Ko te wāhi kei mua (kei ngā taha rānei) o te atamira o tētahi whare whakaari, ki reira noho mai ai te tira puoro o tētahi whakaaturanga. He hahaka ake i te papa o te atamira kia kaua e raru tā te minenga mātakitaki i ngā mahi e haere ana i te atamira.
The area in front (or at the sides) of the stage in a theatre which houses the musicians who are part of a production. It is lower than the level of the stage so the audience's view of the stage is not impeded.
Me āta tirotiro te rahi o te rua kia mōhiotia ai mēnā ka pai tonu mō te tira puoro.
Kāore e kitea e te hunga mātakitaki te tira puoro e noho ana ki te rua.