He momo toi ataata, inā ka tāngia he rārangi, he tohu rānei ki tētahi mata e puta ai he whakaahua. Ka whakamahia he taputapu tuhi, he rawa tuhi rānei, pērā i te pene rākau, i te pene, i te waituhi me te ngārahu. Ka tuhia rānei te whakaahua ki te rorohiko.
A form of visual art where lines or marks are applied to a surface to create an image. Drawing instruments and media are used, such as pencils, pens, ink and charcoal, or the image can be drawn using a computer.
tā ~ia ~nga
Tuhia he pikitia hei whakaatu i te wairua o te pakiwaitara.
He tuhinga tēnei o te wāhi i noho ai ia i te wā e tamariki ana.
Nā wai tēnei pikitia i tuhi?