He momo wē. Ina whakaranua tētahi matū ki te tāmeha, ka memeha taua matū. Hei tauira, ka memeha te peita paura ki roto i te wai māori, nō reira ka kīia he tāmeha te wai māori.
A type of liquid. When a substance is mixed with a solvent, the substance dissolves. For example, powder paints dissolve in water, so water is a type of solvent.
tā - causitive prefix
meha (memeha) - be dissolved
He tino tāoke ētahi tāmeha, pērā i te hinu paina.
He aha te tāmeha hei whakawaiwai i te peita hinu?
Kaua te tāmeha tāoke e hongia, kei ānini te māhunga.