tukutahi

sister of a male


sister-in-law of a female, brother-in-law of a male


sit in (protest)

tohenoho (takenga mai: tohe - to contend with, argue, persist; noho - to sit)


pūāhua (kupu kē atu: tūāhua)

skill, skilled

pūkenga ~tia

slaughter, massacre, pogrom


slave, slavery, enslave

(whaka) pononga

sluice, sluicing (e.g. for gold)

horoi tuakirikiri (takenga mai: horoi - to wash, cleanse; tuakirikiri - gravel)


paenoho kanukanu (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell; kanukanu - dilapidated, shabby) (kupu kē atu: puni tuakoka)

small enterprise

hinonga iti

small town

tāone iti


kawe toropuku (takenga mai: kawe - to carry; toropuku - secretly, stealthily)



social action

koringa pāpori (takenga mai: kori - to move in to action)

social agenda, social goal

whāinga pāpori

social amnesia

whakangongo pāpori (takenga mai: whakangongo - to neglect, disregard, pay no attention to) (kupu kē atu: wareware pāpori)

social anthropology

mātai tikanga pāpori

social awareness, socially aware

tūoho pāpori

social behaviour

whanonga pāpori

social change

panoni pāpori

social class

papapori (takenga mai: papa [paparanga] - layer; pori [pāpori] - social)

social conditioning

whakaū poripori (takenga mai: whakaū - to make firm, establish, reinforce; poripori [whakaporipori] - socialisation; pori [pāpori] - social)

social context

horopaki pāpori

social continuity

auroatanga pāpori (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)

social controversy

tautohe pāpori

social crisis

tairaru pāpori

social development

whanaketanga pāpori

social enterprise

hinonga pāpori

social evolution

kuneroa porihanga

social history

hītori pāpori

social housing

wharenoho ahupori (takenga mai: ahu - to tend, foster, nurture; pori [pāpori] - social) (kupu kē atu: whare pāpori)

social impact

pāpātanga pāpori

social incentive

poapoa pāpori

social indicator, social index

tauine pāpori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; pāpori - social)

social injustice

tūkinotanga pāpori (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)

social inquiry

pakirehua pāpori

social instability

pāhekeheke pāpori

social issue, social cause

take pāpori

social justice

huatika pāpori (takenga mai: hua - result, outcome; tika - correct, just; pāpori - social) (kupu kē atu: tika pāpori)

social media influence

awenga pāhopori

social mobility

panuku pāpori

social need

matea pāpori

social norm

ritenga pāpori (takenga mai: ritenga - customary practice, habit, the normal way of doing things)

social policy

kaupapahere pāpori

social pressure

pēhanga pāpori (kupu kē atu: whakawhere pāpori)

social problem

raruraru pāpori

social renewal, social transformation

whakaumu pāpori

social responsibility

haepapa pāpori

social revolution, social upheaval

taihuringa pāpori (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

social science

tikanga ā-iwi (kupu kē atu: ao tangata)

social skills

pūkenga pāpori

social stability

tūwhena pāpori (takenga mai: tū - to stand, establish; whena - firm, steady)

social status, social position

tūranga pāpori (kupu kē atu: mana pāpori)

social structure

anga pāpori

social studies

mātaipori (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine; pori [pāpori] - social)

social sustainablity

toitūtanga pāpori

social trauma

kohuki pāpori

social trend

ia pāpori

social unity, social cohesion

kotahitanga pāpori

socialise, socialisation

whakaporipori ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)

socialism, socialistic

angapori (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; pori [pāpori] - social)

socially responsible, social responsibility

takopori (takenga mai: tako - upright; takohanga - responsibility, obligation; pori [pāpori] - social)

socially responsive

aropori (takenga mai: aro - to take heed, to consider; pori [pāpori] - social)

socially responsive business

pakihi aropori (takenga mai: aro - take heed, pay attention to; pori [pāpori] - social)

