He tipu māori o roto i te ngahere. Ka toro haere tōna aka i te papa o te ngahere, ka piki hoki i ngā rākau nui. Whakamahia ai ōna whā hei raranga kete, hei whatu tukutuku hoki.
A native plant found in the forest. Its vine creeps along the forest floor or climbs up mature trees. The leaves are used for weaving kits and tukutuku panels.
Kāore e pai ana te kiekie mēnā e kōpurepure ana ngā whā, ka kiīa ērā he paratawa.
Ki tēhea takiwā o te ngahere tipu ai te kiekie?
Tīhorea ngā whā kiekie kia ōrite ai te whānui.