He taonga puoro iti, ka kapua ki te ringa, ka puhia hei whakaputa i tōna reo. He maha ngā puare iti kei te waha o te pūtangitangi, ina puhia te hau ki roto i tētahi, ka tōiriiri te tohetohe e noho mai ana ki muri, ka puta te oro i reira.
A small hand-held musical instrument which is blown to produce its sounds. It has a number of small openings along the mouthpiece, and when air is blown into them, a reed sitting in behind vibrates, producing the sound.
pū - blow gently, pipe, tube, flute
tangitangi - make a sound
He aha ngā momo puoro e tino rangona ai te pūtangitangi?
Kāore i tua atu i a Hēmi mō te purei i te pūtangitangi.
Ko te mahi a tōna ringa, he whakapāorooro i te reo o te pūtangitangi.