societal dysfunction

turingonge porihanga




ohapori (takenga mai: oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)

socioeconomic background

takenga ohapori (takenga mai: takenga - source, origin; oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)

socioeconomic index

tauine ohapori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

socioeconomic level

kōeke ohapori

socioeconomic privilege

whiwhi painga ohapori

socioeconomic status

tūranga ohapori


mātai pāpori

soil pollution

parahanga oneone

sole trader business

pakihi kiritahi

solid waste

para totoka

son-in-law, daughter-in-law

hunaonga (kupu kē atu: hunōnga, hinaonga)

source of information

puna kōrero

southern hemisphere

tuakoi tonga

sovereignty, autonomy, self-determination, independence

tino rangatiratanga (kupu kē atu: mana motuhake, rangatiratanga)

space age

takiwā tuarangi

special vote

pōti motuhake

special waste

para motuhake

speed limit


sperm donor

kaituku tātea

spiritual need

matea wairua

spiritual power from the gods

mana atua

sponsor, sponsorship

tautāwhi (takenga mai: tautāwhi - to come to the assistance of, support)

sports ground

papa hākinakina

spread, disseminate, disperse, diffuse


spring (of water), well

puna wai


tūwhena (takenga mai: tū - to stand, set in place; whena - firm, steady)

stable society

porihanga tūwhena


kiripānga (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; pānga [whai pānga] - to have an interest, share or connection)

stakeholder group

rōpū kiripānga

stamping ground, haunt, hangout

kainga waewae (takenga mai: kainga- field of operation; waewae - feet)

standard of living

paerewa noho

state care

maru karauna (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)

state highway, main road

huarahi matua

state of emergency

tūohotata (takenga mai: tū - to take place; ohotata - emergency)

state sector, government sector

rāngai kāwanatanga



statement scale

āwhata tauākī

statement, declaration


statistical technique, statistical convention

tikanga tauanga



status, power, authority and dignity of men

mana tāne

status, power, authority and dignity of women

mana wahine

step parent


step relationship


stereotype, stereotypical

arotoka ~ngia (takenga mai: aro - take heed of, be inclined toward; aro [whakaaro] - thought; toka - rock, be firm) (kupu kē atu: kiritoka, whakapouaka)

stigma, stigmatise, denigrate

hahani ~tia ~tanga

stone age

takiwā kōhatu


pārae pōhatu (takenga mai: pārae - level or undulating open country) (kupu kē atu: pārae kōhatu)


porotū mahi


āwhā (kupu kē atu: paraawa, tūpuhi)

stormwater service

ratonga wai ua

stormwater, rain water

wai ua

stranger or newcomer to a particular place

waewae tapu (kupu kē atu: tauhou)

strategic plan

mahere rautaki


rautaki (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; taki - to lead, bringalong)

stratified society, hierarchical society

porihanga whai paparanga




horahuanui (takenga mai: hora - spread, display; huanui - road, street)

strike (protest action)


style of leadership

tāera hautūtanga (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)




ahurea mātāiti (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua' me te 'mātāmuri'; iti - small)


wawaetanga (takenga mai: wawae - to divide, separate)

subjective, subjectivity

taparoto (takenga mai: tapa [tapatahi] - objective; roto - inside)

submit, submission

tāpae ~tia ~tanga


pūtea āwhina (kupu kē atu: pūtea tautoko)

subsistence farm, subsistence farming

pāmu ringaora (takenga mai: ringa - hand [nō te whakataukī 'he kai kei aku ringa']; ora - alive, healthy, well)


paenoho (takenga mai: pae - region, vicinity; noho - to live, dwell, reside)

succeed, succession

taua ~tanga

succession planning

whakamahere tauatanga (takenga mai: taua - to succeed, be next in succession)


piki tūranga

suffrage, right to vote

manapōti (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)

suicide bomb

pohū whakamomori

suicide bombing

tukupohū whakamomori (takenga mai: tuku - to release; pohū - bomb; whakamomori - suicide)

