Ngā Toi

poi ~a

poi (traditional instrument), swing (a poi), cultural item involving poi

tūingoa, tūmahi whiti


He hanga porotaka kōmāmā, he taura tōna hei pupuri mā te ringa. Ka piua te poi me te whai anō i tētahi manawataki. Ko te poi tētahi o ngā mahi a te rēhia e kitea nuitia ana i ngā atamira kapa haka o te motu. I ētahi iwi, haere tahi ai te piu o te poi me te karakia.

A soft, ball-like creation with an attached cord which is held in the hand. The poi is swung in time to a rhythm. Performance of the poi is one of the traditional Māori entertainments, widely performed by haka groups across the country. In some tribes poi accompanies the reciting of karakia.

Tauira KŌrero

Nā wai tā rātou poi i tito?

He mea hanga ngā poi ki te raupō me te harakeke.

Poia atu taku poi, poia ki runga, poia ki raro.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Ko te tāpatupatu o ngā poi ki te ringa tētahi āhuatanga e puta ai te ūngeri o te waiata poi, me te haere tahi anō o ngā kupu. Ka kīia tērā ko te rau o te poi.

He āhua roa te taura o te poi roa:

He poto te taura o te poi poto:

He poi awe ēnei, arā, he poi whakanikoniko, hangaia ai ki te muka:

Hei tauira o te poi poto:

Tauira KŌrero

Nā wai tā rātou poi i tito?

He mea hanga ngā poi ki te raupō me te harakeke.

Poia atu taku poi, poia ki runga, poia ki raro.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga