Ko te tangata māna e whakarite, māna e whakahaere ngā rama mō tētahi whakaaturanga. Ka whakairia ngā rama ki ētahi wāhi o te whare whakaari kia anga atu ki te atamira. Ko te āhua o te tūrama e tau atu ana ki ngā wāhi o te atamira hei kawe i te wairua o te whakaaturanga. Pēnā he pōuri, kia pōuriuri anō te tūrama. Pēnā he hihiko te wairua, kia mumura te tūrama.
The person who organises and controls the lighting for a production. Lights are hung or placed at various locations in the theatre and directed toward the stage. The nature of the lighting conveys the mood of the production. If there is sadness, the lights will be gloomy. If the mood is bright and vital, the lighting will also be bright.
pūkenga - skilled person
tūrama - light, lighting, illuminate
Ko ia pea hei pūkenga tūrama mō te whakaaturanga a te kura ā tērā tau.
Me whai mātauranga te pūkenga tūrama ki tēnei mea te hiko me te hanga ara iahiko.
Ka mahi tahi te pūkenga tūrama me te ringatohu o te whakaari kia tika ai te āhua o te tūrama e tau atu ana ki ngā kiriwhakaari.