sum insured

rahinga inihua

super city

tāone whakatōpū (takenga mai: tāone - town [kupu mino]; whakatōpū - to amalgamate, combine)

supply and demand

(te) whakarato me te popono

supply chain

ara tukutuku (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tukutuku - to send; whare tukutuku - cobweb)

supply, provision

whakarato ~a ~nga

support, back, backing

taunaki ~hia ~tanga

support, second (meeting term)

tautoko ~hia

surface runoff

rerenga waipapa (takenga mai: rere - to flow; wai - water; papa - surface, Earth)

surface water

waipapa (takenga mai: wai - water; papa - surface, earth)

surgical waste, medical waste

para poka (takenga mai: poka - operation [medical], surgery)



survey, statistical survey

tirohanga tauanga

sustainable capacity, carrying capacity

raukaha toitū

sustainable development

whanaketanga toitū

sustainable farm, sustainable farming

pāmu toitū

sustainable process

tukanga toitū

sustainable product

hanga toitū (kupu kē atu: hautaonga toitū)

sustainable production

whakanaotanga toitū

sustainable resource

rawa toitū

sustainable source

takenga toitū

sustainable technology

hangarau toitū

sustainable, sustainability

toitū ~tanga




whare karakia Hūrae (takenga mai: Hūrae - Jew, Jewish) (kupu kē atu: whare Hūrae)

system of government

pūnaha kāwanatanga

systemic racism

kaikiri toronaha (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)





Taipei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Taiwana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Takiritānga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tānahia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tarawa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Tasman Sea

(Te) Tai-o-Rehua (kupu kē atu: Te Moana-Tāpokopoko-a-Tāwhaki)


Tāhimania (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Terāna (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Tel Aviv

Terewiwi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(Te) Umu Kaha


Tairanga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



The Hague

Te Heke (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

The Malayan War

(Te) Pakanga ki Mareia

The Remarkables



Tīpete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Te Tihi o Maru

Timor Sea

(Te) Moana o Tīmoa (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Toko (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tokerau (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tōkio (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Tolaga Bay





Ture (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: Tōraha)


Tāroto (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Treaty of Waitangi

(Te) Tiriti o Waitangi

Trinidad and Tobago

Tirinaki Tōpako (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tūnihia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tākei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tukumanatānga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Tūwaru (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)



tactical plan

mahere rautata (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; tata - near, close)

take by force, seize

kōhaki ~na (kupu kē atu: kōwhakiwhaki, kāhaki)

take without any moral right, confiscate

raupatu ~tia


hokimuri (takenga mai: hoki - to return; muri - back)

tapu removing ceremony for a new building

tānga o te kawa

tariff, trade tax

tākehoko tāwāhi (takenga mai: tāke - tax; hoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commercial; tāwāhi - overseas, abroad)

tax avoidance

pare tāke (takenga mai: pare - to avoid, ward off, fend)

tax concession, tax break

whakamāmā tāke (takenga mai: whakamāmā - to ease, relieve, lighten)

tax evasion, tax dodge

karo tāke

tax, taxation

tāke ~ngia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

taxation policy

kaupapahere tāke

technological development

whanaketanga hangarau

tectonic plate

papaneke (takenga mai: papa - earth, anything broad and flat; neke - to move)

temperate climate

āhuarangi hātai

temperate forest

ngahere hātai (takenga mai: hātai - mild [of weather])

temperate zone

rohe hātai

temporary housing, temporary accommodation

wharenoho taupua

term investment

haumitanga wā tūmau (takenga mai: tūmau - fixed, constant)

terms of reference, job specification

tūtohu mahi (takenga mai: tūtohu - to prescribe; mahi - work, job, action)

terraced garden

māra parehua (takenga mai: parehua - ridge, terrace)

territorial authority and responsibility, authority and responsibility associated with possession and occupation of tribal land

mana whenua

terrorism, terrorise

whakatuatea (kupu kē atu: whakatumatuma)

