Ko tētahi nekehanga, rerenga nekehanga poto rānei, ka tāruaruatia i roto i tētahi kanikani. Ka whakamahia ngā nuka tito nekehanga pērā i te huri kōaro, te tāpiripiri me te whakakaurahi hei whakawhānui i te waitohu i te roanga atu o te kanikani.
A movement or short movement phrase that is repeated within a dance. Choreographic devices such as retrograde, accumulation and augmentation are used to expand on the motif throughout the dance.
waitohu - mark, symbol, brand, signature
Mēnā koinei te nekehanga waitohu, me pēhea te whakakaurahi?
Ka noho mai te waitohu hei tūāpapa o te kanikani.