He momo taputapu hei mahi peita. He kakau tōna, ā, he huruhuru, he wanawana, he weu horihori rānei (pērā i te ngaiaku), kua whakamaua ki tētahi pito. Ka kuhuna ngā weu o te paraihe ki rō peita, ā, ka pania, ka pokipokia, ka tahia, ka ruia rānei ki runga i te papa e peitatia ana.
An instrument for painting. It is made from sable, hair or synthetic strands (such as nylon) which are attached to a handle. The strands are dipped in paint which is then applied to the surface being painted by daubing, patting, stroking or splattering.
He kupu mino.
He pēhea nei te āhua o ngā momo rārangi ka puta i te whakamahinga o ngā momo paraihe?
He pai ake te paraihe papatahi mō tēnā momo peita.
Mutu ana te mahi, me horoi ngā paraihe.