He kupu, he kīanga rānei inā tata nei tōna aranga ake. Ko te kupu pūhui, pērā i te 'atapātuhi', ko te kupu mino pērā i te 'hipihope', ko te kupu kaupapa pērā i te 'kiritūnei', ko te kīwaha hou pērā i te 'wananei' ētahi tauira o ngā momo kupu hou.
A word or phrase which has only recently been created and come into use. Compound words such as 'atapātuhi' (emoji), borrowed terms such as 'hipihope' (hip-hop), new technical terms such as 'kiritūnei' (first person), and new colloquial expressions such as 'wananei' (wicked) are examples of types of neologisms.
Ki ō whakaaro, nō hea tēnei kupu hou e whakamahia nei e tēnei kaituhi?
Ko te kupu hou te oranga tonutanga o tō tātou reo, engari kia mau ki tā te Māori whakatakoto i te kupu.
Ki te kore he kupu hou, me pēhea te whakapuaki kōrero mō ngā āhuatanga hou o tō tātou ao?