Ko te whakahokinga o te oro ki ngā kiriwhakaatu i roto i tētahi whakaaturanga mataora. Arā, ka whakanōhia he tukuoro ki mua o te atamira, kia anga whakamuri, kia rongo pai ai ngā kiriwhakaatu i a rātou anō me ā rātou whakatangitangi.
The returning of sound to the performers in a live performance. Loudspeakers are placed at the front of the stage but are aimed back towards the performers, so they are able to hear themselves and the sounds they are producing.
auraki - return
Mā te ringa hopuoro e whakarite te oro auraki, kia rongo ai ngā kaiwhakatangitangi i ō rātou ake reo.
I ētahi wā, ka whakamahia he pokitaringa kia rongo ai te kaiwhakatangitangi i te oro auraki.