E pā ana ki te āhua o te puoro, o tētahi taonga puoro rānei, inā kāore he whākaha tāhiko. E whakaahua ana hoki i te āhei o tētahi whare ki te pupuri, ki te whakawhiti i te oro e whakapāhotia ana i roto.
Relating to the character of music, or a musical instrument which does not have electronic amplification. It also relates to the ability of a building to hold and transmit sound that is being broadcast within.
oro - sound
pāorooro - resound
Kātahi tōna rehe ki te whakatangi i te kitā orooro.
Pēhea nei te orooro o te hōro e tū ai te whakataetae kapa haka?
Rangahautia ngā mahi e pai ake ai te orooro o tētahi taiwhanga.