He āhuatanga o roto i ētahi whakaari, inā te kōrero tika atu ki te hunga mātakitaki hei whakatakoto i te ngako o te paki, hei whakaputa whakaaro mō te paki, mō tētahi o ngā kiripuaki rānei, hei whakamārama rānei i te paki. Koia hoki te whakaputa ā-waha i tētahi kōrero kua mau ki te hinengaro.
An aspect of some drama productions where the audience is spoken to directly in order to communicate the gist of the story, to pass comment on the story or a character, or in order to explain the story. It is also the oral production of a text which is held in the memory.
Kia rōreka te reo o te kaiwhakataki hei whakaohooho i te hunga mātakitaki.
Mā wai te karakia e whakataki?
Ko Hema te kaiwhakataki.