terrorist attack

tukipoto whakatuatea

tertiary industry

ahumahi mātātoru (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; toru - three)

tertiary sector

rāngai mātātoru (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; toru - three)


mana hāhi (takenga mai: mana - authority, power; hāhi - church)

third party insurance

inihua kiritoru (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toru - three)

third world nation

whenua ao-toru

threatened (of a species)

whakaraerae (takenga mai: whakaraerae - to be vulnerable)

three-waters infrastructure

tūāhanga wai-toru

thriving economy

ōhanga tōnui

time management

whakahaere wā

time of scarcity

rā o te waru

time period, era



rārangi wā

to abolish, do away with

whakahorohoro ~tia

to make peace

hohou i te rongo

to oppose (a claim to land etc)


to raise (a child etc), upbringing

whakapakeke ~tia ~tanga

to restrict, block, prevent, exclude, ban, prohibit

aukati ~a ~nga

to settle, live permanently

pūwhenua (kupu kē atu: noho pūmau)

tolerant society

porihanga māhaki

tolerant, tolerance, accepting

māhaki (takenga mai: māhaki - mild, calm, quiet)

toll road

rori utu

top down

kāuru whakararo (takenga mai: kāuru - head [of a tree or river]; whakararo - downward direction) (kupu kē atu: mai i runga ki raro)

topographic map, relief map, contour map

mahere takoto whenua


mātai takoto whenua (takenga mai: mātai - to study; takoto - to lie; whenua - land) (kupu kē atu: mātai takoto ā-nuku)

toponym, placename, to name

tapa ~ina ~nga


kaimātai tapawāhi (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; mātai - to examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)

toponymy, study of place names

mātai tapawāhi (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)

totalitarianism, totalitarian

angangarengare (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; ngarengare - authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical)

tourism industry

ahumahi tāpoi

tourism, tour, travel about

tāpoi (takenga mai: tāpoi - travel around)


wae tāpoi (takenga mai: wae - leg, foot; tāpoi - tourism) (kupu kē atu: tūruhi [kupu mino])

tournament, competition, compete

tātāwhāinga (kupu kē atu: whakataetae)


tāone (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

town centre

pokapū tāone

toxic waste

para tāoke

trade envoy

karere tauhokohoko

trade sanction

whiunga tauhokohoko (takenga mai: whiunga - penalty)

trade war

pakanga tauhokohoko

trade, commerce



mokopakihi (takenga mai: moko - tatooing on the face or body under traditional protocol; pakihi - business)

traditional culture

ahurea tuku iho

traditional customs

tikanga tuku iho

traffic, trafficking

hokotaihara ~tia (takenga mai: hoko - to buy or sell; taihara - illegal, crime)

traitor, treason, treasonous

kaikaiwaiū ~tanga

transform, transformation, transformational

whakaumu ~tia ~tanga

transformative change

panoni whakaumu (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)

transformative justice

huatika whakamahu (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just; whakamahu - to heal) (kupu kē atu: tika whakamahu, huatika whakaumu)


irawhiti (takenga mai: whiti - to change, cross over)

transitional housing, transitional accommodation

wharenoho tauwhiro (takenga mai: tauwhiro [tauwhirowhiro] - transition, about to change; tauwhiro - to tend, care for)

transparent, transparency

puata ~tanga


ikiiki (kupu kē atu: tūnuku, kawe, tūkawe, waka)

transport company

umanga kawekawe (takenga mai: kawekawe - to carry)

transport infrastructure

tūāhanga tūnuku (kupu kē atu: tūāhanga tūkawe)

transport, transportation

tūnuku (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type of; nuku - move, shift) (kupu kē atu: ikiiki, kawe, tūkawe, waka)

trauma, traumatic



tiriti (takenga mai: he kupu mino)


ia (takenga mai: ia - current, flow)

tribal culture

ahurea ā-iwi

tribal festival

hui ahurei

tribal history

hītori ā-iwi (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-iwi)

tribal identity

tuakiri ā-iwi

tribal saying


tribal society

porihanga ā-iwi

tribal territory

rohe pōtae

tribalism, tribalistic

tāwheta ā-iwi (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)


kiritāwheta ā-iwi (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)

tribe, clan, people, large kinship group



taraipiunara (takenga mai: Hhe kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: rūnanga manature)

tributary (small), streamlet




trilateral, tripartite

arotorutanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; toru - three)

tropical climate

āhuarangi pārūrū

tropical forest

ngahere pārūrū (takenga mai: pārūrū - sultry, humid, tropical)


rohe pārūrū

truce, armistice, preliminary peace


true home, source of sustenance


trust (formal entity)

tarahiti (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: tarati [kupu mino], rōpū kaitiaki)


poutarahiti (takenga mai: pou - stalwart, dependable person)

truth and reconciliation commission

kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie


tainiwhaniwha (kupu kē atu: tai āniwhaniwha)

tussock grass

pātītī taranui

tussock land

whenua pātītī

tyrant, tyrannical

taingarengare (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)



Ukānga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Ukareinga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Underground Railroad

Arahuna Rerewhenua (takenga mai: ara - pathway; huna - to be concealed, hidden; rerewhenua - railway; rere - to flee; whenua - territory, land)

United Arab Emirates, UAE

(Te) Kotahitanga o ngā Whenua o Ārapi

United Nations

(Te) Rūnanga Whakakotahi i ngā Iwi o te Ao

United States of America, USA

(Te) Hononga o Amerika (kupu kē atu: Ngā Whenua Tōpū o Amerika, Te Kotahitanga o Amerika)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(Te) Whakapuakitanga Tukipū o ngā Mōtika Tangata

Universal Declaration of Indigenous Rights

(Te) Whakapuakitanga Tukipū o ngā Mōtika Iwi Taketake

Upper Hutt



Urukoi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Uhipeketāne (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

unanimous, unanimity

whakaaro kotahi (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)

unconfined aquifer

mātāwainuku tūraha (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; tūraha - to be open, not confined)

unconscious bias, hidden bias, covert bias

rītaha matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden) (kupu kē atu: haukume huna)


whakaatanga tarepa (takenga mai: tarepa - to be incomplete, in deficit)

underground mining

maina rōnuku (takenga mai: rō [roto] - inside; nuku - earth)

unemployment benefit

takuhe koremahi

unemployment, unemployed




unequal power

mana pāhikahika (takenga mai: pāhikahika - uneven, disproportionate)

unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy living

(kātū) noho kimimate

uniform, uniformity, homogeneous

kanorite (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rite - be alike)

unilateral decision, unilateral agreement

tatūnga takitahi

unilateral, unilateralism

arotahitanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; tahi - one)

unintended consequence

rara pokerehū (takenga mai: rara - consequence, effect, repercussion; pokerehū - unintentional, by accident)

unique, uniqueness

tūhāhā (kupu kē atu: āhua ake, āhua motuhake)

unitary council

kaunihera whakatōpū

unity, unified, solidarity

kotahi ~tanga

universal access

whai wāhitanga tukipū (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)

universal rights

mōtika tukipū (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread)



unorthodox beliefs

whakapono korokē (takenga mai: korokē - extraordinary, strange, eccentric)

unproductive, unproductivity

pūhore ~tanga (takenga mai: pūhore - scarce, unproductive)


houmate (takenga mai: hou - e whai ana i tā te 'houkura' [prosperous]; mate - sick, unwell, calamity)




hangarewa ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; rewa - to be elevated, high up)

upper class

papapori runga

uproar, disturbance, furore

tutūnga puehu


reremua (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - before, in front of) (kupu kē atu: tōmua)

upstream factor

āhuatanga reremua

upstream intervention, early intervention

hāpaiora reremua (takenga mai: hāpaiora - intervention; rere - to flow; mua - in front, before)

