Ngā Toi

mahere hoahoa

design brief


Ko ngā āhuatanga o tētahi kaupapa toi hei whakaaro ake mā te ringatoi, hei ārahi i a ia ki te whakaputa i te mahinga toi, pērā i te roa o tētahi whakaari, o tētahi waiata rānei me te kaupapa; i te rahi o tētahi mahinga toi ataata me ngā rawatoi ka whakamahia. I ētahi wā, ko te tohutohu a te kaiako hei whaitanga mā āna tauira, i ētahi wā ko ngā hiahia a tētahi kiritaki hei whakatutuki mā te ringatoi.

Aspects of an art project that need to be considered by the artist, which guide them in the production of an artwork, such as the length of a production or song and the theme, and the scale of a piece of visual art and the materials to be used. Sometimes it could be teacher guidelines for student artwork, or the requirements of a client to be implemented by the artist.

Tauira KŌrero

Anei te mahere hoahoa hei ārahi i a koutou e kare mā.

Me hoki ki te tirotiro i te mahere hoahoa mō tēnei kaupapa.

He aha ngā kōrero mō te kaupapa o tā rātou mahi i tuhia ki te mahere hoahoa?

Takenga Mai

mahere - plan

hoahoa - design

Tauira KŌrero

Anei te mahere hoahoa hei ārahi i a koutou e kare mā.

Me hoki ki te tirotiro i te mahere hoahoa mō tēnei kaupapa.

He aha ngā kōrero mō te kaupapa o tā rātou mahi i tuhia ki te mahere hoahoa?