He momo toi tuku iho e whakaatu ana i ngā kōrero ā-iwi. He toi ataata tūrehurehu, inā kāore e whakaatu ana i te āhua tūturu o tētahi mea. I te nuinga o te wā, he peita, ā, he nui te kitea o te kōwhaiwhai i ngā heke o ō tātou wharenui. Ko te koru me te kape ngā āhuatanga matua e hangaia ai he tauira kōwhaiwhai.
A traditional artform that communicates tribal narratives. It is an abstract visual artform, in that it does not portray the real appearance of something. It is mostly painted, and seen in the rafter patterns of meeting houses. The koru and kape are the main elements that are used to create a kōwhaiwhai pattern.