upstream service

ratonga reremua (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - in front)

urban area

rohe tāone

urban design

hoahoa tāone

urban development

whanaketanga tāone

urban lifestyle, urban living

(kātū) noho tāone

urban migration

hekenga tāone

urban sprawl

mahora tāone (takenga mai: mahora - spread, extend)

urbanise, urbanisation

whakatāone ~tia ~tanga



Whāreta (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(Te) Whanga-a-Kiwa


Whenuatū (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Vatican City

(Te) Poho-o-Pita (takenga mai: poho - bosom; Pita [kupu mino] - Peter)


Penehūera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Wēneti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Wikitōria (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Whiena (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Whitināmu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Vietnam War

(Te) Pakanga ki Whitināmu

validate, validation

whakatūturu ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakapūmau)


whārua (kupu kē atu: pārua, tairua, taiororua)


uara ~tia

value (monetary)

wāriu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

variable rate, floating rate

pāpātanga taurangi

vegetation, ground cover, scrub

ururua (takenga mai: ururua - scrub, brushwood, fresh growth) (kupu kē atu: tāwhao, māheuheu)

vehicle insurance, auto insurance

inihua waka



view, lens, point of view, perspective



ringa takitaki (takenga mai: ringa - arm, hand; takitaki - to take revenge)

vigilante group

rōpū takitaki (takenga mai: takitaki - to take revenge)

village, hamlet

papakāinga (kupu kē atu: papa kāinga)

violent crime

hara ririhau

virgin forest, primary forest, old-growth forest

ngahere urutapu (kupu kē atu: ngahere tikitū, ngahere horomata)

virtual system of exchange

pūnaha kurutete mariko


kōkota (takenga mai: kōkota - a mark made at a cross-roads to show which road has been taken)

vision, visionary

matawhānui (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)

visiting group, visitor

manuhiri (kupu kē atu: manuwhiri)

viticulture, viticulture industry


volcanic eruption

hūnga puia

voluntary sector

rāngai tūao

volunteer, voluntary


vote, ballot, elect

pōti ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: he kupu mino)



voting day, election day

rā pōti

voting form

puka pōti

voting system

pūnaha pōti


Waitangi Tribunal

(Te) Rōpu Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi (kupu kē atu: Taraipiunara o Waitangi, Rūnanga Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi)


Wēra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Wāhitāone (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


(Te) Wairoa Iti


(Te) Whanga-nui-a-Tara (kupu kē atu: Pōneke)



Wesleyan, Methodist

Wēteriana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

West Bank

Paretai Uru

West Coast (of North Island)

(Te) Tai Hauāuru

West Coast (of South Island)

(Te) Tai Poutini

Western Asia

Āhia ki te Uru

Western Australia

Ahitereiria ki te Uru

Western Europe

Ūropi ki te Uru (takenga mai: Ūropi - Europe [kupu mino])



World War One

(Te) Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao

World War Two

(Te) Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao


utu ā-haora

walkway, walking trail, footpath

ara hīkoi

want, desire

hiahia ~tia (kupu kē atu: matawara, minaka, pīrangi)

war crime

hara pakanga

war, battle, fight

pakanga ~tia

waste hierarchy

paparanga para (takenga mai: paparanga - layer)

waste management

whakahaere para

waste management plan

mahere whakahaere para (kupu kē atu: mahere para)

waste recovery

taumanu para (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

waste reduction, waste minimisation

whakaiti para

waste stream

rerenga para (takenga mai: rere - to flow)

waste treatment

whakatika para

waste, rubbish, refuse, trash


wasteful, extravagant

ngutu hore (kupu kē atu: tōtōā)


waipara (takenga mai: wai - water; para - sediment, waste)

wastewater drain field, septic drain field

āpure papī waipara (takenga mai: āpure - patch, circumscribed area; papī - to ooze, seep) (kupu kē atu: āpure waipara)

