He momo mahi ako reo, inā ka hē te raupapa o ngā kupu, o ngā kīanga kōrero rānei ka tukuna ki ngā ākonga hei whakatikatika mā rātou.
A type of language learning activity where the order of the words or phrases given to the students is incorrect and they are required to give the correct order.
kōrero - talk, text
tīrangorango - scattered, in disorder
kōrero tōroherohe
He kōrero tīrangorango tēnei hei whakatikatika māu.
Ki tō titiro, ko tēhea te kupu tuatahi o te kōrero tīrangorango nei?
Ko tā te ākonga, he āta whakaaro i te hanga reo hei whakatikatika i te kōrero tīrangorango.