Ko te mahi a te kanohi ki te whakaatu i te wairua o te tangata, pēnā he whakamīrei, he whakaipoipo, he pātaritari, he whakatoi, he wairua kē atu rānei. Ka whai wāhi atu ko te hiki o te tukemata, te putē, te whetē me te pūkana o ngā whatu, te whātero i te arero, te tupere i ngā ngutu, te kōpuku i ngā pāpāringa.
The use of the face to convey the mood or emotions of a person, such as defiance, love, enticement, or cheek. It can involve the lifting of the eyebrow, a wide-eyed stare, a wild stare, the dilating of the eyes, the protruding of the tongue, the protruding of the lips and the puffing up of the cheeks.
Ka puta ia ki mua o te aroākapa me te whakapī haere i tōna kanohi.
Ki tēnā wāhi o te haka puta ai te whakapī a tēnā me tēnā.
He mea nui kia haere tahi te whakapī o te kanohi me te neke o te tinana.