He momo puoro i takea mai i Ūropi ki te Uru, tīmata mai ana i te rautau tekau mā tahi, ā, e haere tonu ana i ēnei rā. He uaua te whakaahua tōtika i te puoro ōkawa, nā te mea he whānui tonu ōna āhuatanga. Ko tētahi, ko te āta tuhia e te kaitito hei whaitanga mārire mā ngā ringapuoro, arā, kāore he paku titonga ohia.
A genre of music that originated in Western Europe in the eleventh century, and continues to the present. Classical music is difficult to describe exactly because it has a broad range of characteristics. One aspect is the explicit notation written by the composer for the musicians to carefully follow, with no scope for improvisation.
ōkawa - formal
Pēhea nei ki a koe te puoro ōkawa?
Ko Beethoven pea te kaitito e tino mōhiotia ana e te marea mō te puoro ōkawa.
Ko te puoro ōkawa nei, hei whakatangi mā te tira autangi tokowhā.