Ko te whakaaro e noho ana hei tūāpapa mō tētahi mahinga toi, i toko ake ai taua mahinga toi. Ko te wānanga me te rangahau i ngā huatau tētahi wāhanga matua o te tukanga hoahoa toi.
The idea that sits as a foundation for an artwork, from which that artwork emanates. Deliberating on and researching the concepts is an important part of the art design process.
huatau - thought
He huatau nō te ao Māori e whakaatangia mai ana i āna mahinga toi.
Whakamāramahia mai te huatau matua o te kanikani.
Ko te matemate-a-one te huatau e tino rangona ana i roto i tana waiata.