Ko te āhua o te tangi mai o te reo, o tā te tangata whakapuaki rānei i te reo. He rerekē te mita o te reo Māori o tēnā iwi, o tēnā iwi (he reo ā-iwi), waihoki he mita ake tō ētahi hapū, tō ētahi whānau. He mita ōkawa te reo whaikōrero, he mita ōpaki te reo o te kāuta.
The characteristic sounds of a language or the way a person speaks. The dialects of the Māori language differ from tribe to tribe, and sometimes sub-tribes or whānau have distinct ways of speaking. A formal type of ‘mita’ is used in whaikōrero, the ‘mita’ of the cookhouse is informal.
He kupu mino.
Āta whakarongo ki te mita o tōna reo, koirā hei tohu i tōna iwi.
Ko te mita o te reo o te kapa haka tētahi āhuatanga ka whakawāngia i te whakataetae.
He tiotio ki aku taringa te mita o tōna reo.