wastewater infrastructure

tūāhanga waipara

wastewater service

ratonga waipara

wastewater treatment

whakatika waipara

wastewater treatment station

taupuni whakatika waipara (takenga mai: taupuni - station; whakatika - to rectify, correct; wai - water; para - waste)



water catchment boundary, drainage divide

paenga riu hopuwai

water catchment, catchment basin, drainage basin

riu hopuwai (takenga mai: riu - basin, valley; hopu - to catch; wai - water)

water infrastructure

tūāhanga wai

water pollution

parahanga wai

water quality

kounga (o te) wai

water service, water provision

ratonga wai

water table

kārewa wainuku (takenga mai: kārewa - surface [of water]; wainuku - groundwater)

water trading, water commerce

tauhokohoko wai

water transport

tūnuku ā-wai


hangawai (takenga mai: hanga - shape, form; wai - water)

waterway, water course



kimiara (takenga mai: kimi - to search; ara - pathway)

wealth, wealthy, rich


welcome ceremony, welcome

pōhiri ~tia (kupu kē atu: pōwhiri)

welcome, ceremony of welcome

whakatau ~ria

welfare dependency

whirinaki tokoora (takenga mai: whirinaki - to depend on, rely on; toko - support; ora - life, well-being; tokoora - welfare) (kupu kē atu: pararau tokoora)

welfare state

whenua tokoora

welfare, social welfare

tokoora (takenga mai: toko - support; ora - welfare, well-being; Te Tari Toko i te Ora - Department of Social Welfare)

western civilisation

tūāpori o te rātō

western country, westernised nation

whenua whakaterātō

wet season

kaupeka uanui

wetland, marshland

kūkūwai (kupu kē atu: rohe kōreporepo)


kaipatu tohorā

whirlwind, tornado, twister

tūkauati (kupu kē atu: āwhiowhio, hau pūkerikeri)

white collar worker

kaimahi kara-mā

white flight

rere kirimā (takenga mai: rere - to flee; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: rere kiritea)

white privilege

whiwhi painga kirimā (kupu kē atu: whiwhi painga kiritea)

white supremacy

whakatuanui kirimā (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)


kara-mā (takenga mai: kara - collar [kupu mino]; mā - white)

white-collar crime

hara kara-mā

wholesale price

utu hokorau


kaihokorau (takenga mai: hoko - to buy or sell; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: kaihoko waenga)

wildcat strike

porotū ohorere (takenga mai: ohorere - sudden, without warning)


ahiniwha (takenga mai: ahi - fire; niwha [niwhaniwha] - fierce, raging, ferocious)

withdraw, disengage

maunu ~tanga


kaiwhakaatu (takenga mai: whakaatu - to reveal, disclose, show)

woke police

pirihimana ohotoihara (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)

woke, wokism, wokeness

ohotoihara ~tanga (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)

women's refuge

punanga wahine

women's rights

mōtika wahine

women's rights movement

rangatohe mōtika wahine

women's suffrage

manapōti wahine

work-leisure balance, work-life balance

(te) taurite o te mahi me te rēhia

worker's rights

mōtika kaimahi

worker's rights movement

rangatohe mōtika kaimahi

worker, employee


working bee, volunteer work group, work as a volunteer group

ohu ~a

working capital

pūrawa wātea (takenga mai: wātea - to be available)

working class

hunga pukumahi ā-ringa

world war, global war

pakanga ā-ao

written literature

mātātuhi (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)


xenophobia, xenophobic

whakaweti momo kē (takenga mai: whakaweti - to threaten, bully, intimidate; weti [wetiweti] - abhorrent, repulsive; momo - race; kē - different) (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara)



Īmene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

Youth Court

Kōti Taiohi


huatuku (takenga mai: hua - produce, fruit; tuku - to release, set free, give)

youth culture

ahurea taiohi

youth disengagement

maunutanga taiohi



Tāmipia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Timuwawe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)


Hūrika (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)