Ko te hunga kei te tīmatanga o te ara ako ki te tuhi kōrero. Arā, e mōhio ana ko te tuhituhi tētahi momo whakawhitinga kōrero, ā, e whai tikanga ana ngā tohu ka tuhia ki te pepa. E ako ana ia ki te tuhi i ngā pū o te reo me ētahi kupu waiwai, kupu anganui hoki, pērā i tōna ingoa.
People who are at the beginning of the learning to write journey. They understand that writing is a form of communication and that the marks on a page have a meaning. They are learning to write the letters of the alphabet, some basic words, and high interest words as well, such as their names.
He mātanga ia ki te whakaako i ngā kaituhi tōmua, he ngahau te āhua o tana whakaako, waihoki he tere ako ngā tamariki.
He aha ētahi āhuatanga e tohu ana i te kaituhi tōmua, he aha hoki ngā momo mahi ako e hāngai ana?
Ko ngā whakamihi a te kaiako, a ngā mātua anō hoki tētahi āhuatanga hei whakamanawa i te kaituhi tōmua.